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Personal Thoughts [STICKY]
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15601 Posted: 14:51:56 29/01/2014
Quote: HIR
Quote: MoonHorizons
I need serious help with this guys.

On my new PC, my mouse gets jacked up after a certain amount of time. Whenever I try to open Windows, it just says "Do you want to modify this" or something like that when all I'm doing is just trying to open a browser. And whenever I left click, it acts like I clicked on the icons on the desktop screen. I moved the wheel and the icons started changing sizes. Is this some kind of feature or something? If so, how do I get out of it?

Oh yeah, by the way, I'm using Windows 8.1. The computer and the screen that I got later are entirely new and haven't been tampered with.

And I'd like it if you didn't respond with "lollollollol, windows 8 sucks, downgrade."

Does Windows still have a Control Panel? There should be a section in there where you can configure the setup of your mouse. It might have something to do with that. You could try changing around some of your mouse's settings.

ye add/remove new hardware
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15602 Posted: 14:56:48 29/01/2014
Quote: DragonCamo
Dear Dan,
I love you. I know love is a pretty strong word, but it's the right word for me to use. I've loved you since 6th grade. You were special to me then, one of the first people to be nice to me. For some reason you always like to make me uncomfertable during that small period after lunch when we didn't have gym. I'm not complaining or anything though. In 7th grade, you invited me to your house, which I didn't want to accept (when really i did) but you pushed me to and I couldn't have been happier. It was pretty fun actually. The real thing that made me over joyed was when I told you I was gay. Well, actually you threatened me with a corn husker if I didn't tell you my secret I was talking about, but whatever. You accepted it, and it felt like to world was lifted off my shoulders. I obviously can't type every wonderul moment I've had with you, but I can sum it all up as magical and messed up. Your hilarious and sweet and a fun loving guy. You seem to always bring me out of my comferte zone, though sometimes it's a little weird like that time in math you scrubbed against my arm and purred. I'm not a social person, i never have been. I would rather be on the internet on youtube or darkspyro than do anything real. That time at the AD free party, you got me to at least sit with you guys in the sanctuary. I guess it was fun, it was pretty funny seeing that girl hit Todd in the nuts. You assured me that you would never tell anyone that I was gay, and I trusted you. You never really brought it up, which in hindsight is a good thing. At church, whenever we were talking about homosexuals you would defend them, and i would feel a million times better.You always made me feel better, or at others really bad because my jealousy sucks terribly. I know you can't return the feelings, but I just needed to tell you this before you left...If you don't, i still want to be friends...if that's all right. It's just, i get butterflies whenever im around you, i lose my breathe whenever I see you, my brain goes numb and I go into auto piolet. I always want to make you laugh or smile. It makes me feel overjoyed. Of course, i'm terrified to talk to you at all, I can't even start a conversation with you because my brain goes caput. Everyone says to me how they don't like you or someother stupid things, but i ignore them because I see past them. I've liked you for 4 years. It takes 4 years to even say this...heh. But....I understand if you don't feel the same way. Just know I am grateful that you never told anyone unlike Todd and that you made my life at Cassadaga Valley amazing and wonderful.

I don't know If I should message this to'd be to risky....but...because of this damned THIRD ****ING SNOW DAY IN A ROW, I won't be able to see would have been his last day...

Whatever you decide to do, good luck man. You deserve him smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#15603 Posted: 17:52:01 29/01/2014
Quote: MagicFizz
I woke up in the middle of the night. I got the big cutting knife from the drawer. I was about to stab my heart. But I heard a giant creak in the hallway and flinched. The knife put a big cut on my eye and mouth, and it fell and stabbed my foot. I got escorted to the hospital immediately. My eye was implanted, and I am now not able to talk or walk normal in my life ever again. This is not even me writing. This is Josh's big brother. He told me to post this here for some reason, but idk fine. I think it was to "let his friends know?" Idk, but Josh is in very bad condition. He is really depressed for some reason too. He can still talk, but it hurts when he does. He told me all of this, and that's what I did. He almost committed suicide too. He says it was this website, but, that is not any of my business so, idk. He says he will try to come back one day, as soon as he is released from the hospital. Just to let you know. ~Jerry

