

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders: Swap Force
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#51 Posted: 22:19:32 08/02/2013
Quote: DarkCynd3r
Looks..... weird. I swear Activison is ruining Spyro.

...except this ISN'T a Spyro game.
onyxshards Red Sparx Gems: 59
#52 Posted: 14:09:42 09/02/2013
Ugghh... like we REALLY need another one.
May the shards pierce my skin.
lildancer0 Green Sparx Gems: 224
#53 Posted: 16:49:55 09/02/2013
post on my page who you favorite swap force character is number them best to last
Fionna The Human
Captain Biggs Blue Sparx Gems: 845
#54 Posted: 17:21:58 09/02/2013
You can tell that "Toys for Bob" did not do this one.....looks very unrefined and tasteless. Activision can count me out on S3
onyxshards Red Sparx Gems: 59
#55 Posted: 18:50:48 09/02/2013
You, sir, are my idol!
May the shards pierce my skin.
dragonsoul13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1047
#56 Posted: 18:52:59 09/02/2013
S3 looks amazing just watched the Gameplay demo on youtube, looks to me like Activion intends to bring back the Classic Spyro Combat System, which I approve of. Only new character I really think is cool though is Roller Brawl.
SkyWorldGod Blue Sparx Gems: 900
#57 Posted: 15:46:55 10/02/2013
Quote: Captain Biggs
You can tell that "Toys for Bob" did not do this one.....looks very unrefined and tasteless. Activision can count me out on S3

Yeah, I agree. I will miss out on this game because of that.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#58 Posted: 23:10:27 10/02/2013
The graphics look awesome, and hush peeps, you've probably seen parts of 2 levels.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Aura Dragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1353
#59 Posted: 06:49:40 11/02/2013
A rather...interesting concept for a Skylanders game. Not entirely sure if it'll be wrth getting but I'll have to wait until there's more information.

I'm glad thought that not all tthe Skylanders will have swappable parts; it'd be kinda creepy if they all did.

Hopefully this doesn't end up like 'Enter the Dragonfly' from the clasic spyro games
Story status- Skylanders: The Forgotten Elements- Chapter 11 is up ~ End of all Hope- Done

~Watch the Power of Aura~
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#60 Posted: 22:13:08 11/02/2013
Omgno another 1
dragonsoul13 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1047
#61 Posted: 01:00:07 12/02/2013
Well if my therory about what Activison is doing with Skylanders is true then it will defenetly be worth getting, my only drawl back is that it's still revolving around toys. If atcivison keeps that up then the series is indeed going to die but I think if they abandoned the toys and just stuck with making games then I'd been more happy. Make it to where you have to find the characters in the game instead of having to buy there toys! I like skylanders but I hate buying toys.
jakesterg Blue Sparx Gems: 806
#62 Posted: 01:36:44 12/02/2013
Um.... yeah not trying to be mean but that's the only reason it survives as a game.
Irish Jig!
shadow_jason Red Sparx Gems: 67
#63 Posted: 03:49:55 12/02/2013
I'm not complaining about it because I honestly love collecting the toys. It's what sets Skylanders aside from other games. I love watching my collection get HUGE over time.
smilie smilie I finally got him!
Ed On Cynder Blue Sparx Gems: 770
#64 Posted: 03:00:54 13/02/2013
Well, my wallet is going to be empty once again after this.
32/32 + Extra smilie and smilie
Skylander hunt complete, excellent job!
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#65 Posted: 03:16:25 13/02/2013
It would seem that all swap force characters are going to be (male?) humanoids. Maybe we'll see some more non swappable dragons
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#66 Posted: 01:31:10 15/02/2013
New portal that you NEED to buy to play the game....meh.....but I'm still getting it! smilie
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#67 Posted: 01:52:49 15/02/2013
It comes with the game.
if you're referring to the fact that you can get a cheaper bundle, i agree with you.
they should just make less figures and more games, maybe make it so that you can get newer champions in-game (previously metnioned) but you can choose to use the figures you have using portals.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
RADspyro77 Green Sparx Gems: 423
#68 Posted: 10:42:19 16/02/2013
we can use all the old skylanders inculding giants in this game but honestly guys im not that interested in this game come skylanders bros you can do better than this
smilie smilie smiliesmilie MUST LOVE THEM ALL ! smilieSKYLANDERS RULE !
u gotta have them all !!!smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Can_Man99 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1280
#69 Posted: 21:02:06 17/02/2013
hey all you people that says skylanders is horrible be quiet theese are forums talk about good things it is not all about what you think that is negative
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#70 Posted: 21:19:48 17/02/2013
Quote: Can_Man99
hey all you people that says skylanders is amazing be quiet theese are forums talk about good things it is not all about what you think that is good.

