Previously, I grabbed a Jade Flashwing, but found out she was released there. What would be a good one to get to trade for an LC Hex? I don't really want to spend a lot, since I'll be getting 2-3 when SWAPForce comes out anyway... but I would like to "complete" my set... Thoughts?
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I've been considering ordering an LC Hex from AU just so I can sit back and say "done". Since the new Sidekicks are on the horizon (even though I've yet to stumble into a S2 Drobot), I'm really itching to pull that trigger - but really don't want to over-pay (even more so since I'll be getting 1-3 of her when I pick up SWAP Force).
I was in a Target today and saw a Jade Flashwing hanging on the peg. Grabbed her, thinking she might make for a good swap with an Aussie, as I didn't think she got a release there. Am I crazy?
I was in a Target today and saw a Jade Flashwing hanging on the peg. Grabbed her, thinking she might make for a good swap with an Aussie, as I didn't think she got a release there. Am I crazy?