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Skylanders "Gem(s) of my collection" thread [CLOSED]
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#1 Posted: 07:02:15 21/01/2013 | Topic Creator
By now, many of us have amassed a fair amount of Skylanders within our respective collections. This thread WANTS to know which Skylander(s) are the Gems of your personal collection?

Imagine this... you have an equally devoted Skylander collector over to your house. You show them the majority of your collection first, however, you save the following figure(s) for last... making them the centerpieces/gems of your entire collection:

This may be based upon rarity, value, condition, custom-made or simply your favorite character(s) that you have grown fond of.
1. Please try and limit your list to no more than three.
2. Please tell us why these are your "gems."
3. Provide pictures that would recreate the scenario of "showing off your most prized Skylanders!"

*** This thread is NOT meant to one up anyone or become an avenue for bragging, but simply a way for us enthusiasts to share our most beloved figures with one another in a fun setting ***

Really looking forward to seeing and reading about everyone's "gems."

-> The gems of my collection in no particular order are:
- 2011 E3 Trigger Happy (I've always loved Trigger Happy as a character, and when it comes to T.H.'s, they don't come much rarer than this one.)
- Activision Slam Bam prototype (I love the "look" of this Slam Bam! I personally think the white arms and legs make his figure look so much better. Also, to my knowledge, it's a one of a kind figure.)
- Activision Crystal Clear Ice Prism Break prototype (I've always liked the Ice variants, but I've come to realize that this one is my absolute favorite!)

[User Posted Image]
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 07:17:02 21/01/2013 by DluA
mario7604 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#2 Posted: 07:05:27 21/01/2013
[User Posted Image]

My whole collection, but GITD Zap is my favourite, but Chop Chop I bought before I even had the game!
YAY! I BLUE SPARX! Specials:
S:SA: all sidekicks, WERDS smilie Chase GITD smilie
S:G smilie GITD smilie smilie smilie AE smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:49:36 29/01/2013 by mario7604
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#3 Posted: 07:08:36 21/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Nice! Despite GITD Warnado being my avatar, I have always liked GITD Zap the best from the first three GITD variants! Thanks for sharing!
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#4 Posted: 12:53:07 21/01/2013
Well.. I'll start off with my Gold Drill Sergeant. I got him off of for $30!

Next is my Clear Stealth Elf. I got her from ToysRUs when a guy was unpacking a shipment of S:SA figures!

Now, on to the Rock variants. I got the Rock Whirlwind in a 3-pack at ToysRUs, and Rock Zook at Walmart.

On to my Prototype figures! I got a Prototype Gill Runt off of eBay for $30. I also snagged the Ninjini for $36.
And, last but not least, my Trigger Happy error with a Terrafin cardboard back was got from Target.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#5 Posted: 12:53:41 21/01/2013
mine is my custom warnado, off his tornado, my custom green/gold/cream s1 ignitor, and my factory error swarm.

ingame, my gems are:

Royal double trouble
jstewie23 Blue Sparx Gems: 967
#6 Posted: 13:59:14 21/01/2013
My favorite is probably the Metallic Toy Fair purple Cynder. Then it's a tie between the clear variants and the glitter/sparkle variants.
Have extra Amazon FS, GITD FR, Pumpkin FR, Jade FW, Molten HD, TF Chop Chop, Scarlet Ninjini, QDRS
JackSparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2349
#7 Posted: 14:28:36 21/01/2013
This is such a good thread!

The three skylanders that i'm most pleased about are:
(1 being most pleased)

1: My sidekicks that are being shipped to me from America. These little guys are'nt in the UK as of yet aand i'm so excited to finaly have them! Although they don't do an awful lot I think they're just awesome!
2: My GITD Fright Rider. This UK exclucive is just amazing! Frighty is one of my favorite characters, just being beaten by Hex! So adding this to my collection on day 1 of Giants was great!
3: My Amazon (US) Exclucive Flameslinger. I debated and debated wether to buy this guy because he was almost double the price because of shipping. When he came to my door i was so excited and lovelovelove the way he looks! The orange colour of the Amazon smile against the firey red flames of his base just dazzle me!

