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dS FanFic- Lost Legends of Voids [CLOSED]
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1 Posted: 20:01:26 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Aaand yes this belongs here as majorety of the story will take part in Skylands AND majorety of the people in it represent Skylanders

[Note: All users will resamble either thier own username or gimmick. But some of you guys don't know what is who or who is what. that's why I'm adding wiki pages behind every name.]

Major appearances:
NINJAsk11 ~Reshiram-Pokemon/Kirito- Sword Art Online(SAO)
Kirito's black Cloak- In use by NINJAsk11 in combat. As so are the dual blades
Dark Lord ~Shu Ouma- Guilty Crown/Zekrom-Pokemon
Grimslinger91~Grim Creeper-Skylanders: Swap Force/Mew-Pokemon
dark52~Dark Spyro: SkylanderslllDark Spyro: Classick(Giant Evil)[/
MagicFizz ~Pop Fizz-Skylanders: Giants
prextail202~Pit-Kid Icarus

Villians[Current bad users]:

Minor appearances:
TorchSheep ~Toph-Avatar: The last Airbender
Crystalhero37 ~Sonic The Hedgehog-Sonic
Rickorio~Hoot Loop-Skylanders: Swap Force

Those who ask politely might end up in my fanfic, hoever, if there are too many I'm sorry but to kick you out
Edited 15 times - Last edited at 14:04:12 31/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#2 Posted: 20:05:11 23/12/2013
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#3 Posted: 20:41:34 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Whoo! I cant wait till Im on a PC
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#4 Posted: 07:57:45 24/12/2013 | Topic Creator
it was countless moons ago, as for a girl sitting there, on a rock, looking around the Forum Games Garden. saying notthing, stroking her Eevee... waiting for someone to arrive....
"Why is nobody online? I wonder why nobody's online at my time. Everybody is sleeping, half the people around here live in the US... Everyone's alseep... or....No, I'm not mistaken, I don't see anybody here...sigh..."
The girl stood up, starting to walk, her Eeve next to her...
"Oh Eevee... would it be cool if someone was here?"
Eeve didn't say a word...

Eevee ran around, something wasn't going good.
"What do you see Eevee?" The girl stood next to Eevee. as the pokemon dissapeared, being just an illusion...
"Bah! I don't need illusions to stay here, I don't even care... Maby I should leave and never come back, since no User cares for me or what I am, I'm only here to hide, to hide from what is in the otther world, for what I dislike..."
The girl went into the bushes, and quickly too. "Someone's in Forum Games!? But who?"
She was right. A boy at least 10 CM longer then the girl walked down the road, onward to another place. The girl kept hidden in the bushes, as the boy's Furfrou noticed her...
"Furfrou? What's wrong? Get out of these bushes will you?"
The dog pokemon walked back, but its eyes kept looking at the bushes the girl had hidden herself in.
"I'm glad he didn't see me...."
A FireFly sat on her nose, and...
Furfrou and the boy looked at her.
"Sneasel? A Pokemon?"
"N...No...I didn't mean to spy on you...erm....Ah crap! "
The girl threw a random Kunai at the boy, and ran away
"HEY! What was that good for!?" The boy shouted, as his Pokemon helped him up.
The girl didn't want to look back, for she felt she was stupid, dumb, a person nobody should look at...

"Why'd she do that?" The boy stood up, at the current age of 17. Furfrou next to him. "I'm not gonna die! That girl looked lonly and shy! I need to find a way to make her happy again..." He started to walk. "Furfrou, try if you can track her with your nose." Furfrou did as he was commented, and started to look for the girl. But he lost track too soon...."This isn't gonna work, I need to find her GB"
The boy kept on looking for the entrence of this girls Guestbook, and eventually, he found it. as he waited for the girl to return.
The girl was quite suprised wen she saw him standing, Furfrou wiggling his tail, as his trainer sat there, watching the girl.
"Why'd you throw that at me?"
"I didn't mean to...."
"But why?"
"Because I do so.....I'm not into all...Leave my place."
"Why not?"
"Because I care for otthers."
"Then go care about someone else!"
"No, because you and I are the only two online."
"So what?"
"That means I'm here."
"Go post on the MT RP and leave me alone."
"No, again, I won't."
"I'll block you if you don't go away."
The boy suddenly hugged the girl. at first she wanted to push him off, but she enjoyed the warm feelings, and didn't feel so lonly anymore, she let it go...
"Why won't you go, aside from the fact we are the only two?"
"Because I know how lonly you are, I know that myself too..."
"D'aww... So"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, h..Hey! Wanna Roleplay here?"

