

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The End [CLOSED]
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2301 Posted: 03:50:47 13/11/2013
What the-?

EDIT: Nvm. Yeah, I said sour candy....

"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:51:40 13/11/2013 by Bash28
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2302 Posted: 03:52:20 13/11/2013
I love warheads.

People at my school sell them under the radar of the teachers.

They hide them in their coats.

It's like drug dealing, but with warheads.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:52:52 13/11/2013 by HotDogAndZap
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#2303 Posted: 03:53:36 13/11/2013
suddenly reminded of shrooms
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#2304 Posted: 03:54:21 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
I'm just gonna... Set this here...

if you actually watch that you're amazing

EDIT: And I'll send you 1k T. You have to prove you watched it though.
Yes, I'm that desperate.

Quote: HotDogAndZap
Quote: Bash28
Quote: HotDogAndZap

what you have a problem with the videos I like???????

Im not kidding, that's my favorite YouTuber. :I

I mean, you compared it with twilight.

That hurts. ;-;

I mean that people would rather watch your stuff instead of mine. I didn't actually click the link so I didn't mean to offend you ;~;
I'm sorry smilie

Pfft. People don't click the videos I post unless I pay them to.
*slides 1000 T over to you*

Click the link...

That's not true! I watched that Croatian Lion King video free of charge. smilie

Wow, that animation's really good! And the detail, too. I loved the dogs rolling around in the background. How is that gray dog still sleeping with all that singing going on?! smilie (Now you've dun made me curious about the actual video...)
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2305 Posted: 03:54:50 13/11/2013
smilie @DD

Oh yeah! Cuz' we be dat cool smilie @HDAZ
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2306 Posted: 03:56:01 13/11/2013
Quote: RumpleLover
Quote: HotDogAndZap
I'm just gonna... Set this here...

if you actually watch that you're amazing

EDIT: And I'll send you 1k T. You have to prove you watched it though.
Yes, I'm that desperate.

Quote: HotDogAndZap
Quote: Bash28

I mean that people would rather watch your stuff instead of mine. I didn't actually click the link so I didn't mean to offend you ;~;
I'm sorry smilie

Pfft. People don't click the videos I post unless I pay them to.
*slides 1000 T over to you*

Click the link...

That's not true! I watched that Croatian Lion King video free of charge. smilie

Wow, that animation's really good! And the detail, too. I loved the dogs rolling around in the background. How is that gray dog still sleeping with all that singing going on?! smilie (Now you've dun made me curious about the actual video...)



HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2307 Posted: 03:57:02 13/11/2013
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#2308 Posted: 03:57:47 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
smilie Mmmmm CHOCOLATE.

although, I must say when it comes to candy, I hate sweet stuff. I am the biggest sucker (see what I did there smilie) of SOUR candy! I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove sour candy!!!!

I see what you dun there. smilie

Quote: Darkrai Doll
suddenly reminded of shrooms

"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#2309 Posted: 03:58:40 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner

How did I miss that? *goes back to watch video again... and the actual one. smilie (just for you HDAZ. smilie)*
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:59:11 13/11/2013 by RumpleLover
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2310 Posted: 03:59:24 13/11/2013
Quote: RumpleLover
Quote: HotDogAndZap
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner

How did I miss that? *goes back to watch video again... and the actual one. smilie*

The actual one is like, 40 minutes long. But totally worth it. smilie The ending is sad though. :c
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#2311 Posted: 03:59:24 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner

it's called a TARDIS as in TARDIGRADE but with an S instead of GRADE
or you can think of it as RETARD but drop the RE and add IS at the end
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2312 Posted: 04:00:29 13/11/2013
Quote: Darkrai Doll
Quote: HotDogAndZap
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner

it's called a TARDIS as in TARDIGRADE but with an S instead of GRADE
or you can think of it as RETARD but drop the RE and add IS at the end



Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#2313 Posted: 04:02:48 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Quote: Darkrai Doll
Quote: HotDogAndZap
btw at around 0:13 of the dog video I posted, a doctor who phone box appears in the top left hand corner

it's called a TARDIS as in TARDIGRADE but with an S instead of GRADE
or you can think of it as RETARD but drop the RE and add IS at the end





