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Giant Sidekicks? [CLOSED]
Hotdog88 Blue Sparx Gems: 722
#1 Posted: 03:04:58 08/03/2013 | Topic Creator
I know that frito-lay is going to have the chip bag thing again but when are they going to start the promotion in stores? They also better not have a 8-10 week waiting period again for it, that really got me mad in the last game(seriously, how long dose it take them to package up one little tiny toy, proably a minute).
Looking for smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
and sidekicks and swap force
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:32:27 10/03/2013 by ItsJustMe
Sharkz2001 Green Sparx Gems: 493
#2 Posted: 03:11:36 08/03/2013
Nobody knows for sure. I'm sure of one thing, it's probably gonna take 8-10 weeks to receive them again. That's big business for ya.
I'm back for Swap Force!
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#3 Posted: 03:25:20 08/03/2013
Misleading title...
I always forget to check my guestbook
DutRank Blue Sparx Gems: 800
#4 Posted: 03:28:25 08/03/2013
You do realize how many envelopes they have to go through and how many packages to put together for everyone who entered. Also. It took mine about 4 weeks.
Maelstrom Blue Sparx Gems: 500
#5 Posted: 04:28:15 08/03/2013
I'm hoping they don't go through with the promo, and figure out a better strategy for releasing them. I would much rather have them all in one package and buy it for the same prices the Triples and Battle Packs go for. All I'm saying is, maybe this time they could do something different to make them more accessible.
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#6 Posted: 06:32:39 08/03/2013
Quote: Hotdog88
I know that frito-lay is going to have the chip bag thing again but when are they going to start the promotion in stores? They also better not have a 8-10 week waiting period again for it, that really got me mad in the last game(seriously, how long dose it take them to package up one little tiny toy, proably a minute).

this is only speculation. nothing more.
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#7 Posted: 07:51:31 08/03/2013
I say you have each store care one of each. 4 Sidekicks = Walmart, Target, GameStop, TRU. So if you want one you will have to visit a designated store that carries that particular one. This way each store gets to participate in the SideKicks adventure and it adds fuel to the fire for those fanatics that like to got hunt for them. Like Me...
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#8 Posted: 07:57:48 08/03/2013
I don't think the Frito Lay thing ever made it around here (I live in Canada), the first I ever heard of it - or Sidekicks at all - was 3 months ago, in this forum. So I REALLY hope they don't do that again, though from speculation it appears likely. I have yet to even see a real "live" Sidekick, so I really hope this time it's in some way that's available to me, like that suggestion of having one exclusive to each store chain.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
GB700 Green Sparx Gems: 475
#9 Posted: 09:37:36 08/03/2013
I am from the UK and feel it is unfair how you only have a chance to get a sidekick if you live in the USA. The same with other products and promotions like Chrome Blue Chop Chop. I have twitter just like others but because I am not resident of the USA I did not qualify to enter the twitter draw.

I feel that all countries should be treat as equals in all walks of life. After all, in other walks of life we all want equality and no discrimination on the basis of Race, Nationality,Religion, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Gender, Age etc etc. (I know this statement is quite extreme when you compare it to a toy promotion, however Skylanders is a global brand, a global product with a global customer / fan base).
SWAPS smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
LC smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
CORE smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
TheBakonBitz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1360
#10 Posted: 12:17:02 08/03/2013
^ American made game made by an American company. America is gonna get almost all the exclusives.
Andasarus Red Sparx Gems: 62
#11 Posted: 12:18:11 08/03/2013
Maybe they will do the thing GameStop did spend 29 $ on skylander products and u get a free sidekick.
"If you are a Christian and are not afraid to say so, Please copy and paste. This is a test to see if you are loyal to God.
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#12 Posted: 13:04:23 08/03/2013
Mine only took about a month 1/2 to receive
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
Madscience Red Sparx Gems: 39
#13 Posted: 17:14:52 08/03/2013
Lolfail. i dont know about these sidekicks. might not get them. i already got the first four from the original game.....
--- Visit this site. enter the link!

Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:35:55 10/03/2013 by ItsJustMe
SkylandersBoy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1129
#14 Posted: 17:29:51 08/03/2013
Quote: TheBakonBitz
^ American made game made by an American company. America is gonna get almost all the exclusives.

