

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Shelves © by Uttster13 [CLOSED]
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#101 Posted: 20:13:39 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Thirteen:
A Surprising Sequence of Surprises

After the small battle between the Countdowns and Flameslinger, the militia band went back to the Village. Flameslinger entered the Hall and sat down in Bash's seat. "Hey, Cy. We captured two Countdowns and killed off around seven of them." said Flameslinger. "Cool. That's what I wanted to hear. Now, I want you to search the whole village for that invader. I want to make sure this place is safe." said Cyrus. "Okay. We just got back. Can I just sit down and take a half hour to rest?" asked Flameslinger. "Fine. But I want you to go down to the Militia Base and grab a slew of men. Then split them up and check every single inch of this town." said Cyrus.

Flameslinger picked up eight knights, and headed off to the front of the town. As he was walking, he noticed something strange. By one of the houses, was Councilmen Bash. He was talking to some guy that had a mask from a table cloth on. Flameslinger went over to Bash. "Hey, Bash. What's up?" said Flameslinger nonchalantly. "Uh. Oh, what are you doing? Can't you see I'm busy?" asked Bash hurriedly. "I can see that, but I'm afraid that I have to talk to your friend." said Flameslinger. He signaled the knights to grab Bash. He went for the mysterious Skylander. "Hey, you! Come here!" yelled Flameslinger. The man ran out in the open. "Go! Bring him back here!" shouted Flameslinger. Three knights ran after the guy. The mask fell of, and underneath were ten Trash Pack toys, al running in different directions. "What?" said a Knight. "I don't know. But we have to catch them." said Flameslinger.

Three hours later...

"Okay, we caught 'em all." said a knight. "Good." said Flameslinger. Flameslinger asked Dino-Rang if he would interrogate Councilmen Bash. "Where is he!?" yelled Dino-Rang. "Who? What are you asking?" shouted Bash. "Where!" asked Dino-Rang crazily. "I don't know what you want? You've asked for 'him' twenty times now. I have no clue what you want!" said Bash. "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Who is leading the Countdowns?" asked Dino. "I don't know. I'm not with them." said Bash. "Uhuh. Well, who are those little rubber toys?" asked Dino. "They're my minions. I pay them to run around the store and provide surveillance. I want to know everything that goes on, and don't want anyone to know that I know everything." said Bash. "Okay, well, we have to tell Cyrus about this." said Dino. "No!" I will pay you to keep quiet!" whispered Bash desperately. "That's bribing an officer." said Dino. "Your just a pity fool that can't count to ten. I'm sure they put you in charge." said Bash. "Darn. Oh well, behind that class, is two knights. They wrote everything down." said Dino. Threw a boomerang at the mirror. It shattered, tossing class into his chest. "Or maybe not." said Dino, as he fell on the ground.

Cyrus wanted to talk to Flameslinger about Bash. "He admitted to all of that?" asked Cyrus. "Yes. We think he might also be working with the Countdowns." said Flameslinger. "But why? He was one of the first people here. We were good friends." said Cyrus glumly. "I don't know. He was probably jealous of you power, and wanted to take all from you." said Flameslinger. Dune Bug walked in. "I'll take his place." said Dune Bug anxiously. "What!?" yelled Flameslinger. He was confused. Dune Bug had spent so much time building a safe place for him and his friends, now ready to leave it behind. "I'm sorry, but I belong here. Making decisions for this place, it's just, my duty." said Dune Bug. "I'll talk to the council. You talk to your friends. This is a big choice to make." said Cyrus.

Bash was exiled from the town. He was forced to leave the backrooms as well. A group of guards took him to the Book Department, and he was forced to make a new home somewhere else. As he was walking to the Bargain Isles, a Hex walked up to him. "Hello." she said. "Hi." said Bash. "I have an offer for you." he said.

End of Chapter Thirteen

Author's Log:

I wonder what that offer was....

The store will reopen in the next chapter. Now the group faces the task of staying hidden again.

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#102 Posted: 21:15:53 03/02/2014
Awesome! Maybe at some point there should be a good Countdown.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#103 Posted: 21:18:01 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Don't worry, something like that will be soon. smilie
A story.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#104 Posted: 21:56:57 03/02/2014
Wow good chapter. There were a few gramar errors though read the chapter when you finish it. ( i have grammar errors all the time)
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#105 Posted: 21:59:45 03/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Ok, thanks for pointing that out. I'm not patient enough for re-reading...smilie
A story.
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#106 Posted: 22:10:39 03/02/2014
Sorry I was gone for a couple days, so could you PM me what has been going on right now to catch me up?
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#107 Posted: 23:52:27 03/02/2014
Me to I only reread when I have somethng Impotant for school!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#108 Posted: 23:34:31 04/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Fourteen:

In our group's quest for...Well, they don't really have a goal. So in their journey- yeah, that fits- they have come across a number evil-doers and crazy villains. So far, we have the Countdowns and Bash. But there is other evil out there. Such as Stink Bomb, who they don't even know exists. Today, we focus on those villains that have thrown a wrench in their plans.

