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Skylanders Collection: Filler time - 256 and done. [CLOSED]
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1151 Posted: 17:14:02 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
You mean like this?

EDIT: Er, no. I still have THAT E3 Spyro. The one I sold wasn't from Acitivision at all.


I won't be getting rid of my variants. I won't even give it a second thought, ever again.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:46:17 23/12/2012 by GameMaster78
Dsi568 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3173
#1152 Posted: 18:58:45 23/12/2012
So if your clear smilie sold, then i assume you will be buying another one?
Instagram: Skymiibomon_U
Twitter: @skymiibomon_U
NNID: dsi568
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:59:15 23/12/2012 by Dsi568
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1153 Posted: 19:28:13 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
The buyer backed out. Like I said, I think it's a sign that maybe I should collect all of the variants. No matter what, though, since this fan at Activision is giving me their Employee Edition Prism Break, there's no way in the world I would ever sell off anything in my collection for sure.

I got myself into a pickle from buying the Wii U, that's what happened. However, money is starting to build again, and I have a good feeling I will sell a movie soon (never had this feeling before). So, money will hopefully be a thing of the past. But, this person being so kind, just seals the deal forever. I'm not gonna slap someone in the face for giving me something of this magnitude.

The E3 Spyro and Toy Fair Cynders I sold on Ebay a while back, costed me. The Flocked was free. However, the Cynder I still have, comes from my friend David, who attended Toy Fair last year due to being a mod on the website The Spyro I bought, before folks at Activision contacted me.

I don't see my friend David attending Toy Fair this year, so I am hoping I can somehow get the convention exclusives again. If not, I will have to wait until I get a good cash flow going again, where I can buy them on Ebay without breaking a sweat (ie sell a movie haha).
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Tempest Yellow Sparx Gems: 1807
#1154 Posted: 19:30:41 23/12/2012
What kind of movie are you trying to sell?
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1155 Posted: 20:06:38 23/12/2012
Screenwriters don't make millions unless they're uber successful. Believe me, I've written and sold scripts before. Usually it's a couple thousand here and there to an independent financier if you're trying to break into the business. Careful not to fall into the trap that anyone can achieve their dreams with this one, because that's only a half-truth. Dreams and determination, and even virtuoso skill, can only carry a person so far. At some point, such as the point where you're rolling in the dough from screenplay moolah, it's as much based on luck and prior connections as anything else in this world.

Do you have an agent? Is anyone representing you yet? Even lowbies need those.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1156 Posted: 20:34:01 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
M. Night Shayamalan was unproduced when he sold his first spec script "The Sixth Sense" for 2.5 million. After that movie made him known throughout Hollywood, Touchstone paid him 5 million for Unbreakable and Signs.

There is generally a minimum in Hollywood for spec scripts, which has been as low as 50,000. However, the story is what helps a movie make more or less.

When I was taking screenwriting, the teacher told me she didn't even think I needed to take the class. When people critiqued my first ever script, which I learned how to write scripts on the internet, they likened it to something Stephen King would have written. I find it odd, though, because it's an action/adventure, which is on the backburner while I get the one I am currently doing done. The one I am currently doing, is an action/horror/comedy hybrid, that I think will appeal to a broader audience. Those who have read it, have laughed at the dialogue, which is a good thing, because I am gunning for it to be funny, while having good action scenes and choice scares scattered throughout.

It should be done within a week, then I am going to focus on doing a playthrough of Giants on Nightmare, with my level 1 Skylanders, while it is proofread by a friend. When he's done, I am going to either add or trim some of it, while making a final draft and send it out. It's already registered with the Writers Guild (ideas and the script itself), so that part is out of the way.

The Writers Guild has a list of agencies that will accept unsolicited material, and I am confident when agents read this script, they will have a blast with it. My first script almost landed me an agent in 2009, but they requested I change a few scenes in it. So I was in the process of doing that, but then my grandmother was ran over in a wash bay at a car wash, by a 12 year old, who backed into her, nearly killing her. That threw me off for a couple of years, but then I got my groove back and decided that I should write something that wouldn't cost 150 million to make, if it was picked up by a studio. This movie, I could see costing somewhere between 50-80 million... maybe.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:37:24 23/12/2012 by GameMaster78
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1157 Posted: 21:15:38 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Sorry for the double post, but I will add this.