the two kept on Roleplaying, and on and on and on, as the girl decided to tell her name towords him. She PM'ed him.
"Mind if I tell my name? I realy think you and I go well together, in all honestly, I think we got a sync here, as I'm so lonly I can feel that."
At the otther side, the boy was quite suprised, as he didn't know what to say. He did feel something for the girl he was talking with. He said something back...
"Say, what is this 'sync' you're talking about?"
"I feel something for people that just feel, different.... long story... Nevermind, my name's Lianti. Yours?"
"(Instert name here)..."
"D'aww... you've got to be kidding me, my old crush was named that way!"
"Yeah, (Insert name here) Dave Fox... He moved away from here because his parents got a job in the US..."
"I've never heard of him before, in case you were about to ask."
"I never was..(Insert name here) I dunno, I don't even mind as my english isn't that great."
"Your english is fine, don't worry."
The girl picked Up the Roleplay, and continued it...

A week later:
"Furfrou! Iron tail!"
"I don't think so! Eevee! Iron tail as well!"
The two Pokemon slammed into each otther, their power somehow represented by how much the two trainers tought of thier opponent.
But someone interrupted.
"NINJAsk11! Come over here!"
The girl walked towords the person.
"What do you want!?" She yelled at a boy, about her size.
"Who's that?" The boy asked, slowly, fearing the worse.
"Swap Force Fan, you do know we have a relation?"
"Yes...We do, but who's that?"
"Take a wild guess...Dark Lord of course!"
"Why is he here? He's a Returning User and he goes along with a GREEN SPARX!?"(I'm blue by now xD)
"NINJAsk11! What takes so long!? Lets finish this battle!"
Dark Lord stood next to the two.
"And who are you?" He asked to Swap Force Fan.
"I'm dati-"
NINJAsk11 slaps SFF.
"NIN, you don't slap boys like that."
"Sorry (I need to stop typing IRL names ;>>), but that's how I make people SHUT THIER MOUTH!"
The girl walked away, Eevee next to her.
"Gah! This weekend will suck anyways!"
"Why?" Swap Force Fan asked.
Dark Lord slowly putted his hand on SFF's shoulder.
"Let her cry for a second..."
"What's wrong with her?"
"I'm leaving this weekend, just for this weekend, but I understand how she deals with the fact she's sad. A sync has more in it then most humans think you see."
"Sync?" Swap Force Fan looked confused.
"Yes, Sync...A bond between two people, a strong one, but not love, not yet...."
"Excuse me!? Are you just saying you're gonna steal NINJAsk11 AWAY from ME!?"
"No, its entirely her dicision to go, or not. Simple as that."
"But she's gonna leave me for sure!"
"Don't worry, she'll always be a close friend of yours, will she?"
"Yeah.....Say, if she was about to ask you?"
"What would you do? Would you be suprised?"
"No, I'm feeling something for her too, she's a realy nice girl and it will be a defenite yes."
"I see... How have you two met?"

Ok, I've edited since I SLIPPED A NAME! darn! Never do it again NINJAsk, bad bad girl!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 16:20:06 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#5 Posted: 07:58:14 24/12/2013 | Topic Creator

"Well, out of my point of view... NINJAsk11 and I were to be the only two online, at night, She had hidden herself in the bushes, but she spoiled herself by sneazing, and from that moment on I noticed how lonly she was, I wanted to walk up to her and give her a hug, but she didn't let me. She threw a Kunai at me instead and ran away."
"Didn't you die?"
"Nope, I'm invincible"
"How?" Swap Force Fan asked, confused.
"Swap Force Fan, could you look at my eyes please?"
"Why would I do that? Are you gonna pull something outta me. You've got to be kidding me!"
"Oh well..."
The two boys stared at each otther for a while, while NINJAsk11 calmed down, she turned around.
"What is going on there?"
NINJAsk11 looked around shocked, as she saw Swap Force Fan laying there, blue lines floating around, Dark Lord holding a large lance.
"Where did you get that lance from? And is Swap Force Fan dead!?"
"No, I wanted to see what his persona is."
"And you do that by KILLING people!?"
"I just took out his void......" Dark Lord shrugged.
"What? Wait! Wait! WAAIIIT! You mean an ACTUAL VOID!?"
"My god, Have you traveled to Japan or so!?"
"No... I've learned it because the docter gave me the wrong stuff, instead of giving me antidote he gave a Void Geno-"
NINJAsk11 interupted him.
"I know, Void Genome, A kind of liquid able to give the user power to pull out voids...I know I know... But that it is real wasn't something I knew..."
"Sorry, I should've told you before...."
Dark Lord slowly pushed the lance into SFF, as he gave back his void
Swap Force Fan quickly went up.
"What happend!?"
"Notthing, I promise." Dark Lord said, as he helped his conrade up.

