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WalMart vs TRU at midnight? [CLOSED]
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#1 Posted: 22:34:58 07/10/2013 | Topic Creator
I have the dark starter pack preordered at Game Stop so I will go there Sunday afternoon.
It turns out one TRU by me is on the midnight release list so now I don't know what to do. I was planning on going to Walmart at midnight and hoping to find an Enchanted Hoot Loop (the preorder is $99 every time I check). I want the Ledgendaries from TRU though...
Then it's Target at opening for Nitro/Rattle Shake.

Where would you start at midnight/where will you be? Or should I just sleep normal and deal with the regular opening (there is another TRU near my house not doing the midnight launch).
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#2 Posted: 22:42:37 07/10/2013
Are you looking to play at midnight or just get the harder to find figures?

If you want to play it at midnight and get as many figures as possible, I'd go to TRU first since they have the best deals.

If you're worried about missing out on variants, I'd start with Wal-Mart and get Enchanted Hoot Loop since Legendaries seem to stick around much longer than other store exclusives.
mordelack Green Sparx Gems: 483
#3 Posted: 23:14:05 07/10/2013
I thought enchanted hoop loop was not out till the 18th. So with sales at TRU, I would go there
Regular figures: 100% Variant figures: 100% Working on Chase Variants.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:16:27 07/10/2013 by mordelack
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#4 Posted: 23:29:03 07/10/2013
ToysRUs, because if you spend $100 in figures, merch, and the game, you get a free Special (Metallic Green) Gill Grunt.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#5 Posted: 00:15:08 08/10/2013
Yes Enchanted Hoot is coming out Oct 18th so toys r us would be your best bet.
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#6 Posted: 00:19:08 08/10/2013
Quote: trixster68
Yes Enchanted Hoot is coming out Oct 18th so toys r us would be your best bet.

Now is this based on the ship date for the listing on their web site that's erroneously priced, their physical ad, or inside information?
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#7 Posted: 00:24:59 08/10/2013
I pre ordered it when it was 14.96 on the website and my payment information said it will ship Oct 18th when the item became available for sale. My status is
Processing $14.96 Your item Enchanted Hoot Loop
Will arrive between Friday, 10/25/13, and Tuesday, 10/29/13. This is being sent to my house for free.
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#8 Posted: 00:35:00 08/10/2013
Well, since online orders aren't shipping until 10/16 I guess we can safely ignore the fact t hat Wal-Mart is advertising Enchanted Hoot Loop as in-store on 10/13.

[User Posted Image]
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#9 Posted: 00:40:44 08/10/2013
Well either way I am going to Walmart before midnight 10-13 then hitting Target at 8:00pm then over to Toys R Us I will have all of them toys...... Funny thing they dont say enchanted hoot loop on that flyer though.
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#10 Posted: 00:46:23 08/10/2013
So they might be referring to the other Wal-Mart exclusive Hoot Loop?
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#11 Posted: 00:54:17 08/10/2013
You got a point. lol if he is there at midnight I will buy him and then cancel my preorder. Its all fun until you run out of money to buy the little guy's. We will have to wait and see I guess.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#12 Posted: 01:03:29 08/10/2013
Going to ToysRUs at midnight, then heading to Walmart either after ToysRUs, or in the morning, whichever's better.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#13 Posted: 01:07:35 08/10/2013
I think you better go after tru to wally world to get your figures they will be gone by the next day.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#14 Posted: 01:11:59 08/10/2013
I'm going to Walmart after I leave TRU midnight Sunday. I have Enchanted on order, so whether I find it at stores or wait for them to arrive, I will have them. Won't hurt to check Walmart afterward.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#15 Posted: 01:17:44 08/10/2013
As a Walmart fan... Toys R Us.

Walmart probably won't even put the stuff out at midnight unless someone asks.
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#16 Posted: 01:23:25 08/10/2013
I will going to walmart and have them price match toys r us sale best of both
Need Nitro Magna Charge
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#17 Posted: 01:29:10 08/10/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks! I was a little worried about the ship date with Enchanted Hoot Loop, but I don't remember seeing that flyer before saying 10/13. We won't actually play the game right away since I did the GameStop pre order and we'll pick it up later Sunday. I'm torn between spending the money at TRU or trying to get Walmart to as match any specials.
My son likes most of the regular characters over the Ledgendaries after looking at pics tonight, so now I'm extra confused.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#18 Posted: 01:31:10 08/10/2013
How much would you save doing price match at walmart
..for example?
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#19 Posted: 01:33:23 08/10/2013
Probably not much more but since the nearest toys r us is an hour away it's easier and saves in gas
Need Nitro Magna Charge
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#20 Posted: 01:37:04 08/10/2013
Quote: Mage0069
I will going to walmart and have them price match toys r us sale best of both

You should take a look at their ad matching policy first.
GamerDrone Emerald Sparx Gems: 3287
#21 Posted: 01:37:14 08/10/2013
I will be going to TRU first. I don't doubt that I will be able to get an Enchanted Hoot Loop.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#22 Posted: 01:37:19 08/10/2013
I literally have the perfect area.

3 Walmarts, 3 & 1/2 ToysRUs' (One Express), 2 Targets, 6 GameStops, 3 Best Buys,
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#23 Posted: 01:41:50 08/10/2013
I have had no problems doing it in the past I see no reason for them not to now I'm not buying every figure only about 5 so it shouldn't be a problem I have no worries
Need Nitro Magna Charge
ironjack Yellow Sparx Gems: 1264
#24 Posted: 02:04:18 08/10/2013
What is the "Deal" at Toys R Us I have yet to see that they have a sale on the 13th and their prices are higher.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:04:46 08/10/2013 by ironjack
lady_valdyme Blue Sparx Gems: 547
#25 Posted: 02:13:00 08/10/2013
Quote: portalflip
Quote: Mage0069
I will going to walmart and have them price match toys r us sale best of both

You should take a look at their ad matching policy first.

