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Pokemon Questions [CLOSED]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#51 Posted: 05:44:28 24/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Not to be rude or anything Opal0sprey but how about let me answer some questions my way? Sense this is my topic I created to help people not to give them a walk through.

I'm sorry if I sound rude.
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#52 Posted: 06:29:00 24/02/2013
^ Oh sorry, I misread, I thought that this was a general questions topic where anyone could ask questions and others could help them out and answer. Why can't we both help out people, or was nothing I typed out helpful?
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
King_Pika Blue Sparx Gems: 544
#53 Posted: 14:56:57 24/02/2013
Actually, I want Opal too because she helped with a nature guide, and in Colosseum, Emerald, and smilie, there's no way to check.
"Regretting never, our dreams will be... Halfway to forever! Our light comes shining through. Reach down deep, big defeat. Do all that we can do!"
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#54 Posted: 17:11:25 24/02/2013
I'm doing a playthrough of Pokemon White 2, and I need help.

What Pokemon is better to use on a team? Cofagrigus or Zoroark?
Bring the Fanta
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#55 Posted: 19:04:16 24/02/2013
Quote: OpalOsprey
*everything about nature goes here*

Wow, that helped a ton smilie Never realized natures did that much. The only game mechanics I've really looked into are shinies and IVs so knowing about natures will help me. I usually get bored of playing Pokemon really quickly but now that I know natures affect their stats I'm going to be playing so much more.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#56 Posted: 19:42:34 24/02/2013
Where can I get a fire stone in w2?
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#57 Posted: 20:12:52 24/02/2013
^ and to TheSpyrofan12I:

I know and want to help, but I'm afraid to help without Spyroconvexity's permission...
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#58 Posted: 21:32:16 24/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: OpalOsprey
^ Oh sorry, I misread, I thought that this was a general questions topic where anyone could ask questions and others could help them out and answer. Why can't we both help out people, or was nothing I typed out helpful?

No no what you typed was useful but I feel like it was a little too much info. We can bothe help out people.smilie
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#59 Posted: 21:39:38 24/02/2013
^ No, you didn't sound mean, I was making sure that I had your permission and that you weren't upset with me. Thanks, I'll try to sum things up better.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#60 Posted: 21:43:01 24/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Thank you. I thought I made you sad.

You seem to know your pokemon very well you want to have a battle?
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#61 Posted: 00:37:44 25/02/2013
I'd probably challenge people to battles on here but I know I'd lose xD
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#62 Posted: 03:06:10 25/02/2013
Ok. Ill edit this post to include ALL of the Pokemon I have and have left over to finish the UnovaDex.......Can you guys help me with trying to complete the UnovaDex?
???-I have not even seen this Pokémon
(# in the UnovaDex)(name)
004 Tepig
005 Pignite
016 Unfezant
024 Stoutland
026 Flaaffy
027 Ampharos
034 Lucario
037 Pansage
038 Simisage
041 Panpour
044 Whirlipede
045 Scolipede
047 Weezing
049 Magneton
050 Mangezone
052 Arcanine
054 Magmar
055 Magmortar
056 Elekid
057 Electabuzz
058 Electivire
063 Crobat
065 Muk
067 Swoobat
068 Roggenrola
070 Gigalith
073 Timburr
076 Drilbur
078 Skitty
079 Delcatty
081 Lopunny
088 Cleffa
090 Clefable
094 Flareon
095 Espeon
096 Umbreon
098 Glaceon
100 Krokorok
101 Krookodile
103 Darmanitan
106 Garbodor
110 Braviary
111 Vullaby
112 Mandibuzz
114 Sandslash
116 Crustle
117 Scraggy
119 Maractus
120 Sigilyph
123 Flygon
124 Yamask
125 Cofagrigus
131 Klang
132 Klinklang
133 Budew
137 Gothorita
138 Gothitelle
139 Solosis
141 Reuniclus
143 Vespiquen
146 Pinsir
147 Blitzle
154 Swanna
163 Castform
165 Probopass
168 Aggron
169 Baltoy
170 ???
171 Larvesta
178 ???
179 Eelektross
180 Frillish
181 Jellicent
182 Alomomola
187 Seviper
189 Beheeyem
191 Lampent
192 Chandelure
195 Cubchoo
199 Thundurus
200 Landorus
202 Drapion
204 Numel
205 Camerupt
208 Drifloon
210 ???
211 Banette
212 ???
218 Tangrowth
222 ???
224 Bisharp
228 Tympole
230 Seismitoad
232 ???
233 Mantyke
234 Mantine
235 ???
236 ???
237 ???
238 Staryu
239 Starmie
240 ???
241 Wailor
242 Lapras
243 ???
244 ???
245 ???
247 Altaria
248 ???
249 ???
251 ???
253 Weavile
255 Vanillite
256 Vanillish
257 Vanilluxe
258 Swinub
262 Beldum
264 Metagross
265 ???
266 ???
267 Throh
270 Druddigon
274 Zweilous
275 Hydreigon
276 Slakoth
278 Slaking
280 Crawdaunt
281 Igglybuff
283 Wigglytuff
285 Lickilicky
287 ???
288 ???
291 Toxicroak
292 Larvitar
294 Tyranitar
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:57:02 26/02/2013 by isaac343018s
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#63 Posted: 03:28:59 25/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Yep me and Opal0sprey will help you out. smilie
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#64 Posted: 04:34:51 25/02/2013
Quote: isaac343018s
Ok. Ill edit this post to include ALL of the Pokemon I have and have left over to finish the UnovaDex.......Can you guys help me with trying to complete the UnovaDex

