

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Future of Spyro [CLOSED]
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#151 Posted: 09:01:54 26/11/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: mr coolguy98
I meant they chose to destroy Spyro's name, not that Skylanders is the destroyed Spyro. I just want people to remember who Spyro really is. They can keep making Skylanders, it's a great game, but keep Spyro out of it.

IMO Skylanders felt like a Classic Spyro game when I played it. The camera was like in the Japanese versions, except less jerky. But, overall, it played like a Classic Spyro game.

And I'll go searching for the sales now.

Some people think Skylanders is like Spyro. However... I disagree! *It's not very effective...*
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#152 Posted: 20:13:53 26/11/2012
Yeah, how dare Activision take our beloved childhood icon and reboot it to bring in a new wave of supporters! Shame on them for using his notoriety to promote a new IP that turned out both critically and commercially successful.

Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#153 Posted: 08:17:25 27/11/2012
I still want an answer to my question. Was there any other video game series in the past that has been messed up like this? One where the story and characters changed? Spyro is the only game I know that this has happened to. Rabbids doesn't count because that was a spin-off I think, and they brought Rayman back. But was there any other video game screw ups like this'?
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
spyrobeta Green Sparx Gems: 237
#154 Posted: 11:04:27 27/11/2012
Resident Evil
Silent Hill

Both use to be about survival horror and being scared. Both IP owners use to actually CARE about fans and the soul of the franchises, but now, there being milked to the bone.
Spyro Classic Fan forever. I highly despise Activision and Skylanders. Problem? Shove it.
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#155 Posted: 19:28:26 27/11/2012
Quote: spyrobeta
Resident Evil
Silent Hill

Both use to be about survival horror and being scared. Both IP owners use to actually CARE about fans and the soul of the franchises, but now, there being milked to the bone.

Quote: Spyrobaro
But, yes. It's with every video game series that's lasted long. One side will think that it's now been ruined, and the other side will like the "now".

That still doesn't answer my question. I already know that video games change overtime, but NONE that I can think of has changed like Spyro. Every little aspect of Spyro is gone now. The characters, the gameplay, the story, ALL GONE. Spyro is just a generic name for a purple dragon. That's how bad it is! It's not called being a nostalgia freak when it's THIS bad. For example, some Pokemon fans only like the first generation, I think that's immature, because the old Pokemon are still in the new games, and people still acknowledge the old characters. Wanting the old Spyro back isn't being blinded by nostalgia, because it's justified by how bad his image is now (NOT Skylanders, but Spyro's image). Was there ANY OTHER video game that has gone though what Spyro is going through, where absolutely everything is gone? Not something trivial like slight gameplay changes, but a massive overhaul of the franchise, like Spyro. I really hope Spyro wasn't the only one. Because, these were my FAVORITE games as a kid, and it breaks my heart to see it go out like this (NOT Skylanders...). If I become a video game developer, and made a game with a few number of fans, and I had the choice to abandon EVERYTHING about my game for cash, I would never do that, because now I know how it feels for people that this happened to, I'm completely crushed and depressed about this.

P.S. because some people are still confused: I don't, repeat, do not hate Skylanders. I'm talking about Spyro's image and how he's not the same. You can't search for fanart of Spyro without being bombarded by Skylanders. Skylanders should've been a completely unrelated game.
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:30:20 27/11/2012 by mr coolguy98
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#156 Posted: 19:32:51 27/11/2012
>Doesn't hate Skylanders
>Continues to bash it... Still.

That whole wall of text basically said "Spyro sucks because Skylanders ruined him!".
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#157 Posted: 21:13:48 27/11/2012
*sigh* You guys don't understand. I've been depressed about this for a couple months now, and I wanted to post here for someone to help me with this. I can't even look at the old Spyro videos on Youtube because it makes my emotions drop to think about this. I just want to know if the majority of people still remember the old Spyro. I didn't want people to insult me about it. Why MY favorite childhood video game? I just want someone to reassure me that it isn't that bad. That people still remember him, or that another game has gone though this. I don't hate Skylanders, why do I have to say this so many times? Please don't say I hate Skylanders anymore, because I seriously don't. Some of you don't understand what it's like to have memories crushed like this. Please, I just want help. I don't want to argue.
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#158 Posted: 21:55:38 27/11/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro

No one ever insulted you?

