Quote: somePersonQuote: HotDogAndZapOh no... No. This can't be happening. Not now.
My glasses are breaking. Like, really breaking. I'll have to get a replacement. I don't have the time! If they completely break before my new ones arrive, I'll be blind. I can't see ANYTHING without my glasses. At all. Nothing. How will I go to school? Heck, how will I get around the house? This is a huge problem... I need new lenses as well as a new frame. That could take from days to weeks to arrive! I don't want to be blind for a day, so I definitely don't want to wait a week. UGH.
Mixing brownies with my ice cream was the best decision I've made in my life
I refuse to put plastic in my eyes. Just... Ew. No. Never.
It's the same material as your lenses.