Sure =)! I have White 2, and if I remember correctly, you have Black 2, so if there are any Pokemon that are White 2 exclusive that you need, I'll be glad to trade them to you for any Pokemon (it can just be a low level and easy one to catch such as the ones found at the beginning of the game).

I have extra Leaf Stones, DeepSeaTooths, Water Stones, DeepSeaScales, Shiny Stones, Dragon Scales, Oval Stones, and King's Rocks, so if you need any of those items to evolve your Pokemon, let me know =). Unfortunately, I only have two extra of each, so I currently can't offer more than two of each yet, but I'll let you know if I get more.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:35:32 25/02/2013 by OpalOsprey
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#65 Posted: 05:32:07 25/02/2013
Thanks you two! Ill post that list tmrw...I really only have 272 so it may be a long list....
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#66 Posted: 05:42:36 25/02/2013
^ Okay, take as much time as you need =). Good luck!
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#67 Posted: 11:15:34 25/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Hey Opal0sprey, do you know if the dragon's scale evolves any pokemon or does it not?
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#68 Posted: 19:53:00 25/02/2013
^ Yes, it evolves Seadra to Kingdra if Seadra is holding it while you trade it.

If you don't want to go through this process to get Kingdra, you can encounter Kingdras while fishing in water shaking spots at Route 17, Route 18, and the water outside the P2 Lab. Keep in mind, though, they are somewhat rare and only appear 5% of the time.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:58:30 25/02/2013 by OpalOsprey
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#69 Posted: 20:27:29 25/02/2013
Hey Opal I have a question.So I have decided to use your ideas for my team but I am wondering how do I find some of the items and can I get the moves by tm,hm or learning?If you feel this is to much to type out that is fine.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#70 Posted: 21:29:53 25/02/2013
^ I'm currently typing it up. I'm really sorry it's taking so long, I just finished it and it took an hour, but my stupid computer crashed and I lost all of my work =(. I'll try to hurry, sorry about that.

Okay, I just finished =). Like you asked, this covers all of the moves and items that I suggested for your team on the last page and how to get them. Sorry Spyroconvexity for the length, let me know if this is too long.

1. Samurott:

  • Mystic Water - Route 4 (in the lower area with the Fishermen), Castelia City (on the first floor of the Battle Company, a woman will ask what starter you choose, select Oshawott and she will give you the Mystic Water)

  • Ice Beam - TM13 (found in the main cave of the Giant Chasm. Surf up the long pool of water in the northern part of the cave to reach it)
  • -

    2. Braivary:

  • Sharp Beak - In Mistralton City (gift from lady to the left of the entrance in the Cargo Building)

  • Return - TM27 (In Aspertia City, given to you from Bianca after beating the Aspertia Gym)

  • Superpower - Learned by Braivary at level 51, if it wasn’t taught it then, see the Move Tutor in Lentimas Town (it will cost 10 Blue Shards). The Move Reminder in the PWT might also be able to re-teach it to you (it will cost a Heart Scale).
  • -

    3. Arcanine:

  • Wild Charge - TM93 (In Victory Road “Entrance”; Southwest of Veterans Cecil and Claude, you will need Surf and Waterfall. Video showing location.

  • Crunch - Learned by Growlith at lvl 45, if you didn't teach it then, there's a Move Reminder in PWT, but I'm not 100% sure if Crunch is one of the relearn-able moves. (It will cost you a Heart Scale).
  • -

    4. Lucario:

  • Expert Belt - There are two Expert Belts in the game so both your Lucario and Dragonite can wear one (unless of course you're entering a challenge that doesn't allow multiple of the same items). There's one that is given to you as a gift in Driftveil City for showing a Lv. 30 Pokemon to the man near the left enterence in the Market, and the other is found with the Dowsing Machine in Route 19 (can’t remember exactly where right now, sorry).

  • Calm Mind – Learned by Lucario at Lv. 27, or through TM04 (priced at 80,000 at the Striaton City Poke Mart, in the Pokecenter)

  • Dragon Pulse - Learned by Lucario at Lv. 60, if you’re past that level and didn’t teach it to him, see the Move Reminder in PWT.
  • or
    Psychic - TM29 (Found in Route 13, Surf the water by the beach to find a shallow water area with a fisherman, it’s behind him)

  • Dark Pulse - Taught through Move Tutor in Lentimas Town, it will cost 10 Blue Shards (I don’t know if the Move Reminder can teach this to you, but you could try)
  • -

    5. Dragonite:

    Expert Belt - Refer to Lucario’s item above, for location.

