

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#15901 Posted: 03:19:50 07/02/2014
If a really angry 12 year old Sonic Fan comes here and says he's looking for me, I was never here, okay?
looks like ive got some things to do...
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15902 Posted: 03:23:08 07/02/2014
Quote: parisruelz12
If a really angry 12 year old Sonic Fan comes here and says he's looking for me, I was never here, okay?

Don't worry I got your back.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6799
#15903 Posted: 05:24:04 07/02/2014
The music is like magic to me:
-I listen, and to smile back.
-I listen, and I can open my mind.
-I hear, and my creativity begins to create.
-I listen, and I like to move my body.
-I listen, and I become the myself.

Really, it's one of the few things that make me feel alive & happy because my family is very boring. Because of what I do and I like it, they do not like.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm so opposed to my family. Inlcuding my physical appearance.
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#15904 Posted: 07:22:47 07/02/2014
Uuugh my throat's on fire...
"Was it a hot ghost?"
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15905 Posted: 15:00:12 07/02/2014
I'm just thinking back to the time where I absolutely HATED music...

Everyone I knew was into rap and the dirty sort of music while I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't listen to music at all and whatever music played wasn't my concern. Between my slow blues-loving mom, my salsa-loving grandmother, and my metalhead father, I was annoyed by it all.

With the exception of rap and R&B, I've come to enjoy every other genre of music and I am now dominantly a metalhead... I changed.

- - -

I've noticed I've been becoming less social as I progress in life. I was extremely social in elementary school, fairly social in intermediate, and mildly passive now. I used to love being around loss of people but now I prefer being alone out with only a few friends. I don't know what's up. I need to talk to a bunch of metalheads or something because they keep me in my place but I know very few. Metal keeps me calm and it gives me the energy I need.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:39:42 07/02/2014 by ThroneOfMalefor
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15906 Posted: 18:30:41 07/02/2014
I really want to play Spyro right now. All I can do is think up random topics and watch cutscenes on YouTube. Bet playing a few hours of it would take my mind off of school on Monday. I don't want to go to school. Everyone knows that if the new kid hasn't made friends within the first month (or two, depending on whose judging them) then they're gonna be a social outcast. I'm managing to cling on to a group of people that, after what happened last week, I am going to leave. The library can be my friend. Wow I sound sad smilie but why must school be so depressing and hard? It's supposed to be a place of learning. Not a place of judgement and anxiety. It's 1:40am, but I think I'll try and draw some Spyro I can't draw. I've watched all the cutscenes from GtG and YOTD. I've watched the fail reels. Once the videos are over I remember why I'm watching keep my mind off Monday. It's going to be hell. You know how awkward it is sitting there alone waiting for the goddamn bell to ring? I don't eat lunch so I'm spared the loneliness of the lunch room. I should just become the Weird Girl who everyone keeps a distance from. That way I'll be comfortable being who I am. Right now, I'm so paranoid about how I look, how my accent sounds, and everything.

YOU. Oh my ****ing god, how DARE you lie to me that much?!?!?
-You said you'd finished developing the app for our project but you haven't even STARTED it.
-You said you've kissed 17 girls (tbh I found that hard to believe since you're 14 and disgusting.) I think you're STILL trying to get me to go out with you. Even if you were a girl I wouldn't touch you with a thousand meter long stick.
-You said you had four jobs, but your mother told me that you sit around at the weekends eating the house out and playing XBox games, and that you can't be bothered to get a job.
-You said you stay up until five am every day and you never get tired, but your mother also said that you're konked out by 10pm. Gotta love mothers!
Dude, stop trying to impress me. I can see right through you. When you do that fake "Oh, no!" Thing like you've just remembered you've forgotten something important, I KNOW it's gonna either be a lie or a boring gaming thing that, to be honest, nobody gives a **** about.
Also, would you kindly not point out the scars on my neck and shoulders? This is why I can't ****ing wear short sleeves and low necks; because I'm too EMBARRASSED. FYI, I had chickenpox at age 3 like everyone does and some scars didn't fade away. And if you dare point out the gap between my front teeth ever again I'll give you a gap between your head and shoulders! I can say a lot of things about you. Like, you always have a pool of saliva in the corner of your lips. Wipe that **** away man.
If you call and I decline, it means I do not want to be disturbed. Do not call me seven more times after that, even when I send you a text saying "Do not call me, I DO NOT WANT TO BE DISTURBED!! You spend all your time making YouTube videos and playing Minecraft, sometimes you should look in a thing called a dictionary to find out what that sentence means, dumbass.
I don't think it's cool that you skip detention then brag about it. I don't think it's cool that you skip classes and brag about it. Yes, I've done both, but I don't say "Oh, I've got detention, but I'm skipping it cause I just can't be bothered to go," or, "I'm skipping English. My YouTube subscribers have been asking for a video."
Quit saying you've seen all the horror films. You haven't seen every single one ever created and I don't give a **** about what you have and haven't seen.
It's a typical Friday evening. I'm doing my homework. You call me. This is how the conversation goes (this is a real convo that occurred last week. Since then, there have been similar ones, but he keeps going ON AND ON AND ON about it. The guy I'm talking about will be named J.)