Edit: Here's a picture of 2 and 3. smilie I'll update when the sidekicks arrive!!!

[User Posted Image]

Edit: Updated picture with my 3rd gem the sidekicks and some friends smilie

[User Posted Image]
Trade: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie S2 smilie smilie smilie smilie LC smilie smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:01:49 07/02/2013 by JackSparx
Tupelo Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#8 Posted: 14:30:57 21/01/2013
My gems are...

-Gnarly Tree rex because I bought it from a girl in my city and not off ebay, got it half the price that ebay is selling.

-Green Gill Grunt, because I'm a HUGE xbox 360 fan. Really not fond of gill grunt as a playable character but I love the way this figure looks.

-Flocked stump smash, because I really dont have that many variants, nor do i ever have luck finding the rare ones.

This is a video rather than pictures. But its my entire series 1 collection to date.
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#9 Posted: 14:59:48 21/01/2013
mine are

-gold s2 smilie
-GITD s2 smilie
-red s1 smilie
-blue smilie
- smilie smilie smilie smilie
Team Hot Dog!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:00:30 21/01/2013 by Kevinvert
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2521
#10 Posted: 15:16:31 21/01/2013
S1 Zap-He's my favorite
S1 Drobot-Also a favorite
S1 Camo,Warnado,Whirlwind,Cynder and Double trouble-I love them all and I found them in the extreme heat of the skylanders shortage

Royal Double Trouble
Flocked Stump Smash
Gill Runt
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#11 Posted: 15:18:13 21/01/2013
Gold smilie.
Hello from Seattle
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#12 Posted: 15:24:03 21/01/2013
Hot Dog, Shroomboom, Camo, and Blue Bash.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#13 Posted: 15:32:55 21/01/2013
Eye Brawl
Blue Bash
GITD Sonic Boom
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#14 Posted: 15:49:35 21/01/2013
I think mine would have to be:

-Arkeyan Chop Chop Custom: Although I'm sure a lot of people have really rare figures, this one has struck me as one of my favorites because of how much time I spent into making it. First custom figure pretty much I've ever done, and a lot of love went into making him look just right.

-Flocked Stump Smash: One of the coolest promotional figures I've seen in quite a few years. Plus, I seemed to be one of the first people to get him, if the thread here was any indication. So that was kind of cool as well.

-Spyros: The entire reason I got into the Skylanders franchise was because it had one of my flat out favorite video game characters in it- Spyro. I grew up with the Spyro games (Spyro the Dragon was the first game I ever owned for my first console) so it was wonderful seeing him again. To heck with the haters I say! Less than 2 years ago, there was ZERO Spyro merch out there on the market, sans the plush from carnivals and stuff. So right now I think younger me would have a conniption that there's not only plush but Styluses, figures, toy sets etc etc all bearing the name of my favorite purple dragon.

[User Posted Image]
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:49:54 21/01/2013 by spyroflame0487
FLEIJA Green Sparx Gems: 395
#15 Posted: 15:51:14 21/01/2013
never been lucky with this variants but ill def camp out for skylanders 3 just to watch out for the new variants. smilie
MIA: Volcanic Vault & Gnarly Tree Rex
mxzx800ho Yellow Sparx Gems: 1101
#16 Posted: 16:25:40 21/01/2013
Here are mine