  • Dragon Claw - TM02 (Found in Dragonspiral Tower in the room that spirals around) Video showing location.
  • or
    Outrage - Learned by Dragonite at Lv. 67, or the Move Reminder if it wasn’t taught then.

  • Earthquake - TM26 (Found in Route 15, in the lower part of the Route down the stairs, there is a boulder to use Strength on, move it into the hole and get the item past it).
  • or
    Superpower - See the Move Tutor in Lentimas Town (it will cost 10 Blue Shards).

  • Dragon Dance - Learned at Lv. 61 by Dragonite, or see the Move Reminder if it’s past Lv. 61.
  • -


    Magnet - Chargestone Cave (Found on the first floor in the south-eastern most part of the cave near Ace Trainer Corky. It’s behind some movable charged stones (only move the bottom one to the left, otherwise you can’t reach it, unless the reenter the place).
    Light Clay - Route 4 (In the North-Eastern corner of the route, it’s behind a three buildings near a female Pokefan trainer.

  • Fire Punch - Move Tutor in Driftveil City (it costs 10 Red Shards)

  • Keep Shock Wave
  • or replace it with:

    • Substitute - TM90 (Found in Twist Mountain, but only during Winter) [url=[/url]or
    • Power Gem - Learned at Lv.35 and maybe the Move Reminder can teach it to you if you’re past that level.
    • or
    • Signal Beam - Learned at Lv.51 or at the Driftveil Move Tutor for 4 Red Shards (Possibly the Move Reminder and teach it, too)


    Magnet - Refer to Ampharos above for location.

    Signal Beam - Move Tutor in Driftveil City for 4 Red Shards
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:52:58 25/02/2013 by OpalOsprey
    azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
    #71 Posted: 21:58:30 25/02/2013
    Its fine.If it takes to long don't do it.I am at opelicud city as of now and I really just need that because I think it may help me beat Drayden.
    Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
    Avatar by Trix Master
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #72 Posted: 22:02:54 25/02/2013 | Topic Creator
    Try leveling up your pokemon a bit mor and try teaching them dragon or Ice type moves if your pokemon can learn them. Drayden uses dragontype pokemon and his pokemon are weak to Ice and Dragon type moves.
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #73 Posted: 00:11:07 26/02/2013
    To azz01:

    I edited the post above with all the locations. Like Spyroconvexity said above, since you're battling Dragon-Types now, you'll want to teach them Dragon and Ice Type moves. For some extra power, you can have the Pokemon hold items that boost Dragon-Type moves like Draco Plate (found at Undella Bay), or Expert Belts can work for boosting your super-effective Ice-Type moves or Dragon-Type Moves. I don't think you can get any held items that only boost Ice-Type moves, yet, but you can have your Pokemon hold one of those one-time use gems such as Ice Gem and Dragon Gem that it will use during your battle. Good luck =)!
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #74 Posted: 00:20:02 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
    Quote: OpalOsprey
    ^ Yes, it evolves Seadra to Kingdra if Seadra is holding it while you trade it.

    If you don't want to go through this process to get Kingdra, you can encounter Kingdras while fishing in water shaking spots at Route 17, Route 18, and the water outside the P2 Lab. Keep in mind, though, they are somewhat rare and only appear 5% of the time.

    Thank you. I always thaught it did nothing and I always sold it for money.
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #75 Posted: 00:57:30 26/02/2013
    No problem =), if you need one, let me know because I have an extra.

    To isaac343018s:

