
Skylanders: Lost Islands


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To glitch or not.......... [CLOSED]
Mariojedi Green Sparx Gems: 471
#1 Posted: 23:22:30 02/01/2014 | Topic Creator
I know a lot has been discussed with time traveling being much more prevalent lately. My two cents, I've paid over $10 already in gems (more $ than ANY app I've every purchased), purchased Battlegrounds after learning about it from this game (another $15 due the portal being included), and as I mentioned before over 60 skylanders that have a value over $600. So if you are going to sit there and tell me I've somehow cheated the developers.......that sound you hear is me playing the worlds smallest violin.

Now with that in mind I found out by complete accident (I'm sure most of you already know) if you time travel you can see a week ahead normally. Well it seems with the holidays they have disabled (or enabled) a trigger that activates all the content for 2-3 weeks. So if you TT in the future you would see all the content. What some of you might not know is whatever trigger they are using to allow this to happen is has had an effect on all previous timed quests (from the inception of the game). It seems all the timed quests that have happened in the past year can be activated if you time travel to the exact time they were released. If you already got a quest and finished it, it won't reappear from what I can tell. But all the quests that were in the game before I started to play started up. Which was sweet because I had all the companions and skylanders now to complete them (however the rewards really don't help me anymore although getting 7 shrines of a couple elements is way cool to look at). This glitch is actually fun to play around with since it kind of gives you a history of the game lol. Heck in May there was obviously some kind of event because it just gave me 200 gems just for traveling to the month smilie

Anyways, use this at your own risk. I've already seen the consequences of TT where my well seems to be perma broken and the element of the day is so borked it's not funny. I waited until the end of the week to post this so the devs can go fix it but I have to admit this was the most fun.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:24:23 02/01/2014 by Mariojedi
rb6freak Green Sparx Gems: 224
#2 Posted: 04:38:11 03/01/2014
Glad you had fun and got some good out of it. The 200 gems was for doubling the amount of Lost Island players in a months period. It was a reward for sharing the game with others.

I personally have not time traveled (other than flying from east to west coast) so I can't say that I've benefited from glitching. I won't though, I guess because I have actually spent over a year playing and actually dropping big $ into gems / Skylanders to get where I am at today.
MormonDude Green Sparx Gems: 297
#3 Posted: 05:19:32 03/01/2014
Thanks for the heads up! I snagged a tech shrine, radiant field and blossom tree. Never thought about going backwards...had popped a hidden offer right before I read your post and forgot to go ahead an hour to run it out so the whole time I had a special offer with hundreds of days on it.

In long, for me it is "to glitch", though us tts do need to remember to throw some ducks at Activision from time to time. I ain't anywhere near the 600 dollar mark, but I do pop some hidden offers when they're a dollar. I don't need to, but they will stop making the game if they don't get descent returns.
GamerID: MormonDude
no friend slots available
DPShiro Blue Sparx Gems: 928
#4 Posted: 11:38:36 03/01/2014
Do you happen to remember any dates for old quests?
Would really like to have some more shrines (although now useless)
Charred Blue Sparx Gems: 536
#5 Posted: 13:22:49 03/01/2014
This one reportedly has been around for a while.

I live in fear what the Devs break when they try to stop it.
Activate name: Charred
MormonDude Green Sparx Gems: 297
#6 Posted: 13:43:27 03/01/2014
Quote: Charred

I live in fear what the Devs break when they try to stop it.

They'll probably open up a wormhole or something, but will you be brave enough to venture in?

As for dates try sept 1st, I believe that's the one that gives you a tech shrine if you buy Baxter and a blossom tree if you buy Brock.
GamerID: MormonDude
no friend slots available
fykerr Yellow Sparx Gems: 1022
#7 Posted: 18:39:52 03/01/2014
I'm too scared to TT. Knowing my luck I would do something wrong and forever screw up my game. :-/ Like save or not in the past/future if I'm not supposed to and lose progress b/c it thinks I'm in early 2013 when I didn't have a game and I'd end up with nothing. lol
Rom713 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1347
#8 Posted: 18:48:50 03/01/2014
You always can make a backup of your game in iTunes before jumping in the time machine for the case if time travelling screw up your game.
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581
#9 Posted: 21:16:19 03/01/2014
I think it simply comes down to different people enjoying playing the game differently.