P.S. Might consider making an account of myself on here smilie Don't tell. Hope he feels better tho. smilie Bye guys

Sorry but this really reeks like lies.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15604 Posted: 18:50:30 29/01/2014
Shut the heck up! Where's your OFF button!?
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5183
#15605 Posted: 20:12:19 29/01/2014
i want to ****ing rip you in half
self professed austGAYlian
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15606 Posted: 20:20:17 29/01/2014
Ugh, another nightmare of again the same person... my math teacher has cursed me. I want to yell in her face I hate her, I have too many tears bawled and cryed and she all was the reason. Now that I go back to achool I got lessons of her. Just horrible. I want to do terruble things to her,and all of them will hurt, terribly hurt...she damaged my soul and confidense and farhe in humans...she'll pay ......soon...
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#15607 Posted: 22:05:27 29/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
Ugh, another nightmare of again the same person... my math teacher has cursed me. I want to yell in her face I hate her, I have too many tears bawled and cryed and she all was the reason. Now that I go back to achool I got lessons of her. Just horrible. I want to do terruble things to her,and all of them will hurt, terribly hurt...she damaged my soul and confidense and farhe in humans...she'll pay ......soon...

I thought you were homeschooled?
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15608 Posted: 22:39:12 29/01/2014
Today at school was weird...

Someone made a tape person on the wall and wrote in all capital letters "HELP" in tape inside the middle of the person. The tape person looked a lot like the borders of tape police officers put around corpses. smilie

It was disturbing.
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#15609 Posted: 23:16:01 29/01/2014
Now you want to talk to me? After how many months? I'm confused.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15610 Posted: 23:17:16 29/01/2014
I'm beginning to think that bronchitis is returning. Not really a stranger to me. More like residential visitor that comes around certain times of the year.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#15611 Posted: 00:33:45 30/01/2014

I'm beginning to see who the people in my class are who I have a real disliking for.
And the people I do like are coming, reaching out to me... Which is nice.

I hate that you talk down on me, act like you are always nice, but I see you laughing, joking at me. You cover it up badly, but I'd guess that's the point. I cannot stand people like you. Also, I've seen the way you always gossip about people the minute they leave the room. If you talk down on my friends again tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell you off a little. I don't care if you can't even take me seriously with my "accent," which isn't even that bad at all. I don't want a fight. But I want you to know that kind of stuff is not okay in any way.

And as for the people who do like me... Haha, you guys crack me up. You've all got such colorful personalities, and are so different. But you think, in some way, like me. That's why we're friends, I'd think. And the compliments I get from some of you... XD

To quote a friend, "You know why I like you? It's because you're the only girl in this class who isn't a [b-word here]."

Just... Lol. Thanks you guys.
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#15612 Posted: 00:36:07 30/01/2014
Quote: Sky Airglow

I'm beginning to see who the people in my class are who I have a real disliking for.
And the people I do like are coming, reaching out to me... Which is nice.

I hate that you talk down on me, act like you are always nice, but I see you laughing, joking at me. You cover it up badly, but I'd guess that's the point. I cannot stand people like you. Also, I've seen the way you always gossip about people the minute they leave the room. If you talk down on my friends again tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell you off a little. I don't care if you can't even take me seriously with my "accent," which isn't even that bad at all. I don't want a fight. But I want you to know that kind of stuff is not okay in any way.

And as for the people who do like me... Haha, you guys crack me up. You've all got such colorful personalities, and are so different. But you think, in some way, like me. That's why we're friends, I'd think. And the compliments I get from some of you... smilie

To quote a friend, "You know why I like you? It's because you're the only girl in this class who isn't a [b-word here]."

Just... Lol. Thanks you guys.

Are you the female me? Those are near exactly the same things that happen in my life. O.o
you never saw me
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15613 Posted: 00:38:05 30/01/2014
Quote: I-Brawler
Quote: Sky Airglow

I'm beginning to see who the people in my class are who I have a real disliking for.
And the people I do like are coming, reaching out to me... Which is nice.