I have Frightrider and Rattle shake Fritolay figures for trade for rares
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#17 Posted: 16:26:40 21/01/2013
/\ whoah! variants!
flamesslinger Blue Sparx Gems: 551
#18 Posted: 16:28:17 21/01/2013
My favourite is gold s2 flameslinger because he is my favourite skylander and when he was announced I had to get him
My second favourite is dino rang because he is such a cool character
My third favourite has to be hex because of her wow pow in giants
Flameslinger is God
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:32:55 21/01/2013 by flamesslinger
pokemonblack100 Green Sparx Gems: 326
#19 Posted: 17:31:20 21/01/2013
My gem is employee prism break. I was so happy when I won the auction! How do you post pics?
Want: Vocanic Vault, Chase variants, Gnarly
Come check out my trades for the figures above by clicking my name and checking my guestbook annocument
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#20 Posted: 17:34:21 21/01/2013
Go to, and follow directions.
jainasky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1016
#21 Posted: 18:01:02 21/01/2013
My Whisper Elf and my Whirlwind smilie
Lady Skylanders collector from the Southern US
Favorite characters: Whirlwind, Flashwing, Molten Hot Dog, Eye Brawl and Ninjini
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#22 Posted: 19:22:23 21/01/2013 | Topic Creator
First off, thanks everyone for sharing all of your gems! It's pretty cool to read how these have become your favorites.
I do have one critique, however... WE NEED MORE PICTURES or VIDEOS!!!

To post a pic:
1. The picture must first be uploaded to the internet ( Some popular sites are:,
2. Once the URL has been generated to where your pic has been uploaded, copy it.
3. Click on the "image" icon found above the comment window (the icon has the sun, tree, blue sky, and grass look)
4. Paste your pic URL within the [img]HERE[img] brackets.
5. Always preview first, by pressing the "Preview Reply" button.
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:24:18 21/01/2013 by DluA
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#23 Posted: 19:43:52 21/01/2013
[User Posted Image]

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[User Posted Image]

Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:13:19 21/01/2013 by Matteomax
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#24 Posted: 20:12:48 21/01/2013
Mine was my hot head, then my destructive dog just haaaaad to eat him, so now I don't really have anything like variants, so I guess my gem is my eye brawl, who should be coming in the mail anyway now! (Please don't troll me about my hot head right now, I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone mean, thx)
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#25 Posted: 20:25:21 21/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: flashwingftw
Mine was my hot head, then my destructive dog just haaaaad to eat him, so now I don't really have anything like variants, so I guess my gem is my eye brawl, who should be coming in the mail anyway now! (Please don't troll me about my hot head right now, I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone mean, thx)

No worries, man. Just because some of us choose to put our variants as some of our gems, doesn't mean that a normal factory figure is any less important to YOUR collection. If that is the centerpiece of your collection, then I for one, am happy to have found out! Thanks for sharing!

@Matteomax: Thanks for the pics! We will all admire your Ninjini fig until she is released!
@ JackSparx: You, sir, have good taste! It would also appear that you have a thing for Skylanders with pointy "elvish" ears!! smilie Also, I'm glad that you seem to be enjoying the thread...

Keep the pics coming...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:29:42 21/01/2013 by DluA
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#26 Posted: 20:27:46 21/01/2013
You know what I found funny? I was talking with my mother when I put her on the Portal and it gave me the error message, I said: "I hope I find Eye-Brawl and Thumpback soon..", and the next day, I got em! I HAVE TEH RAREST VARIANT: WISH GRANTING NINJINI! smilie
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#27 Posted: 20:39:25 21/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Matteomax
You know what I found funny? I was talking with my mother when I put her on the Portal and it gave me the error message, I said: "I hope I find Eye-Brawl and Thumpback soon..", and the next day, I got em! I HAVE TEH RAREST VARIANT: WISH GRANTING NINJINI! smilie

Pretty cool there! Don't forget to wish for more wishes! smilie

I really like the look of Ninjini more and more! Skylanders really does a GREAT job of making the female characters look appealing and interesting... in a toy sort of way of course! smilie
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#28 Posted: 20:45:31 21/01/2013
Quote: DluA
Quote: flashwingftw
Mine was my hot head, then my destructive dog just haaaaad to eat him, so now I don't really have anything like variants, so I guess my gem is my eye brawl, who should be coming in the mail anyway now! (Please don't troll me about my hot head right now, I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone mean, thx)

No worries, man. Just because some of us choose to put our variants as some of our gems, doesn't mean that a normal factory figure is any less important to YOUR collection. If that is the centerpiece of your collection, then I for one, am happy to have found out! Thanks for sharing!