Some enjoy the time traveling. They like to know what's coming and be able to prepare for as best as possible. They like the added adventure and risks/gains. They stretch the envelope of what is possible.

Others prefer to play the game as it is. They like the surprise of what the next special offer or new change is and like the challenge of meeting objectives as they are in the time frame provided. If not enough trolls spawn to meet the goal, it's a frustrating aspect of the game and oh well.

Some like to maximize everything - they can tell you who gets the most gold where and have decorations properly placed to max out experience around their buildings.

Others like to make their islands look pretty and have no concern for maxing out bonuses. They do things like keep Buddy Wrecking Ball free for a little girl to play with instead of putting him in his house, where he would be far more productive.

Some people consider visiting a waste - just what do we do with all these kudos anyway?

Yet others enjoy visiting for the sake of seeing other people's islands and to spot Hyde and Maboo.

There is no right or wrong. No one is cheating by thinking outside the box and maximizing their gains. No one is a coward or foolish for not taking advantage of assorted time traveling glitches or ways to make up for bugs in the game such as the current element of the day situation.

Everyone is just different and enjoying different aspects of the game. And I think that is part of what makes this game, and this forum, a lot of fun.
MormonDude Green Sparx Gems: 297
#10 Posted: 21:24:11 03/01/2014
Quote: arkhamhorrorfan
I think it simply comes down to different people enjoying playing the game differently.

Some enjoy the time traveling. They like to know what's coming and be able to prepare for as best as possible. They like the added adventure and risks/gains. They stretch the envelope of what is possible.

Others prefer to play the game as it is. They like the surprise of what the next special offer or new change is and like the challenge of meeting objectives as they are in the time frame provided. If not enough trolls spawn to meet the goal, it's a frustrating aspect of the game and oh well.

Some like to maximize everything - they can tell you who gets the most gold where and have decorations properly placed to max out experience around their buildings.

Others like to make their islands look pretty and have no concern for maxing out bonuses. They do things like keep Buddy Wrecking Ball free for a little girl to play with instead of putting him in his house, where he would be far more productive.

Some people consider visiting a waste - just what do we do with all these kudos anyway?

Yet others enjoy visiting for the sake of seeing other people's islands and to spot Hyde and Maboo.

There is no right or wrong. No one is cheating by thinking outside the box and maximizing their gains. No one is a coward or foolish for not taking advantage of assorted time traveling glitches or ways to make up for bugs in the game such as the current element of the day situation.

Everyone is just different and enjoying different aspects of the game. And I think that is part of what makes this game, and this forum, a lot of fun.

Well said arkhamhorrorfan!
GamerID: MormonDude
no friend slots available
Woz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1343
#11 Posted: 21:27:32 03/01/2014
X2. Very nicely articulated arkhamhorrorfan.
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#12 Posted: 21:34:16 03/01/2014
How do you maximize experience by placing decorations around buildings? I've never heard of that... interested though.
bjornolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#13 Posted: 21:41:07 03/01/2014
Decorations increase your kingdom XP when placed next to buildings. Placing them carefully can get you some huge bonuses. I have a few buildings at over 200% bonus.
MormonDude Green Sparx Gems: 297
#14 Posted: 22:00:51 03/01/2014
Quote: PurpleSnurple
How do you maximize experience by placing decorations around buildings? I've never heard of that... interested though.

Also when you go into "move" mode you can see values of different decorations when placed next to houses etc. I recommend buying Jack o lanterns as they give 3%xp per pumpkin and are very inexpensive. If you have a lot of kudos you could also buy some sheep topiaries they give 10% kingdom XP to buildings, but I would by admiral Thumpback first if you don't have any giants.
GamerID: MormonDude
no friend slots available
mcquist5 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1010
#15 Posted: 22:21:30 03/01/2014
200% bonus? Could you show a screenshot or tell us what you did to get that? Are you talking about a large, ineffective building such as a Castle? If so, I would recommend focusing your bonuses on more efficient buildings such as Taverns. It gives me an idea though, maybe I should rerun some numbers with with potential bonuses factored in but without them, the best buildings in terms of daily experience per space would be Stage, Park, Circuits, Potter, Tailor, Tavern, in that order. You should notice the similarity in that they are all 2x2 buildings, in which case the max bonus is 120%...or maybe 135% if you manage to squeeze Eon into one corner but it doesn't seem worth it if you are trying to maximize experience per space. Just my two cents
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#16 Posted: 22:53:00 03/01/2014
I'd quibble with the ordering of the Potter and Tailor but....boy is that geeky!

