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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Forum Games > Guess the Gender and Age of the person above you!
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Guess the Gender and Age of the person above you! [CLOSED]
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#601 Posted: 18:32:31 07/01/2013
@Bravo101 Yup smilie

Male 14?
Bravo101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1482
#602 Posted: 18:33:47 07/01/2013
Male 9?
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#603 Posted: 20:09:02 07/01/2013
Female 12?
Bravo101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1482
#604 Posted: 20:14:03 07/01/2013
Im male... smilie

Hermaphrodite, 8?
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#605 Posted: 06:50:56 08/01/2013
Female 17?
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#606 Posted: 06:53:58 08/01/2013
MALE 17 :>
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#607 Posted: 07:02:05 08/01/2013
VERY close c:
Oh, 11 male.
PopHappy Green Sparx Gems: 165
#608 Posted: 16:17:32 08/01/2013
Hey guys, I rp on flockdraw. Here's a link to an rp me and my friend usaly go on.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#609 Posted: 18:22:50 08/01/2013
Male, nueve.
Apoc Gold Sparx Gems: 2941
#610 Posted: 19:06:14 08/01/2013
Female 16
DarkSpyro's resident "cool person" except there's nothing cool about me.
I've been here since god knows when and ask any old heads about me.
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#611 Posted: 19:13:25 08/01/2013
Male 20?
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#612 Posted: 20:25:35 08/01/2013
Male 18
Dragon of Fury Green Sparx Gems: 416
#613 Posted: 21:47:35 08/01/2013
Male 15
The sentance below is true.
The sentance above is false.
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#614 Posted: 04:12:00 09/01/2013
Male 14
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#615 Posted: 04:15:07 09/01/2013
Female 17?
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#616 Posted: 04:16:15 09/01/2013
Female 14
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#617 Posted: 04:59:38 09/01/2013
Male 16
"Was it a hot ghost?"
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#618 Posted: 05:00:51 09/01/2013
Quote: Dragons-go-hrr
Male 16


Female 16
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#619 Posted: 06:07:59 09/01/2013
Quote: Crookshanks
Female, 9.


Female, 15
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#620 Posted: 13:06:00 10/01/2013
female 17?
Green Bean Machine
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#621 Posted: 13:58:39 10/01/2013
Male 13?
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#622 Posted: 15:45:33 10/01/2013
male, 15.
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#623 Posted: 18:05:59 10/01/2013
Male 12?
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#624 Posted: 19:19:23 10/01/2013

male, 16?
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#625 Posted: 20:53:20 10/01/2013

female, 20.
King_Pika Blue Sparx Gems: 544
#626 Posted: 21:51:42 10/01/2013
Male, 10
"Regretting never, our dreams will be... Halfway to forever! Our light comes shining through. Reach down deep, big defeat. Do all that we can do!"
Bravo101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1482
#627 Posted: 00:24:36 11/01/2013
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#628 Posted: 00:33:12 11/01/2013
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#629 Posted: 01:21:46 11/01/2013
Male 12.
princessluna409 Green Sparx Gems: 469
#630 Posted: 01:33:53 11/01/2013

10,000 and your a robot, you has no gender xD
Mah life be like pugs
My dream is to be a pretty princess in a rainbow castle
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#631 Posted: 02:18:28 11/01/2013
Female, 15.
princessluna409 Green Sparx Gems: 469
#632 Posted: 02:22:58 11/01/2013
14, Male.

And omg look at my profile. It has my real age. I'm dieing laughing right now.
Mah life be like pugs
My dream is to be a pretty princess in a rainbow castle
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5348
#633 Posted: 02:42:32 11/01/2013
Female 12.

Quote: princessluna409

10,000 and your a robot, you has no gender xD

[User Posted Image]
X-Treme Ripto Gems: 360
#634 Posted: 04:39:54 11/01/2013
Quote: princessluna409
14, Male.

And omg look at my profile. It has my real age. I'm dieing laughing right now.

AngelicBeast was closest, maturity-wise. True.

13, female.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#635 Posted: 22:12:37 11/01/2013
11 male
Green Bean Machine
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