First off, we have Stink Bomb. You know him. He has been here since the beginning. Here's what's happening at his fortress. "Thomas!" yelled Stink. "Coming. What do you need?" asked Thomas. "Since the store has reopened, there should be more shipments coming." said Stink. "Okay. I'll gather a group of Countdowns and head off." said Thomas. "Wait. That's not all. I want you to take most of the men. Grab the new trucks, and get the cages." Stink said. "Why?" asked Thomas. "You are going to take every single Skylander in that truck. Unbox all of the Countdowns, too. Give them mission briefing. Then, start taking all of the other toys and put them in the cages. I will not let the other's camp grow." ranted Stink Bomb.

An army went to the loading zone. As the truck arrived, they sent out waves of men to get in the truck. There they were. Under piles of boxes filled with clothes, three huge boxes of Skylanders. Thomas ordered ten Countdowns to rip open the box and dig around. "I found two!" yelled Steve. "I found one too!" yelled #32. "I FOUND SEVEN!" yelled #13. "Good. Find more. That's only box one." said Thomas.

After lots of yelled and screaming, they totaled up the Countdowns. "Thirty-four." said Thomas happily. "I think this is that one store that the factories send their extras too. Well, for at least the Countdown surpluses." said Bob. Jeffrey ran up to the others. "Okay, there were another forty Skylanders in the truck. We loaded up about thirty of them, but the cages are full." Jeffrey said. "Okay. Leave them here." said Thomas. "Wait. Let's open them. Then we can rip them apart. We can keep the technology inside of the Skylanders, and erase it. When a Countdown dies, we'll put the extra chip in the body." said Bob. "That's a great idea." said Jeffrey. "I'll tell Stink the plan." said Thomas.

We now move to Bash and the mysterious Hex. What are they doing?

Hex offered Bash a deal. The deal was that Bash would join a small group of Skylanders that want to rule the store. "We have a base in the Bargain Isles. I want you to come with us." said Hex. "Okay. Take me there." Bash said. The two walked to the Bargain Isles. Under the shelves lay a small castle. "This is our home." said Hex. They walked in. There was a huge table by the entrance. Sitting on the chairs were a Stealth Elf, a Voodood, and the top half of a Nitro Magna Charge. "This is our club." said Hex. "Welcome." said the Nitro Magna. "You can call me Nitro. I lead this little group." said Nitro again. "I'm Bash. I was lost. I come from the Electronics Department. But the flood, it took me into the Books." said Bash. He must've had feelings for the Village, because he lied about his time in the store.

End of Chapter Fourteen

Author's Log:

Bash still likes the Village. I guess he doesn't want it to be destroyed. Other than taking over the Village, what were his main goals?

Well I Guess That Wraps It Ups!
A story.
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#109 Posted: 23:40:28 04/02/2014
I wonder what bash will do?
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#110 Posted: 23:45:16 04/02/2014
Bob sure is a smart bomb. The skylanders have invented heart (chip) transplants!

And when u said the wrench in the plans, I thought u were gonna make it a pun and throw in a sprocket. smilie
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#111 Posted: 22:36:56 05/02/2014 | Topic Creator
^ Ooo! I totally could've done that! And yes, Bob is very smart. I wonder how he knows all of that information...

Anyway, new Bonus Story (hopefully) today or tomorrow! Yay!
A story.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:39:06 05/02/2014 by uttster13
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#112 Posted: 01:08:53 06/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Bonus #5:

As we saw a couple chapters ago, Crusher's eye's were starting to glow. Why? Well I don't know. I'm only the narrator. But the stranger thing was that now he is awake, in another place.

Crusher's eyes opened. He remembered what had happened. He was about to get on the boat, but something pushed him off. He didn't see what it was, but he could feel the hands on his back. He tried to say something, but the water muffled his voice. Days later, his eyes were flickering in the water. He doesn't remember anything else. "Psst. He's awake!" said a tiny blue creature. "YES!" yelled another tiny blue creature. "I'll call the others. They might want to see this." said yet another tiny blue creature. He could hear a noise. It was getting closer. It was sounded sort of like a couple of wheels spinning around. "There he is." said the first creature. "Ah, I see. Bert, go get a chair." said the voice. Crusher couldn't see anything, just a blur of colors. He could make out some orange-ish things. A couple of blue specks were on the other side. "Pull him up. I don't think he'll be able to move." said the orange blur. He could feel a lot of tiny hands lifting him up. Surprisingly, they lifted him up with no struggle. "Can he see?" asked a small red blur. "He can see a tiny bit. Put the specs on him." said the orange blur. "Okay." said the red blur.