Anyway, I DO remember him. I was just playing Spyro 3 last night......

Also, if you didn't hate Skylanders, why would two simple games that you don't have to play ruin an entire series for you?

If I hated Skylanders I would be saying "OMG these characters are so stupid, they should cancel it for ruining Spyro". I'm NOT saying that at all. Skylanders is very innovative with the toys/video games thing, it's a great game that kids will remember. I just don't like that Spyro was put in there, that makes me feel so bad. I know their intentions were to bring it back, but this is not how to bring back a game. They could've made the same game as the old ones. Other game series like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon still have the same characters and designs, and they're doing good in sales. I just wish they would come out with at least ONE more original Spyro game, then maybe put the series to rest. That will remind the majority of people about who Spyro is. I don't want him to end this way, stuck in an unrelated video game. What's so wrong with wanting this? Does anybody here agree with me?
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#159 Posted: 22:29:49 27/11/2012
User doesn't hate Skylanders but still bashes it because it's not like the old Spyro games.

Why does that remind me of some of the raging old Spyro fanbase at the moment?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:45:04 27/11/2012 by Aura24
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#160 Posted: 23:05:43 27/11/2012
Wow, nobody has said anything that agrees with me, I'm feeling sad now. Everyone thinks I'm against Skylanders. At least does anybody agree that they should make one more Classic Spyro game, for old times sake?
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#161 Posted: 23:26:13 27/11/2012
Quote: mr coolguy98
Wow, nobody has said anything that agrees with me, I'm feeling sad now. Everyone thinks I'm against Skylanders. At least does anybody agree that they should make one more Classic Spyro game, for old times sake?

No. I seriously don't understand the logic as to why people would think that a classic-ish game would make any difference. Activision would still be publishing it and would have final decision on what does and doesn't make it into the game.

The classic games had their moment. They're good games, I still enjoy them, there's no reason to make more 'classic' games - it's not like they could be drastically improved upon. We sat through 8 years of games trying to improve upon the classic series and nothing matched to the success of Spyro 3.

Nothing, but Skylanders. If anything, some people who were introduced to Spyro via Skylanders are going back to visit the original games and find they really enjoy them. Is there anything wrong with that?
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#162 Posted: 23:28:28 27/11/2012
Well, I know they probably won't make one, but if they did, would anyone like it if they made a new Classic Spyro game?
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:30:17 27/11/2012 by mr coolguy98
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#163 Posted: 23:32:55 27/11/2012
Do you think it would be a good ideas? Really? Would you trust Activision with complete creative control over an orignal-styled Spyro game?
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#164 Posted: 23:52:44 27/11/2012
I don't know, maybe not. Yeah, they're probably not gonna come out with another Classic Spyro game. But what can anyone say about this depression this is giving me? I feel sick to my stomach every time I go back to the old Spyro videos, because it was one of my favorite video games. Can anyone give me advice on that? Does the memory of Classic Spyro live on? Or is it unknown right now? Please, someone give me a positive answer, I need help with this...
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#165 Posted: 02:22:02 28/11/2012
Quote: mr coolguy98
I still want an answer to my question. Was there any other video game series in the past that has been messed up like this? One where the story and characters changed? Spyro is the only game I know that this has happened to. Rabbids doesn't count because that was a spin-off I think, and they brought Rayman back. But was there any other video game screw ups like this'?

