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LGBT Opposition [CLOSED]
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#201 Posted: 17:32:10 21/02/2014
Quote: azz01
Yes it is public.

Religious school?
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3172
#202 Posted: 17:44:43 21/02/2014
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#203 Posted: 18:18:08 21/02/2014
Quote: azz01

Well, there you go.

In ordinary schools they do educate kids on this stuff.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3172
#204 Posted: 18:35:49 21/02/2014
Welp,my school sucks.So much for the whole we like equality stuff.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#205 Posted: 18:44:04 21/02/2014
Yeah, it does, but look on the bright side. The sooner you realize that the world is full of bull**** that needs to be detected and avoided, the better off you are.
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#206 Posted: 19:19:20 21/02/2014
Quote: azz01
Welp,my school sucks.So much for the whole we like equality stuff.

better late than never though. i didn't go to catholic school but my school was in a very small, very xenophobic town so i didn't know much of anything about the world until i moved to a bigger place
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6555
#207 Posted: 19:28:16 21/02/2014
Quote: Big Green
Quote: azz01
Welp,my school sucks.So much for the whole we like equality stuff.

better late than never though. i didn't go to catholic school but my school was in a very small, very xenophobic town so i didn't know much of anything about the world until i moved to a bigger place

yeah... I hated going to that school. I didn't really get out much until I started going to college... (In case you guys don't know already, I went to the same school as Big Green.)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:28:24 21/02/2014 by Rendar
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#208 Posted: 20:24:45 21/02/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: Samius
In ordinary schools they do educate kids on this stuff.

My school's a normal public school and they mainly focus of heterosexuality :c Some kids are bi at my school though, and today gay and bi sexualities were mentioned.

Not that it bothers me too much. But I do think my school should focus more on other sexualities.

I guess it varies from school to school, but I don't think I've ever heard of any where the subject was completely left out.
Also, of course it's only logical that heterosexuality gets the main focus, as it's by far the most common sexuality.
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#209 Posted: 00:06:18 22/02/2014
As someone in the LGBT community I find it very shocking how many gay people actually don't even acknowledge the T part, some of them don't even support Transgender rights.
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
Flashwing Yellow Sparx Gems: 1411
#210 Posted: 02:05:24 22/02/2014
this topic
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#211 Posted: 16:42:20 22/02/2014
Quote: Pixilism
i wonder what tumblr would say about this

Folks at tumblr can cry all they want. It doesn't change what is true.

The day when social constructs like equality and rights are valued as highly as bare necessities like reproduction, I'll flip humanity off and start a new life as a caveman.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#212 Posted: 17:22:09 22/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Pixilism
Quote: Samius
Quote: Spyrobaro

My school's a normal public school and they mainly focus of heterosexuality :c Some kids are bi at my school though, and today gay and bi sexualities were mentioned.

Not that it bothers me too much. But I do think my school should focus more on other sexualities.

I guess it varies from school to school, but I don't think I've ever heard of any where the subject was completely left out.
Also, of course it's only logical that heterosexuality gets the main focus, as it's by far the most common sexuality.

i wonder what tumblr would say about this

Let's not go there. Please, let's not.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#213 Posted: 17:27:34 22/02/2014
people really find some kind of black gorge-y areas of tumblr i hear
and there definitely are some, but it's most commonly agreed that yes, "heterosexuality" is a majority while there are minorities, even some of the most senseless hetereosexual-bashing people recognize that clearly and often use that often in their violent, distasteful verbal barf -- the fact that an outcome of this is that "heterosexuality" is more focused on in schools
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:33:00 22/02/2014 by Wild
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#214 Posted: 17:35:35 22/02/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
My school just pretends that gay people don't exist.

This. Besides for the students.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#215 Posted: 17:50:58 22/02/2014
if it's any reassurance, this whole "gays are invisible" thing in schools will change in the future, i'm sure of it...but it doesn't exclude that it's an issue, and the whole "is invisible" is a issue spanning all kind of marginalized people

I'm not sure about my own school, all I remember from sex education is genitals...but I grew up in a rather narrow-minded place. The problem was really the attitude of the students that was the problem in my school, honestly, and it was never really pretty--but I can say that most teachers didn't just shrug off discrimination to those who did not fit in the majority and expressed it.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:53:05 22/02/2014 by Wild
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10455
#216 Posted: 18:24:42 22/02/2014
Well, I must say that as a man who appreciates and values freedom above all else, I cannot find any reason in politics opposing LGTB. Of course understanding the opposing sides starting points with their values, upbringings and views on the world is more than welcomed even if one does not agree with them. But now I will continue to my own reasoning.