After a couple of minutes of struggling to see out of the glasses. Suddenly, his vision cleared up. "Hello. I am Strauss Digger. My classification is a 'Drill Sergeant'. Heh, I love play-on-words. Anyway, my little helpers found you in an isle. You were soaked." said Strauss. Crusher tried to say something, but it wouldn't come out. "Uh, I don't think he can speak." said a small red creature. It was a robot. "I can see that, Rupert." said Strauss. "Just trying to help." said Rupert. "Anyway, you are in the frozen goods. I made a burrow here to study the sciences of life. I have many little robots that go around the store and grab items I need. The red one is Rupert. He is my first robot to help me. I have another fifty of these little things." said Strauss. A group of blue robots put an iPhone on his throat. "This should help you speak." one said.

Crusher made another attempt to talk. He managed to say, "Finally! It's been three weeks since I got to talk." said Crusher. "It's a miracle you survived. The water would normally seep into you, and screw up your circuits." Strauss said. "Why can't I move?" asked Crusher. "Well, the store is freezing. When the water got into your body, it eventually froze. I got most of the water out of you, but your joints are still stiff." said Strauss. "So when will I be able to move?" asked Crusher. "Don't be so anxious! You might not ever be able to move, but I can try to move your internal hardware and your RFID chip into another body." said Strauss. "Good. But it needs to be fast. I need to find my friends soon. Wait, I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO WALK AGAIN!" screamed Crusher.

Rupert and more of the Blue-Bots went out to find pieces to make a new body for Crusher. Strauss spent more time getting to know Crusher. "So, there are others out there?" asked Strauss. "Yeah. We had a nice home in the Electronics Department. But, the flood was rising. We were going to sail into the dryer areas. As I was about to step on to the boat, something pushed me off. I was drowning in the water. I could one thing before I died: "It was all my fault." I think it was Zap that said it. He was the only one that could swim, and he was fast, too. Tried to grab me, but I was too heavy." Crusher said. "Together, we can find your friends. I had a group once."

The End

Author's Log:

NEW CHARACTERS! Strauss. Hmm...sounds like a smart name. Maybe he and Drobot could be friends one day.

I want to thank everyone who reads this, and all of the guests, too. I'm glad to be writing. It's fun to fill up me free time with my creative juices.

And one more thing, The Arkeyan Clan! It's pretty cool, and I'm working on some ideas for it. If it interests you, just PM me and I'll put you in!

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#113 Posted: 01:44:21 06/02/2014
Ha, chip transplant from a paralyzed body to a mobile one! The Skylanders are advancing beyond humans! If only we could do that, Stephen Hawking would be able to walk.
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#114 Posted: 01:45:48 06/02/2014 | Topic Creator
What can I say? These little guys were made in China, where technology is developing fast. Maybe the are being controlled?!?!
A story.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3857
#115 Posted: 04:50:29 06/02/2014
Crusher should get to be a granite crusher!
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#116 Posted: 15:39:39 06/02/2014
Wow skylanders are smart. By the way maybe smilie can join smilie army when he gets released
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#117 Posted: 23:15:34 06/02/2014 | Topic Creator
I have plans for something like that. Mega Spyro, do you read this? I'd love to hear your comments if you do!
A story.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#118 Posted: 20:13:03 08/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Fifteen:
A Village in Danger!

Things in the village have been going smoothly lately. The council and Dune Bug worked hard on keeping the invader a secret from the villagers. The Turtle Club got a clubhouse and gained a couple members. Although, there are some things that need attention. The Countdown invader was still to be found, and tensions were growing outside the village. Stink's army had grown a little more. They now have huge trucks and an airplane. The council heard about these things and are worried of a possible war.

During a council meeting, Dune Bug brought the idea of searching the shipment truck for new soldiers. Cyrus ordered Flameslinger, Dino-Rang, Zap, Boomer, Hot Dog and a couple of gunmen to go to the shipment zone. "Where is this place?" asked Zap. "It's over by the back of the store. We aren't too far from it." said Hot Dog. "But be careful. I don't want any Countdowns to see us." said Flameslinger. "Why did we have to go? It's only you and Hot Dog that are with the army." whined Dino. "It's nice to get out of the town for once. You'll need the fresh air. It's so moldy back there." said Flameslinger. "There! I can see the truck!" yelped Hot Dog. "Why are you giddy all of the sudden?" asked Zap. "I'm a dog! We get excited for no reason at all."

