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somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9155
#401 Posted: 02:25:59 10/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: papa123

First I'll get the first Froakie to Greninja then I'll put it in the daycare with a Ditto. What moves to protean Greninjas know and what do they hold?

While Greninjas are usually special attackers, I believe an Adamant physical Greninja is actually best. It gets Shadow Sneak, priority, and when the user is obviosuly going for a Fighting type move, you can just use this and have inmunity.
It also get Power up Punch. The STAB compensation is fantastic along with the attack raise.
And last but not least, U-turn and Waterfall.

A life Orb or a Choice scarf are usually best option. They make sure he can hit hard or outspeed almost anything.

Waterfall is weaker than surf.....

Not if you're Amendment.
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#402 Posted: 02:37:02 10/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: papa123

First I'll get the first Froakie to Greninja then I'll put it in the daycare with a Ditto. What moves to protean Greninjas know and what do they hold?

While Greninjas are usually special attackers, I believe an Adamant physical Greninja is actually best. It gets Shadow Sneak, priority, and when the user is obviosuly going for a Fighting type move, you can just use this and have inmunity.
It also get Power up Punch. The STAB compensation is fantastic along with the attack raise.
And last but not least, U-turn and Waterfall.

A life Orb or a Choice scarf are usually best option. They make sure he can hit hard or outspeed almost anything.

Waterfall is weaker than surf.....

We're talking about a physical Greninja. Surf is not the right move.
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#403 Posted: 02:43:11 10/01/2014
Quote: Grimslinger91
I also have cyndaquils,tepigs and oshawotts and mudkips

I haven't found a tepig or an oshawott yet. They would be greatly appreciated as well. When they finally have Pokebank up and running, I have a Charizard with some decent egg moves I can offer. I'll have to find what game he's in currently and let you know what the move set is.

Edit: I believe I found him on Pokemon Black. It looks like his moves are Dragon Rush/Crunch/Flamethrower/Dig
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:48:19 10/01/2014 by Eggers
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#404 Posted: 02:57:58 10/01/2014
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: papa123
Quote: DummyZ

So you're not gonna breed for a 5IV Froakie? Yeah good luck.

First I'll get the first Froakie to Greninja then I'll put it in the daycare with a Ditto. What moves to protean Greninjas know and what do they hold?

While Greninjas are usually special attackers, I believe an Adamant physical Greninja is actually best. It gets Shadow Sneak, priority, and when the user is obviosuly going for a Fighting type move, you can just use this and have inmunity.
It also get Power up Punch. The STAB compensation is fantastic along with the attack raise.
And last but not least, U-turn and Waterfall.

A life Orb or a Choice scarf are usually best option. They make sure he can hit hard or outspeed almost anything.

This is a lie, Special Greninja is ten thousand times better, and Choice Scarf is a **** item for it, use Hydro Pump / U-Turn / Dark Pulse / Ice Beam with a Life Orb, Timid, 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack / 4 HP, Don't listen to DummyZ (sorry!)
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#405 Posted: 03:05:38 10/01/2014
Quote: joerox123
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: papa123

First I'll get the first Froakie to Greninja then I'll put it in the daycare with a Ditto. What moves to protean Greninjas know and what do they hold?

While Greninjas are usually special attackers, I believe an Adamant physical Greninja is actually best. It gets Shadow Sneak, priority, and when the user is obviosuly going for a Fighting type move, you can just use this and have inmunity.
It also get Power up Punch. The STAB compensation is fantastic along with the attack raise.
And last but not least, U-turn and Waterfall.

A life Orb or a Choice scarf are usually best option. They make sure he can hit hard or outspeed almost anything.

This is a lie, Special Greninja is ten thousand times better, and Choice Scarf is a **** item for it, use Hydro Pump / U-Turn / Dark Pulse / Ice Beam with a Life Orb, Timid, 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack / 4 HP, Don't listen to DummyZ (sorry!)