J: Hey, what's up?
Me: Sorry, I can't talk. I've got this English essay to do and I don't want to do it over the weekend.
J: Whose it for?
Me: *teacher's name.*
J: Oh, nobody cares about homework, especially for that teacher! Come and play out.
Me: Uh, no. I'm doing homework.
J: Trust me, nobody's doing it.
Me: Well I am. And there's nothing to do even if I did play out.
J: We can watch a movie at mine.
Me: Look, J, for the last time I'm doing this essay whether you like it or not! I'm sorry. Bye.
Me: *hangs up.*
J: *calls back*
Me: *declining call* **** off!
*turns off phone*
*finishes homework half an hour later*
*turns on phone*
I don't care if nobody does the homework. I don't care if I'm the sad loner who stays in on Friday nights. My life depends on a degree in English and Drama. If I want to get into an acting school in London and FINALLY leave this ****hole then I have to work hard. People like him are so insensitive and stupid. It mentally HURTS to be around people like that! He is going to get nowhere in life if he carries on. I don't know if I can do four and a half more months of it. Even if 4 months doesn't sound that long, when you think of it in days, or what I have it face every single day, THEN IT IS ****ING LONGER THAN THE UNIVERSE ITSELF.

~About other people at school~

-Don't treat ME like a servant. I've ranted about this before but it doesn't help as you KEEP DOING IT. Why?! The new kids at my old school were treated with the same respect as anyone else-which wasn't much, but at least they all made friends in a day!

-Ahem, excuse me, miss, but I do know how to spell "favourite," and when I wrote it on the board you didn't have to run up and rub the U out, making me look stupid. I'm English, what the **** do you expect?!

-I feel like an ignorant, dumb waste of space in maths class. I know I'm annoying the teachers with my constant asking for help on the simplest things, but I'll admit, I cannot tell my left from my right or count backwards in 2's from 20, and I need help! I can't get special help because it costs money and my family doesn't have a lot of that. So I'm trying all I can. I try so hard. You don't have to shout at me and make the other kids laugh :'(

-Mhm, oh really. Really now. You think that's the right way to go about talking to people? Hell. No.

I can't do 4 more months of this. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. STOP TELLING ME THAT IT ISN'T FOREVER. IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER. I feel mentally claustrophobic in this country, because I can't get out. It's like being locked in a tiny room with a low ceiling and no doors or windows. Or worse, it's like being in a lift which is crammed full of people and it's jammed, and the doors won't open, and people are shoving against me, talking at the tops of their voices while I can barely breathe, and I manage to scream loud until my lungs nearly burst but nobody can hear me.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15907 Posted: 21:04:14 07/02/2014
Wow that al....I know how you feel... I'm a loner too, rather finish homework abd I'm just wierd. I always act cold to people I know or dont know...

Coming here on dS was a hard decicion... I wanted to at least try and make friends... at first I realy felt like failing, but later I started making friends...

Around september/October the unthinkable happend and in one slap I got two friends I ever since adore to talk to, I mean ....they both changed me as a nov an even bigger unthinkable happend and back about that single PM were I asked him....awwwkwuuurd.....
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15908 Posted: 21:49:51 07/02/2014
Jstar old buddy, I'm so sorry for all the pain you have to go through. I know how you feel. If you need any help...pls talk to dont know how much I want to help you.
My life is complete.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8767
#15909 Posted: 21:55:55 07/02/2014
What happened to that one user's dying brother?
SoulFly Emerald Sparx Gems: 4660
#15910 Posted: 22:07:50 07/02/2014
I have started to believe in Nirvana.
Yeah. Not the band. Nirvana.
Bravo101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1482
#15911 Posted: 23:30:06 07/02/2014
oh my god you're such a tryhard kissass azskdhsuiewabdfaujnfewkhfbwe
you don't sound sophisticate we all know you're 9 stop acting like we dont remember your past
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#15912 Posted: 23:30:26 07/02/2014
Today was rather stressful. My boss must think I'm the energizer bunny. What the ****? I think she's trying to kill me. smilie omg ***** go away and stay away. And YOU, do you really think I'm that stupid, huh? Seriously, I'm not stupid or confused at all. ^.^