They went to the truck. They were surprised to see that there wasn't much there. "What?! Where is everything?" asked Zap. "I bet the Countdowns already took everything." said Dino-Rang. "Well, go through the boxes. We might be able to scrounge up something." said Flameslinger. Altogether,
they found a Prism Break, a Hoot Loop, and three Choppy's. But, Zap was in the back of the truck, still looking. He didn't find any Skylanders, but he did find a My Little Pony toy. It was small, about the size of him. Hot Dog asked what he was doing. "What? Nothing." said Zap. The others got curious. Hot Dog ordered the gunmen to shoot at him, so he could get an answer.

"AHH! DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT!" yelled Zap. "No blood, no fun!" yelled a Trigger Happy. Dino whispered to Zap, "I think that one has a defect." The gunmen gave him one more chance. "Hey, don't shoot him!" said Flameslinger. "Fine. But 'em down, boys." said Hot Dog unhappily. "Zap, what are you hiding?" asked Flameslinger. Zap shamefully held up the MLP toy. "Her mane is so beautiful." said Zap softly. "Okay. I guess we can live with that. C'mon, let's go guy. The Countdowns will come out in the dark." said Flameslinger. "Creeps," said Dino, "All the creeps come out in the dark."

Well, they were right. The Countdowns had come out in the dark. They were going to scout out the area. One of them spotted the group, and quickly alerted Bob, the mission leader. "Okay. Shoot them down. We can't have any survivors." said Bob grimly. Flameslinger saw the Countdowns. "RUN!" he yelled. "What!" yelled Zap. "I LIKE YELLING!" yelled Dino. Zap cuddled with the pony. He sang, "My little pony, all hail the bronies." "Stop singing!" yelled Hot Dog. One Countdown shot a gunmen. The started firing back. It was almost like a gang was in the alleys of New York. Almost.

More of the Countdowns came down to where the group was. Boomer got a chance to throw his dynamite again. But Zap wouldn't move out of the way. Boomer grabbed the pony. He burned a hole in it with a lighter. "BOMBA POTRO!" (Pony Bomb!) yelled Boomer. "NO!" screamed Zap, at the top of his lungs. Too late, the bomb went off, killing the Countdowns on the ground. Bob was furious. He was tired of losing time after time. "FIRE YOUR ROCKETS!" The remaining Countdowns fired at the group. Zap was mad. He ran to Bob and his men, and peed on the ground. "THIS IS FOR MY PONY!" yelled Zap. He charged up his electricity. He then shot lightning at the Countdowns. They all malfunctioned, firing rockets at each other. Bob was the only one left. He ran as fast as he could to the base. As he ran, he clicked a 'Life Alert' button on his chest. It called a small helicopter to swoop down and pick him up. Bob got away.

The group had won a battle. They made their way back to the village, making sure they weren't being watched. Cyrus was overjoyed to hear that they killed off more of their enemies. While he was praising them, a loud noise was sounded outside the walls.

End of Chapter Fifteen

Author's Log:

Sorry for the short hiatus, my band had a Solo and Ensemble performance. Things are getting worse in the village!

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
FireKracken Blue Sparx Gems: 739
#119 Posted: 21:50:53 08/02/2014
Amazing work!
come read my fan fic at got a second page!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#120 Posted: 21:53:46 08/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Thanks man! I love to get new readers into this!
A story.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#121 Posted: 23:57:26 08/02/2014
Haha good chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#122 Posted: 00:21:31 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Thanks! I gonna try to start making the chapters longer. Lets hope that'll work out...
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#123 Posted: 00:29:25 09/02/2014
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#124 Posted: 01:01:26 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
And guess what?


(Que dramatic keyboard playing)
A story.
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#125 Posted: 01:22:26 09/02/2014
On my topic can you help me with ideas?
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#126 Posted: 15:13:57 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator
I can try to help. Imma little rusty from short story writing. smilie
A story.
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#127 Posted: 15:42:41 09/02/2014
Thanks dude! This story rocks! Bad Sneak Joke: When will smilie come out of hiding? smilie
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#128 Posted: 15:52:03 09/02/2014 | Topic Creator


I don't really know. Hopefully soon. I want the group to know that he is the leader of the Countdowns. smilie
A story.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#129 Posted: 01:12:29 12/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Sixteen:
Tensions Grow