Here, have an entire webpage of so-called outrageous changes in video games.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#166 Posted: 05:58:37 28/11/2012
Alright, I'm gonna be serious now. I've literally been a wreck for the past few months because of the thought of Spyro's outcome (not the game skylanders...). I've been thinking about posting on this forum for a while, hoping someone would help me out. This thought is eating my self-esteem. I don't want to tell anyone because it's corny and embarrassing. So I finally post on here, stating my opinion, and people disagree with me and think I'm a whining Classic Spyro fan. Now I'm really depressed, my time here is making this worse. Can't anyone say anything nice to me? Like give me a reason not to feel this bad over this video game? You guys literally don't know how I feel. I'm not mad, I'm just looking for help. Come on...smilie
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10259
#167 Posted: 14:39:58 28/11/2012
Quote: mr coolguy98

It's just a video game.Fictional stuff.If it's making you feel depressed and not just a lil' sad,and internet is making you feel worse,you should give give yourself some time outside of it and try not to get angry over something you have no control of.

Reason not to feel bad over Skyro and SKL?He looks like an actual dragon.It makes enough money to make Activision keep him.It's starting to have stories that not only are simple for children,but also fun for adults and without the massive amount of plot holes LOS had.(Ironically,SKL tries to explain every single problem in the guidebooks or the extended bios)
Also,it's the best timekiller ever.I might've spent a lot on this game considering how expensive it in South America,but damn there's nothing better than resetting my small team and playing the game again and again in some stormy and boring day.SSA is mediocre without the gimmick,Giants seems(Well the stores with internarional shipping that I trust decided to never put the X360 version for sale) like a great plataformer,and I could go on and on with the reasons the series is good,but they'd include other characters.
Just because Acti didn't make Spyro good enough for you or the haters doesn't make it bad.Hell,he could've bit the dust like Crash Bandicoot,and we can now count on Oak Beakman to write books where Spyro is the protagonist,and hardly any different from his past incarnations.If it's not good in your eyes,okay,but getting mad over it won't change a thing,it'll just get yourself in situations like right now.
(I'm just posting wall after wall of text in here.God I talk too much at once)
(What I need is never what I want)
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#168 Posted: 16:04:04 28/11/2012
Quote: mr coolguy98
Alright, I'm gonna be serious now. I've literally been a wreck for the past few months because of the thought of Spyro's outcome (not the game skylanders...). I've been thinking about posting on this forum for a while, hoping someone would help me out. This thought is eating my self-esteem. I don't want to tell anyone because it's corny and embarrassing. So I finally post on here, stating my opinion, and people disagree with me and think I'm a whining Classic Spyro fan. Now I'm really depressed, my time here is making this worse. Can't anyone say anything nice to me? Like give me a reason not to feel this bad over this video game? You guys literally don't know how I feel. I'm not mad, I'm just looking for help. Come on...smilie

I stopped right at the bold. I'm sorry, but that just sounds stupid. Did you not ever realise "Hmm, maybe I'm over reacting a bit too much about this - it is just a video game after all."
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#169 Posted: 16:37:48 28/11/2012
I feel like "Why did it have to be MY favorite video game as a kid?", why couldn't it have been a game I've never played before to be brought this curse (yet again, not skylanders). I've read that list above about outrageous video game changes, but most of them are just slight gameplay changes. Was Spyro really the only one who had a massive change like this? Why would they do that to me? I didn't know that by getting so attached to these video games 10 years ago, that it would give me this sadness. I guess that Spyro's downfall (not Skylanders...) for me is negated by the fact that my other favorite PS platformer, Ratchet & Clank, is the only one out of all of them to still be coming out with new normal gameplay games, but now the last two R&C games have been different, so maybe it's falling in the same path. Please just give me some positive replies, like how to deal with these feelings...
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#170 Posted: 16:56:11 28/11/2012
Would 'get a grip' be good enough? You are seriously taking this like it's a personal attack on you. Just calm down, it's not an issue.
mr coolguy98 Red Sparx Gems: 73
#171 Posted: 17:08:35 28/11/2012
Oh well, I guess you're right. There's nothing I can do but hope. Besides, I know now that some people still remember Spyro. It's a shame (not skylanders...), but I'll have to deal with it.