I do use Eon to get 135%/125% bonuses on my stages. They are so far and away the best xp generators that it's worth the inefficiency.

Also, it's slightly larger and thus not ideal, but chompie gift shops are slightly better xp generators than taverns on a daily basis. (I bought myself one when the community buildings were on a 90% sale the other week.) I still love taverns and fisheries because they cost no mabu and are therefore "free" xp.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
mcquist5 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1010
#17 Posted: 00:02:48 04/01/2014
Chompie is good for the daily basis but not the Daily/space basis. I am an unabashed spreadsheet geek; if someone else was a forum geek and could provide instructions I could post the spreadsheet. Admittedly I borrowed the idea from someone else in this forum (Midas?) But I included the updates and added the "per space" argument. Prior to "per space", I thought Fisheries were the best. Now I am a Tavern geek. And if anyone reads other posts, please ignore my "space" issue in which I recently played devils advoxate .
Qanai Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#18 Posted: 00:13:57 04/01/2014
And for different style of comparison, calculate the rate of XP for chompie shop versus rate for tavern +50% (the number of topiaries you can add to fill the same space.
Charred Blue Sparx Gems: 536
#19 Posted: 00:43:25 04/01/2014
Two things....

TT. This means a lot of things right now. From peaking to full on churning back and forth to generate gems, exp, gold or whatever. Im not sure peaking is the sin some people might think it is, but churning is clearly on the dark side.

Space. Since space is a limited commodity now, Qanai is right to mention it. Any building that is bigger than a 2x2 needs to be normalized against the space it uses since, for example, 3 2x2 fit in the same space as a 2 3x2. Those 3x2 better offer 50 % more or you are better off with the 2s
Activate name: Charred
iustus Green Sparx Gems: 305
#20 Posted: 00:58:16 04/01/2014
This is the top of my sorted list (from my spreadsheet), based on harvesting only once per day, in xp per unit of area.

Stage 3000
Potter 700
Park 600
Tavern 550
Farmer's Market 495
Fishery 475
Tailor 360
Blacksmith 280
Circus 250
Wood Stack House 225
Waterworks 200
Theater 200
Fizzy Juice Factory 197
Apothecary 194
Shoe Shop 175
Chompie Gift Shop 167
Town Hall 162
Keep 122
Library 117
Bed & Breakfast 100
Woz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1343
#21 Posted: 01:28:39 04/01/2014
Quote: iustus
This is the top of my sorted list (from my spreadsheet), based on harvesting only once per day, in xp per unit of area.

Stage 3000

This is indeed a hell of a reward for reaching Level 40 - now. A clear indication that they weren't finished with experience back when they introduced the Stage, even though they delayed the introduction of post-40 experience bonuses for months.

We can only hope they have something similarly good pre-planned for the kudos, though why they've let that drag on for months without implementing anything is beyond me.
MormonDude Green Sparx Gems: 297
#22 Posted: 02:41:30 04/01/2014
Quote: Charred
Im not sure peaking is the sin some people might think it is, but churning is clearly on the dark side.

See my revised avatar and feel the power of the dark side...mmmm free gems...mwahahahaha... I can shoot puppy roasting lightning out of my finger tips...
GamerID: MormonDude
no friend slots available
MommaSith Green Sparx Gems: 377
#23 Posted: 02:41:50 04/01/2014
Considering the problems they've had with bugs lately, they could conceivably be concentrating on eradication those before they go for too much new...... okay, I know too many dev people to take that seriously... LOL.
Unhappy Gamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1451
#24 Posted: 02:46:57 04/01/2014
Quote: MormonDude
Quote: Charred
Im not sure peaking is the sin some people might think it is, but churning is clearly on the dark side.