This could be probably true, mine is still an opinion. I have yet to try out physical Greninja. Though I still believe It'll be better than special smilie
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#406 Posted: 03:30:27 10/01/2014
Does anyone know how to evolve Sliggoo?
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#407 Posted: 03:33:21 10/01/2014
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Does anyone know how to evolve Sliggoo?

Level 50 in Rain.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#408 Posted: 03:41:20 10/01/2014
He's Lv. 66 so I just level him up in the rain right?
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#409 Posted: 03:46:46 10/01/2014
Quote: Spyroconvexity
He's Lv. 66 so I just level him up in the rain right?

Only natural rain, no Rain Dance, just go to a raining route and level it up.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#410 Posted: 03:56:02 10/01/2014
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: DummyZ

While Greninjas are usually special attackers, I believe an Adamant physical Greninja is actually best. It gets Shadow Sneak, priority, and when the user is obviosuly going for a Fighting type move, you can just use this and have inmunity.
It also get Power up Punch. The STAB compensation is fantastic along with the attack raise.
And last but not least, U-turn and Waterfall.

A life Orb or a Choice scarf are usually best option. They make sure he can hit hard or outspeed almost anything.

Waterfall is weaker than surf.....

We're talking about a physical Greninja. Surf is not the right move.

I know, but a special greninja would hit a lot harder than a physical one would. And it would be completely useless if it gets burnt. And priority moves aren't for dealing a lot of damage at one time. Unless you're a scizor, Breloom, or mamoswine against a garchomp
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#411 Posted: 04:21:13 10/01/2014
quick request, could someone borrow me one of the non-kalos legendaries? i just need one quick to clone and trade back so i can start accumulating legndaries <.<
Praise Helix!!!
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#412 Posted: 04:27:03 10/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyroconvexity
He's Lv. 66 so I just level him up in the rain right?

Just stand in the middle of a route/town while raining and use a Rare candy. It will evolve. smilie
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#413 Posted: 10:25:26 10/01/2014
so had a reshiram traded to me...but i cant trade it on the GTS. anyone know y?

Edit: found the problem. It has a premier ribbon on it. Fairly sure it is hacked though. 5ivs and the wrong pokeball for an event Reshiram.
Praise Helix!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:47:47 10/01/2014 by ace
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#414 Posted: 14:31:31 10/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: Ninpire

Waterfall is weaker than surf.....

We're talking about a physical Greninja. Surf is not the right move.

I know, but a special greninja would hit a lot harder than a physical one would. And it would be completely useless if it gets burnt. And priority moves aren't for dealing a lot of damage at one time. Unless you're a scizor, Breloom, or mamoswine against a garchomp

Think again, I didn't choose Power-up Punch for nothing. And the whole point of this is me debating how a physical Greninja is just as good.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#415 Posted: 19:48:29 10/01/2014
Quote: ace
quick request, could someone borrow me one of the non-kalos legendaries? i just need one quick to clone and trade back so i can start accumulating legndaries <.<

I have some non-kalos legendarys. But I want them back when you clone it.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#416 Posted: 20:28:09 10/01/2014
Pokebank smilie quit hogging me legends. (Fyi can someone aka Seiki help me transfer my level 5 Dialga to my pokemon black or white file?)
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#417 Posted: 20:34:36 10/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Windumup
Pokebank smilie quit hogging me legends. (Fyi can someone aka Seiki help me transfer my level 5 Dialga to my pokemon black or white file?)

How can I help you transfer to Black or White? And from what game?
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3334
#418 Posted: 20:36:19 10/01/2014
I need to know has anyone tried transferring a pokemon spawned in by action replay with pokebank and if they have could you tell me the result please.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#419 Posted: 23:56:16 10/01/2014
Quote: DummyZ
Quote: Ninpire
Quote: DummyZ

We're talking about a physical Greninja. Surf is not the right move.

