Now with that in mind I found out by complete accident (I'm sure most of you already know) if you time travel you can see a week ahead normally. Well it seems with the holidays they have disabled (or enabled) a trigger that activates all the content for 2-3 weeks. So if you TT in the future you would see all the content. What some of you might not know is whatever trigger they are using to allow this to happen is has had an effect on all previous timed quests (from the inception of the game). It seems all the timed quests that have happened in the past year can be activated if you time travel to the exact time they were released. If you already got a quest and finished it, it won't reappear from what I can tell. But all the quests that were in the game before I started to play started up. Which was sweet because I had all the companions and skylanders now to complete them (however the rewards really don't help me anymore although getting 7 shrines of a couple elements is way cool to look at). This glitch is actually fun to play around with since it kind of gives you a history of the game lol. Heck in May there was obviously some kind of event because it just gave me 200 gems just for traveling to the month
Anyways, use this at your own risk. I've already seen the consequences of TT where my well seems to be perma broken and the element of the day is so borked it's not funny. I waited until the end of the week to post this so the devs can go fix it but I have to admit this was the most fun.