See my revised avatar and feel the power of the dark side...mmmm free gems...mwahahahaha... I can shoot puppy roasting lightning out of my finger tips...

If you have my other acct on your friends list feel free to remove. smilie
Corrupted acct name: CantPlay GameCrashed smilie
New acct name: Unhappy Gamer smilie
MommaSith Green Sparx Gems: 377
#25 Posted: 03:18:05 04/01/2014
"Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies! and... gems?"
mcquist5 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1010
#26 Posted: 03:39:52 04/01/2014
I hope someone can clean this up because instill don't know what Wrecking_Ball meant when he said use the 'code' tag or was is code 'tag' back when he cleaned up the list for Charred..

Space Col. Time Experience Col/day Exp/day Daily Exp/Space
Post Office 4 0.008 6 8 48 12
Bank 4 0.167 47 8 376 94
Cocoa Stand 4 0.25 72 8 576 144
Town Hall 20 48 6482 0.5 3241 162
Logger 4 0.33 90 8 720 180
Mine 9 1.5 360 6 2160 240
Lighthouse 4 0.33 120 8 960 240
Theater 12 16 2400 1.33 3192 266
Library 12 7 1400 2.75 3850 321
Bakery 6 1 285 8 2280 380
Snack Stand 4 0.75 192 8 1536 384
Apothecary 9 9 1750 2 3500 389
Frizzy Juice Factory 9 10 1775 2 3550 394
Waterworks 9 10 1800 2 3600 400
B&B 4 2 400 5 2000 500
Chompy Gift Shop 9 6 1500 3 4500 500
Blacksmith 6 8 1680 2.5 4200 700
Fishery 6 14 2850 1.5 4275 713
Candle Maker 4 1 360 8 2880 720
Wood Stack 4 5 900 4 3600 900
Farmer's Mkt 4 12 1980 2 3960 990
Shoe Shop 4 2 700 6 4200 1050
Tavern 4 9 2200 2 4400 1100
Tailor 4 4 1440 4 5760 1440
Potter 4 8 2800 2.5 7000 1750
Circus 4 1 1000 8 8000 2000
Park 4 2 2400 6 14400 3600
Stage 4 8 12000 2.5 30000 7500
rb6freak Green Sparx Gems: 224
#27 Posted: 04:03:56 04/01/2014
Quote: mcquist5
200% bonus? Could you show a screenshot or tell us what you did to get that?

See below:

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

Quote: iustus
This is the top of my sorted list (from my spreadsheet), based on harvesting only once per day, in xp per unit of area.

Stage 3000

You mean 12,000

[User Posted Image]

Between Stage, Town Hall and Fiznik alone I rack in 201,312 Kingdom XP every 2 days ;-)
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#28 Posted: 04:20:27 04/01/2014
Quote: rb6freak

You mean 12,000

He was listing per square area not total.
rb6freak Green Sparx Gems: 224
#29 Posted: 04:24:10 04/01/2014
Quote: obidawsn
Quote: rb6freak

You mean 12,000

He was listing per square area not total.

Ah, thanks for the correction. I re-read his post now.
bjornolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#30 Posted: 14:16:29 04/01/2014
Quote: mcquist5
200% bonus? Could you show a screenshot or tell us what you did to get that? Are you talking about a large, ineffective building such as a Castle? If so, I would recommend focusing your bonuses on more efficient buildings such as Taverns. It gives me an idea though, maybe I should rerun some numbers with with potential bonuses factored in but without them, the best buildings in terms of daily experience per space would be Stage, Park, Circuits, Potter, Tailor, Tavern, in that order. You should notice the similarity in that they are all 2x2 buildings, in which case the max bonus is 120%...or maybe 135% if you manage to squeeze Eon into one corner but it doesn't seem worth it if you are trying to maximize experience per space. Just my two cents

It's my townhall, but at level 40, I'm more concerned about aesthetics, personally. I like to have a certain look, so I'm not worried about squeezing every last drop of XP out of every building. I did it with sheep topiaries. I was just trying to illustrate the use of decorations for XP.