I hate that you talk down on me, act like you are always nice, but I see you laughing, joking at me. You cover it up badly, but I'd guess that's the point. I cannot stand people like you. Also, I've seen the way you always gossip about people the minute they leave the room. If you talk down on my friends again tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell you off a little. I don't care if you can't even take me seriously with my "accent," which isn't even that bad at all. I don't want a fight. But I want you to know that kind of stuff is not okay in any way.

And as for the people who do like me... Haha, you guys crack me up. You've all got such colorful personalities, and are so different. But you think, in some way, like me. That's why we're friends, I'd think. And the compliments I get from some of you... smilie

To quote a friend, "You know why I like you? It's because you're the only girl in this class who isn't a [b-word here]."

Just... Lol. Thanks you guys.

Are you the female me? Those are near exactly the same things that happen in my life. O.o

So does that mean I-Airglow would be in-cest????

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#15614 Posted: 00:40:07 30/01/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: I-Brawler
Quote: Sky Airglow

I'm beginning to see who the people in my class are who I have a real disliking for.
And the people I do like are coming, reaching out to me... Which is nice.

I hate that you talk down on me, act like you are always nice, but I see you laughing, joking at me. You cover it up badly, but I'd guess that's the point. I cannot stand people like you. Also, I've seen the way you always gossip about people the minute they leave the room. If you talk down on my friends again tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell you off a little. I don't care if you can't even take me seriously with my "accent," which isn't even that bad at all. I don't want a fight. But I want you to know that kind of stuff is not okay in any way.

And as for the people who do like me... Haha, you guys crack me up. You've all got such colorful personalities, and are so different. But you think, in some way, like me. That's why we're friends, I'd think. And the compliments I get from some of you... smilie

To quote a friend, "You know why I like you? It's because you're the only girl in this class who isn't a [b-word here]."

Just... Lol. Thanks you guys.

Are you the female me? Those are near exactly the same things that happen in my life. O.o

So does that mean I-Airglow would be in-cest????

Why HCI you....
you never saw me
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15615 Posted: 00:46:47 30/01/2014
Oh that dastardly HCI!

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#15616 Posted: 00:58:06 30/01/2014
Quote: I-Brawler
Quote: Sky Airglow

I'm beginning to see who the people in my class are who I have a real disliking for.
And the people I do like are coming, reaching out to me... Which is nice.

I hate that you talk down on me, act like you are always nice, but I see you laughing, joking at me. You cover it up badly, but I'd guess that's the point. I cannot stand people like you. Also, I've seen the way you always gossip about people the minute they leave the room. If you talk down on my friends again tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell you off a little. I don't care if you can't even take me seriously with my "accent," which isn't even that bad at all. I don't want a fight. But I want you to know that kind of stuff is not okay in any way.

And as for the people who do like me... Haha, you guys crack me up. You've all got such colorful personalities, and are so different. But you think, in some way, like me. That's why we're friends, I'd think. And the compliments I get from some of you... smilie

To quote a friend, "You know why I like you? It's because you're the only girl in this class who isn't a [b-word here]."

Just... Lol. Thanks you guys.

Are you the female me? Those are near exactly the same things that happen in my life. O.o

Haha! I'm happy someone understands what I'm talking about here. X3
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#15617 Posted: 00:58:35 30/01/2014
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15618 Posted: 02:22:14 30/01/2014
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#15619 Posted: 02:24:32 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

I feel sorry for you, if I were there, I'd beat the **** out of them.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15620 Posted: 02:31:35 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.


I mean, like, I make dirty jokes, but that is just...super-wrong. I'm with Rickorio on the whole beat me up think, though I would kick'em in the testes seven ways to Sunday. Report them for sexual harrassment, for the good of this planet.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#15621 Posted: 02:34:19 30/01/2014
Well. Life's just fantastic T_T

My mother now has to get surgery in about a week or so, and I'm praying for a miracle. Her glaucoma got worse, and nothing is working. This is their last resort, and I am hoping it works.
My dog isn't doing well either. She couldn't even walk.
Must everything go wrong today? *sigh*
~ Nami One-Trick ~
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15622 Posted: 02:36:03 30/01/2014
Quote: Cynderluv8801
Well. Life's just fantastic T_T

My mother now has to get surgery in about a week or so, and I'm praying for a miracle. Her glaucoma got worse, and nothing is working. This is their last resort, and I am hoping it works.
My dog isn't doing well either. She couldn't even walk.
Must everything go wrong today? *sigh*

Your mother and dog will be in my prayers.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#15623 Posted: 02:39:34 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

You should report him for sexual harassment. Those things are horrid. You have my sympathy. Boys at my school make several sex jokes, but none are that bad. ;~;
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#15624 Posted: 02:54:56 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

kick them in the balls, HARD.
Then kiss a girl.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15625 Posted: 02:56:54 30/01/2014
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

kick them in the balls, HARD.
Then kiss a girl.

