You know, I found it rather amusing how many interesting games are set to be released this year that are very similar to past games, yet have features that look amazing, not to mention than most of these games are sequels to ones we know from a long time. Starting with Mario of course, you got Dream Team. The M&L games was a very conclusive trilogy, and I never expected a continue. And what about the Mario Bros? There are doing that pretty much lately.
Not only Mario, we have games like The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong. Who would have thought that after all this time, they would have made a sequel to the SNES DKC trilogy. And A Link Between Worlds, I don't know if it's a trilogy to A Link to the Past, or just a game that uses a similar style, but either way, it's going to be big.
So in other words, they are using past ideas to add new features. I would wish for something new, but I guess it's too risky. It's very difficult to come up with something both very original and good when people are already use to something. I am now glad it's going that way. Past generation can play those games to feel nostalgic and feel the modern added features, while newer generation can experience a little taste of how similar those amazing previous games were