"Erm, ok" Swap Force Fan said, as it started to get a little bizzy.
"(GEEZ!), c...can you do that with me?" NINJAsk11 was a little shy, but she stepped forewords, brave, yet scared.
"Why?" Dark Lord said to her.
"Because I always wanted to find out what my heart is shaped like.....What would fit me..."
Swap Force fan looked shocked. "Do what!?"
"Something I've done with you too, but don't worry, nobody's gonna be hurt" Dark Lord smiled.
But just wen he turned to NINJAsk11 someone came out, not just one person, THREE people.
One was wearing a Sonic Boom costume, more a bit like a Poke-Kid, but then with a Skylander instead of a Pokemon, the otther one was wearing clothes simmilar ot Pikachu, and somehow was wearing a senta hat. The third one looked simmilar to Toph... As he was still a boy. It didn't matter.
"Erm. Does any of you three know where I can find the S&N hills?" The one with the Toph clothes asked.
"Yeah! Its on the left!" Dark Lord said back. "Who are you exculy?"
"I'm TorchSheep" The one with the Toph costume said.
"I'm Sky Airglow!" The one with the Sonic Boom clothes said "And this is Bash28" Sky pointed to the person in the Pikachu clothes. "Excuse us" Bash said, as She(Idunngender) and Sky walked away.
"Ok, Realy random" Dark Lord said. NINJAsk11 and Swap Force Fan nodded.

"Erm? Could you go back to what you where doing?" Swap Force Fan said.
"Oh yes, I was about to pull out NINJAsk's void...."
NINJAsk11 and Dark Lord facepalmed.
"Dont worry" TorchSheeps said "I don't know what they are talking about either, I guess I need to be less lazy and click that link she ever sended me."
"I guess..." Swap said.
"Ok, This will hurt for a second. Ok? Ready?"
"Ok, Ready." NINJAsk said.
Dark Lord looked at NINJAsk's eyes, then out of the sudden a bright light appeared on NINJAsk's chest.
"Holy sheep! What's going on!?" TorchSheep asked.
"I don't know! Its scary!" Swap Force Fand Said.
Dark reaches for NIN's chest, as he got in a horrible screach was heard.
Both Torch and SFF clamped thier hands to thier ears, as NINJAsk slowly fell down, fast asleep.
Dark Lord was holding a Dagger, a long one, slim, but long.
"I wonder why her void is a Dagger like this..."
"I don't even know what the heck just happend!" Torch said
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:25:49 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#6 Posted: 08:34:19 24/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"I don't know, don't ask me!" Swap Force Fand said, a bit sick of looking at a fainted NINJAsk...
"I just pulled out her void, notthing else..." Dark said back.
"PULLED OUT WHAT!?" Torch and Swap looked at each otther, dumbstrack.
"Where'd you get that dagger from?" A sudden voice asked, from behind.
Everyone(NINJAsk11 excluded of course) turned around to see a girl . She was wearing clothes simmilar to Sonic but she had a bag with herself, a small one. A Pokaball fell out of it, and broke open to reveal a Pikachu inside.
"This Dagger?" Dark Lord asked.
"Yes, that one." The girl said. "Where'd you get a Dagger like that?"
"Well....erm..... By pulling out a void.....I guess...." Dark Lord was confused.
"Crystalhero? Is that you?" Torch asked.
"Yup, me and me alone!" CH said, smiling.
"Wow....I've never seen this coming..." Torch said.
"Well, good then, but anyways where'd you get that thing of?" CH got nervous.
"I said it before, I pulled out a Void!" Dark Lord got nervous as well.
"A what?" CH asked.
"What's that?"
"Excuse me for interupting but is it normal for NINJAsk to crystalize?"
"Oh fridge, I'll put her void back, and fast too."
Dark sat down next to NINJAsk as he slowly pushed the dagger back in.
"I dun wanna see this" Torch said, covering his eyes.
"Eaieeaiaaaaaa!" CH screamed, thinking NINJAsk would die.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:27:58 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
Fan Of Skylands Yellow Sparx Gems: 1417
#7 Posted: 09:02:47 24/12/2013
Aw I'm not in it xD
Fan Of Skylands-Fan Of Skylanders lol
I'll be on every now and then.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#8 Posted: 09:04:13 24/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Sorry, but I'm carefully picking people to be in

and what character do you have to claim even? IMO I don't know....

Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#9 Posted: 13:42:21 24/12/2013
The whole fight for NINJAsk 11 thing is quite hilarious, Happy Hanukkah
Will Grossman
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 13:49:01 24/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Will171717
The whole fight for NINJAsk 11 thing is quite hilarious, Happy Hanukkah
Will Grossman

I don't see the funny part....
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#11 Posted: 20:14:49 25/12/2013
This is pretty good so far and are you slowly gonna add new charecter?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#12 Posted: 04:41:27 26/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#13 Posted: 18:51:21 28/12/2013
Is this where you got the idea for voids or was it that forum game?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#14 Posted: 19:02:16 28/12/2013 | Topic Creator
No, My idea of Voids came from Guilty Crown ;>>

You've never heard of that, I guess?
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#15 Posted: 19:12:41 28/12/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
No, My idea of Voids came from Guilty Crown ;>>

You've never heard of that, I guess?

It is in your guestbook
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#16 Posted: 19:19:53 28/12/2013 | Topic Creator
yeah, go watch that show
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#17 Posted: 22:10:32 28/12/2013
This is really good. : D I never knew you were so good at fictions >.> lol jk ^.^d

Is Litiana your real name? That's a really cute name ;3

Can I be in D:
My life is complete.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:19:44 28/12/2013 by MagicFizz
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#18 Posted: 07:17:40 29/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: MagicFizz
This is really good. : D I never knew you were so good at fictions >.> lol jk ^.^d

Is Litiana your real name? That's a really cute name ;3

Can I be in D:

;>> Who´s Litiana? I only know Lianti smilie

I'll see what spot I can have for you
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#19 Posted: 14:00:14 30/12/2013
Nice fan fic! If you need another character i`d be glad to be put in this fan fic smilie
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#20 Posted: 15:09:28 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks Prex, sure You can be in it
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#21 Posted: 15:32:35 30/12/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
Quote: MagicFizz
This is really good. : D I never knew you were so good at fictions >.> lol jk ^.^d

Is Litiana your real name? That's a really cute name ;3

Can I be in D:

;>> Who´s Litiana? I only know Lianti smilie

I'll see what spot I can have for you

Oh sowwy ;3

And thankies ;0
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#22 Posted: 15:37:15 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"Of course I will never die!" A voice suddenly said.
"NINJAsk? Are you alright?" Swap asked.
"I'm fine, its no harm pulling out a void... right?"
"It does do harm wen you crystalise" Dark Lord said as he sat next to NINJAsk, stroking her head.
"Oh realy? I didn't know so..."

NINJAsk stood up, looked around and then decided to sat down again, she seemed unconfortable.
"What's wrong?" Torch asked.
"I feel like we're being watched..." NINJAsk said, while she still was looking around.
"I don't see anyone" CH said, looking around too.
"I'm sure of it! I'm sure sure sure sure suuuurreee!!!!" NINJAsk shouted, and that didn't happen often.
Someone was suprised by the yell, and jumped up, flapping with her wings.
"What are you?" Torch asked, holding a rock in his hands to throw it to the person they didn't knew anything off.
"I'm just Prextail, don't worry!"
"No, the wings" Dark Lord said, standing up.
"What are you gonna do sir!?" Prex was suprised by Dark Lord's hand, who stroke down one of the wings. "Leave my wings alone!"
"Sorry, but they are so pretty..."
Prex crossed her arms in front of her chest.
NINJAsk laughed, as she spreaded her own wings. altho they weren't those soft one, more the ones of a bug.
"Ninjask , nin nin nin jaaask!" NINJAsk joked
Dark, Torch, CH, Prex and SFF noticed it (pretty late) that NINJAsk had the clothes of a Ninjask, as well as the wings...
"My god, I've not seen that yet, why?"
NINJAsk grinned, but gave no answer.
"And what are you Prex?" CH asked, but she didn't have to.
"Pit of course, what else do you think?" Prex said, as she madly flapped her wings.
"I dunno" CH shrugged.
"Does it matter?" Swap asked.
Everyone looked mad at him.
"Oh sorry, geezus..." He walked away.