It's two days after the explosion outside the walls. Part of the north wall has been blown to bits. Seven Skylanders died in the attack. Cyrus and the council are worried about the possibility of war growing higher. They have been making plans to keep everyone safe. "So we'll start with rebuilding the north wall, right?" asked Sonic Boom. "Yeah, and then we can get a group of people to build trucks and planes for the troops." said Cyrus. "How about we make a rendezvous point? It's always nice to have a back up area." stated Slam Bam. Dune Bug was tired of listening to the conversation. "We can go to the Electronics Department. There's probably enough room there." added Dune Bug. "Well, it's a long way to get there. And with two hundred people, it's gonna be rough." said Cyrus. "Well, we can go to the far end of the storage unit. There's plenty of space back there." said Dune Bug. "That could work. If we grab some boxes and tie them to the back of a truck, we could build another -smaller- village." said Chill. "Okay. We'll vote. Who wants to build another town?" All the councilmen answered with a yes. "Than it's settled. Go get some boxes."

The plan was working, for the most part. You see, with many people out in the open, and with minimum or no security, they could get ambushed. And that's what was going to happen. Stink Bomb has a spy in the Village. He can hear all of the plans that are being made. He sent out a squad of Countdowns to blow up the progress for the new "safe haven". "Thomas, I want you on this one. I can't send Bob anymore. He gets everyone killed in the process of killing. So go round up some men and destroy this new city!" said Stink. "Okay. I'll grab some of the non-important Countdowns and let them blow up." said Thomas.

Thomas and his men went to the construction of the new town. But, as they made it into the backrooms, it got dark. "Shoot. Hey, you, grab the lighter." ordered Thomas. A lighter flew in the air. "Thanks." said Thomas. Thomas lit the lighter. "Better." he said with satisfaction. "Drive. The village isn't far from here." said Thomas. The car started up. "Why do you look sad?" asked Thomas. One of them answered, "Because we know that we are gonna die." "That isn't true. I have to keep one of you to drive."

At the construction site...

"Phew. That was hard." said a builder. "Really? You just carried a piece of cardboard." said another. "Hey, get back to work!" yelled the chief. Right after he said that, the Countdown car pulled up. "Run!" shouted a builder. Thomas hopped out of the car. "Okay boys, grab as many as you can. If there isn't enough room, kill the remainder." shouted Thomas. All of the construction crew jumped into the cages. "At least we don't have to die." said the chief. "Really? If I knew it was that easy I would have done that last time." said Thomas. "Anyway, blow up the work." he said again. A group of knights were hiding in the only building. "Come out and face us like men." said a Countdown. "Nope. Can we just stay here?" asked one of the knights. He held up a nickel. "Well, that is pretty shiny. I guess. Just don't make any sounds." the Countdown said.

Flameslinger heard the sounds of a truck passing. "Do you hear that?" he asked Ghost and Jade. "Yeah. Probably another builder truck heading off." said Jade. "I'm just glad we get to be in the story for once." said Ghost. Boomer sat in the corner, crying like a toddler. "Me gustaria ser capaces de tener mas de una frase de dialogo." Boomer said sadly. "It's okay. You might get more time to speak some day." said Jade reassuringly. "Maybe." said Ghost. "I don't think that's a construction vehicle. It sounds like a truck to me." said Flameslinger. "I'll go check it out." he said again.

Flameslinger went outside the wall. He saw a truck, and a Countdown at the wheel. "Crap. Guards, let's go!" he yelled. A couple of knights came up to him. "Yeah?" one said. "There is a truck with Countdowns. It can't be good." said Flameslinger. Flameslinger shot an arrow at the truck. It blew up, launched the builders and Countdowns in the air.

End of Chapter Sixteen

Author's Log:

So, da' Countdown's have made a move on the Village. Two moves, to be exact. A war is looming in the distance. Are you ready for what's coming next? DUN DUN DUN!!! Thanks for reading!

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
eruptshake137 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1436
#130 Posted: 01:21:40 12/02/2014
Awesome! When will there be more about that thing bash joined?
Prepare for trouble. Make it double.

84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#131 Posted: 01:44:55 12/02/2014
Oh no! Their work! They must- THEY MUST-- DIGIVOLVE!!!!!
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#132 Posted: 21:47:03 12/02/2014
This was an awesome chapter and when will drill sergeant and crusher show themselves
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#133 Posted: 22:38:37 12/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Thanks for reading guys!

@eruptshake137, Soon. Maybe. That was to introduce a new storyline for the upcoming chapters.
@Epic popthorn, In the future. Maybe when Crusher is at full health.

These next couple chapters are gonna change the story a bit....