40 or 50% of the sales are from other countries, and so far, as I know, Portugal had one of the the firsts official contests (also Germany)
Swap Force is just plain awesome!
I'm not related to the SkylanderKids.
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#15 Posted: 19:13:08 08/03/2013
They throw other countries a bone - such as releasing Legendary Lightcore Chill in Canada first, or making Scarlet Ninjini exclusive to Germany first - but for the most part, BakonBitz said it best: American company, America gets most exclusives. I live in Canada, and for a LOT of things like this, Canada = USA. We get their TV channels, we get their TV shows and ads, we get a lot of their restaurant and store chains, we have access to a lot of the same goods and services. But quite regularly we get stuff like this. People in New York City had (extremely limited) early access to Ninjini, nearly a month before ONLY AMERICAN Toys R Us stores had her to buy. No other country had that toy fair or any event like it, and as far as I know no other country got Ninjini when American TRUs did. We have TRU here in Canada, and ours didn't get her, I think they still don't have her.

Even if a majority of sales are outside of America, there's this mentality in the American business model that states that the American/local market is the most important. Things are marketed to the American market primarily, no matter what. It usually ends up working out, so there's no motivation to change it. And I have to give them credit, Skylanders as a whole seems like the most internationally-minded American made product I've ever seen.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
#16 Posted: 03:01:14 10/03/2013
I recieved my smilie,smilie, and smilie in less than 8-10 weeks. More like 4-6 weeks.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:02:42 10/03/2013 by Ash Starkindle
mxzx800ho Yellow Sparx Gems: 1101
#17 Posted: 03:33:24 10/03/2013
Wasn't it the UK that has the exclusive GITD Frightrider?

Wasn't it Germany that had exclusive chrome spyro?

Who was it that had dark spyro in a single pack so I didn't have to buy the 3ds version?
I have Frightrider and Rattle shake Fritolay figures for trade for rares
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:38:35 10/03/2013 by ItsJustMe
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#18 Posted: 03:35:37 10/03/2013
Use the edit button..

GITD Frighty as of now is both UK and Austrailia exclusive.

Chrome Spyro was E3 2012.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
mxzx800ho Yellow Sparx Gems: 1101
#19 Posted: 03:39:28 10/03/2013
I know where chrome spyro came from I own one. Who can afford to goto toy fair in Germany to maybe pick one up?
I have Frightrider and Rattle shake Fritolay figures for trade for rares
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#20 Posted: 03:40:33 10/03/2013
^ You can't get him anymore. Toy Fair this year gave out Metallic Chop Chop, and it's OVER.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
mxzx800ho Yellow Sparx Gems: 1101
#21 Posted: 03:57:41 10/03/2013
Matteomax when did we get first side kicks?
I have Frightrider and Rattle shake Fritolay figures for trade for rares
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#22 Posted: 05:55:41 10/03/2013
Yes, USA gets the majority of the special/variants but as we see from the post above here is what other countrys got: Pearl Hex, GITD Fright Rider and recently we have seen in the last month other countries are getting some figures before they show up in the USA.
Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#23 Posted: 13:28:38 10/03/2013
Didn't the Skylanders series hit $500 million in U.S. sales about a month before reaching $1 billion in worldwide sales? If the U.S. out sells all the other countries combined that could be the reason they get more perks.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
Thumpbackman Red Sparx Gems: 88
#24 Posted: 18:16:14 05/04/2013
My friend ordered a side kick when the promotion started,still has not gotten it
Favorites... smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie
Like my avatar? smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie..lovesmilie smilie
Skaterpunkdan Blue Sparx Gems: 501
#25 Posted: 18:39:44 05/04/2013
Im sorry but the its an American company so we get the exclusives is such a stupid way to think. as acti are losing a lot of customers. why alienate people that live in other countries when they are just as willing to buy them.
I Have: 37/37
FFM1994 Blue Sparx Gems: 772
#26 Posted: 17:04:56 18/05/2013
Why did this thread about sidekicks turn into exclusives? Can we go back to sidekicks maybe?
List of all figures & much much more: http://skylandersspyrosadventu...ll-figures.html
3DS Friend Code: 1977-0335-5200
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#27 Posted: 17:13:45 18/05/2013
I really don't understand the big deal with Sidekicks. They don't do much. My mom managed to find a smilie and he is more of a hindrance than anything else. He does nothing but get in the way.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#28 Posted: 17:15:28 18/05/2013
I actually hope they don't do a Frito Lay thing again. I didn't even hear about it until it was over. I'd rather have an in-store thing like with the GameStop promotion. Honestly, only REALLY want Minijini and Eye-Small. Thumplig and Barkley only if after I get the ones I want and can get them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but have we even heard anything diffinitive saying the Giants ones will ever be released? Sure, we saw prototypes from one of the events like Toy Fair or something, and the programming exists for them in the game, but other than that, do we really have any true confirmation they're getting released?
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Nelomet Emerald Sparx Gems: 3069
#29 Posted: 22:13:51 18/05/2013
Silly question: What DO sidekicks do? Do they attack alongside you like say, Ghost swords or Sparx? Do they have a limited timer?
Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.
applenut Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#30 Posted: 22:54:50 18/05/2013
it will be a Frit-Lay thing again, with the sacks like before, done as a back to school promotion
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#31 Posted: 23:04:13 18/05/2013
Quote: Nelomet
Silly question: What DO sidekicks do? Do they attack alongside you like say, Ghost swords or Sparx? Do they have a limited timer?