I know, but a special greninja would hit a lot harder than a physical one would. And it would be completely useless if it gets burnt. And priority moves aren't for dealing a lot of damage at one time. Unless you're a scizor, Breloom, or mamoswine against a garchomp

Think again, I didn't choose Power-up Punch for nothing. And the whole point of this is me debating how a physical Greninja is just as good.

So you want to use power-up punch, which is weak, shadow sneak, which is weak, and the possibility of a rotom burning you? What was your fourth move?
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#420 Posted: 00:10:22 11/01/2014
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Quote: ace
quick request, could someone borrow me one of the non-kalos legendaries? i just need one quick to clone and trade back so i can start accumulating legndaries <.<

I have some non-kalos legendarys. But I want them back when you clone it.

Someone was kind enough to lend me an Arceus on facebook smilie thanks though. I will start taking requests once my pokedex is complete. So far i have gotten Mew, Entei, Lugia, Ho-oh, Latios, Arceus, Reshiram, and Genesect. I am trying to get all of the pokemon that arent allowed on the GTS first then work on bouncing around the ones that are allowed

And honestly i wouldnt have minded waiting for pokebank to just transfer over my legendaries but i think they have delayed it enough considering they should have just released it along side X and Y or even a few weeks later
Praise Helix!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:12:36 11/01/2014 by ace
papa123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1372
#421 Posted: 00:12:03 11/01/2014
How do you IV and EV train? I'm sorry I'm asking or sound like a noob. I've never IV or EV trained before.
"And now this world shall now Pain!"
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#422 Posted: 00:21:41 11/01/2014
Quote: papa123
How do you IV and EV train? I'm sorry I'm asking or sound like a noob. I've never IV or EV trained before.

Basically you find out what pokemon gives out how many EVs for what stat then for every one of those pokemon you battle you gain that many EVs 1-3 or so. For every 4 EVs in a stat, that base stat goes up by 1. For example Geodude gives out 1 deffense EV. SO beating 4 Geodude gives 4 defense EVs and thus 1 additional point to the defense base stat. Each pokemon can have a max of 510 EVs with a max of 255 in one stat. The best way is horde battling which gives you 5 EVs per battle. If the pokemon your EV training has pokerus or has had it then the EVs are doubled. So now its 10 EVs per battle. Again if that pokemon is holding the Macho Brace, then the EVs are doubled again so it gets 20 EVS per horde battle.You can max out a stat in 12 horde battles

Warning though, to make most use make sure the amount of EVs u put in a stat is divisible by 4. The game rounds down and there are no partial stat raises. So 255 in a stat means 3 go waisted. A lot of people put 4 in one stat then 252 in 2 other stats. Hope this helped

Edit: this works as well if you have EXP Share on (i can confirm) so i like to use Venusaur with Petal Blizzard to blast through hordes real fast
Praise Helix!!!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:25:38 11/01/2014 by ace
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#423 Posted: 00:30:23 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Quote: ace
quick request, could someone borrow me one of the non-kalos legendaries? i just need one quick to clone and trade back so i can start accumulating legndaries <.<

I have some non-kalos legendarys. But I want them back when you clone it.

Someone was kind enough to lend me an Arceus on facebook smilie thanks though. I will start taking requests once my pokedex is complete. So far i have gotten Mew, Entei, Lugia, Ho-oh, Latios, Arceus, Reshiram, and Genesect. I am trying to get all of the pokemon that arent allowed on the GTS first then work on bouncing around the ones that are allowed

And honestly i wouldnt have minded waiting for pokebank to just transfer over my legendaries but i think they have delayed it enough considering they should have just released it along side X and Y or even a few weeks later

Oh okay. No problem. smilie
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#424 Posted: 00:37:45 11/01/2014
Quote: papa123
How do you IV and EV train? I'm sorry I'm asking or sound like a noob. I've never IV or EV trained before.

