Here is mine ( poison. Cascoon, swalot, tokicroak)
3668 8573 9332.
Seiki (Poison. Garbodor, Kakuna, haven't found third one yet)
FC requested to not be listed (Talk with Seiki if you want to add him OR ask me to hunt something from his safari for you )
Spyro and sonic (rock. Boldore, Magcargo, Rhydon)
0559 7497 2416
Someperson (Psychic. Drowzee and 2 we don't know yet)
2191 7641 6832
Azz01 (steel. Klang,, magneton, excadrill)
1179 0283 7433
Quote: Darkrai Doll
Don't know what type I have.
Dragon (Fraxure,Druddigon,Shelgon)
Quote: wrecknroll
Yoshi - 0060 - 9956- 2265
No idea at all about my friend safari.
Fire (Magmar,larvesta, braixen)
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Quote: Bravo101
Fighting type, Sawk, Meditite, and Breloom.
Quote: Iblistech
My fc: 3179 6577 8881
- Blitz
Quote: ace
Ace 1289-8416-9774
Mienfoo, pancham, ???
Quote: arceustheprime
Chip - 0345-0163-9004
Water type- Gyarados, Bibarel and I'm not entirely sure, so it can either be Azumarill, Lapras, Poliwhirl or Frogadier.
If you want me to add you just PM me, since I have a habit of forgetting about posts on my GB and well, forgetting about everything really.
Quote: CommanderGame
Added everyone here.
here's my friend code:
EmperorNic, electric type.Dunno what pokemon.
Electric Dedenne, Pikachu,???
Quote: Ninpire
I play X 0860-3514-0863 (Steven) in game name is Laxus
No idea what my friend safari type is though
Quote: DrobotMewTwo
Add me! Mine is 3454-0954-0032
Dragon (ironic ain't it?) Fraxure, Noibat, ???
Quote: SilverTris79
My type is flying, have Tropius,Unfezant,and forgot the last one.
Quote: chained skull
Mine is
I think mines ghost but not sure
Also if you know marriland I have him registered on my 3DS and he has Lampents and gourgeists
Quote: TheSpyrofan12
Haven't made it to the Safari yet, so no idea what Pokemon or type I have.
Poison. Ariados, Kakuna, ???
Quote: Datminecraftguy
I am a rock type and have barbaracle, dwebble and magcargo
Mainly looking for an Eevee, Heracross and Pinsir safari, Msg me if you do
Quote: flashwingftw
Mine is:
4012-4542-5195 -Joey. I'm more of a trader than a battler, and my all my party pkmn are at Lv 95.
Water frogadier, wartortle, krabby
Quote: lady_valdyme
I'm a ground type with Camerupt, Sandshrew, and a mystery third pokemon.
My fiancee is a water type with Azumaril, Wartortle, and Octillery. Feel free to add both of us!
P.S. I will add everyone here so go ahead and enter mine