I can not wait for this day to be over with.....
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#15913 Posted: 23:33:44 07/02/2014
Dayum, I was hungry. I've never eaten that fast before.
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#15914 Posted: 23:44:46 07/02/2014
I used to go on Chatzy almost daily, but now I only make occasional visits. Most of the time, everyone talks about Pokémon X/Y, and I never played it. I don't have anything to contribute, which makes me sad. smilie

stupid stuff
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#15915 Posted: 00:31:35 08/02/2014
I have a pimple on my left buttcheek and sitting is so awkward.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15916 Posted: 00:54:26 08/02/2014

this is fabulous.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#15917 Posted: 01:13:50 08/02/2014
I missed the Olympic Opening Ceremony this morning and I've been feeling down about it all day....
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15918 Posted: 01:19:40 08/02/2014
I just noticed that every single avatar I've ever had on DS has been of some sort of animal.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8767
#15919 Posted: 01:26:03 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
R.I.P. Unknown Brother~;_;

It was a happy July evening. My parents were out and about, and we did a little study together. All of the sudden, she starts sobbing in front of me "Mom, what the heck? What happened?" "You had a brother, before ** and...*sobs*...he died in my belly of pneumonia. I'm so sorry" What are you apologizing for? You are the one who lost your kid. Am I the last one to know about this? If it was before ** I wasn't even born yet when he died! Wtf mom and dad ;_; I ran to my room and started crying my heart out. I already had 3 brothers, but I've been wondering what his personality was gonna be like. So I created him in a notebook. He was very tall, nice, and handsome,and loved the water.

*dissecting starfish* "Guys I wanna bring the starfish and honor somebody." "DUDE WTF??? Do you know how much that will affect our grade? It's going to be way harder! Hell no!
*still cuts with bottom and goes on with dissecting* "Whoops Josh, we accidentally cut of one of the rays. It doesn't really matter anyways. Ok, idc anymore. *ragequits and puts on sad face*

*while going to next period with meh new friend*
"Dude what's wrong?"

I wanted that honor my dead brother.
No homo, but I just feel so sorry for you.


I wanted to meet with my brother. Just a little reason I committed suicide...One reason was to meet with him and embrace with him and play with him like a real brother. All my brothers but Jerry are ruthless to me...I can't hold it in I try to keep a positive attitude from now on so it doesn't happen again...But when I went unconscious.... i think I a saw him...the brother I've been imagining and wanting held his hand out to me...I reached for it.......and woke up in the ER.

But I'm feeling a lot better now guys, I really appreciate all the help. And to the people I offended (Spyrobaro, CG, thumper)...You don't know how much guilt and regret I feel for saying that. I realized I lost all your trust, bit really, trust me or not, I just wanted you guys to know that I am sorry, so so sorry for what I did. I realize it was very rude and ruthless, so again sorry, I hope you guys will forgive me one day. But again....I am SO SO SORRY ;_; I feel so bad now, thinking what I did offended people...omg so sorry....:(

Sounds so fake.
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#15920 Posted: 01:30:00 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
R.I.P. Unknown Brother~smilie

It was a happy July evening. My parents were out and about, and we did a little study together. All of the sudden, she starts sobbing in front of me "Mom, what the heck? What happened?" "You had a brother, before ** and...*sobs*...he died in my belly of pneumonia. I'm so sorry" What are you apologizing for? You are the one who lost your kid. Am I the last one to know about this? If it was before ** I wasn't even born yet when he died! Wtf mom and dad smilie I ran to my room and started crying my heart out. I already had 3 brothers, but I've been wondering what his personality was gonna be like. So I created him in a notebook. He was very tall, nice, and handsome,and loved the water.

*dissecting starfish* "Guys I wanna bring the starfish and honor somebody." "DUDE WTF??? Do you know how much that will affect our grade? It's going to be way harder! Hell no!
*still cuts with bottom and goes on with dissecting* "Whoops Josh, we accidentally cut of one of the rays. It doesn't really matter anyways. Ok, idc anymore. *ragequits and puts on sad face*

*while going to next period with meh new friend*
"Dude what's wrong?"