Anyways, I might post more on this forum on other topics, but for now I'm done with this topic, some of you guys helped me, so I'm okay with that.
Favorite Playstation games:
Spyro, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Guitar Hero, GTA
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#172 Posted: 09:44:41 14/12/2012
Quote: mr coolguy98
*sigh* You guys don't understand. I've been depressed about this for a couple months now, and I wanted to post here for someone to help me with this. I can't even look at the old Spyro videos on Youtube because it makes my emotions drop to think about this. I just want to know if the majority of people still remember the old Spyro. I didn't want people to insult me about it. Why MY favorite childhood video game? I just want someone to reassure me that it isn't that bad. That people still remember him, or that another game has gone though this. I don't hate Skylanders, why do I have to say this so many times? Please don't say I hate Skylanders anymore, because I seriously don't. Some of you don't understand what it's like to have memories crushed like this. Please, I just want help. I don't want to argue.

Wow, someone else who actually feels the same way as I do about the Classic Spyro. I'm with ya bro
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
wuffser Green Sparx Gems: 252
#173 Posted: 04:26:09 31/12/2012
I know that feeling. For the longest time I thought my favorite franchise (Sonic) was about to go under. But it being what it was I always had supplementary fangames until SEGA finally got their acts together and made awesome games again.

These feelings aren't bad they are normal for a fan to have when they feel their series is well drifting away from what made you like it to begine with. You're just passionate about your gaming icon and I can respect that. Look at the sonic community they are deeply passionate about their icon, they take things very seriously. The fanbase here doesn't have that kind of thing going on here. The forums will be far quicker to tell you to "calm down it's only a game".

Mitigate your passion with knowledge. You care I can see and respect that, just try and phrase yourself a little better.

If you care about spyro and his well being than do it one way almost every passionate fan does. Draw, write, compose, make games etc. anything to express your feelings on the matter, study the classics and what made them so appealing to begin with. Make your passion into your motivation for greater things. Blowing it all over a forum post will only get some lack luster half arsed answers. And a waste of everyone's time especially your own
IF Green Sparx Gems: 488
#174 Posted: 21:02:15 02/01/2013
Bros, bros.....calm down.

Skyro and his design is what threw you for a loop?
You want the Classical Spyro?
You hate Skyro and his franchise for being the murderer of your childhood?

Skyros design is...bewildering at first. But, hey, if you look at him from the right angle, it isn't so bad. In fact, he seems to be cute in a munchkin form.
All the other Skylander dragons seem to have the same 'small snout, strange look overall', the style is unique and quirky. I (personally) like it.

Sure, we all miss our childhood and the brash spyro, we miss the simple ways and ideas of the classics. My answer is that Skylanders tried to recreate the older games (gems, small missions, revisitable levels) with some of the Legend twists.
The idea for me, is that the children are going to experience something similar to your own childhood. Let them.
Kids love it. I had to babysit once, the little boy loved the game, he said spyro was his favorite.

Skylanders may have demolished some of your childhood, BUT on the flipside, they are trying to recreate it. As explained above, the similarities of the old games and the Skylanders are striking, but unique.

I'm not jumping out of my seat begging for a third instalment of Skylanders, but I do say, give it a chance.
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#175 Posted: 22:50:03 02/01/2013
I think Spyro's old design is bland, ugly, and ridiculous looking. But I come from an anime-fanbase, so chibi things with big eyes are naturally more appealing to me. smilie
SadVlad Green Sparx Gems: 200
#176 Posted: 00:13:03 03/01/2013
Spyro is Skylanders. He will live on through skylanders
King_Pika Blue Sparx Gems: 544
#177 Posted: 02:14:07 03/01/2013
Quote: Kurui
I think Spyro's old design is bland, ugly, and ridiculous looking. But I come from an anime-fanbase, so chibi things with big eyes are naturally more appealing to me. smilie

You have offended my culture. Nothing beats Classic Spyro.
"Regretting never, our dreams will be... Halfway to forever! Our light comes shining through. Reach down deep, big defeat. Do all that we can do!"
Archae Emerald Sparx Gems: 4192
#178 Posted: 03:15:20 03/01/2013
You should have seen the WHINING when 25 years ago...(gasp) Star Trek was going to do a new show without Kirk and Spock!
Turned out in some cases to be better than the original with Jeffrey Hunter and then Kirk and Spock.