We are human-beings, Homo sapiens sapiens. There are over 7 billion of us wandering here on planet Earth by sheer happenstance. And we must remember that what type of creatures we are by nature. We are programmed to seek secure environment and circumstances which means in practice that we are naturally coded to seek other people to bring us comfort, love, security and stability; to create a community. That is a primary survival instinct that goes beyond reproduction. It is an instinct that creates suitable groundwork for other animal instincts and evolutionary obligations we are manufactured to fulfil.

We must remember that we are hedonistic. It means that we indulge ourselves in pleasure, desire and feel of enjoyment. That thought and idea applies itself in our everyday lives in every aspect, business, personal and sexual. That means that we seek love, and more over all, happiness. That is our mission; the feel of being something in this world.

So based on that logic I must say that there is no point of denying people their birth right of the sexual freedom. If people want to get married, adopt, start a family etc. they should be allowed to do that regardless of their gender, sexuality, political beliefs, ethnic backgrounds etc. Let us not forget that in ancient high cultures free sexuality was encouraged and those societies knew something better because they served to western world most of its foundations. The attitudes towards sexual tendencies have always been dictated by ruling type of society and for a long time period it was judgmental and very strict towards anything out of regular heterosexual boundaries. But we live in the 21st century. In society that is getting more international by every second and people’s attitudes have changed dramatically from the puritan times.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:29:56 22/02/2014 by Project_Unnamed
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#217 Posted: 20:22:36 22/02/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
My school just pretends that gay people don't exist.

Mine doesn't. We had a debate topic about being gay and stuff and it was pretty much team homophobe vs. team letpeopledowhateverthe****theywant
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8689
#218 Posted: 20:56:15 22/02/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
My school just pretends that gay people don't exist.

Mine doesn't.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#219 Posted: 22:25:28 22/02/2014
Quote: Pixilism
i wonder what tumblr would say about this

They would whine and ***** about it while talking about equality and ****, even though they will bash anybody who doesn't carry the exact same attitude of throwing a huge fit over everything. They will eventually make you feel almost shameful for being straight or accuse you of not understanding because you have some sort of privilege above everybody else and that you're an ignorant ****head that watches Fox news all day no matter how hard you try to argue otherwise and why? Because you're not as hardcore as them and their "welcoming community".

Seriously. **** Tumblr and their preachy oversensitive asses.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:27:24 22/02/2014 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#220 Posted: 22:59:21 22/02/2014
Quote: CAV
Quote: Pixilism
i wonder what tumblr would say about this

They would whine and ***** about it while talking about equality and ****, even though they will bash anybody who doesn't carry the exact same attitude of throwing a huge fit over everything. They will eventually make you feel almost shameful for being straight or accuse you of not understanding because you have some sort of privilege above everybody else and that you're an ignorant ****head that watches Fox news all day no matter how hard you try to argue otherwise and why? Because you're not as hardcore as them and their "welcoming community".

Seriously. **** Tumblr and their preachy oversensitive asses.

I remember reading about this story regarding a divorced couple with a child (keep in mind that no context was given about the divorce), and the child of course, lives with the mother, as is law. The father still sends money to the mother for the child's health and education and such, despite not being able to see him. This is again, law. However, the mother doesn't spend it on the child, but on pampering herself.

What does tumblr say?


This was the incident that pretty much made me hate the concept of feminism as a whole. The final nail in the coffin. And the way tumblr handles stuff like feminism is ridiculous. They even are trying to pass Little Mac's trailer for the new Smash Bros off as sexist because he punches Samus. This isn't even a small crowd either, there are legitimately tons of posts on tumblr where feminists complain about this.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#221 Posted: 23:05:15 22/02/2014
I don't want to go out derailing things since this is not about that, but feminism as a concept is a good idea to strive for when handling issues of equal rights. It's simply an unfortunate amount of people that use feminism as both an excuse to whine about something you don't like in something (like Little Mac fighting Samus in a fighting game), and also as an excuse to try and protect something that is wrong (like gamers whining about how they think feminists are trying to take away all the fun in games).