Now, if you excuse me, it's time to... DIGIVOLVE!
A story.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#134 Posted: 23:04:30 12/02/2014
ok, good change is good
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#135 Posted: 18:01:24 14/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Seventeen:

Tensions have been growing in the village. The Countdowns abducted a group of builders a day ago. Cyrus has promoted Flameslinger to a militia captain. He now has orders to hunt down the Countdowns and the abductees. "Are you ready for this?" asked Jade nervously. "Yes. I have my bow, ten arrows, and a knight sword. And if things get really bad, a have a Trigger Happy gun on my side." said Flameslinger. Zap walked into the room. "You look like a killing machine." said Zap. "I have to look like this. I'm leading an army outside of the storage warehouse. I need to be prepared for anything that comes at me." said Flameslinger. "Just, be careful." said Jade. "Yeah. We don't need to lose anymore friends." said Zap. "Okay. I promise to be safe." said Flameslinger.

He headed out to the army camp. All of the knights were there, and so were half of the gunmen. "Holy crap!" he whispered in astonishment. There were at least eighty men standing in the camp. A knight walked up to Flameslinger. "Hello. I am your right hand man for this mission. You may call me Philip." Philip said. "Thanks, man. I'll probably need all of the help I can get." said Flameslinger. "Good. I understand your friend Drobot and a crew of mechanics built a fleet of trucks for us." said Philip. "Yep. There are six trucks, and eighty men. So we'll have to split them up and give put them in units." said Flameslinger. "Okay. I'll be onto that in a minute. Can you take all of the gunmen and give them mission briefing too?" asked Phil. "Sure. We leave in twenty minutes."

A wave of armored trucks left the village. The first truck held Flameslinger, Philip, and had five gunmen sitting on top. The trucks entered the rest of the store. "Won't people see us?" asked Philip. "No. They leave the store at night time so they can get to their other part-time job." answered Flameslinger. "Oh. That's nice. So where are these guys?" asked Philip again. "We aren't exactly sure. Most times they hide everywhere, watching us and listening to our plans." said Flameslinger. "Watch out!" yelled a knight. There were a couple of Countdowns standing in their way. "Shoot." said Flameslinger.

The gunmen starting shooting at the Countdowns. All of the enemies were shot down and ran over by the trucks. After the trucks drove away, Bob and another group of Countdowns came out from behind a shelf. "You know what to do." said Bob. The henchmen dragged the bodies away. Then they cut out the chips of the deceased ones, and put them in a sack. "All we have to do is revive the chips and put them in the bodies again." said Bob. "Your pretty smart, Bob. How did you learn all of that?" asked a Countdown. "We stole a cable box and plugged it into the big TV. Sadly, the only channels were Nick Jr. and a channel on how to build new technology." said Bob. "I even got to see a female robot without her design. Heehee." he said with a creepy smile.

Flameslinger's truck drove into the Electronics Department. "What the Eon is that?" he asked. He was looking at the other side of the Electronics Department. Stink's headquarters were out in the open instead of being hidden behind some videogames. "It's an empire!" yelled Philip. "Stop the other trucks. Get all the knights and start killing the Countdowns." ordered Flameslinger. "What about you?" asked Philip. "I'm going in solo." said Flameslinger. "You can't! We don't know how many there are out there!" yelled Philip. "I don't care. I took extra weapons. I'll be fine."

Back at the Village...

Drobot was building a bunch of small drones that would fly around the village and provide surveillance. He finished up the twentieth drone when a Countdown walked in. "I'm the bomb!"

End of Chapter Seventeen

Author's Log:

What will happen to Drobot? What will happen to Flameslinger?


Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#136 Posted: 18:21:19 14/02/2014
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#137 Posted: 18:35:18 14/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: 84skylanderdude

Whoa indeed.


Things are getting worse, and with the group's luck, things won't get better. Around chapter twenty, new things will come, old things will leave, and some stuff will just stay the same. smilie

I want to introduce the third major storyline soon, and then the fourth maybe ten chapters later. If you want/need to know anything else, just comment below peeps!
A story.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:19:44 14/02/2014 by uttster13
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#138 Posted: 22:23:35 14/02/2014
Woah this is getting intense
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#139 Posted: 02:29:32 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
^ Yes. Yes it is.

I can't wait for what is gonna happen to everyone in the next couple chapters...

I wouldn't read the next spoiler if I were you.

I'm serious.

I'm warning you.

Don't do it.

Please don't.

You don't know what lies here.

This is a matter of life or death.

You could die.

Do you really want to die?

It's been nice knowing you!

Have fun in the afterlife!

Haha! I bet you thought there was gonna be something important here! What a waste of time.
A story.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#140 Posted: 02:30:45 15/02/2014
Quote: uttster13
^ Yes. Yes it is.

