Quote: Dark fhoenixWell i have noticed that games heavy into online multiplayer usually have a degraded story and gameplay for singleplayer .
Then we have the problems of everyone not having the same internet speed . Skylanders is a pretty fast game at times especially when you do PVP .
I agree with both of these. However, for the second, that hasn't stopped other games from integrating online modes. Possibly laggy online multiplayer > absolutely no online multiplayer
Quote:Then the game is going to pause and complain when someone removes his skylander off the portal or when multiple magic toy buffs are being put on multiple portals at once . If someone is next to you you can bonk em on the head .
They can make workarounds for this. Make it so that people can't remove their toys too many times. They can remove them once or twice because if they knock it over it could actually be an accident but if they keep removing it it's obviously trolling. Also, I'm just talking about battle mode (which would be much easier and more worthwhile to integrate than online co-op), because I honestly have no idea if they even could do it for the story mode.
Quote:You have speaker phones online , now anyone can yell obscene words , making Skylanders is no longer family friendly .
If they're worried about this, it's really not nessicary. I don't see why they have to integrate this into the game, and I don't think anyone is that desperate for it. (And if you have a friend you want to play a match with while chatting with them you can use Skype or something.)
Quote:Also have to set up a dedicated multiple servers online which needs i assume extra employees and maintenance . Then those annoying infinite online patches that make you wait 20 - 40 minutes every second time you want to play the game . LOOVLEY
Some games like Skyrim are the best they can be because they only have single player .
The franchise has made $2 billion. Activision should spend some of that money to improve the game and add something that a lot of fans have been asking for. I don't see how you can argue that having an option for online would make the game worse, besides saying "this might cut into development time!", but of course it will- but it's a good addition and it would give the game more longevity. Also, Skylanders is not Skyrim, which from what I hear, is a large, open-world game which some people have played for hundreds/thousands of hours.
Quote:Nothing wrong with a online multiplayer experience but Activision should create a separate new Skylander game just for that . MMO skylanders sounds like great fun .
I want Universe back, in an improved version