I got to Kmart at 0730 and also had the issue with scanning... what the hell kmart!! thankfully they were kind enough to put the prices through manually
Once 9am hit, I managed to scour Toy `R' Us for Legendary Free Ranger, and Chill (the chill sadly having a part opened box :/)
Onto target where i got the Nitro Magna Charge and Rattle shake double box, and then EB for Dark Edition, Polar wind and the battle/adventure packs. EB tried to offer me more figs but they're all just reposes, i'm not particularly interested.
I've also ordered Legendary LC Grim Reeper from Toys R Us america... i couldn't wait for that one!
I'm a bit miffed at lack of Enchanted Hoot Loop, as it's the only swap force character I don't have.
Also for anyone who didn't catch one, it appears TRU AU is selling Polar Whirlwind.