I can't wait for what is gonna happen to everyone in the next couple chapters...

I wouldn't read the next spoiler if I were you.

I'm serious.

I'm warning you.

Don't do it.

Please don't.

You don't know what lies here.

This is a matter of life or death.

You could die.

Do you really want to die?

It's been nice knowing you!

Have fun in the afterlife!

Haha! I bet you thought there was gonna be something important here! What a waste of time.

too funny.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#141 Posted: 02:36:35 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Thanks! smilie

I tried to make it all in one big spoiler with them being in individual spoilers, but it said "NO NESTING!".

Silly darkspyro, you thought I was gonna build my little cozy nest here. Heehee...
A story.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#142 Posted: 02:37:20 15/02/2014
sorry for advertising, but toy meets world just introduced a wicked awesome new character.
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#143 Posted: 02:44:43 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
You know what that means!

Actually, I don't think you do. It's time to catch up on TMW!
A story.
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#144 Posted: 04:05:40 15/02/2014
how come spanish smilie hasnt talked in a while
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#145 Posted: 15:24:04 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
^ He's more of the quiet type. I'll try to add him in more soon! smilie

We are on our way to a fourth page!

Here's what we can expect soon:

-Chapter Eighteen
-Bonus #6 (Strauss Background)
-Chapter Nineteen

This we all be around the next four days. Things are gonna change in the chapters after that. I want to try to do more of the Bonus Stories, they give a good insight from the story and introduce some things that you won't expect to happen. Thanks for reading!
A story.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:36:09 15/02/2014 by uttster13
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#146 Posted: 16:31:51 15/02/2014
Ok cool and yay fourth page
uttster13 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#147 Posted: 20:52:43 15/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Chapter Eighteen:
End of Days Pt. 1

"I'm the bomb!" yelled the Countdown. "AHH!" yelled Drobot. The Countdown grabbed Drobot and said (in a gruff tone), "You have ten seconds to tell me where the stuff is." 'What? I don't know of any 'stuff'." said Drobot. "Shut up. Seven seconds. Where is it?" he asked again. "I honestly don't know what you're talking about." said Drobot. He was starting to shake. "Five seconds." said the Countdown. "Drones, find Dune Bug!" yelled Drobot. "Three. Two. One." said the Countdown. "What?! Darn it, I'm a factory error." it said again. He had a tone of disappointment. "Thank you Eon!" yelled Drobot happily. He looked at the Countdown. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm a factory error. Stink Bomb will kill me." said the Countdown. "What Stink Bomb?" asked Drobot. "You honestly don't know about Stink? He's been sending men to stalk you for three weeks." the Countdown said. "Is he the leader? Is he the one who's been trying to kill us?" asked Drobot. Dune Bug walked in. "One of the drones said you needed me. Why's that thing here?" asked Dune Bug. "Ya' know, if you guys explored some more, you'd have seen us a month ago." said the Countdown. "We know who the leader is. It's a Stink Bomb. He's been building an army since we arrived." said Drobot.

Dune Bug made his way to the Hall. He burst into the door to see two Countdowns pointing rockets at Cyrus. "Run. Just leave! NOW!" yelled Cyrus. It was too late for Dune Bug to run. Another two Countdowns blocked the door. "What do you want with us?" asked Dune Bug. "We want you to die. We can't have another group of Skylanders here." said a Countdown. Thomas walked into the main part of the Hall. "Hello. I am Thomas. I am the second in command of the army." said Thomas. "You work for Stink Bomb? You seem too nice to work for a guy like that." said Dune Bug. "I am not 'too nice'. I will kill your friend if I have too." said Thomas. "Oh yeah? Like you would kill a man." Dune Bug paused. "Why do you work for him?" "He found me. I was one of the first ones to join him." said Thomas. "But why? What has he done to make you follow him?" asked Dune Bug, try to get into the Countdown's head. "Stop! I don't want to talk about him anymore!" yelled Thomas. "What has he done to you - and the others - to make you work for him? Follow him? Praise him?" said Dune Bug. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" screamed Thomas. "You're bluffing." said Dune Bug calmly. Thomas reached for Cyrus's sword. But as he did, Cyrus cut the string and grabbed the sword. "I will kill you." said Cyrus, who was pointing the blade at his head. "I'm. The. Bomb." said Thomas. He started ticking. "We gotta get out of here. RUN!" yelled Dune Bug. The two ran out of the Hall. A loud "BOOM!" was sounded. The Hall had exploded.

At the Electronics Department...

Flameslinger ran away from the battle and snuck into the Countdown HQ. As he was lurking around, a Countdown spotted him. "Hey! I can see you!" the Countdown yelled. "No you can't!" Flameslinger yelled back. "Oh. Okay!" yelled the Countdown. Man, he should get some new minions. thought Flameslinger.