"So what now?" Prex asked

Ruslte rustle

"What was that!?" NINJAsk looked around again.
"I don't know!" Prex said, squeeking. "Get it out get it out get it out!"
"Yeah, it's less creapy then that one girl in Pokemon X and Y right?" Dark Lord said, joking.
"Stop saying that!" NIN said.
The bushes rustled again, this time somebody came out of it. It was another user.
"Owow, where am I?"
"I guess we are in the Fanfic Desert now... I guess...I'm not sure..." Dark Lord shock his head, walked foreword and tripped over something. "Now, lucky day I have..."
The user laughed. "Sorry, that's my bottle..." The newcomer said, as he started to help Dark Lord back up. "My name's MagicFizz. And yours?"
"Dark Lord..."
"D...D...." MagicFizz gulped. "You look" He coudln't say it...
"Shu Ouma?" NINJAsk flopped out.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:31:34 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#23 Posted: 15:47:36 30/12/2013
Hahah! I like the seriousness/humor tensity that's taking place X)

Nice chappy smilieb
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#24 Posted: 15:52:52 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
;>> Pop Fizz helping Shu Ouma

prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#25 Posted: 16:02:45 30/12/2013
Lawl, nice smilie
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#26 Posted: 16:04:30 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
I'm gonna add more soon
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#27 Posted: 16:09:34 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"The REAL Shu Ouma?" MagicFizz said, putting up large eyes.
"Of course not, just me with his clothes....That's all" Dark Lord grinned.
"So what's the deal about?" MegicFizz said a bit angerd.
"Oh boy" CH said to Torch.
"Oh boy indeed" Torch said back.
NINJAsk and Prex shocked thier heads.
"And what are you? A blue misformed Gremlin?" Dark Lord said, his arms crossed, looking at MagicFizz.
"At least I'm Pop Fizz. I can't die because of the Apocolypse Virus." MegicFizz said back, a louder voice.
"You can die because your HP is down to 0!!!"
"And you can die because your void breaks!"
"I can break you're bottles!"
"I can Become a monster!"
"My arm is a crystal!"
NINJAsk flew between the two and slapped them with her hands. "What's the deal!?"
The two boys shrugged.
"I saw this coming" CH said.
"Me too" Torch said, as he accidently moved a rock above MF's head....and dropped it... "Oops..."
Prex flew over to MF to see if he was ok.
"I'm fine" MF said, smiling, yet looking angerd.
Dark Lord looked back, with an ignorant vibe...
Prex flew up. "Anyone want to play some Forum Games?"
"Oh me!" NINJAsk said, as she flew up too. "Lets go!"
"Wait for me!" CH said. running at the speed of light.
Torch also followed by using a horse made of earth.
Only MF and Dark Lord were left.
"Um...I hate you." Dark Lord said.
"I hate you too." MF said as he started to walk. "Guys! Wait for me!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:34:43 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#28 Posted: 16:28:14 30/12/2013
There always has to be two people who hate eachother in a fan fic to make it funny smilie Lawl.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#29 Posted: 16:33:00 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Yeah, IKR???
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#30 Posted: 23:25:25 30/12/2013
Can you try to find a way to put me in your fan fic?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#31 Posted: 06:13:34 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
I can try
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#32 Posted: 11:20:25 31/12/2013
And me? I could really care less though, I just think it would be cool.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#33 Posted: 11:32:22 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
I can have a look too, but I'm reaching my limits soon ;>>
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#34 Posted: 17:18:38 31/12/2013
May i please be in it as teh faboulous MR L?

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#35 Posted: 17:30:32 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
I'll use a different gimmick for you >)
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#36 Posted: 17:46:16 31/12/2013
Can I be Quill from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#37 Posted: 18:40:48 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Picture/wiki page plz?
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#38 Posted: 18:50:55 31/12/2013
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#39 Posted: 18:52:42 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
oh, but that is absolutely not your gimmick, I use the "User gimmicks" With means I will not losten to most request wen it comes down to "be someone/character"

Sorry, but you'll be something else
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#40 Posted: 20:19:56 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"My god what was that fight good for?" A user dressed as Grim Creeper crawled out.
"I don't know, some kind of craze? I've never seen that one with the strange mark on his hand" Another person said. dressed as Hoot Loop.
"I guess..." The Grim Creeper one said.
"I guess that is Dark Lord, a Gold Sparx." Another person said, dressed in Persian clothes.
"Dark Lord? Who? What?" The Hoot Loop one said, confused.
"Go to the S&N hills more often smarty..."
"Oh well sorry, Rufln' Ur Feathers again mister Persian?"
"Guys stop!"
"What is this Grimslinger91? Why should we stop?"
"Because, Rickorio and HCI, Dark Lord is WITH NINJAsk... so we better be carefull..."
"Ok, but we'll take him anyways don't we?"
"Yeah Rick, we need to know everything about NINJAsk."
"How are we gonna nail that?"
"Well GS91...That...I will explain..."

