darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Giants > Newbie here...Skylanders: Giants is awesome!!!
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Newbie here...Skylanders: Giants is awesome!!! [CLOSED]
groovemachine Green Sparx Gems: 117
#1 Posted: 08:48:06 29/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Hey, I had seen these figures at Toys 'R' Us on end caps amongst other toys and wondered what the deal was. I didn't understand they were actually used in gameplay. Well, I wandered into Toys 'R' Us earlier this week with my kids and we saw the figures in the video game section with a portal set up so you could place the boxes on there and see the figures in-game. Um, we had no choice but to buy the game immediately as it was $40 for the starter pack.

My kids each picked out one additional figure and we dove into the madness that is Skylanders! I'll just say it's been a lot of fun for everyone. My 5-year-old and I play through the levels together and my older kids do their own thing. I happened into a Ninjini I found at Walmart and she is my favorite so far. My regular character is a LiteCore ShroomBoom and my kids all make fun of him. I just went and picked up Hot Head and Swarm and we'll open them up this weekend and do some battles...I'm digging the giants so far. My son happened upon a handful of figures at a garage sale today for $2 a piece as well...all orange bases except for one with a green base, so now we've got more characters than we know what to do with, but it's all a ton of fun. I'm impressed with the playability of the levels and how difficult it is to actually 100% complete the game. We all discovered the heroic challenges today as well and have had some success with those.

Well, I just wanted to pipe in here and I'll keep perusing the forums!
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#2 Posted: 11:48:04 29/06/2013
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Welcome to the madness that is Skylanders, we hope you enjoy it!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#3 Posted: 11:58:41 29/06/2013
just remember that you need one of each elements to get to all parts of the game.... so if your not planning to buy everything this is important. also the 4 adventure packs for the first game works with this... and all figures from the first game works too...

welcome to the skylanders madness smilie
Hotdog88 Blue Sparx Gems: 722
#4 Posted: 13:39:39 29/06/2013
Welcome and if you want giants to make scence a little bit more than you really need the first game. I think you need hot dog next, he is my personal favorite. This game is insanely fun and if you didn't know they are coming out with a sequel called swap force.
Looking for smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
and sidekicks and swap force
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#5 Posted: 14:52:20 29/06/2013
If your deciding to "collect them all" or thinking about it. If you see boomer, voodood, darknight crypts adventure pack, whamshell, dino-rang, camo or warnado I suggest you pick them up as they are rare. They weren't relreased (as in made series 2) so those will soon be harder to find. Sunburn is another but he aint too hard as his adventure pack is still being made.

Either way enjoy skylanders, its fun!
GhostRoaster24 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#6 Posted: 15:04:55 29/06/2013
^YES! Darklight Crypt and Boomer are both EXTREMELY rare, and expensive on eBay.

Also, Skylanders with a green base are Series 1, meaning that they were made in the first game. Skylanders with an orange base are Series 2, meaning they were made as Re-Posed S1 Skylanders for Skylanders: Giants. Skylanders with an orange base also unlock a heroic challenge in Giants, can switch upgrade paths, but not have both at once, and also receive a Wow Pow available for purchase through Persephone.

That being said, Welcome to the Kaos (smilie) that is Skylanders. Pun intended. Oh, and you should also start planning your wallet's funeral. smilie
Tumblr: hunter-alex
Skybagel Gold Sparx Gems: 2092
#7 Posted: 16:15:53 29/06/2013

Have fun!
Whoop whoop! Yellow Sparx on the day of Swap Force's release!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#8 Posted: 16:40:09 29/06/2013
happy(annyoing ) skylanders hunt, i would like to remind you that you have a gb!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#9 Posted: 19:25:47 29/06/2013
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Oh, and you should also start planning your wallet's funeral. smilie

Yes, start making alternate meal plans so you can buy more landers. Oh the madness...
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#10 Posted: 04:22:01 30/06/2013
Yes, you might want to consider the first game, as well. This way is harder, as the graphics are lower quality and there's less gameplay, but it would fill in the story for you better. Also many people prefer the hub world of the first one, it has much more of a nature feel.

Green base figures were released with the first game, SSA, and as such will work in both games, and will unlock Heroic Challenges in SSA only. They're also generally harder to find (though Walmarts everywhere have recently restocked the shelves with them).

Orange base figures came out for Giants, and so will work in this game. Whether they'll work in the first game depends on who they are. The poster that comes with SSA shows which characters came out with that game, any re-release of them would work. Orange base characters all unlock Heroic Challenges in Giants, and the ones which work in SSA will also unlock their HC in SSA. Reposed characters will show up in Giants as "Series 2" on screen. Anybody who is Series 2 can switch paths and has access to an additional upgrade called a Wow Pow. Official/in-game terminology says that the new characters (like the giants and ones like Jet Vac and Chill) are NOT called Series 2, "Series" refers to how many times they've been released.