@Matteomax: Thanks for the pics! We will all admire your Ninjini fig until she is released!
@ JackSparx: You, sir, have good taste! It would also appear that you have a thing for Skylanders with pointy "elvish" ears!! smilie Also, I'm glad that you seem to be enjoying the thread...

Keep the pics coming...

Thanks man! You are very kind!
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#29 Posted: 20:48:45 21/01/2013
the most epic figure would be:

employee exclusive prism break, in E3 SPYRO PACKAGING!!!!!!!!
JackSparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2349
#30 Posted: 22:13:17 21/01/2013
@DluA - You're right! I didnt notice until you said but i do love all of the elvish figures! As it so happens Ninjini is my favoriteGiant, too >.< How Funny!

@Matteomax - Love all of your chase variants. Have never found or seen any!

@flashwingftw - I'm jealous that you have eye-brawl! He's the one i've been waiting for (2nd to Ninjini). Love the undead element!
Trade: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie S2 smilie smilie smilie smilie LC smilie smilie
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#31 Posted: 22:33:30 21/01/2013
Mine would have to be E3 Spyro and Employee Break sent in a box directly from Activision's offices. I kept the two boxes, lol.

Other than that, I would say the slap wrist bracelet only given out the week and week after the first game was out. I haven't seen one of those on Ebay, and I wonder how many still have one? I have a couple of double-sided posters from before the first game came out. They were handed out during store demo events.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
BlazinBlackMage Gold Sparx Gems: 2021
#32 Posted: 23:23:08 21/01/2013
Ick, this picture is terrible, look at that lighting, and that placement, I just, wow, okay, whatever -- here are my three gems in my collection!

White Prism Break - This was my first ever rare variant, so naturally it means a lot to me.
Hex - Not only is she my favourite Skylander but she was also the first one I bought outside of the starter pack trio. Also the first one I fully leveled up, upgraded, etc.
Blue Bash - Dumb story time, a very very kind ToysRUs employee went to the back and pulled out a box of these guys just because I asked. This was back in my "two of each" phase for even the variants that I've quickly put a stop to, but I ended up walking out with three. But just remembering how nice that employee was when everyone else gave me the recycled "all we have is out" line makes these Bashes special to me.
[User Posted Image]
Skylanders Collection: Completely lost count. OTL
WiiU ID: BlazingBlackMage (I accept all friend requests!)
Lost Islands Activate: BBMage
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#33 Posted: 00:05:41 22/01/2013
i can't select 3. this is my customs collection ...

created by Jin Saotome:
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created by April Skyy
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created by Xerokills
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created by Insane At Play
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:31:57 22/01/2013 by t7gga
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6654
#34 Posted: 00:08:43 22/01/2013
I choose all my varients and all my stealth elfs
Gay 4 GARcher
mario7604 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#35 Posted: 00:12:33 22/01/2013
^That Wrecking Ball made me shudder...
YAY! I BLUE SPARX! Specials:
S:SA: all sidekicks, WERDS smilie Chase GITD smilie
S:G smilie GITD smilie smilie smilie AE smilie smilie smilie smilie
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#36 Posted: 00:17:21 22/01/2013 | Topic Creator
@GameMaster: Do you have a pic of the slap bracelet? I didn't even know they existed? I assume the Holiday Employee Exclusive will be a gem in most any collection!

@BlazinBlack: Appreciate your post! I find it interesting the things that make these figs our gems. The fact that you remember the TRU sales person enough to make Blue Bash of your gems is pretty unique. Also, were you lucky enough to find the Flocked Polar PB or was it bought via eBay?
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#37 Posted: 00:52:18 22/01/2013
Quote: t7gga
i can't select 3. this is my customs collection ...

