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Toughest heroic challenge [CLOSED]
Verrous Yellow Sparx Gems: 1574
#51 Posted: 04:00:01 05/02/2013
My biggest annoyance is the spider ones sometimes don't give you credit for killing the spiders(Ps3 version).

Also, if you're doing the original challenges in giants use the hidden treasure for a few extra hundred gold per challenge.
Teratron Yellow Sparx Gems: 1796
#52 Posted: 04:38:46 05/02/2013
Quote: Verrous
My biggest annoyance is the spider ones sometimes don't give you credit for killing the spiders(Ps3 version).

Also, if you're doing the original challenges in giants use the hidden treasure for a few extra hundred gold per challenge.

Interestingly enough, in the Wii version, you often get extra credit for killing spiders. I frequently get credit for completing the challenge after only killing about half of them.

The only HC that's given me any real trouble is Time's A-Wastin'. Most characters are no trouble, but I had a lot of problems with Lightning Rod. He is just horrible at that challenge. The slow movement speed, his stopping every time he attacks, and the long delay for each attack make that challenge an absolute nightmare. I had to break out several magical items (hourglass, 2 boots, and multiple Adventure Pack items for the full-screen attacks) in order to beat it. Even then, I still failed multiple times before finally getting lucky with the key placement. And that was after getting all his upgrades and speed challenges.
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#53 Posted: 05:03:12 05/02/2013
In the Wii every spider can die twice. After you have killed them if you hit them again while they are doing their thrust upward they count as a kill for a second time. They measure on the kill 1000 enemies quest twice if you do this as well. The timing has to just right. I can normally complete the kill 8 spiders challenge by killing six or seven of them.
DragonsDream Green Sparx Gems: 435
#54 Posted: 06:01:29 05/02/2013
not just Wii. I'm on an Xbox and I frequently get double credit for killing spiders and can finish those challenges after killing only half of them.
available: Darklight Crypt smiliesmiliesmilie(sealed), 17 other common S1s & adv. packs (EU only)
The word is "should've" never "should of"
skelekon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1149
#55 Posted: 06:23:51 05/02/2013
Quote: DragonsDream
not just Wii. I'm on an Xbox and I frequently get double credit for killing spiders and can finish those challenges after killing only half of them.

I'm on PS3, and my observation has been that if the spider makes its armor save, you still get credit for the kill.

Then when you kill it for real you get another credit - I once had one make 3 armor saves in a row and yielded 4 kills.
Missing: Fright Rider,Pumpkin Eyebrawl,UFO Hat
Spare: Polar Whirlwind,Purple Wrecking Ball
onslaught Blue Sparx Gems: 721
#56 Posted: 11:17:58 05/02/2013
<(".<) (>".)> Two Kirbys.
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#57 Posted: 11:19:48 05/02/2013
^Really onslaught? Was that post necessary?
jacobs Green Sparx Gems: 468
#58 Posted: 15:58:10 09/02/2013
Supra Shoes
TerraFizz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1484
#59 Posted: 19:18:01 09/02/2013
Quote: ClayFace
^Really onslaught? Was that post necessary?

It actually is. Having to hear Cali say that over and over in Heroic Challenges gets annoying pretty fast.
smilie Pop Fizz's Theme Song: smilie
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#60 Posted: 19:51:43 09/02/2013
It wasn't really if you think about it.
IJJusion Green Sparx Gems: 136
#61 Posted: 22:15:22 09/02/2013
Quote: TerraFizz
Quote: ClayFace
^Really onslaught? Was that post necessary?

It actually is. Having to hear Cali say that over and over in Heroic Challenges gets annoying pretty fast.

agreed....pop fizz upgraded on potion path makes it impossible >.<
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#62 Posted: 22:17:51 09/02/2013
Does anyone know how to time your shots in Swarm's heroic right?
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#63 Posted: 06:54:51 10/02/2013
Quote: ClayFace
Does anyone know how to time your shots in Swarm's heroic right?

Yeah, it takes some patience, especially when things start to speed up. I also didn't realize initially that you can ROTATE the cannon! When you angle it to one side or the other, you have a larger window of opportunity to hit stuff, at least the one where everything is rotating in a circle. The first section, the gap between barrels is SLIGHTLY longer than the reload time on the cannon. If you miss by shooting too late, let the next one fly by to try again. I've often gotten this part where I just spam Y and it hits the second and third barrel perfectly.

My bigger problem is when the boulders block my shot JUST when I need to fire. LOL! I always try for the time extensions first to reduce the pressure.
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:44:10 11/02/2013 by niceguy1
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#64 Posted: 11:24:21 10/02/2013
I knew you could rotate the cannon. But how do I hit the barrels instead of the boulders?
niceguy1 Blue Sparx Gems: 532
#65 Posted: 05:54:55 11/02/2013
It's just a matter of timing... Try it and adjust accordingly. I know for the first cannon, with the stuff flying from left to right, that I have to fire when it's about 60% of the way from the left side to directly in front of the cannon, i.e. halfway across the screen.

With the big circle one, where the stuff disappears briefly on the left side before reappearing, it speeds up so the timing changes. For the last barrel it's usually fast enough that I know I have to fire pretty much when it reappears on screen on the left side.

With the last one, with two rings of boulders blocking your shots, I just keep hitting boulders until I have some gaps where I need them. There's just too many to manage to squeeze between both rings at first. But after enough boulders are destroyed you start to get some windows of opportunity. Spam the Action button until you get it. After that, luckily the targets don't speed up, so you have to fire (I think) a little before the item is at the apex of its flight (i.e. when it's still flying up, a little before it "turns around")
SSA- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
SG- smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieLCsmilie
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#66 Posted: 20:45:19 12/02/2013
my hardest are smilie smilie smilie (TO DARN HARD!) smilie and smilie and I had a good glitch with crusher in aracnid antichamber because I kew I wouldn't make it because I had three spiders to kill and only 30 seconds. I had already used winged boots and time twister he smashed a spider and heroic challange comleted! Does anyone know why this happened?
DragonsDream Green Sparx Gems: 435
#67 Posted: 20:57:23 12/02/2013
Quote: mega spyro
my hardest are smilie smilie smilie (TO DARN HARD!) smilie and smilie and I had a good glitch with crusher in aracnid antichamber because I kew I wouldn't make it because I had three spiders to kill and only 30 seconds. I had already used winged boots and time twister he smashed a spider and heroic challange comleted! Does anyone know why this happened?

because there is a glitch where you can kill the same spider multiple times
available: Darklight Crypt smiliesmiliesmilie(sealed), 17 other common S1s & adv. packs (EU only)
The word is "should've" never "should of"
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