I'm pretty sure (or at least I'm hopeful) in the real world this is a minority. But that minority chose to populate Tumblr and so makes the whole thing seem more downright despicable than it probably is, spoiling the name of feminism.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:08:13 22/02/2014 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#222 Posted: 23:36:39 22/02/2014
Personally I think the concept of feminism and other similar things are just too inherently flawed and redundant. Because in the end, feminism is a segregation of the concept of equality. I think people should just fight for equality, and not for segregated versions of it.

For example, if I see a man and a woman doing the same job with the same performance level, and the woman is getting paid less, it's not wrong because a woman is the victim, but it's wrong because the employer has made an arbitrary and discriminating condition for their employees to get paid a higher amount of income, and that is inherently wrong, regardless of the type of discrimination taking place.

Segregated versions of equality, like feminism, are also far too easy to abuse. Such as when an employer is paying a woman less for a legitimate reason (e.g. she is doing noticeably less work than the man, despite being provided just as much as the man). I've seen just as many cases of a woman abusing feminism in a situation like that, as I have seen justified fights for equality. Feminism also encourages anti-male activity, which is against what equality is about.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Underian Emerald Sparx Gems: 3095
#223 Posted: 23:40:52 22/02/2014
i dislike this topic
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#224 Posted: 01:19:04 23/02/2014
Quote: Samius
I guess it varies from school to school, but I don't think I've ever heard of any where the subject was completely left out.

I think my school is really odd then. I've been there since third grade and while we did have a talk about puberty during swimming class once, they've never talked to us about any kind of sex or sexuality... And they don't have a sex ed class either, even optional.
I'm a freshman so maybe in later years they'll call a conference or something to talk about it with us though.
but i love it all smooth
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#225 Posted: 01:34:53 23/02/2014
Sex Ed is completely optional in Montreal.
But I think my school makes a sexologist come once a year to visit us or something.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#226 Posted: 01:45:17 23/02/2014
Quote: CommanderGame
Sex Ed is completely optional in Montreal.
But I think my school makes a sexologist come once a year to visit us or something.

His job must be fun. smilie
Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#227 Posted: 02:10:25 23/02/2014
Quote: LevanJess
I think my school is really odd then. I've been there since third grade and while we did have a talk about puberty during swimming class once, they've never talked to us about any kind of sex or sexuality... And they don't have a sex ed class either, even optional.
I'm a freshman so maybe in later years they'll call a conference or something to talk about it with us though.

TBH that does sound pretty odd.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#228 Posted: 02:28:22 23/02/2014
Quote: LevanJess
Quote: Samius
I guess it varies from school to school, but I don't think I've ever heard of any where the subject was completely left out.

I think my school is really odd then. I've been there since third grade and while we did have a talk about puberty during swimming class once, they've never talked to us about any kind of sex or sexuality... And they don't have a sex ed class either, even optional.
I'm a freshman so maybe in later years they'll call a conference or something to talk about it with us though.

That's kinda how mine was too....

In 5th grade we had a mini-class on one day that was like an hour long where they split up the guys and girls into 2 different rooms and played a video about puberty and reproduction that was basicly jsut "the Talk" and that was it. No real Sex Ed class. They had Parenting/Child Devlopment in High Scool, but that was more for what comes after.....
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:29:10 23/02/2014 by Seiki
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#229 Posted: 04:13:35 23/02/2014
^ For me, it was in 7th grade. But we do have Child Development/Advanced Child Development classes too, I'm not taking it but I'm certain it's only for what comes after as well
but i love it all smooth
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#230 Posted: 06:21:14 23/02/2014
Well, we had a sex ed class and well a vocab word was homosexual, but it only got mentioned that time, didn't have its own slide or anything.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#231 Posted: 13:35:17 23/02/2014 | Topic Creator
For the schools that pretend that other sexualities don't exist, they're probably afraid that parents will come up and make a big stink about it.
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