I had a really helpful employee talk to me yesterday about this. If the shelves are full then apparently they will "bin" the boxes, in other words - put the boxes on the upper high shelves to get them off the stockroom floor. Not every employee can access the upper shelves since it is a work hazard to get them down. She said they had to wait until someone that could get them down was going to be there. It isn't always because they are lazy/mean, but yeah it sometimes is because of that.
That i didnt know. This is walmart your talking about right? Cause i know target will do partial boxes as regular back stock (i'm not trained on sales floor completely so i dont have the full details on our backstock methods) At TRU i know that the do the partial boxes and if less than half are left in the box they are tossed into the Z-bays. So at least when u are at tru or target they can always go check....unless they are lazy