As has been stated, you need at least one character from each of the 8 elements to get everywhere, as well as one giant. Though everyone has Tree Rex, and you mentioned having Ninjini, so that's not a problem. smilie

In addition to Heroic Challenges to upgrade the stats of a Skylander, after Chapter 3: Rumbletown you get a passenger on the ship in the form of a Goliath Drow named Brock, standing on the upper deck of the ship. If you talk to him you can do Arena Challenges. Unlike Heroic Challenges, you can do these as a team of 2.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
groovemachine Green Sparx Gems: 117
#11 Posted: 06:13:54 30/06/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks for the warm welcome! I've gotta track down a water figure yet, but the only things I could find in local stores were a 3-pack with Zap or the SSA starter set with Gil. I'm not ready to do either of those options yet. We're having fun anyway and I just ran into my first area I couldn't get into without a water figure on chapter 8.

Hotdog88, you'll be happy to know I did pick up a Molten Hot Dog off of ebay for a good price and I'm sure we'll eventually get the SSA game as well...I mean, why not?
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#12 Posted: 10:02:55 30/06/2013
^Starter pack is always available but not necessarily the toys you'll need. You may want to investigate availability of the SSA figures in your area before saying that, although technically you can use all of the S2 reposed characters in this first game as well. Keep in mind new characters introduced in Giants will not work in the first game. Just look for the SSA poster for details online.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 10:03:52 30/06/2013 by GhostRoaster
Tel Prydain Blue Sparx Gems: 903
#13 Posted: 23:27:58 30/06/2013
Great to see a new face! There are quite a few older folk here that have stumbled into the game - many of us started by getting it for kids to play before becoming hopelessly addicted ourselves. I don't have kids myself, but what started as a fun game to play with the nieces and nephews has since gotten... slightly out of hand. Now half the extended family have portals and almost no visit is complete without a Skylander or two coming for a ride.

I REALLY recommend the first game. You'll get three figures (including Spyro!) and you can put the game itself away for some stage in the future.
Plus, having a 2nd game for most of your figures to go through adds additional value to the proposition of buying more toys.

If some of the advice about what figure works where seems confusing, just remember EVERYTHING works in Giants. If you see any figure you like, feel free to buy it without worrying.
And for Spyro's Adventure, if the character is on the Spyro's Adventure poster (regardless of color/lights/etc) or has a green base, you're golden.

[User Posted Image]
My collection: 98/99
Photos: http://s1298.photobucket.com/u...rary/Skylanders
Looking for: smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:28:46 30/06/2013 by Tel Prydain
groovemachine Green Sparx Gems: 117
#14 Posted: 04:10:22 01/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Um, Swarm is awesome! I just did chapters 9 and 10 for the first time and he absolutely killed it. I did a couple speed heroic challenges to increase his speed and he really zips when he flies anyway. He can do the ice skating challenge in 23 seconds per lap and I can't even complete that challenge with slower characters. I put the boxer underwear hat on him to give him even more speed and it looks hilarious on him with an antenna sticking out of each leg hole.
Tel Prydain Blue Sparx Gems: 903
#15 Posted: 04:17:27 01/07/2013
I really like Swarm. His ability to strafe around targets makes him the only Giant who can survive nightmare mode. And unlike most of the Giants he can zip through the levels in no time flat.
My collection: 98/99
Photos: http://s1298.photobucket.com/u...rary/Skylanders
Looking for: smilie
groovemachine Green Sparx Gems: 117
#16 Posted: 08:34:36 17/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Well, a quick update...not that it matters! We're still enjoying the game and I finally completed it (I've been taking my time and replaying levels along the way looking for stuff) and maxed out my first character (as much as I can).

My save file is still only at 68%, but I've been through all 16 chapters and Ninjini is level 15, has a gold hat, and 19 heroic challenges completed!

My oldest son has 3 characters maxed out to level 15 with all upgrades purchased, but I'm the only one to achieve "gold hat" status so far.
SkylandersEzra Emerald Sparx Gems: 3714
#17 Posted: 08:55:10 17/07/2013
If you have any more questions about the figures, you should check out this guide. Otherwise it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on the game already. Enjoy and prepare yourself for SWAP Force. If your kids haven't found out about it already I'm sure they will soon.
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#18 Posted: 12:57:46 17/07/2013
Btw a new game is around the corner

October 13th is the release of skylander swap force
introducing characters that can mix and match for amazing swapabilities
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#19 Posted: 21:16:34 17/07/2013
yes and welcome skylanders rocks!!!!1
Hexblazer Blue Sparx Gems: 895
#20 Posted: 21:27:00 17/07/2013
Welcome to the Skylanders & Spyro Fan Site smilie
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