    Thanks for typing up that list, but are you currently aiming to fill the Unova Dex or the National one? If you're currently working on the Unova Dex, it might be better for you to look at your Unova Pokedex and list the Dex #'s of the ones that are blank or that you don't have, yet, we don't need to know all of the ones you have as long that you list all the numbers of the ones you don't have. That way, it's easier for us to tell which ones you need =). Keep in mind that the Dex numbers of each Pokemon are different depending on what Dex you have, so keep that in mind. Thanks and good luck =)!
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:15:21 26/02/2013 by OpalOsprey
    fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
    #76 Posted: 01:50:03 26/02/2013
    I just got Pokemon Black back from my friend (I left it at his house), so I'm going to start going for high IVs for Snivy.
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #77 Posted: 02:00:08 26/02/2013
    ^ Okay, good luck =)! I would recommend raising its Special Attack stat the most if you want a Special Attacker, or Attack Stat for a Physical Attacker. Since Snivy and all its form's base Attack and base Special Attack are equal, you can go either way.
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #78 Posted: 02:00:54 26/02/2013 | Topic Creator
    Best you train it well my friend. smilie
    isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
    #79 Posted: 02:23:24 26/02/2013
    Actually, that would be a better idea......
    bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
    #80 Posted: 09:26:52 26/02/2013
    Quote: isaac343018s
    004 Tepig - Trade Only (Or breed Emboar, if you have one)
    005 Pignite - Again, trade only.
    016 Unfezant - Evolve Tranquill. Or find in wild (Shaking grass areas, Rt 3, 6, 7, 12 or grassy areas outside Dragonspiral Tower)
    024 Stoutland - Evolve Herdier. Or find in wild (Again, Shaking grass areas, Rt 1, 2, 3 or outside P2 Lab)
    026 Flaaffy - Evolve Mareep.
    027 Ampharos - Evolve Flaafy.
    034 Lucario - Evolve Riolu (Riolu can be found at Flocessy Ranch, however, very rare)
    037 Pansage - Shaking areas in Pinwheel/Lostlorn Forest
    038 Simisage - Leaf Stone on Pansage
    041 Panpour - Same as Pansage
    044 Whirlipede - Pinwheel Forest(both grasses), or Lostlorn Forest (Double Grass) or evolve Venipede
    045 Scolipede - Pinwheel Forest (Inside, Shaking spots) or evolve Whirlipede
    047 Weezing - Evolve Koffing, or outside P2 Lab
    049 Magneton - Evolve Magnemite, or outside P2 Lab
    050 Mangezone - Evolve Magneton (level up in Chargestone cave), or outside P2 Lab(shaking grass)
    052 Arcanine - Fire Stone on Growlithe
    054 Magmar - Level up Magby with full happiness
    055 Magmortar - Trade Magmar with Magmarizer
    056 Elekid - White 2 only - Virbank Complex
    057 Electabuzz - Level up Elekid with full happiness
    058 Electivire - Trade Electabuzz with Electirizer
    063 Crobat - Level up Golbat with full happiness or Dreamyard (outside, shaking spots)
    065 Muk - Evolve Grimer, Route 9 all grass, or fish in Castelia Sewers
    067 Swoobat - Evolve Woobat (Level up with happiness?)
    068 Roggenrola - Relic Passage Room 3 or breed Boldore
    070 Gigalith - Trade Boldore
    073 Timburr - Breed Gurdurr/Conkeldurr or Relic Passage Room 3 (or rare outside Pinwheel Forest)
    076 Drilbur - Pretty much any cave (shaking spots), or breed Excadrill
    078 Skitty - White 2 only Castelia Park
    079 Delcatty - White 2 only Moon Stone on Skitty OR Castelia Park, shaking spots
    081 Lopunny - Black 2 only Evolve Buneary, OR Castelia Park, shaking spots
    088 Cleffa - Breed Clefairy
    090 Clefable - Moon Stone on Clefairy or Giant Chasm, shaking spots
    094 Flareon - Fire Stone on Eevee
    095 Espeon - Level up Eevee during day, max happiness
    096 Umbreon - Level up Eevee during night, max happiness
    098 Glaceon - Level up Eevee near icy rock (bottom of Twist Mountain)
    100 Krokorok - Relic Castle (Maze area) or evolve Sandile
    101 Krookodile - Evolve Krokorok
    103 Darmanitan - Desert Resort (rare) or evolve Darumaka
    106 Garbodor - Evolve Trubbish or Route 9
    110 Braviary - White 2 only, Rt 4(Interactable, only certain day) or evolve Rufflett
    111 Vullaby - Black 2 only, Rt 23
    112 Mandibuzz Black 2 only, Rt 4 (Again, interactable, only certain day) or evolve Vullaby
    114 Sandslash - Rt 15 or Relic Castle (Maze)
    116 Crustle - Evolve Dwebble, or Rt 18 or Seaside Cave (only one chance to get this one)
    117 Scraggy - Rt 4 or Desert Resort
    119 Maractus - Desert Resort
    120 Sigilyph - Desert Resort
    123 Flygon - Evolve Vibrava
    124 Yamask - Relic Castle inside
    125 Cofagrigus - Evolve Yamask
    131 Klang - P2 Lab or evolve Klink