IV Breeding
EV Training
I wrote it up too:
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#425 Posted: 00:53:32 11/01/2014
I need someone who can trade me something for my Haunter, then trade back, so I have Gengar AND trustworthy enough to NOT spoil my name on here, if they see it.
you never saw me
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#426 Posted: 01:08:31 11/01/2014
Quote: I-Brawler
I need someone who can trade me something for my Haunter, then trade back, so I have Gengar AND trustworthy enough to NOT spoil my name on here, if they see it.

I can smilie as it so happens i have a Haunter i need to evolve as well
friend code is 1289-8416-9774
Praise Helix!!!
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#427 Posted: 01:34:05 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Quote: Spyroconvexity
Quote: ace
quick request, could someone borrow me one of the non-kalos legendaries? i just need one quick to clone and trade back so i can start accumulating legndaries <.<

I have some non-kalos legendarys. But I want them back when you clone it.

Someone was kind enough to lend me an Arceus on facebook smilie thanks though. I will start taking requests once my pokedex is complete. So far i have gotten Mew, Entei, Lugia, Ho-oh, Latios, Arceus, Reshiram, and Genesect. I am trying to get all of the pokemon that arent allowed on the GTS first then work on bouncing around the ones that are allowed

And honestly i wouldnt have minded waiting for pokebank to just transfer over my legendaries but i think they have delayed it enough considering they should have just released it along side X and Y or even a few weeks later

I can lend you a shiny dialga that is legit
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#428 Posted: 02:16:03 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Quote: I-Brawler
I need someone who can trade me something for my Haunter, then trade back, so I have Gengar AND trustworthy enough to NOT spoil my name on here, if they see it.

I can smilie as it so happens i have a Haunter i need to evolve as well
friend code is 1289-8416-9774

Okay. smilie

We'll work it out tomorrow or Sunday.
you never saw me
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#429 Posted: 02:50:44 11/01/2014
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#430 Posted: 08:57:56 11/01/2014
Update on my pokebank legendary hunt. I now have Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Latios, Rayquaza (shiny), Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin (shiny), Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Melloetta, and Genesect (shiny) I will take clone requests once my pokedex is compleate and if i have time since i can only clone until monday then i have to return the extra DS i have. If i dont get a chance to fill requests i'm willing to borrow some out to b cloned around smilie
Praise Helix!!!
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#431 Posted: 12:27:09 11/01/2014
Could you clone me a Deoxys, a Genesect, an Arceus, and a Darlrai
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#432 Posted: 12:40:09 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Update on my pokebank legendary hunt. I now have Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Latios, Rayquaza (shiny), Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin (shiny), Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Melloetta, and Genesect (shiny) I will take clone requests once my pokedex is compleate and if i have time since i can only clone until monday then i have to return the extra DS i have. If i dont get a chance to fill requests i'm willing to borrow some out to b cloned around smilie

How many will you clone?
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3334
#433 Posted: 15:41:41 11/01/2014
Hi I am looking for someone to help me transfer 3 or 4 pokemon from my pokemon x to my pokemon y.If you want to help PM me.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#434 Posted: 16:35:03 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Update on my pokebank legendary hunt. I now have Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Latios, Rayquaza (shiny), Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin (shiny), Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Melloetta, and Genesect (shiny) I will take clone requests once my pokedex is compleate and if i have time since i can only clone until monday then i have to return the extra DS i have. If i dont get a chance to fill requests i'm willing to borrow some out to b cloned around smilie

could you clone me shaymin, victini, keldeo, meloetta and genesect? :3

I just got shiny druddigon! smilie
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#435 Posted: 18:53:06 11/01/2014
once i complete my pokedex i can start filling requests <.< but since i can only clone today and tomorrow i need the cloning for myself done 1st. I'll try to go fast but it takes a while
Praise Helix!!!
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#436 Posted: 19:01:06 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
once i complete my pokedex i can start filling requests <.< but since i can only clone today and tomorrow i need the cloning for myself done 1st. I'll try to go fast but it takes a while