Flameslinger walked down a narrow hallway. He ended up on a ledge that could look out into the prison area. He could see Zoo Lou boxing a Voodood. A ring of Skylanders surrounded the fight. They were chanting, "The Zoo! The Zoo!" "What the heck?" said Flameslinger. He shot an arrow at into the middle of the fight. "WHOO!!!" the crowd yelled. "Deathmatch!" the referee yelled. Zoo Lou (aka The Zoo) punched the Voodood in the face, three times. He then grabbed his staff and smacked the guy in the face. Then, The Zoo grabbed the ref. and bit him in the face. "The Zoo wins!" yelled Zoo Lou.

After watching a horrible, gruesome fight, Flameslinger ran down to the "arena" and walked up to Zoo Lou. "What the heck was that?" asked Flameslinger. "I've been in here for a month. Things got pretty rough. Then the Countdowns started bringing in more and more prisoners. They even hung my picture in the cafeteria." said Zoo Lou. "Okay, but why do they call you The Zoo?" asked Flameslinger. "It's my prisoner name. I'm the alpha do- sloth in here." said Zoo. "Okay. I've had enough. Let's just get out of here." said Flameslinger. "But I like it here. We can't leave!" said Zoo Lou. "Well, too bad. There's a war going on and my men are outside killing off your captors." said Flameslinger. "Okay, mom." whispered Zoo Lou.

The two made their way outside. Flameslinger told Zoo Lou everything that had happened in the past month. Philip was finishing off a Countdown. "One heck of a battle, huh?" asked Flameslinger. "Yeah. We lost around thirty-seven men, and a truck." said Philip. "Who's this guy?" asked Zoo. "This is Philip. He's my second in command." answered Flameslinger. "I'm only the second in command for this mission. Then he'll have to pick another guy to help lead." said Philip glumly. "That's not true. You are now the official right hand man of the militia." said Flameslinger. "Yay!" said Philip, as he did a touchdown dance. "Let's head back home."

At the Village...

Dune Bug and Cyrus were killing an army of Countdowns. Drobot, Boomer, Ghost, Zap, Dino-Rang, and Hot Dog were in a huge van. The back door opened. "Jump in!" yelled Hot Dog. "No! Get out here and help us kill these freaks!" yelled Dune Bug. "Dune Bug, you wouldn't kill anything." said Ghost. "Fine. I've been beating them with my staff." admitted Dune Bug. "Just get out and help us!" said Cyrus. The van stopped and everyone got out. Another truck entered the Village, only it was filled with Countdowns. "Crap. There's more coming in!" yelled Zap. "Okay. We gotta shoot down the truck!" yelled Cyrus. All of the remaining Trigger Happy's ran out and starting shooting at the truck. "AHH!" yelled one of the gunmen. The truck was running over the gunmen. "NO!" yelled another. The truck came to a complete stop. Jeffrey jumped out. "This is the end of you!" he yelled. "Blow 'em down!" he yelled again. Ten Countdowns said their death chant. "Run. They're all gonna blow up." yelled Dune Bug. Everyone ran into what was left of the Hall.

Flameslinger and the trucks entered the torn down Village. "What the heck happened here?" asked Zoo. "It looks like the Countdowns got here first." answered Philip. "They blew up twelve buildings! And the Hall is destroyed!" yelled Zoo. "Look! There's more of them over there." said Flameslinger. All of the militia ran over to the Countdowns. "Kill them all!" yelled Jeffrey. An epic battle took place in the ruins. The militia was winning, killing all of the Countdowns. Jeffrey walked up to Flameslinger. He was out of breath. "This... This is the... End of days."

End of Chapter Eighteen

Author's Log:

There's a lot of things happing right now, huh?
Now not all of the Village is in ruins. Just the first part of it.
Zoo Lou is out of the prison, and is kinda buff now.
The group is fighting for their lives.
The only person that isn't able to fight is Jade.(Well, not yet. smilie)
And Stink Bomb's army is being decimated in this huge war.

So what's gonna happen to the Village? Is it going to all be torn down, or will it stand through the rest of the war?
What's going to happen to the group after this?
What will happen to the store after this war!?

Thanks for reading!

Well I Guess That Wraps It Up!
A story.
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#148 Posted: 21:09:01 15/02/2014
Ha! The Countdowns are such idiots!
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#149 Posted: 21:11:22 15/02/2014
wow good chapter why end of days?
Epic popthorn Emerald Sparx Gems: 3286
#150 Posted: 21:14:11 15/02/2014
My page!!!
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