They appear alongside your skylander as long as they are on the portal. Otherwise, they do nothing but follow you around like a little pet. They DO NOT attack enemies, they DO NOT collect gold for you, they do absolutly nothing but follow you around and look cute.

Quote: applenut
it will be a Frit-Lay thing again, with the sacks like before, done as a back to school promotion

Where was this said? Where has it been said anywhere how or if they'll be released?
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Nelomet Emerald Sparx Gems: 3069
#32 Posted: 23:54:00 18/05/2013
Vanity pets for Skylanders, fantastic. I guess I'm not heartbroken New Zealand seems to have missed them.
Last question: Do they occupy the slot of magical item, so if you have one, you can't plonk down say, the potion, or the cannon?
Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#33 Posted: 23:57:45 18/05/2013
Quote: Nelomet
Vanity pets for Skylanders, fantastic. I guess I'm not heartbroken New Zealand seems to have missed them.
Last question: Do they occupy the slot of magical item, so if you have one, you can't plonk down say, the potion, or the cannon?

Pretty sure they do.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
applenut Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#34 Posted: 18:18:38 19/05/2013
I work for frito, have seen some of the in-house promo stuff, it's coming, don't know details yet, but I'll grill my boss this week for new info
GhostRoaster24 Blue Sparx Gems: 942
#35 Posted: 18:45:18 19/05/2013
Cool!^ And honestly sidekicks seem useless unless you're a collector!
Tumblr: hunter-alex
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#36 Posted: 19:43:15 19/05/2013
Quote: applenut
I work for frito, have seen some of the in-house promo stuff, it's coming, don't know details yet, but I'll grill my boss this week for new info

Sigh. Looks like I'm paying $150 for them again.

P.S. To the guy/gal who said the stuff we did get: you can easy buy a 3DS starter just for Dark and sell the extras plus the single isn't common at all, Pearl Hex wasn't a public release, and GITFR hasn't been restocked in ages. You missed out on two figures and got a few late in return for a buttload of exclusives and basically everything else first- I don't think that we're really "*****ing"
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#37 Posted: 21:22:14 19/05/2013
Considering HOW useless they're reported as being, I don't want to hunt any down (I live in Canada, and I'm pretty sure we didn't get the Frito Lay thing), and I certainly don't want to pay a buttload of money, but I AM very curious to see them first hand, LOL! The most I've heard them "do" is get in your way, LOL!
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#38 Posted: 22:23:47 19/05/2013
Here's a vid of the sidekicks in use (the first 4) for anyone questioning what they do and/or jsut would like to see them in-game.

Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#39 Posted: 19:35:06 20/05/2013
Yeah, thanks... I haven't tried looking for a demo video, this helps. It's funny, a question I used to have (and was feeling pretty sure of the answer now), he wasn't answering: Since the Sidekicks are modelled after specific Skylanders, can they only be used with their Skylander? He kept matching the Sidekick with the Skylander! He finally brought that question up at about the 7:40 mark and answered it right there, the answer was as I figured, that it doesn't matter who you're playing. The other big question, he sort-of answers (but doesn't show) just after that, after 8 minutes: Does the Sidekick take the slot of Magic Item on the portal, can you use a Magic Item and a Sidekick at the same time? I've been guessing that the Sidekicks are indeed the Magic Item, and he sort of says that, by saying you might as well use them if you aren't using a Magic Item.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
cocoandlola Yellow Sparx Gems: 1110
#40 Posted: 19:36:46 29/05/2013
I got whisper elf at eb games for spending more than 20 dollars on skylanders products
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#41 Posted: 02:05:48 30/05/2013
So since i missed the sidekicks chips thing last year. How did it work, you got like an order form and some upc's and mailed them in? How did u also get fuzzy stump?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:06:10 30/05/2013 by SlayerX11
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#42 Posted: 18:15:26 30/05/2013
Quote: SlayerX11
So since i missed the sidekicks chips thing last year. How did it work, you got like an order form and some upc's and mailed them in? How did u also get fuzzy stump?

Fuzzy Stumpy was in a separate Frito Lay promo before the sidekicks... the Sidekicks promo worked where you got a form inside the chip bags which you would fill out and mail in (with a few bucks)!!
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#43 Posted: 22:56:40 01/07/2013
We got a whisper elf free with purchasing a 3 pack back around christmas. I had never heard of sidekicks before that. She is cute and I don't think she gets in the way and she has actually killed an enemy or two. She doesn't seem to do much, but she's fun to have.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
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