When I sent my first ever written screenplay to professional readers who help people get agents, it was rushed, filled with misspellings, and I even rushed the action scenes, just so I could see what someone would think. I was wanting to look amatuerish, because I wanted to see if I could get people to talk good about my script when I wasn't trying.

So, I did so, and I will show you guys some quotes from the reader.

"This screenplay features an interesting premise and some epic action sequences that could look incredible on screen. The writer has clearly put considerable thought into his world, and it feel thoroughly rich and fascinating. He also has a clear ear for action, and has written some clever action scenes and battles. The screenplay also features an interesting and diverse cast of characters and feels mythic and epic in a manner reminiscent of the Lord of the Rings series."

"The first act is actually quite good, as it effectively sets up the backstory, excites the audience, and establishes the protagonist."

When graded, these were all in the excellent (best) box -

"The story clearly has mass audience (universal) appeal."
"The script's physical presentation."
"All of the characters are authentic to their backgrounds."
"The set-up is concise, and effective."
"The story has a clearly defined target audience."
"The story includes a conceptual “hook” that could potentially be used to effectively market the film."
"The visual arena of the script is stimulating."
"The project has International appeal."

Now then, that was them taking on not only the very first screenplay I wrote, but I didn't put much effort into it at all, as I was just wanting to see if I could get good feedback with minimal effort. Sure enough, even with a rush job, I got more good marks than bad. When I finally sell this movie, it will be much better, because it will be fully fleshed out.

By the way, here is the synopsis for said movie, written by the person who read my script. Don't steal any ideas, as they are all copyrighted and registered for years and years.

"In 1770 Romania, a man discovers a magic pendant on his doorstep and entrusts it to his son, CHRISTOPHER, before being killed by a demon. When the demon tries to kill Christopher, the pendant unleashes a force that destroys the demon. Christopher is soon discovered by CARDINAL PHILLIPS, who takes him in and vows to protect him, convinced that he is the one chosen to fight an impending holy war. Twenty years pass, Christopher grows up and evil seems to be lurking everywhere in Romania. Phillips is convinced that evil forces will open up a devil’s gate and unleash hell any day, and sends Christopher with a knight in training, CRISTIAN, to investigate a cave where creatures are believed to be gathering. There, they find a group of vampires with devil’s gates on their foreheads, but before Christopher and Cristian can kill them, the vampires awaken, and a battle ensues. During the battle, Christopher discovers that his pendant seems to give him special powers to use against evil, and he defeats the vampires. They return to Phillips and inform him of their discovery, and Christopher inquires about his newfound ability. Meanwhile, TYNER and other LEGION CULT MEMBERS are gathering in a secret place called Gabriel’s Sanctuary to speak with an omnipotent force called THE DARK ONE, who is coordinating the evil plan that is being brought forth. In need of a sacrifice, the Legion Cult members kidnap Cristian and kill him, opening a devil’s gate and unleashing a horde of undead on Christopher’s town."

"Christopher helps fight off the undead until he spots a purple light emanating from the nearby mountains, so he grabs a horse and rides away, fighting winged creatures as he goes. He then confronts Tyner, who appears before him with a reincarnated entity HELKER. Helker teleports Christopher to Dracul’s castle, where he becomes trapped in an endless maze of rooms. Meanwhile, back in the village, the undead vanish through devil's gates, just as ALYSSA, an (alleged) old friend of Christopher’s, arrives with a group of warriors called the Heaven’s Knights. Soon after, VELLOK, better known as Dracula, also arrives, vowing to offer his assistance. Reluctant at first, Alyssa and Cardinal Phillips agree to let him join their efforts. Vellok then leads Alyssa to Dracul’s castle with plans to destroy it and Dracul, his evil father, for acts against him and his brother, RADU, years ago. But inside the castle, Dracul, who has been the point man for The Dark One, summons creatures to defend the castle. Meanwhile, Tyner kills all the members of the legion cult in a sacrifice, but discovers that one has escaped his grasp. This man, called Judas, is eventually caught. Back in the castle, Christopher is subjected to a series of torturous nightmares and mind games when he accidentally drops his pendant. Christopher tries to fight it, but gives in, and joins Dracul and Helker in a trio of evil. But Vellok and Alyssa burst in at the last moment, rescuing Christopher and reuniting him with his pendant. Vellok then squares off against Helker so Alyssa can escape with Christopher – they jump out of a window and escape capture by BAKOR, a gargoyle creature."