I wanted that honor my dead brother.
No homo, but I just feel so sorry for you.


I wanted to meet with my brother. Just a little reason I committed suicide...One reason was to meet with him and embrace with him and play with him like a real brother. All my brothers but Jerry are ruthless to me...I can't hold it in I try to keep a positive attitude from now on so it doesn't happen again...But when I went unconscious.... i think I a saw him...the brother I've been imagining and wanting held his hand out to me...I reached for it.......and woke up in the ER.

But I'm feeling a lot better now guys, I really appreciate all the help. And to the people I offended (Spyrobaro, CG, thumper)...You don't know how much guilt and regret I feel for saying that. I realized I lost all your trust, bit really, trust me or not, I just wanted you guys to know that I am sorry, so so sorry for what I did. I realize it was very rude and ruthless, so again sorry, I hope you guys will forgive me one day. But again....I am SO SO SORRY smilie I feel so bad now, thinking what I did offended people...omg so sorry....smilie

I don't think I could ever write something faker than this.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8700
#15921 Posted: 01:36:57 08/02/2014
* facedesks at MagicFizz's post.*
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#15922 Posted: 01:39:56 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
R.I.P. Unknown Brother~;_;

It was a happy July evening. My parents were out and about, and we did a little study together. All of the sudden, she starts sobbing in front of me "Mom, what the heck? What happened?" "You had a brother, before ** and...*sobs*...he died in my belly of pneumonia. I'm so sorry" What are you apologizing for? You are the one who lost your kid. Am I the last one to know about this? If it was before ** I wasn't even born yet when he died! Wtf mom and dad ;_; I ran to my room and started crying my heart out. I already had 3 brothers, but I've been wondering what his personality was gonna be like. So I created him in a notebook. He was very tall, nice, and handsome,and loved the water.

*dissecting starfish* "Guys I wanna bring the starfish and honor somebody." "DUDE WTF??? Do you know how much that will affect our grade? It's going to be way harder! Hell no!
*still cuts with bottom and goes on with dissecting* "Whoops Josh, we accidentally cut of one of the rays. It doesn't really matter anyways. Ok, idc anymore. *ragequits and puts on sad face*

*while going to next period with meh new friend*
"Dude what's wrong?"

I wanted that honor my dead brother.
No homo, but I just feel so sorry for you.


I wanted to meet with my brother. Just a little reason I committed suicide...One reason was to meet with him and embrace with him and play with him like a real brother. All my brothers but Jerry are ruthless to me...I can't hold it in I try to keep a positive attitude from now on so it doesn't happen again...But when I went unconscious.... i think I a saw him...the brother I've been imagining and wanting held his hand out to me...I reached for it.......and woke up in the ER.

But I'm feeling a lot better now guys, I really appreciate all the help. And to the people I offended (Spyrobaro, CG, thumper)...You don't know how much guilt and regret I feel for saying that. I realized I lost all your trust, bit really, trust me or not, I just wanted you guys to know that I am sorry, so so sorry for what I did. I realize it was very rude and ruthless, so again sorry, I hope you guys will forgive me one day. But again....I am SO SO SORRY ;_; I feel so bad now, thinking what I did offended people...omg so sorry....:(

ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15923 Posted: 01:41:04 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
R.I.P. Unknown Brother~;_;

It was a happy July evening. My parents were out and about, and we did a little study together. All of the sudden, she starts sobbing in front of me "Mom, what the heck? What happened?" "You had a brother, before ** and...*sobs*...he died in my belly of pneumonia. I'm so sorry" What are you apologizing for? You are the one who lost your kid. Am I the last one to know about this? If it was before ** I wasn't even born yet when he died! Wtf mom and dad ;_; I ran to my room and started crying my heart out. I already had 3 brothers, but I've been wondering what his personality was gonna be like. So I created him in a notebook. He was very tall, nice, and handsome,and loved the water.

*dissecting starfish* "Guys I wanna bring the starfish and honor somebody." "DUDE WTF??? Do you know how much that will affect our grade? It's going to be way harder! Hell no!
*still cuts with bottom and goes on with dissecting* "Whoops Josh, we accidentally cut of one of the rays. It doesn't really matter anyways. Ok, idc anymore. *ragequits and puts on sad face*

*while going to next period with meh new friend*
"Dude what's wrong?"