100% HCI Aproved

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#15626 Posted: 02:57:50 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

You really need to report this. This IS sexual harassment. Tell the teacher, the principal, your guidance counselor, or someone that will listen. The fact he was making rape jokes, it could get worse. Kick that bastard in *special* place, I bet he'll stop with the rape jokes. Don't take this crap anymore, report it now.
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15627 Posted: 03:14:40 30/01/2014
Jaggedstar, I'm sorry you had to go through that...
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15628 Posted: 03:16:16 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

You should report them and tell your parents about it.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#15629 Posted: 03:24:41 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

Oh my goodness, that's awful. Tell on them, definitely. Tell your parents, your teacher (it seems like the project was for a certain class?), whoever should know about this. That is absolutely unacceptable, rude, and offensive. Stand up for yourself. I'm sorry you had to go through that, that sounds just... Terrible. D:

Quote: Cynderluv8801
Well. Life's just fantastic T_T

My mother now has to get surgery in about a week or so, and I'm praying for a miracle. Her glaucoma got worse, and nothing is working. This is their last resort, and I am hoping it works.
My dog isn't doing well either. She couldn't even walk.
Must everything go wrong today? *sigh*

Prayers for your mother and dog. I hope you're okay, and I'm sorry today was one of those days. ;~;

If anyone wants someone to talk to, even just to listen to you, I'm here.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:25:06 30/01/2014 by Sky Airglow
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#15630 Posted: 03:31:13 30/01/2014
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
Jaggedstar, I'm sorry you had to go through that...

Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#15631 Posted: 03:37:05 30/01/2014
Quote: Cynderluv8801
Well. Life's just fantastic T_T

My mother now has to get surgery in about a week or so, and I'm praying for a miracle. Her glaucoma got worse, and nothing is working. This is their last resort, and I am hoping it works.
My dog isn't doing well either. She couldn't even walk.
Must everything go wrong today? *sigh*

Aw *hugs* Don't worry, eventually, everything will be okay.

Also, they're going to be in my prayers.

Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

kick them in the balls, HARD.
Then kiss a girl.

1000000 Rickorio points

Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Jaggedstar
That was one disturbing hour. Shut in a small room with two boys making sex jokes and saying stuff like "You're a whore!" "You like ****ing (insert guy's name)!" "Ooh, is that white stuff around your mouth what I think it is?" "I wanna squeeze your boobs!" has traumatised me. I can't leave that group because our project is due in 2 weeks and everyone else is already far ahead. I told them to shut the **** up, I told them that I wasn't comfortable with it, but they kept on and on and then he touched me there with the drumstick and I flipped out and punched him. He's not telling on me, but I'm not sure wether to report him for sexual harassment or not. He also kept making rape jokes which I told him were NOT funny at all, and were downright out of order. He keeps aiming the camera at either my chest or down below, and I WILL break his ****ing laptop if he does it again. I don't know what to do.

kick them in the balls, HARD.
Then kiss a girl.

100% HCI Aproved

*sees this post*
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15632 Posted: 05:03:08 30/01/2014
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#15633 Posted: 05:05:56 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

WHAT?! That's even worse!
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#15634 Posted: 05:54:16 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Are they serious? Do they think rape is a joke? It's not. Make sure they get expelled. Them bastards need a good ass whippin'.

Sometimes I wish I can hug you through this computer screen.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#15635 Posted: 06:37:51 30/01/2014
looks like ive got some things to do...
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#15636 Posted: 06:40:14 30/01/2014
How can I feel so free, yet at the same time a voice in the back of my mind tells me that my very existence was a mistake?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15637 Posted: 06:41:59 30/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: NINJAsk11
Ugh, another nightmare of again the same person... my math teacher has cursed me. I want to yell in her face I hate her, I have too many tears bawled and cryed and she all was the reason. Now that I go back to achool I got lessons of her. Just horrible. I want to do terruble things to her,and all of them will hurt, terribly hurt...she damaged my soul and confidense and farhe in humans...she'll pay ......soon...