I'm planning to pay 60k for a drawing of my dragons, despite me being an artist.
but i cant help it this guy is so amazing
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2314 Posted: 04:02:53 13/11/2013
Wtf formatting
Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#2315 Posted: 04:03:48 13/11/2013
wtf neopets

are you cheating on flight rising
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2316 Posted: 04:05:12 13/11/2013
Quote: Darkrai Doll
wtf neopets

are you cheating on flight rising

oh crap I left that tab up

Darkrai Doll Platinum Sparx Gems: 5026
#2317 Posted: 04:06:33 13/11/2013
*silently judging you*
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2318 Posted: 04:07:47 13/11/2013
I'll just leave this here....
If you like me, you'll watch it.
If you don't, well I think you get the idea.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2319 Posted: 04:08:54 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
I'll just leave this here....
If you like me, you'll watch it.
If you don't, well I think you get the idea.

I'll watch 3 twilight videos if you watch Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2320 Posted: 04:13:10 13/11/2013
You’re kidnapping me, aren’t you?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.145

Yes, because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.146
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2321 Posted: 04:15:53 13/11/2013
Heeeeey, what's going on.

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

I'm paying people to watch a video of cartoon dogs—you want in?
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2322 Posted: 04:18:31 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Heeeeey, what's going on.

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.

I'm paying people to watch a video of cartoon dogs—you want in?

Uuuh, okay.. Sure..

All you have to do is summarize the video to get your 1k T!

Yes, I'm desperate enough that I'm paying people to watch my videos.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2323 Posted: 04:22:47 13/11/2013
You could run from someone you feared, you could try to fight someone you hated. All my reactions were geared toward those kinds of killers – the monsters, the enemies. When you loved the one who was killing you, it left you no options. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give your beloved, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?
-Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn, Book One Preface, p.1

Body armor. Four thousand pounds of body armor. And missile-proof glass? Nice. What had happened to good old-fashioned bulletproof?

Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.7

Ha ha. Because I was so fragilely human, so accident-prone, so much a victim to my own dangerous bad luck, apparently I needed a tank-resistant car to keep me safe. Hilarious. I was sure he and his brothers had enjoyed the joke quite a bit behind my back.

Bella Swan, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 1, p.8


I love the bold one...
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2324 Posted: 04:23:57 13/11/2013
lolol I'm not reading any of the quotes lol
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2325 Posted: 04:27:03 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap

Uuuh, okay.. Sure..

All you have to do is summarize the video to get your 1k T!

Yes, I'm desperate enough that I'm paying people to watch my videos.

Um, well..
I see an animated yellow dog thing who looks depressed. He's walking through a forest where he starts stalking some other two dogs behind a bush. And there's a lady dog who's singing to another dog who looks upset too. Then she touches the other dog's chest and he smiles back.
But from behind the bushes the yellow dog looks mad and sings too. Then he's in a dark room, still looking angry, still singing. And then there's two panels showing both the lady and angry, yellow dog, who are both singing. And that's it. :I

Quote: HotDogAndZap
Quote: Darkrai Doll
Quote: HotDogAndZap

prove you watched it for the moneh


There is an emo, stalkerish golden dog who is whining about how the world sucks and he wants to be evil, and then there is a literal b**** who is singing about how the world is so happy and wise and amazing.

so they should totally get shipped together because thats how love works

Yeah that's pretty much it

btw in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, the golden dog is him, the ***** is his secret crush Penny (lol shipping) and that brown dog is the fix it felix of the video I can't remember his name but he's the real evil one

penny dies because she gets speared in the chest with metal when Dr. Horrible's invention explodes. fix it felix goes to a therapist because he's scarred for life and Dr. Horribles dreams are crushed because he accidentally skewered his crush

and then he takes over the world


oh oh and Dr. Horrible isn't exactly evil he's just misguided

lol like you actually care </3

I'll send you the cash next time I get on

HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2326 Posted: 04:30:16 13/11/2013
Did I win?

yes you did

Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2327 Posted: 04:31:38 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
lolol I'm not reading any of the quotes lol


Well. I see how it is.