    132 Klinklang - P2 Lab(shaking areas) or evolve Klang
    133 Budew - Breed Roselia
    137 Gothorita - Black 2 only, Rt 9 or Strange House or evovle Gothita
    138 Gothitelle - Black 2 only, Rt 9 (shaking areas) or evolve Gothorita
    139 Solosis - White 2 only, Rt 5, 16 or Strange House
    141 Reuniclus - White 2 only, Rt 9(shaking areas) or evolve Duosion
    143 Vespiquen - Rt 12 (shaking areas) or Lostlorn forest (shaking areas) or evolve Combee(Female only)
    146 Pinsir - Lostlorn Forest (hollow)
    147 Blitzle - Breed Zebstrika
    154 Swanna - Marvelous Bridge or evolve Ducklett
    163 Castform - Rt 6 (shaking areas)
    165 Probopass - Level up Nosepass in Chargestone Cave
    168 Aggron - Evolve Lairon
    169 Baltoy - Relic Castle (Maze End)
    170 Claydol - Evolve Baltoy
    171 Larvesta - Breed Volcarona
    178 Eelektrik - Seaside Cave (B1F)
    179 Eelektross - Evolve Eelektrik
    180 Frillish - Rt 4, 13, 17, 18, 21, P2 Lab, Undella Town/Bay, Virbank, Seaside Cave, Humilau City (Surf)
    181 Jellicent - As Frillish, (Shaking spots) OR every Friday(?) Undella Bay one appears. Or evolve Frillish.
    182 Alomomola - Rt 4, 17, 18, 21, P2 Lab, Virbank (shaking surf areas)
    187 Seviper - Rt 7, 11, or Village Bridge. Or Rt 7 or 23 Hidden Hollow
    189 Beheeyem - Evolve Elgyem
    191 Lampent - Evolve Litwick
    192 Chandelure - Evolve Lampent
    195 Cubchoo - Rt 7 (Winter only)
    199 Thundurus - Dream Radar or trade
    200 Landorus - Dream Radar or trade
    202 Drapion - Evolve Skorupi
    204 Numel - White 2 only, Reversal Mountain
    205 Camerupt - White 2 only, Reversal Mountain
    208 Drifloon - Rt 13 Hidden Hollow or breed Drifblim
    210 Shuppett - Breed Banette
    211 Banette - Strange House, or Victory Road (1F, 3F)
    212 Wingull - Breed Pelipper
    218 Tangrowth - Rt 13 or Giant Chasm outside (shaking) or level up Tangela with Ancient Power
    222 Gliscor - Rt 11, 15, 23 (shaking spots) or level up Gligar at night, holding Razor Fang
    224 Bisharp - Evolve Pawniard
    228 Tympole - Pinwheel Forest (Rare) or breed Palpitoad
    230 Seismitoad - Rt 8, Pinwheel Forest Outside, Icirrus, Moor of Icirrus(shaking spots) or evolve Palpitoad
    232 Shuckle - Seaside Cave B1F
    233 Mantyke - Undella Bay, Rt 21 (Surf)
    234 Mantine - Undella Bay, Rt 21 (Surf shaking spots) or level up Mantyke with Remoraid in party
    235 Remoraid - Undella Bay, Rt 21 (Fish or Surf)
    236 Octillery - Undella Bay, Rt 21 (Fish shaking spots)
    237 Corsola - Rt 18 (Fish) or Humilau (Surf shaking spot)
    238 Staryu - Rt 13, Undella Town, Humilau (Surf)
    239 Starmie - Rt 13, Undella Town, Humilau (Surf, shaking spots) or Water Stone on Staryu
    240 Wailmer - Undella Bay (Surf shaking spots)
    241 Wailord - Undella Bay (Surf, shaking spots) or evolve Wailmer
    242 Lapras - Village Bridge (Surf, shaking spots)
    243 Spheal - Undella Bay (Surf, Winter only)
    244 Sealeo - Undella Bay (Surf shaking spots, Winter only) or evolve Spheal
    245 Walrein - Undella Bay (Surf shaking spots, Winter only) or evolve Sealeo
    247 Altaria - Rt 14, Abundant Shrine, Victory Road (outside), Nature Preserve or evolve Swablu
    248 Vulpix - Abundant Shrine
    249 Ninetales - Abundant Shrine (shaking spots) or Fire Stone on Vulpix
    251 Bronzong - Abundant Shrine (Dark grass) or evolve Bronzor
    253 Weavile - Level up Sneasal at night with Razor Claw
    255 Vanillite - Breed Vanillish/Vanilluxe
    256 Vanillish - Dragonspiral Tower (grass area, Winter only), Giant Chasm
    257 Vanilluxe - Dragonspiral Tower (Grass area, shaking spots, Winter only), Giant Chasm Outside (shaking areas) or evolve Vanillish
    258 Swinub - Breed Piloswine/Mamoswine
    262 Beldum - Breed Metang/Metagross
    264 Metagross - Giant Chasm (shaking grass) or evolve Metang
    265 Seel - Giant Chasm (Surf)
    266 Dewgong - Giant Chasm (surf, shaking spots)
    267 Throh - Rt 15, 18, 23, Pinwheel Forest Outside,(shaking spots for all previous) Victory Road outside
    270 Druddigon - Dragonspiral Tower OR Victory Road (7F)
    274 Zweilous - Evolve Deino or Victory Road (7F or N's Castle Entrance)
    275 Hydreigon - Evolve Zweilous
    276 Slakoth - Breed Vigoroth/Slaking
    278 Slaking - Evolve Vigoroth or Pinwheel Forest Inside (shaking spots)
    280 Crawdaunt - Rt 3, Striaton (Surf shaking spots) or evolve Corphish
    281 Igglybuff - Breed Jigglypuff
    283 Wigglytuff - Moon Stone on Jigglypuff, or Rt 1, 2, Dreamyard (shaking spots)
    285 Lickilicky - Rt 2 (shaking spots) or level up Lickitung with Rollout
    287 Yanmega - Rt 3, Pinwheel Forest Outside (shaking spots) or level up Yanma with Ancient Power
    288 Tropius - Rt 18
    291 Toxicroak - Pinwheel Forest Outside or evolve Croagunk
    292 Larvitar - Breed Pupitar/Tyranitar
    294 Tyranitar - Rt 15 (shaking spots) or evolve Pupitar