I happen to like ALL the console Spyro games, including the Skylanders games.

Each game has it's quirks, bad points and good.
Classic Spyro is cartoony.
LoS Spyro is more epic.
Skylanders Spyro is sort of both.

All of them are fun.
And I've been playing videogames since "Pong."

This whole "(Fill in the blank Spyro) is better and (fill in the blank Spyro) is terrible" is pure crapola.

We are talking about a fictional videogame character.
Gunter glieben glauten globen...
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#179 Posted: 05:46:13 03/01/2013
I haven't played the classic Spyro games for so long, maybe 7 years, because my brother got rid of our Playstation. *jumps off a bridge*
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#180 Posted: 13:15:09 03/01/2013
Quote: Archae
You should have seen the WHINING when 25 years ago...(gasp) Star Trek was going to do a new show without Kirk and Spock!
Turned out in some cases to be better than the original with Jeffrey Hunter and then Kirk and Spock.

I happen to like ALL the console Spyro games, including the Skylanders games.

Each game has it's quirks, bad points and good.
Classic Spyro is cartoony.
LoS Spyro is more epic.
Skylanders Spyro is sort of both.

All of them are fun.
And I've been playing videogames since "Pong."

This whole "(Fill in the blank Spyro) is better and (fill in the blank Spyro) is terrible" is pure crapola.

We are talking about a fictional videogame character.

That's easy for you to say when you like all of them, it's like your're saying that no one else's opinion matters, and they anything else that they say is rubbish. I could easily say "Liking Skylanders more than Classic Spyro is pure rubbish" but I won't as I don't necessarily mean it.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#181 Posted: 16:52:47 03/01/2013
Quote: Archae
All of them are fun.
And I've been playing videogames since "Pong."

Well, that's your opinion. I can pick out at least one game from the classic and Legend games that was not fun for me in the slightest. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#182 Posted: 00:35:25 05/01/2013
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: Archae
You should have seen the WHINING when 25 years ago...(gasp) Star Trek was going to do a new show without Kirk and Spock!
Turned out in some cases to be better than the original with Jeffrey Hunter and then Kirk and Spock.

I happen to like ALL the console Spyro games, including the Skylanders games.

Each game has it's quirks, bad points and good.
Classic Spyro is cartoony.
LoS Spyro is more epic.
Skylanders Spyro is sort of both.

All of them are fun.
And I've been playing videogames since "Pong."

This whole "(Fill in the blank Spyro) is better and (fill in the blank Spyro) is terrible" is pure crapola.

We are talking about a fictional videogame character.

That's easy for you to say when you like all of them, it's like your're saying that no one else's opinion matters, and they anything else that they say is rubbish. I could easily say "Liking Skylanders more than Classic Spyro is pure rubbish" but I won't as I don't necessarily mean it.

O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10445
#183 Posted: 01:18:26 05/01/2013
The future of Spyro... that purple dragon who has entertained different gaming generations for almost full fifteen years is very interesting if you may say. There are in my opinion few or couple probable ways to handle this subject.

It is known fact that Spyro isn't nowadays its own game but a part of bigger game universe and this has proven itself to be quite successful. So we've got to ask ourselves that is this nowadays trend good for Spyro or not? Of course there are different school mentalities about this subject e.g. Classic Spyro School, TLoS School, Skylanders' School and multiple-differnet-schools combinations. But in this matter we must speculate but most pleasantly discuss about this subject.

So allow us to assume that this nowadays trend is good for Spyro. This assumption states that Skylander's success actually gives Activision and all participants who create these games the idea that people do want to see more Spyro games in its own universe etc. But there is critical flaw. If Skylander's proves to be mega hit (or even a hit) the companies and participants assume that the Skylander's is actually the big thing... not individual game character. So is there any ways to boost Spyro's image in this scenario? YES, there is!

It is we all who play this new game (of course not me because I'm a lazy ancient man who does not own modern consoles). We, the Spyro community must give feedback to Activision and all the participants creating these games our honest opinions. We must point out the flaws and pros. Because wise marketing people and entrepreneurs listen their market and they design their business based on where the money is moving. And what is this market and what is the system that moves the money? That is us! So we with our opinions can actually affect critically to this.