I wanted that honor my dead brother.
No homo, but I just feel so sorry for you.


I wanted to meet with my brother. Just a little reason I committed suicide...One reason was to meet with him and embrace with him and play with him like a real brother. All my brothers but Jerry are ruthless to me...I can't hold it in I try to keep a positive attitude from now on so it doesn't happen again...But when I went unconscious.... i think I a saw him...the brother I've been imagining and wanting held his hand out to me...I reached for it.......and woke up in the ER.

But I'm feeling a lot better now guys, I really appreciate all the help. And to the people I offended (Spyrobaro, CG, thumper)...You don't know how much guilt and regret I feel for saying that. I realized I lost all your trust, bit really, trust me or not, I just wanted you guys to know that I am sorry, so so sorry for what I did. I realize it was very rude and ruthless, so again sorry, I hope you guys will forgive me one day. But again....I am SO SO SORRY ;_; I feel so bad now, thinking what I did offended people...omg so sorry....:(


You CANNOT get pneumonia before you are born.
self professed austGAYlian
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#15924 Posted: 01:45:40 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
R.I.P. Unknown Brother~smilie

It was a happy July evening. My parents were out and about, and we did a little study together. All of the sudden, she starts sobbing in front of me "Mom, what the heck? What happened?" "You had a brother, before ** and...*sobs*...he died in my belly of pneumonia. I'm so sorry" What are you apologizing for? You are the one who lost your kid. Am I the last one to know about this? If it was before ** I wasn't even born yet when he died! Wtf mom and dad smilie I ran to my room and started crying my heart out. I already had 3 brothers, but I've been wondering what his personality was gonna be like. So I created him in a notebook. He was very tall, nice, and handsome,and loved the water.

*dissecting starfish* "Guys I wanna bring the starfish and honor somebody." "DUDE WTF??? Do you know how much that will affect our grade? It's going to be way harder! Hell no!
*still cuts with bottom and goes on with dissecting* "Whoops Josh, we accidentally cut of one of the rays. It doesn't really matter anyways. Ok, idc anymore. *ragequits and puts on sad face*

*while going to next period with meh new friend*
"Dude what's wrong?"

I wanted that honor my dead brother.
No homo, but I just feel so sorry for you.


I wanted to meet with my brother. Just a little reason I committed suicide...One reason was to meet with him and embrace with him and play with him like a real brother. All my brothers but Jerry are ruthless to me...I can't hold it in I try to keep a positive attitude from now on so it doesn't happen again...But when I went unconscious.... i think I a saw him...the brother I've been imagining and wanting held his hand out to me...I reached for it.......and woke up in the ER.

But I'm feeling a lot better now guys, I really appreciate all the help. And to the people I offended (Spyrobaro, CG, thumper)...You don't know how much guilt and regret I feel for saying that. I realized I lost all your trust, bit really, trust me or not, I just wanted you guys to know that I am sorry, so so sorry for what I did. I realize it was very rude and ruthless, so again sorry, I hope you guys will forgive me one day. But again....I am SO SO SORRY smilie I feel so bad now, thinking what I did offended people...omg so sorry....smilie

Can this go on in the darkSpyro quotes collection?
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15925 Posted: 01:51:33 08/02/2014
bull**** please stop
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#15926 Posted: 01:55:08 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz

You know your stories would be a lot more believable if you didn't write them in the style of a bad fan fiction. You don't have to tell your whole life story like it's a novel to tell us your brother is dead. No one ever starts off a confession with "It was a happy July evening..." They generally just straight up say "yeah I had a brother who died before I was born".
"Was it a hot ghost?"
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15927 Posted: 01:59:10 08/02/2014
I promise it is brother caught pneumonia...u know wut it was a bad idea to post this
My life is complete.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#15928 Posted: 02:00:30 08/02/2014
i cant even
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#15929 Posted: 02:00:51 08/02/2014
Quote: Dragons-go-hrr
Quote: MagicFizz

You know your stories would be a lot more believable if you didn't write them in the style of a bad fan fiction. You don't have to tell your whole life story like it's a novel to tell us your brother is dead. No one ever starts off a confession with "It was a happy July evening..." They generally just straight up say "yeah I had a brother who died before I was born".