[User Posted Image]

Speaking of aesthetics, how do you get pictures to fit inside the bounds of the post?
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 14:48:19 04/01/2014 by bjornolf
johnsonsteven86 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1563
#31 Posted: 15:32:17 04/01/2014
Quote: mcquist5
Chompie is good for the daily basis but not the Daily/space basis. I am an unabashed spreadsheet geek; if someone else was a forum geek and could provide instructions I could post the spreadsheet. Admittedly I borrowed the idea from someone else in this forum (Midas?) But I included the updates and added the "per space" argument. Prior to "per space", I thought Fisheries were the best. Now I am a Tavern geek. And if anyone reads other posts, please ignore my "space" issue in which I recently played devils advoxate .

i have seen people link to google docs to post spread sheats
WTB: Frito-lay Hotdog as cheap as possible
PurpleSnurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#32 Posted: 16:02:00 04/01/2014
When you fill up your islands that tightly how do you get totems, trolls, and sheep to spawn? WHERE would they spawn? lol! I'm only level 25 so I guess I haven't paid that much attention to bonuses yet, but I try to keep areas open on the islands to get the spawning I need.
Woz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1343
#33 Posted: 16:51:20 04/01/2014
Quote: PurpleSnurple
When you fill up your islands that tightly how do you get totems, trolls, and sheep to spawn? WHERE would they spawn? lol! I'm only level 25 so I guess I haven't paid that much attention to bonuses yet, but I try to keep areas open on the islands to get the spawning I need.

If you fill up all available space, they won't spawn at all. Some players have used that to their advantage. By filling in some areas and leaving only one area open, you can effectively 'herd' your spawns into one area. This helps when you don't have to go looking all over your islands for Hyde or Ma-Boo.
mcquist5 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1010
#34 Posted: 17:53:07 04/01/2014

Hopefully that is a bit cleaner for people to view, thanks for the tip
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#35 Posted: 18:49:32 05/01/2014
You're giving away all my trade secrets! smilie Great work. Much nice than my spreadsheet, which is a mish-mosh built lovingly over the last year by just tacking new stuff onto my existing spreadsheet with no attempt to keep things neat or organized. I'm probably the only one who could understand it, which is a big reason why I never posted mine here.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#36 Posted: 14:19:55 15/01/2014
With time traveling, any specific dates to get the unlock for the alt deco characters, like grill master chop chop, etc? I'm guessing valentine's day for cupid flameslinger, but does anybody know of any hard and fast dates? thanks

Add me on SkyLanders Lost Islands, I am a daily player that gives presents and kudos!!!

Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
7Habits Blue Sparx Gems: 989
#37 Posted: 15:53:32 15/01/2014
I don't know what your situation is with what companions and alts you have, but just so you know, there are quite a few timed adventures that pop if you go back too far. The problem being that if you don't have the character and don't have the means to buy him/her or he/she/it is not available, then when you move forward in time again the adventures will expire and I don't think they come back.
The only other thing I can tell you is that if you go to the portal and look at the info/story on each character, I believe most of the alts give a month and year of when they first appeared in skylands.
Own: (smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#38 Posted: 16:16:28 15/01/2014
I know someone mentioned going back and getting the past alter egos while they were in the well, but I was thinking they fixed that. I have all the alts (except for NY Countdown because my well didn't reset), so I can't try it myself. If I go back to previous months, though, my well doesn't reset with anything different. It could be because I already have those alter egos, but I think it's all related to how they fixed the time travel well glitch from a couple months ago. Going back in time does nothing to the well. Someone can prove me wrong, though. If it did work, I would say to go back to anytime in those months, as I'm thinking that's what was said to do, but I don't remember.