    BW2, I assume? This is a great list - But I'll see what I can help with (seeing as it appears you may have been overlooked...)

    BISYEDIT: Done! Hope this helps! All can also be got via trading with others, those which just say evolve require just level up to evolve
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 10:13:21 26/02/2013 by bisylizzie
    fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
    #81 Posted: 11:18:45 26/02/2013
    Quote: OpalOsprey
    ^ Okay, good luck =)! I would recommend raising its Special Attack stat the most if you want a Special Attacker, or Attack Stat for a Physical Attacker. Since Snivy and all its form's base Attack and base Special Attack are equal, you can go either way.

    I usually try getting a high Special Attack so that early on when I don't have Special Attacks I'm not too strong, but later when I get powerful Special Attacks they'll be even stronger.
    azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
    #82 Posted: 18:17:39 26/02/2013
    Thanks opal.This will really help.

    Also where is a good place to train your pokemon in W2 when they are btween lv 30-45?
    Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
    Avatar by Trix Master
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:45:31 26/02/2013 by azz01
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #83 Posted: 21:46:08 26/02/2013
    ^ No problem =)!

    It's always best to level up in areas that have Pokemon that are weak against your attacks. I like battling Audinos because they give a lot of experience. Have your lead Pokemon hold a Lucky Egg (given as a gift from Juniper) and others that you're leveling hold an Experience Share (one is given at the Castelia City Battle Company, and the other at Icirrus City when you show a Pokemon that's level 25-49 to the Fan Club Owner). How far are you currently in the game, did you get past Opelucid City? At Route 9, you can encounter Audinos ranging from levels 37-40. Ride your bike near the grass until a shaking spot spawns, and head to it. You should get a good amount of experience for each Audino defeated.

    Quote: fireofexile
    Quote: OpalOsprey
    ^ Okay, good luck =)! I would recommend raising its Special Attack stat the most if you want a Special Attacker, or Attack Stat for a Physical Attacker. Since Snivy and all its form's base Attack and base Special Attack are equal, you can go either way.

    I usually try getting a high Special Attack so that early on when I don't have Special Attacks I'm not too strong, but later when I get powerful Special Attacks they'll be even stronger.

    ^ That's a really good idea because it's good to be stronger later in the game due to foes getting stronger and using more strategic moves.
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:11 26/02/2013 by OpalOsprey
    fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
    #84 Posted: 20:03:40 28/02/2013
    Got a Modest Snivy with 28 Special Attack IVs. Its others aren't super great but they're okay and I think I can raise the EVs so that they're stronger. I'm going to keep it. I'm going for an Eevee next smilie
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #85 Posted: 20:15:47 28/02/2013
    ^ Nice =)! I hope that you can easily find a good Eevee. Good luck training your Pokemon =)!
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
    #86 Posted: 20:21:21 28/02/2013
    Quote: OpalOsprey
    ^ Nice =)! I hope that you can easily find a good Eevee. Good luck training your Pokemon =)!

    It should be easy, my friend owes me at least 10 xD if he even has any. I restart a lot, but in another file I bred a ton of Eevees for IVs and shinies (never got either) but I had one of each Evolution, too, and gave my friend one of each. So if he still has his game I'll ask him soon.
    zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
    #87 Posted: 12:36:04 13/03/2013
    I am sorry for reviving a partially dead topic, but I need a little more help for thee elite four and Iris. For one thing, I only have to of those pokemon that OpalOsprey listed (Lucario and Ampharos) So I will show you my team and if you have any ideas on how to help, please help:

    Lv. 56 Golduck/Moves: Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Hydro Pump, Surf
    Lv. 56 Ampharos/Moves: Power Gem, Signal Beam, Volt Switch, Discharge
    Lv. 57 Stoutland/Moves: Crunch, Retaliate, Last Resort, Reversal
    Lv. 56 Emboar(aka Blitzer)/Moves: Heat Crash, Strength, Flamethrower, Flame Charge
    Lv. 56 Unfezant/Moves: Air Slash, Razor Wind, Fly, Aerial Ace
    Lv. 57 Zoroark/Moves: Foul Play, Night Slash, Cut, Faint Attack

    If only I had my level 100 Infernape from Diamond...
    Skylanders Colosseum Clash
    A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:36:47 13/03/2013 by zookinator
    somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
    #88 Posted: 14:50:57 13/03/2013
    Does anyone know the place you can find Eevee at in BW2?
    bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
    #89 Posted: 16:09:12 13/03/2013
    Quote: somePerson
    Does anyone know the place you can find Eevee at in BW2?