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!!!!!!! They are awesome! You need to work for ACTIVISION! That voodood is awesome!
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#38 Posted: 00:57:48 22/01/2013
flashwingftw i only did the last 3 smilie voodead is by an artist called april skyy
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#39 Posted: 01:03:55 22/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Alright t7gga... since you can't decide on three, I'll attempt to do it for you! smilie BTW, really do like your custom collection! Really well done!

My personal favorites from your custom collection are (in order):

[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:45:35 22/01/2013 by DluA
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#40 Posted: 01:18:39 22/01/2013

The top ones that are not creepy are jin saotome customs.
BlazinBlackMage Gold Sparx Gems: 2021
#41 Posted: 01:25:10 22/01/2013
Quote: DluA
@GameMaster: Do you have a pic of the slap bracelet? I didn't even know they existed? I assume the Holiday Employee Exclusive will be a gem in most any collection!

@BlazinBlack: Appreciate your post! I find it interesting the things that make these figs our gems. The fact that you remember the TRU sales person enough to make Blue Bash of your gems is pretty unique. Also, were you lucky enough to find the Flocked Polar PB or was it bought via eBay?

I actually got him at a WalMart just last week! He was just sitting out, I think someone picked him up and set him down since it was right next to that little display dome with the loose Skylanders. smilie

If I may add one more gem from my collection (that I stupidly forgot in my original post. orz) for a bit of a unique reason, four actually - my sidekicks. Not just because they were from the Frito Lay promotion, but because I got them a little over a week after our house caught fire. We were all really upset, me especially since my cockatiel passed away from the smoke, but once these little guys came in the mail it made me the happiest I had been since the night of the fire. And they kind of gave me a bit of my hope back that everything would be okay after all this (we finally move back next month!). I know it's kinda lame, since they're just little toys, but they meant the world to me back then, still do!
Skylanders Collection: Completely lost count. OTL
WiiU ID: BlazingBlackMage (I accept all friend requests!)
Lost Islands Activate: BBMage
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#42 Posted: 01:27:57 22/01/2013
Wow, you have REASONS to like your skylanders. I just lile their looks.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#43 Posted: 01:34:05 22/01/2013
Quote: BlazinBlackMage
Quote: DluA
@GameMaster: Do you have a pic of the slap bracelet? I didn't even know they existed? I assume the Holiday Employee Exclusive will be a gem in most any collection!

@BlazinBlack: Appreciate your post! I find it interesting the things that make these figs our gems. The fact that you remember the TRU sales person enough to make Blue Bash of your gems is pretty unique. Also, were you lucky enough to find the Flocked Polar PB or was it bought via eBay?

I actually got him at a WalMart just last week! He was just sitting out, I think someone picked him up and set him down since it was right next to that little display dome with the loose Skylanders. smilie

If I may add one more gem from my collection (that I stupidly forgot in my original post. orz) for a bit of a unique reason, four actually - my sidekicks. Not just because they were from the Frito Lay promotion, but because I got them a little over a week after our house caught fire. We were all really upset, me especially since my cockatiel passed away from the smoke, but once these little guys came in the mail it made me the happiest I had been since the night of the fire. And they kind of gave me a bit of my hope back that everything would be okay after all this (we finally move back next month!). I know it's kinda lame, since they're just little toys, but they meant the world to me back then, still do!

Aww.. That really sucks. Feel better.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:34:34 22/01/2013 by Matteomax
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#44 Posted: 01:39:16 22/01/2013 | Topic Creator
I actually got him at a WalMart just last week! He was just sitting out, I think someone picked him up and set him down since it was right next to that little display dome with the loose Skylanders. smilie

If I may add one more gem from my collection (that I stupidly forgot in my original post. orz) for a bit of a unique reason, four actually - my sidekicks. Not just because they were from the Frito Lay promotion, but because I got them a little over a week after our house caught fire. We were all really upset, me especially since my cockatiel passed away from the smoke, but once these little guys came in the mail it made me the happiest I had been since the night of the fire. And they kind of gave me a bit of my hope back that everything would be okay after all this (we finally move back next month!). I know it's kinda lame, since they're just little toys, but they meant the world to me back then, still do!