I tried to jump back and find timed quests, but they seemed random. I picked up a few, but nothing worth while. I did get a couple that took houses that I didn't have. I tried jumping ahead a week at a time to see if it would give me more quests, but no luck.
7Habits Blue Sparx Gems: 989
#39 Posted: 16:45:49 16/01/2014
I got the Alts I missed by going to the 31st of December and buying them with gems 750 a piece. The well only had the alts until midnight on the 1st of Jan.. When you go back in time the Alts aren't in the wells, but some of the adventures for them will pop. I made the mistake of going too far back all at once and had like 50 adventures pop all at once before I had many of the alts or alt houses, so some of them I wasn't able to complete and when I won some of the alts/alt houses in the well or bought some of the houses, no tasks popped for them (I'm guessing because they had already popped).
Own: (smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie smilie smilie(smiliesmiliesmilie)smilie smilie smilie
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#40 Posted: 16:53:01 16/01/2014
I haven't had any of them pop. I would guess because I had gotten the quests before, even though I couldn't complete them because I didn't have the alts at the time, but I did find those random quests that required houses that I'm sure were after I started playing the game.
Qanai Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#41 Posted: 03:57:44 17/01/2014
Quote: obidawsn
I know someone mentioned going back and getting the past alter egos while they were in the well, but I was thinking they fixed that. I have all the alts (except for NY Countdown because my well didn't reset), so I can't try it myself. If I go back to previous months, though, my well doesn't reset with anything different. It could be because I already have those alter egos, but I think it's all related to how they fixed the time travel well glitch from a couple months ago. Going back in time does nothing to the well.

That was me. I was able to re obtain two alts after they disappeared from my collection back when they were having all the save issues. They changed this behavior of the well in November so that the well doesn't give past alts as grand prizes anymore.
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#42 Posted: 15:09:04 19/01/2014
you should glitch, time travel, esp if you're on a jailbroken iProduct, here's why!!!

[User Posted Image]
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#43 Posted: 04:09:39 20/01/2014
Why bother playing at all if you're going to do that?
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#44 Posted: 16:38:39 20/01/2014
It does seem pointless to me. TT can actually be a lot of work and time consuming. To keep doing it to see how much gold/gems/etc you can rack up seems pointless and excessive.
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2780
#45 Posted: 07:35:37 24/01/2014
okay, im sold. how do i get the million billion gems.
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
johnsonsteven86 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1563
#46 Posted: 15:03:20 24/01/2014
For android there is an app called dax attack. Pm me if you need help. If you are on ipod there should be a similar app. Everything can be changed but I would only recommend changing gems so you don't ruin the game.
WTB: Frito-lay Hotdog as cheap as possible
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2780
#47 Posted: 12:49:01 25/01/2014
got that dax attack. been trying all night to change the gems... i used to hack gameshark codes... but this.... i dont even know what this is...
i get its memory address replacement... but it doesnt seem things are stored in a way i can make sense of them... fuzzy logic or not.

i just want the gems to get some companions... the rate i play i wont get 1000 gems for at least a year.
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
johnsonsteven86 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1563
#48 Posted: 14:39:09 25/01/2014
Change search setting to all regions. Do regular search for amount of gems you have. Return to game spend gems or gain gems. Search for the new number. You should end up with 3 results. Long press each result and change to what you need. Your new amount should be changed when you return to game.
WTB: Frito-lay Hotdog as cheap as possible
Woz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1343
#49 Posted: 03:33:52 26/01/2014
Quote: exosquad
the rate i play i wont get 1000 gems for at least a year.

You're averaging three gems a day?! I get around triple that each day from friends alone. Your first purchase clearly needs to be Capybara King, so EVERY chest gives you an extra gem. Also Hyde pays for himself in less than a month, and then he's a free gem EVERY day. I know gem saving is a bit slow at the start, but it's not THAT slow.
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2780
#50 Posted: 08:01:17 26/01/2014
yeah i really do average like 3 gems a day. and thats playing a few times a day. i got hyde, dont have cabybara king.

im not wanting to cheat so that theres no point in the game, i just want to have enough gems to have nice things. like some of the good companions. im level 27 already with no cheating or anything. playing a bunch of times a day just to have energy and money is not satisfying enough for me.

i refuse to spend money on virtual things that i cant own and might possibly disappear at the whim of a company or programmers. i have bought every skylander that is out. i think thats enough. if they gave gems with skylanders, id be totally into that. i'd probably buy two of each if i needed the gems, a real world thing for a virtual world thing sounds fair. (does that make me a bad person?)

i got that dax attack working i wasnt in "all regions" so now i have mad gems. island remodel!
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:28:33 26/01/2014 by exosquad
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