    The Castelia Park. 5% Encounter rate, so need to keep at it. Or, if you've beaten the Elite 4, there's a woman in the room where Fennel is (also in Castelia. Near the Gym)
    Stratago Red Sparx Gems: 44
    #90 Posted: 18:59:21 13/03/2013
    Quote: bisylizzie
    Quote: somePerson
    Does anyone know the place you can find Eevee at in BW2?

    The Castelia Park. 5% Encounter rate, so need to keep at it. Or, if you've beaten the Elite 4, there's a woman in the room where Fennel is (also in Castelia. Near the Gym)

    The Pokedex stating that Eevees can be found in Castelia City is a bit misleading, and caused me some frustration a while back when I was trying to do so. In order to actually get to the place where the Eevees are, you'll need to go through the Castelia Sewers during a certain season when the water level is low. Surf may also work, but I'm not 100% on that.
    A blade that shimmers in prismatic hues. 70% Critical Hit rate.
    bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
    #91 Posted: 21:21:34 13/03/2013
    Quote: Stratago
    Quote: bisylizzie
    Quote: somePerson
    Does anyone know the place you can find Eevee at in BW2?

    The Castelia Park. 5% Encounter rate, so need to keep at it. Or, if you've beaten the Elite 4, there's a woman in the room where Fennel is (also in Castelia. Near the Gym)

    The Pokedex stating that Eevees can be found in Castelia City is a bit misleading, and caused me some frustration a while back when I was trying to do so. In order to actually get to the place where the Eevees are, you'll need to go through the Castelia Sewers during a certain season when the water level is low. Surf may also work, but I'm not 100% on that.

    Well, the area is indeed called "Castelia Park". And yes, surfing does work. Just surf straight left, then eventually you see the stairs up.
    OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
    #92 Posted: 22:55:01 13/03/2013
    Quote: zookinator
    I am sorry for reviving a partially dead topic, but I need a little more help for thee elite four and Iris. For one thing, I only have to of those pokemon that OpalOsprey listed (Lucario and Ampharos) So I will show you my team and if you have any ideas on how to help, please help:

    Lv. 56 Golduck/Moves: Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Hydro Pump, Surf
    Lv. 56 Ampharos/Moves: Power Gem, Signal Beam, Volt Switch, Discharge
    Lv. 57 Stoutland/Moves: Crunch, Retaliate, Last Resort, Reversal
    Lv. 56 Emboar(aka Blitzer)/Moves: Heat Crash, Strength, Flamethrower, Flame Charge
    Lv. 56 Unfezant/Moves: Air Slash, Razor Wind, Fly, Aerial Ace
    Lv. 57 Zoroark/Moves: Foul Play, Night Slash, Cut, Faint Attack

    If only I had my level 100 Infernape from Diamond...

    1. Golduck:

    • Ice Beam - Learned through TM13. Have it replace Water Pulse.
    • Psychic - Learned through TM29. Have it replace Zen Headbutt

    2. Ampharos:
    Your moves look pretty good. I typed up some Ampharos move coverage on Posts #70, and #46 that might be somewhat helpful.

    3. Stoutland:

    • Return - Taught by TM27. Replace Last Resort for it. Make sure Stoutland has max happiness (If you had it in your party for a while, it should already be) so the move is at its optimum power. Last resort is a powerful move, but you're stuck only using it at certain circumstances (having all the PP used up in all of your other moves).
    • Superpower/Giga Impact - Replace Reversal. You'll have to see the Lentimas Town Move Tutor in order to learn this for 10 Blue Shards. If you can't afford it or want to hand on to your shards, then choose Giga Impact, which is learned at level 59 or by TM68.
    • Wild Charge - Taught by TM93. Replaces Retaliate.

    4. Emboar:

    • Flare Blitz - Learned at level 62. Replaces Heat Crash.
    • Superpower/Focus Blast/Brick Break - Move Tutor in Lentimas Town for 10 Blue Shards for Superpower. If you don't want to do that, you can teach it Focus Blast (TM52) but it only has 70% Accuracy. If you want a move with better Accuracy, teach it Brick Break (TM31), which has 100% Accuracy, but it only has 70 Attack Power. Have one of these moves replace Strength (You'll have to see a Move Deleter to get rid of Strength since it's a HM).
    • Wild Charge - Taught by TM93. Replaces Flame Charge.