I watched your movie. I cared about what you had to say...But could you read one simple quote? No. feelings XP

EDIT: and oh, this doesn't directly mean you HDAZ XP it goes to everyone who never listens to me smilie
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:34:25 13/11/2013 by Bash28
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2328 Posted: 04:36:00 13/11/2013
Quote: HotDogAndZap
Did I win?

yes you did


cool beans.

...I actually kinda enjoyed the video.. .__. *Smacks head on desk*

The video is by my favorite YouTuber. She has a lot better stuff on her channel. And, shocker, she's only about 6 months older than me! :0

It makes me want to sob uncontrollably. Everyone I know, EVERYONE, my age is better at drawing than me. I've practiced all my life and I've gotten nowhere. *sobs into pillow*
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2329 Posted: 04:38:33 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
Quote: HotDogAndZap
lolol I'm not reading any of the quotes lol


Well. I see how it is.

I watched your movie. I cared about what you had to say...But could you read one simple quote? No. feelings XP

EDIT: and oh, this doesn't directly mean you HDAZ XP it goes to everyone who never listens to me smilie

I'll read it if you read something of mine. X3

OMG. Everyone in this world wants something in return!!!!!! Can't you just read it for me???? smilie
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2330 Posted: 04:39:54 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
Quote: Bash28


Well. I see how it is.

I watched your movie. I cared about what you had to say...But could you read one simple quote? No. feelings XP

EDIT: and oh, this doesn't directly mean you HDAZ XP it goes to everyone who never listens to me smilie

I'll read it if you read something of mine. X3

OMG. Everyone in this world wants something in return!!!!!! Can't you just read it for me???? smilie

"What's in it for me?" - Every wise person on the planet.
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2331 Posted: 04:42:36 13/11/2013
Hey. I watched your video.
"What's in it for me?"
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2332 Posted: 04:43:31 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
Hey. I watched your video.
"What's in it for me?"

The satisfactory of making me happy. :3
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2333 Posted: 04:44:52 13/11/2013
I give up.

G'night y'all.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:45:11 13/11/2013 by Bash28
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2334 Posted: 04:46:06 13/11/2013
I read them anyway, now.. >:3

Don Quixote went up to the lady in the coach a said, "Your serene highness, I have saved you from this dreadful fate in the name of my beloved lady, Dulcinea del Toboso. I implore you turn back to El Toboso and tell her what I have done." One of the horsemen with the coach, a Basque, overheard this and, riding up, said to Don Quixote, "Go Knight away, or me kill you."

I read Toboso as Tabasco. DX
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2335 Posted: 04:46:09 13/11/2013
Okay....that is scary.
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
Bash28 Blue Sparx Gems: 951
#2336 Posted: 04:48:03 13/11/2013
"Eyes On Fire"

I'll seek you out
Flay you alive
One more word and you won't survive
And I'm not scared
Of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain

I'm taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain

Eyes on fire
Your spine is ablaze
Felling any foe with my gaze
And just in time
In the right place
Steadily emerging with grace

Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
Ahh, steadily emerging with grace
Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
Ahh, steadily emerging with grace
"Points for bravery, Stiff."
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#2337 Posted: 05:03:47 13/11/2013
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#2338 Posted: 05:08:16 13/11/2013
Quote: Bash28
"Eyes On Fire"

I'll seek you out
Flay you alive
One more word and you won't survive
And I'm not scared
Of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain

I'm taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace

I won't soothe your pain
I won't ease your strain
You'll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain

Eyes on fire
Your spine is ablaze
Felling any foe with my gaze
And just in time
In the right place
Steadily emerging with grace

Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
Ahh, steadily emerging with grace
Ahh, felling any foe with my gaze
Ahh, steadily emerging with grace

good song that
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#2339 Posted: 05:57:56 13/11/2013

I found a nice Wildclaw for my she Imperial.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#2340 Posted: 06:28:36 13/11/2013

Haha! smilie
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#2341 Posted: 06:31:11 13/11/2013
SiA, your current avatar absolutely makes that post for me. smilie
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