Sorry to hear about your home and your cockatiel. I saw that you reside in Colorado based upon your deviantart info. If you don't mind me asking, which city are you in? Was it the fires in Colorado Springs over this past summer? I ask, because I used to live in COS, and wondered about the people who lost their homes.

At any rate, nice score at Walmart! I really think that's the ONLY retailer these days where you have a reasonable chance at finding variants...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:50:56 22/01/2013 by DluA
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#45 Posted: 01:44:30 22/01/2013
Quote: DluA
@GameMaster: Do you have a pic of the slap bracelet? I didn't even know they existed? I assume the Holiday Employee Exclusive will be a gem in most any collection!

@BlazinBlack: Appreciate your post! I find it interesting the things that make these figs our gems. The fact that you remember the TRU sales person enough to make Blue Bash of your gems is pretty unique. Also, were you lucky enough to find the Flocked Polar PB or was it bought via eBay?

Yeah. Here ya go.

[User Posted Image]
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#46 Posted: 02:05:35 22/01/2013 | Topic Creator
^ Huh!? I guess I really never paid attention to this before? I assume the SSA slap bracelet, is in the same promotional giveaway realm as these SG items that are for sale:

At any rate, I would also have to assume that the slap bracelet is pretty rare. Thanks for the pic!
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#47 Posted: 02:33:31 22/01/2013
er, oops ... i broke the images in the posts that copied my original post
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#48 Posted: 02:41:22 22/01/2013
I like your jin saotome voodood.
DluA Gold Sparx Gems: 2392
#49 Posted: 03:36:03 22/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: Tupelo
My gems are...

-Gnarly Tree rex because I bought it from a girl in my city and not off ebay, got it half the price that ebay is selling.

-Green Gill Grunt, because I'm a HUGE xbox 360 fan. Really not fond of gill grunt as a playable character but I love the way this figure looks.

-Flocked stump smash, because I really dont have that many variants, nor do i ever have luck finding the rare ones.

This is a video rather than pictures. But its my entire series 1 collection to date.

Totally agree about Gill Grunt! I also really like the "look" of him, but hate his in game play.
I like your video. It's thorough and to the point. You captured alot in a little over a minute...
REWARD: for valid information that leads to the addition of an ULTRA RARE 2011 E3 Gill Grunt in the E3 packaging.
BlazinBlackMage Gold Sparx Gems: 2021
#50 Posted: 03:45:51 22/01/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Aww.. That really sucks. Feel better.

Quote: DluA
Sorry to hear about your home and your cockatiel. I saw that you reside in Colorado based upon your deviantart info. If you don't mind me asking, which city are you in? Was it the fires in Colorado Springs over this past summer? I ask, because I used to live in COS, and wondered about the people who lost their homes.

At any rate, nice score at Walmart! I really think that's the ONLY retailer these days where you have a reasonable chance at finding variants...

Thanks for the concern ya'll, means a lot to me really..;v; <33
But to answer your question DluA, our house is down in Englewood. It caught fire due to the ceiling fan in my room, and it ignited our attic. It's a pretty old it short circuited. Thankfully the house is still standing but we lost a lot of stuff and have been misplaced since August. On the brightish side my parents are finally being able to re-decorate it the way they've always wanted to. If you can call that a bright side haha..but enough about that, I don't want to derail the nice thread you've got going here!

I'll have to make Walmart a more frequent hunting ground then! My Gamestop told me they've only seen one variant, a rock one, since the game's launch, and the guy at our TRU told me that if he sees a variant they don't even make it to the Buy Back Games actually told me that some guy came in with "uncoloured clear ones" once and refused to sell them to them. I guess he figured they'd give him a small fortune for them but they didn't know the rarity so he left. smilie
Skylanders Collection: Completely lost count. OTL
WiiU ID: BlazingBlackMage (I accept all friend requests!)
Lost Islands Activate: BBMage
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