"So what'll we do now?" MF was a bit scared, he kept freaking out wen he looked at Dark Lord. "Just what?"
"Let's sit here" NINJA suggested.
"Ok Let's do that totally!" TS and CH said, as they both walked away for thier own "stuff"
"Ah crap, only me, NINJA and Dark Lord, this is awkward."
"MF? Snap out of it please?" NINJA slapped her hands in front of MF.
"Waa! Sorry I got carried away by daydreaming..." MF scratched his head.
"That's fine" NINJA said, as she saw Dark Lord looking away.
"What is wrong with you two?"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:37:00 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
Grimslinger91 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1330
#41 Posted: 21:43:52 31/12/2013
Thanks for adding me in. smilie
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#42 Posted: 17:05:22 01/01/2014
This is awesome!

Random suggestions have appeared!

My bottle has the antidote.
Dark Lord possesses me thus hacked my account as Shu Ouma.
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#43 Posted: 17:09:52 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
smilie I love the second one! One whole chapter denied about that wheeep!!!!

OMFG best idea ever!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#44 Posted: 17:14:49 01/01/2014
Yep. And...

It would make sense too, since he is mad at me smilie
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#45 Posted: 17:18:03 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Yeah! IKR?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#46 Posted: 17:23:47 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Dark Lord didn't give a crap for once, he kept staring into the sky.
"MegicFizz is taking her for his own, I HATE HIM! I should get rid of him and make him go to Ripto prison! But how... how can I...Wait a second....ghehe...yes that's it eheheh..."
"(Taken away, or else I'm spreading names ;>>)"
Dark Lord snapped out of it. "What!?"
"Why are you staring into the sky for no reason?" NINJAsk looked scared.
Dark Lord stood up and grabbed MagicFizz by his hand, and walked away.
NINJAsk sat there. alone, she took out Eevee and started playing with it.

"what was that good for? I was about to make milkshakes!"
"I don't care!" Dark Lord said as he came closer to MF.
"Hey dude get some distance..."
He didn't listen.
"You are getting scary....get away please!"
Dark Lord didn't care for it.
Again, he didn't care, he only cared for the major slap he gave MF, slapping him KO.....Pulling out his void....

"WHAT did I just saw?" Rick asked, while he was playing around with his loop.
"I have no idea, I think Dark Lord got anger or so?" Grim said. leaning on his own scythe. "I guess he did something we cannot understand."
"Blah..." HCI said.

MF woke up, all tied up, he soon noticed he was missing something, he just sat there with no Void! MF tried to get away from the ropes but it only hurt him more.
"Gah! He got away with MY Void! That Bastard! I'll punch his face into dust wen I can!"

MagicFizz came walking back.
"MF, you are back, where's Dark Lord?" NINJAsk asked.
"Somewhere, nicely hidden I guess..."
"Notthing, so do you want to know how I feel about you?"
"I hate you."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:39:10 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#47 Posted: 17:27:07 01/01/2014
Awesome. smilie
My life is complete.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#48 Posted: 17:27:48 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Dark Lord didn't give a crap about you smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#49 Posted: 17:33:30 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
"I hate you, I hate all the dS users! I HATE YOU ALL!"
"Get Riptoed."
"Yes please!"
"Ok get going then!"
NINJAsk pushed MagicFizz in the direction of someones guestbook.
"Hey dark52! We got a jerk over here! Ripto him!"
Dark52 looked over, his silver wings shining in the light, his purple flames around him.
"He hates this site!"
Dark52 shot a Fireball at MF....
The REAL MF suddenly cam up running, but the Fireball hitted him, sending him off into sky. A bright light appeared.
Wen it dissapeared Dark Lord came from behond the bushes.
"Is everything alright here? I was hiding for a Gnorc..."
Dark52 walked back into the shadows again.
"No, MF got Ritide'd-eh, Ripto'd." NINJAsk said.
Dark Lord grinned and smiled.
"Oh... notthing...."
Dark Lord was still holding the void of MF... he decided to put it in his pocket.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:40:46 14/01/2014 by NINJAsk11
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#50 Posted: 18:23:51 01/01/2014
What was my void anyways >.>

A penny? >.>

You cant fit most voids in a pocket >.>

Nope >.>

Lol jk.

My life is complete.
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