Gotta love how easily that can be turned around on ya.smilie

This is a FORUM, a place to discuss opinions which may be negative. If you don't like it don't pay attention to it.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#71 Posted: 21:21:17 17/02/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: DarkCynd3r
Looks..... weird. I swear Activison is ruining Spyro.

...except this ISN'T a Spyro game.

Because Spyro's already been ruined.

Sorry bout the double post, edit them together if you'd like.
shadowspyrogirl Blue Sparx Gems: 659
#72 Posted: 09:46:56 18/02/2013
is Spyro going to be in S3?? i'd love that!!
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#73 Posted: 22:07:50 18/02/2013
probably for the sake of "pleasing the fans"
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#74 Posted: 23:21:23 20/02/2013
Just saying, all of you suck, I mean, this is a big step for Skylanders, I myself am pretty young, and I never played any of the Spyro Games. I always wanted them, but, I never got them, mainly because I just got my Wii a few years ago. And that's all I have. I saw the Skylanders commercial and got hooked, also my friend had it and said it was both awesome and addicting. So you guys shut up, the toys are what's keeping the game alive.
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#75 Posted: 00:06:17 21/02/2013
Quote: Rickorio
Just saying, all of you suck, I mean, this is a big step for Skylanders, I myself am pretty young, and I never played any of the Spyro Games. I always wanted them, but, I never got them, mainly because I just got my Wii a few years ago. And that's all I have. I saw the Skylanders commercial and got hooked, also my friend had it and said it was both awesome and addicting. So you guys shut up, the toys are what's keeping the game alive.

Just because you like this game dosen't mean that we suck?...

And you look like a Spoiled Brat.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#76 Posted: 02:18:18 21/02/2013
Quote: Rickorio
Just saying, all of you suck, I mean, this is a big step for Skylanders, I myself am pretty young, and I never played any of the Spyro Games. I always wanted them, but, I never got them, mainly because I just got my Wii a few years ago. And that's all I have. I saw the Skylanders commercial and got hooked, also my friend had it and said it was both awesome and addicting. So you guys shut up, the toys are what's keeping the game alive.

Oh how I'd destroy this if I had the time.
Sadly, I must leave it at: You're acting just like those you dislike you hypocrite.
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#77 Posted: 04:46:18 22/02/2013
Acrivision is spitting too quick and not serving enough.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#78 Posted: 05:58:27 22/02/2013
Word of advice, dont make an angry comment when you havent read the whole thread.

^ ^ i agree, activision does this with every good game, but swapforce looks really cleaned up graphics wise.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
portalmaster360 Red Sparx Gems: 30
#79 Posted: 00:19:04 26/02/2013
i hope there are these skylanders in the game:

AND ESPECIALLY smilie AND smilie !!! smilie
Jack Ballachino
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#80 Posted: 21:01:26 02/03/2013
Quote: CommanderGame
Quote: Rickorio
Just saying, all of you suck, I mean, this is a big step for Skylanders, I myself am pretty young, and I never played any of the Spyro Games. I always wanted them, but, I never got them, mainly because I just got my Wii a few years ago. And that's all I have. I saw the Skylanders commercial and got hooked, also my friend had it and said it was both awesome and addicting. So you guys shut up, the toys are what's keeping the game alive.

Just because you like this game dosen't mean that we suck?...

And you look like a Spoiled Brat.

If anything I'm the absolute opposite of a Spoiled Brat, I never get what I want.
NiHenChou Green Sparx Gems: 101
#81 Posted: 21:34:59 09/05/2013
Wish the starter pack contained Blast Zone, Countdown, and Magna Charge, they all seem pretty cool.
Hate the stores in Canada. No good skylanders on sale.
Love Trigger Happy and Pop Fizz, they're like brothers.
pennyman Gold Sparx Gems: 2106
#82 Posted: 19:09:18 04/07/2013
if you haven't heard Target has a pre-order special going on now - you can buy the card for $1 and there's a character upgrade chip inside - made a quick vlog talking about it here - enjoy!

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