You could be a real pain in the rear and argue the linguistics of their policy. Their rules specifically say "Buy one, get one free", with FREE being the key word of dispute. You could easily argue that you're not requesting this type of ad-match, as the TRU ad is "Buy one, get one 40% off." Print off the policy and bring it in with you in case the management tries to give you any trouble about it. ;)
Red Panda does not approve.
portalflip Blue Sparx Gems: 728
#26 Posted: 02:23:35 08/10/2013
Quote: lady_valdyme
Quote: portalflip
Quote: Mage0069
I will going to walmart and have them price match toys r us sale best of both

You should take a look at their ad matching policy first.

You could be a real pain in the rear and argue the linguistics of their policy. Their rules specifically say "Buy one, get one free", with FREE being the key word of dispute. You could easily argue that you're not requesting this type of ad-match, as the TRU ad is "Buy one, get one 40% off." Print off the policy and bring it in with you in case the management tries to give you any trouble about it. smilie

Then they turn around and say that since their ad match policy doesn't specify B1G1 40% then you're SOL.

The important part to keep in mind is that Wal-Mart's policy is that they do not match an ad that doesn't specify what the actual price of the item is. B1G1 40% off does not actually specify a price. This isn't unique to Wal-Mart as Target's policy is worded the same way.
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#27 Posted: 02:27:16 08/10/2013 | Topic Creator
^ but it does say no % off, so I guess the ad matching won't work unless someone does a 2 for $20 or something like that. So I guess I'll do TRU and build up credit towards that Gill Grunt.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#28 Posted: 02:52:15 08/10/2013
Like I said I have done it before no problems and will expect the same results if not no biggie
Need Nitro Magna Charge
Zer0 Blue Sparx Gems: 996
#29 Posted: 03:25:18 08/10/2013
Quote: Matteomax
ToysRUs, because if you spend $100 in figures, merch, and the game, you get a free Special (Metallic Green) Gill Grunt.
I can't find any reference to this. Do you have a link, by any chance? Toys "R" Us is extremely bad about listing offers on their website.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#30 Posted: 03:42:43 08/10/2013
Walmart's Price Match policy is a pretty simple concept, if A.) You understand it and B.) The store understands it.

At its most basic, the policy is this: Walmart will match a local competitor's exact advertised price for the exact advertised product.

Walmart will match "Buy One, Get One" (Free, X% off, $X, etc.) if the exact price can be determined by the same ad that shows the BOGO offer.

So, the best example I can give - last year, TRU had the BOGO 40% off all Skylanders games, figures and accessories advertised. Now, for the Starter Packs, they showed their original price ($74.99 vs. Walmart's $74.96). Therefore, Walmart should match that, ringing up the first one at their regular price ($74.96) and the second one at the TRU sale price ($74.99 x .60) plus the difference in price on the first starter pack (three cents) - $45.02.

Meanwhile, TRU's ad showed several Skylanders figures, but *none* of them had prices on them. Therefore, Walmart should *not* price match those.

However, if TRU's ad was to have had the price shown ($10.99 vs. Walmart's $9.96), they should ring it up $9.96 for the first and $7.57 for the second [(10.99-9.96)+(10.99*.6)].

However, this is all overly complicated, so most stores will just take the promo off their own prices or not match it at all..
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#31 Posted: 04:37:57 08/10/2013
I'm hitting tru at midnight one after another. Walmarts by me are closed till 7am so i'll go there at 7 for my enchanted hoop lopp then next store to the target in the lot behind them. If i'm bored bestbuy after thou i dont care for there 15day return garbage.

Gamestop I will pick up my dark editions later in the afternoon after target and tru are done. Planning to cross long island all morning 10/13 looking for an special chase variant. I don't believe i'll find a single one, but who knows smilie If i have time before work at 3 i also plan to visit my grandparents and lay down flowers for them while i'm out that way.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#32 Posted: 05:18:42 08/10/2013
Quote: Matteomax
I literally have the perfect area.

3 Walmarts, 3 & 1/2 ToysRUs' (One Express), 2 Targets, 6 GameStops, 3 Best Buys,

No wonder you've found treasure hunt variants.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#33 Posted: 07:36:17 08/10/2013
I have by me 2 TRU's plus 2 best buy's along with 9 Walmarts 2 Kmarts 6 Meijers 4 Targets 6 Game Stops all within 10 to 30 mins away from my house. I have my map all ready drawn up for my adventure starting at midnight going all the way through 9am so it will be a blast.
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#34 Posted: 07:51:25 08/10/2013
Quote: trixster68
I have by me 2 TRU's plus 2 best buy's along with 9 Walmarts 2 Kmarts 6 Meijers 4 Targets 6 Game Stops all within 10 to 30 mins away from my house. I have my map all ready drawn up for my adventure starting at midnight going all the way through 9am so it will be a blast.

Thats actually not a bad idea. I just wish walmarts by me were actually 24hrs id so go to a few to kill time between when im done with TRU and 8am at target.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#35 Posted: 08:16:14 08/10/2013
All of my Walmarts are 24 but one. So I have lots to do and the Meijers are all 24 hrs too. 8am Target for my preorder of Swap along with nitro twin pack then its over to TRU for Legendary goodness about 8:30ish can't wait.
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#36 Posted: 21:18:40 08/10/2013
Question... Does the green Gill grunt is here in Canada???
Imaginators is making it revive.
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