    5. Unfezant:

    • Return - Taught by TM27. Replaces Razor Wind
    • Sky Attack - Learned at level 66. Replaces Aerial Ace or Fly
    • Tailwind - Learned at level 60. You might want to teach it this, which boosts your team's Speed, but you'll have to sacrifice one of your Attack moves like Air Slash or Fly.

    6. Zoroark:
    I would recommend you replace some or most of your moves with these:
    Quote: OpalOsprey
    Quote: TheSpyrofan12
    What would you guys say is a better Pokemon to use in single player? Zoroark or Cofagrigus?
    I can't decide what one to use on my team on White 2.

    ^ Zoroark is a stronger attacker with much better Speed, making it a good offensive Pokemon, but Cofagrigus has better defenses so it's more like a wall and defensive Pokemon. If you want an offensive Pokemon, choose Zoroark, and if you prefer a defensive Pokemon, choose Cofagrigus.

    My Recommended Moves for an Offensive Special Attacker Zoroark:

    1. Dark Pulse - egg move or Move Tutor in Lentimas Town for 10 Blue Shards
    2. or
      Night Daze - Zoroark learns this move at level 64. It has 5 more power than Dark Pulse (85 instead of 80) and has a 40% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage, but it has 5% less accuracy than Dark Pulse (95% instead of 100%).

    3. Flamethrower - Taught through TM35, which is found on Route 23

    4. Focus Blast - Taught through TM52, which is found in Wellspring Cave on B1F (the dark level of the cave). Powerful, but only has 70% accuracy, so use wisely.

    5. Nasty Plot - Learned at level 54; It boosts your Special Attack by two stages.
    6. or
      Shadow Ball - Taught through TM30, which is found outside Reversal Mountain.
      Grass Knot - Taught through TM86, which is found inside Pinwheel Forest. Good for when you encounter a heavy Pokemon, especially if it's a Rock, Ground, or Water Type.


    You can see the Move Reminder in PWT if you didn't teach your Pokemon a move that it learns at a certain level.

    For some more help, you can refer back to the previous page where I discussed what Type moves are strong against each Elite Four Types of Pokemon (Page 1, Post #24).

    I wouldn't teach your main Pokemon HM moves like Cut and Strength when stronger moves can take those places; instead, teach a Watchog the field moves Cut, Strength, Flash (for dark areas in caves), and Dig (it works like an Escape Rope in caves). That way you can add Watchog into your party whenever you're going to need to use some field moves.

    If you're still having trouble, you might want to level up your Pokemon a little bit more.

    Sorry for taking a while to type this up. Good luck and I hope that this helps you =)!
    Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

    "You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
    zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
    #93 Posted: 23:04:56 13/03/2013
    Alright, thanks!
    Skylanders Colosseum Clash
    A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #94 Posted: 05:02:32 11/06/2013 | Topic Creator
    No problem!
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #95 Posted: 05:50:48 11/06/2013 | Topic Creator
    It depends on what level. The starting level or lv. 100
    SilverTris79 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1171
    #96 Posted: 07:49:16 11/06/2013
    Can someone help me with my team?

    Breloom/Substitute/Thunder Punch/Sky Uppercut/Rock Slide/Toxic Orb/Poison Heal
    Jellicent/Scald/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam/Night Shade/Leftovers/Cursed Body
    Lucario/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse/Close Combat/Ice Punch/Focus Sash/Inner Focus
    Hydreigon/Draco Meteor/Dark Pulse/Focus Blast/Acrobatics/Choice Specs/???(Don't know the ability)
    Blissey/Wish/Flamethrower/Thunder/Blizzard/Leftovers/Natural Cure
    Tyranitar/avalanche/Superpower/Ice Beam/Dark Pulse/Focus Band/Sandstream

    Any suggestions?
    Need: smilie,smilie
    Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
    #97 Posted: 15:09:21 11/06/2013 | Topic Creator
    Lv. 100.

    I would say Torterra is the best grass starter.

    Quote: SilverTris79
    Can someone help me with my team?

    Breloom/Substitute/Thunder Punch/Sky Uppercut/Rock Slide/Toxic Orb/Poison Heal
    Jellicent/Scald/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam/Night Shade/Leftovers/Cursed Body
    Lucario/Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse/Close Combat/Ice Punch/Focus Sash/Inner Focus
    Hydreigon/Draco Meteor/Dark Pulse/Focus Blast/Acrobatics/Choice Specs/???(Don't know the ability)
    Blissey/Wish/Flamethrower/Thunder/Blizzard/Leftovers/Natural Cure
    Tyranitar/avalanche/Superpower/Ice Beam/Dark Pulse/Focus Band/Sandstream

    Any suggestions?

    It's best to teach your pokemon a verity of moves. It's best not to have the same type of moves unless they are a one hit KO or they are really powerful.
    frightrider64 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1744
    #98 Posted: 19:32:05 11/06/2013
    Explain this to me. Noivern is a man-bat[or a bat-man] and Flecthling is a robin9bat-man and robin, is this a Gen6 easter egg or not.
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