But what if this Skylander's phenomenon does not benefit Spyro? Well then we have to live with it. The basic targeting group that is young kids of modern generations (I feel old even if I'm at my theoretical best age). Does not need traditional platformers and wants something more. Of course they like to play traditional platformers but they do not have enough of content to keep their consumption needs satisfied which leads to dead-end market if one wants to return or keep its business in olden ways. If this phenomenon of Skylander's doesn't benefit Spyro, we must remember that it benefits Skylander's. And if Skylander's Spyro is the final frontier where you can get to play as our purple dragon, then hold on to it!

All in all I like to point out is that whatever the future brings we must not give up. We as the people who sacrifice our money, time and spirits to this series and our purple dragon have all the financial power in the world to make a difference. Business is business and the people who consume varying businesses’ products or services are the main guys who keep businesses’ running. Just don't be afraid to take a stand and tell what you think to creators and owners of Spyro (of course in respective and constructive way) and then you may get to change some things.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
onyxshards Red Sparx Gems: 59
#184 Posted: 18:16:43 09/02/2013
If Activision keeps up this bull, R.I.P. Spyro.
May the shards pierce my skin.
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#185 Posted: 04:05:15 11/02/2013
2013 Spyro
Spyro&Skylanders HD collector pack!

All classics
1 crash game
All Los
All other games
And the 3. Skyro games on one Disk!
Comes with
Recolor Classic Spyro
Dark Cynder
Skylanders Red sparxs
With a coupon that gets you 1 free skylander
And what was a Spyro movie
Yeah prob never gonna happen dear Activison.......
dark52 let me change my username you coward
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#186 Posted: 04:31:00 11/02/2013
^ ._. No.... Just no.....
words. letters. filler.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#187 Posted: 08:24:57 11/02/2013
Quote: Sleepy0429
2013 Spyro
Spyro&Skylanders HD collector pack!

All classics
1 crash game
All Los
All other games
And the 3. Skyro games on one Disk!
Comes with
Recolor Classic Spyro
Dark Cynder
Skylanders Red sparxs
With a coupon that gets you 1 free skylander
And what was a Spyro movie
Yeah prob never gonna happen dear Activison.......

I'd just be happy with a new Spyro game that actually involves Spyro more, and continues from AHT/SL, I wouldn't mind the gameplay being like AHT, or STD, OR GTG/YOTD. Or! Something that's different, but still enjoyable.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#188 Posted: 21:08:03 11/02/2013
A Classic Spyro movie....?
No. Not after what they did to the Classic characters from EtD and beyond. Hey look I answered my own question, how smart.

Anyways, I don't think a 4th Skylanders game would sell as much. I mean, what else can they put in it?
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:10:26 11/02/2013 by Jaggedstar
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#189 Posted: 21:11:32 11/02/2013

Upside down Skylanders ooooh how original MUST BUY THEM ALL!!!!
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#190 Posted: 21:32:31 11/02/2013
Quote: TorchSheep

Upside down Skylanders ooooh how original MUST BUY THEM ALL!!!!

Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#191 Posted: 21:33:29 11/02/2013
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: TorchSheep

Upside down Skylanders ooooh how original MUST BUY THEM ALL!!!!


"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7931
#192 Posted: 21:35:24 11/02/2013
Quote: TorchSheep
Quote: Jaggedstar
Quote: TorchSheep

Upside down Skylanders ooooh how original MUST BUY THEM ALL!!!!



Skylanders 4 models will be walkin', talkin', shootin' wallets
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#193 Posted: 23:32:56 11/02/2013
Skylanders 4: The Quest for More Money. (Don't sue me, Mel Brooks)
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Blackhawk Blue Sparx Gems: 650
#194 Posted: 23:41:30 11/02/2013
what do you mean by he's dead because he's not
I love Star Wars! Especially RC-1207 "Sev" <3
"I have become a shadow of my former self. I am a monster. I am a ghost. I'm a warrior from Hell..." - Me
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