^That too much.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#15930 Posted: 02:06:29 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
I promise it is brother caught pneumonia...u know wut it was a bad idea to post this

One problem: pneumonia is an infection of the lungs as a result of breathing in pathogens in the air around you. A fetus's lungs are collapsed because it's in a fluid-filled sac. So how could the lungs get infected if they're not actually working yet? <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15931 Posted: 02:06:35 08/02/2014
Just Stop just STOP

AGH I CAN't EVEN. AGH. I FEEL LIGHTHEADED....OMG NO....I keep hearing his voice...

*curls up into ball*

Wth is wrong with me...I can't deal with life smilie

I shoukd just end it again. I just can't anymore
My life is complete.
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8700
#15932 Posted: 02:08:24 08/02/2014
[User Posted Image]

You gotta believe! Heh heh.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15933 Posted: 02:09:27 08/02/2014
this isnt even funny anymore its just

self professed austGAYlian
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#15934 Posted: 02:09:35 08/02/2014
You got some serious attention whoring problems, I believe.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15935 Posted: 02:10:21 08/02/2014
Quote: HIR
Quote: MagicFizz
I promise it is brother caught pneumonia...u know wut it was a bad idea to post this

One problem: pneumonia is an infection of the lungs as a result of breathing in pathogens in the air around you. A fetus's lungs are collapsed because it's in a fluid-filled sac. So how could the lungs get infected if they're not actually working yet? <.<

Now that I think about it...I think he died of something else.m-~-

But seriously, my brother died...I cried and think about him everyday....thinking how good of a brother he would be to me...if you guys don't believe me fine...but I will always have him in my heart forever...R.I.P.
My life is complete.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15936 Posted: 02:11:32 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
Now that I think about it...I think he died of something else.m-~-

hate to be a ***** but that is the laziest way to cover up a flaw
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15937 Posted: 02:11:51 08/02/2014

you said he wasn't even born how could you miss someone who never was
self professed austGAYlian
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15938 Posted: 02:18:05 08/02/2014
Quote: Cynderfan507
Quote: ReshiramForever

you said he wasn't even born how could you miss someone who never was

Sympathy, perhaps? It's possible.

sure, maybe, but to feel so strongly and depress about them?
self professed austGAYlian
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15939 Posted: 02:18:10 08/02/2014
I feel bad for my mom...I can't believe she has to go through this. Her pain in losing a child...who wasn't even born



Can we please all forget this and go on with life...every post the follows mine breaks my heart more and more...
My life is complete.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15940 Posted: 02:19:23 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
I feel bad for my mom...I can't believe she has to go through this. Her pain in losing a child...who wasn't even born



Can we please all forget this and go on with life...every post the follows mine breaks my heart more and more...

hey now im gonna sound like a 2nd grader but

you started it
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15941 Posted: 02:20:34 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz

ye pretty much
self professed austGAYlian
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#15942 Posted: 02:20:49 08/02/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
I feel bad for my mom...I can't believe she has to go through this. Her pain in losing a child...who wasn't even born



Can we please all forget this and go on with life...every post the follows mine breaks my heart more and more...

some people should not be allowed on the internet
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15943 Posted: 02:21:37 08/02/2014
Thats why I deleted it smilie To get this over with, why are you guys treating this like I said something offended TOWARDS YOU? It'd called PERSONAL THOUGHTS GAIS...LIKE...*facedesk*
My life is complete.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#15944 Posted: 02:30:26 08/02/2014
we went from MF discriminating gays to talking about his dead brother who died of pneumonia wtf
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8767
#15945 Posted: 02:45:22 08/02/2014
If your story about your other brother is true and this event happened then your parents are bad.
AvatariDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 6097
#15946 Posted: 03:16:52 08/02/2014
It kills me how you got a damn soccer scholarship and I probably won't be able to even play the sport ever again... -___-
♥ May 23, 2011 ♥
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15947 Posted: 03:24:36 08/02/2014
This happened on the bus today. Faith in humanity restored.

"Guys, leave him alone."
"Haha, it's none of your business."
"Why are you harassing him, anyways? I'm pretty sure you don't know each other."
"Word around school is that he's gay."
"Dude, he's gay."
"You shouldn't harass someone for their sexual orientation, and it's none of your business in the first place. Homosexuals have just as many rights as we do, and it's pretty low for you to bully someone just because they aren't like you. Lay the **** off before I get the bus driver."
*dude shifts uncomfortably* "You're bluffing."
"Try me."

The bully stopped, and moved to another seat on the bus. The boy who was bullied thanked the dude that stood up for him, and they spent the rest of the bus ride talking and laughing.

Faith in humanity restored, it's good to know there are people like this out there still.
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