I can wait :3
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#437 Posted: 19:53:24 11/01/2014
Quote: ace
Update on my pokebank legendary hunt. I now have Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Latios, Rayquaza (shiny), Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin (shiny), Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Melloetta, and Genesect (shiny) I will take clone requests once my pokedex is compleate and if i have time since i can only clone until monday then i have to return the extra DS i have. If i dont get a chance to fill requests i'm willing to borrow some out to b cloned around smilie

Can I get a clone of Mew, Shaymin, Victini, and Keldeo?
words. letters. filler.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#438 Posted: 22:55:11 11/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: ace
Update on my pokebank legendary hunt. I now have Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Regirock, Latios, Rayquaza (shiny), Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin (shiny), Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, Melloetta, and Genesect (shiny) I will take clone requests once my pokedex is compleate and if i have time since i can only clone until monday then i have to return the extra DS i have. If i dont get a chance to fill requests i'm willing to borrow some out to b cloned around smilie

If you have a chance, would you mind cloning a Mew, Dexoys, and an Arceus for me if you could?
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#439 Posted: 23:45:55 11/01/2014
Wait, is bank out yet?

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:46:36 11/01/2014 by Ninpire
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#440 Posted: 01:34:00 12/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Wait, is bank out yet?


No not yet.
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#441 Posted: 01:59:01 12/01/2014
Anybody want to battle Doubles on Showdown?
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#442 Posted: 02:56:30 12/01/2014
I am almost to the daycare (as soon as I get Snorlax out of the way). I have a Chikorita that I can make eggs of if anyone needs him. I also got a Darumaka from wonder trade, but not a Zen one. If anyone needs this Pokemon as well, I'm close to being able to make eggs. I'm still looking for some male starters (so I can pass along moves to future eggs): totodile, treecko, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Tepig, Snivy and Oshawatt.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#443 Posted: 04:44:02 12/01/2014
Can't wait for Operation Goomy. *dodges brick*
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#444 Posted: 04:47:51 12/01/2014
Quote: Ninpire
Wait, is bank out yet?


shortly it was in japan (whoever downloaded it has access still but cant be downloaded anymore because the Japanese eshop took it down )
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#445 Posted: 05:42:43 12/01/2014
Quote: Windumup
Quote: Ninpire
Wait, is bank out yet?


shortly it was in japan (whoever downloaded it has access still but cant be downloaded anymore because the Japanese eshop took it down )

Bank came back up but Transporter is still down.
words. letters. filler.
Thepokeman Blue Sparx Gems: 590
#446 Posted: 09:59:40 12/01/2014
[User Posted Image]

So I went to get a pikachu plushie and...
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#447 Posted: 10:31:52 12/01/2014
guys...i did it....I completed my national pokedex smilie and got my shiny charm....but it specifically says it raises the chances of WILD pokemon being shiny -.-
Praise Helix!!!
I-Brawler Emerald Sparx Gems: 3565
#448 Posted: 12:00:15 12/01/2014
Quote: ace
guys...i did it....I completed my national pokedex smilie and got my shiny charm....but it specifically says it raises the chances of WILD pokemon being shiny -.-

What other pokemon would you want to be shiny?
you never saw me
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#449 Posted: 12:09:25 12/01/2014
I'm guessing egg pokemon probably. That way it's a shiny with whatever egg moves they want.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#450 Posted: 12:12:43 12/01/2014
Quote: I-Brawler
Quote: ace
guys...i did it....I completed my national pokedex smilie and got my shiny charm....but it specifically says it raises the chances of WILD pokemon being shiny -.-

What other pokemon would you want to be shiny?

Competitive ones <.< ones through breeding. Yeah wild shinies r cool but u have no control over them. The charm lowers the odds to like 1 in 1,300. If i have to have that many encounters and have that shiny b the wrong pokemon its kind of a let down. I'd rather hatch that many eggs knowing that when that shiny comes, its the one i want. Plus u cant control it's IVs if its a wild pokemon.
Praise Helix!!!
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