Quote: zookinatorHey, I would like some legendries here. When I was younger (8-9), I had HeartGold and Diamond. I honestly just finished the game and left most of the legendries. Now I see why. I had pretty horrid Pokémon, barely any Pokeballs, and no Pokémon that are good for getting legendries down to low health. So, I just gave up on trying to find the legendires in older versions, unless I want to restart them, which I don't really want to do (Yet). Here is a list of the legendries I would like.
Deoxys (Any form)
I now this may be a lot to ask for, and I am not asking for those event Pokémon. I have none of those, but if anyone is willing to trade the above listed and any event Pokémon, I would very glad. I am sure there are a few cloners around these forums...
I have an arceus and also a deoxys and I would be happy to clone them for you
That would be wonderful Grimslinger. As soon as I know your Friend Code to trade, and you have cloned them, maybe we could come up with a deal. I have a variety of Pokémon for trde, and if you want a certain one, could clone. Just let me know.