I thought you were homeschooled?

"Was" Homeschooled. Thats over now smilie

@Jagged: WTF!? Rape jokes are you kidding me!? I bet they dont know how TERRIBLE that is!

They probs even dont know how ****ing **** that hurts!

Report them, kick them wherever you want or slam them with a club. I dont care what you do BUT GET REVANGE

*Awkwardly crawls back in shadows*
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:50:21 30/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15638 Posted: 09:02:01 30/01/2014
Quote: Rickorio
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

WHAT?! That's even worse!

Ik :/

Quote: Trix Master 100
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

Are they serious? Do they think rape is a joke? It's not. Make sure they get expelled. Them bastards need a good ass whippin'.

Sometimes I wish I can hug you through this computer screen.

They're the kind of kids who don't listen in lessons and think they can do anything because they have a dick.
Screw the computer screen smilie *hugs anyway* thank you smilie

Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: NINJAsk11
Ugh, another nightmare of again the same person... my math teacher has cursed me. I want to yell in her face I hate her, I have too many tears bawled and cryed and she all was the reason. Now that I go back to achool I got lessons of her. Just horrible. I want to do terruble things to her,and all of them will hurt, terribly hurt...she damaged my soul and confidense and farhe in humans...she'll pay ......soon...

I thought you were homeschooled?

"Was" Homeschooled. Thats over now smilie

@Jagged: WTF!? Rape jokes are you kidding me!? I bet they dont know how TERRIBLE that is!

They probs even dont know how ****ing **** that hurts!

Report them, kick them wherever you want or slam them with a club. I dont care what you do BUT GET REVANGE

*Awkwardly crawls back in shadows*

*cracks knuckles* I will.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#15639 Posted: 11:58:07 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

No problem. *hugs*
Let's hope that the boys get in big trouble.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15640 Posted: 12:00:08 30/01/2014
Quote: Ash Starkindle
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

No problem. *hugs*
Let's hope that the boys get in big trouble.


I so hope they do.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15641 Posted: 12:56:20 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

No problem! *hugs*

So they think they can do anything just because they have testes?
Then, kick them in the testes repeatedly, like CG said.
(Yell "FOR CANADAAAAA" while you Are kicking them. smilie

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7963
#15642 Posted: 13:53:33 30/01/2014
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

No problem! *hugs*

So they think they can do anything just because they have testes?
Then, kick them in the testes repeatedly, like CG said.
(Yell "FOR CANADAAAAA" while you Are kicking them. smilie

*hugs again*
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15643 Posted: 14:31:45 30/01/2014
Yeah jagged, just hit them there
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#15644 Posted: 18:13:11 30/01/2014
Threatening to cut their groin off will make them stop for sure.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#15645 Posted: 18:15:14 30/01/2014
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: Jaggedstar
Thank you HCI, Rickorio, TOM, Baro, thumper, Trix, CG, TSlug, Sky A, and Ash, for your support *hugs*. I will speak to my older cousin tonight and if they dare say anything else she'll be up the school-and o forgot to add that we were in a tiny music practise room and they locked the door and insisted the air con had to be off, and I panicked because I'm very claustrophobic. I hate making a big fuss over it on darkSpyro but since I haven't got any friends close enough to me in this school, there wasn't anyone I could go to right then.

No problem! *hugs*

So they think they can do anything just because they have testes?
Then, kick them in the testes repeatedly, like CG said.
(Yell "FOR CANADAAAAA" while you Are kicking them. smilie

*hugs again*

Close enough.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#15646 Posted: 19:16:51 30/01/2014
jaggedstar our nuts really are the weak point, a good whack leaves us on the floor crying for mum
i would know because i hit mine with my guitar
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#15647 Posted: 21:52:27 30/01/2014

can you not? how about can YOU ****ing kill yourself?
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#15648 Posted: 22:13:03 30/01/2014
It's beautiful outside.
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