"Alyssa then leaves Christopher to investigate Gabriel’s Sanctuary, which she saw from the castle. There she discovers that Judas is actually her father, and takes him to a secret place before he can be sacrificed by Tyner. More creatures are unleashed on the area, and as the knights fight off a huge cerebrus, Christopher fights Bakor. But Christopher is devastated when Bakor destroys the church Cardinal Phillips is in, killing him. Once the creatures all magically disappear, Christopher overcomes his grief and rallies people to gather in a nearby town to fight. Meanwhile, back at the castle, Vellok makes it to a high tower and begs to fight his father, but instead squares off against Helker again, eventually defeating him and giving him a chance to teleport to Dracul’s location, where Dracul has just sacrificed Tyner because Judas escaped."

"Vellok then squares off against Dracul in an epic fight, just as a group of vicious flying gargoyles attack Christopher (who has reunited with Alyssa) and his small army. Christopher helps his people defeat the Gargoyles, but then must square off against a giant devil’s gate that opens in the plains. In the castle, Dracul is possessed by the Dark One, who is ready to return to the world. Vellok then engages in battle against the dark one as Christopher and his army fight back hordes of creatures pouring out of the devil’s gate. After a difficult fight, Vellok defeats the Dark one, just as Angels appear to close the devil’s gate in the plains. With the threat quelled, everyone celebrates, and Vellok is able to return to his cave to finish the slumber he intended to start long before."

Now, again, here is how I wrote this movie.

In 2003 I wrote it. It has a page count of 120 pages. I wrote it in one week, rushing as fast as I could. I became a slacker in life from 2003 to 2009, where I picked up the script again, went over it in a very rushed manner, and sent it out. I wasn't even trying, honestly. I just wanted to see what my potential was when not giving it my all.

Imagine what will happen when I give it my all. The reader forgot to mention that Vellok and the Dark One (who has a new name by the way) fight on a broken piece of the castle as it makes its way to the plains via the inside of a devil's gate portal, and the fight ends when Vellok and Christopher tag team the Dark One on the plains.

Again, I wouldn't borrow ANY ideas from this. I talked to a man who made a movie once. 20th Century Fox made Jingle All the Way, and it had similar ideas. That man sued fox and won a huge sum of cash, just because ideas were similar.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:18:16 23/12/2012 by GameMaster78
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1158 Posted: 21:27:06 23/12/2012
I have faith in you, but I'm a decently prolific small-time writer away from these forums, and I know from experience that opportunities aren't handed to anyone for anything. M. Night Shyamalan may be an overnight success for Sixth Sense, but he's not that great a writer; we've seen his subsequent films to substantiate this. He got lucky. There are better ideas than his best sitting unread on the desks of major studios as we speak. It's not easy to get someone to take notice of your work, and this is coming from someone with multiple publication credits to his name. All I'm saying, as a friend, is have a plan B. Can't put all your eggs into a basket built on circumstance.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1159 Posted: 21:32:53 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Yeah, plan B is to forever run my parents car lot after they retire. Heck, I basically already do.

Shyamalan might have lost his luster over the past few films, but he is still very much a part of Hollywood. He was paid to write a draft of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I don't know if any parts of his draft were used, but he was still paid.

The way I see it, is Hollywood is out of ideas right now. They're making sequel after sequel, or remakes of movies like Red Dawn. My movies all have something inventive about them, even a drama I plan to write. None of my movies won't have some idea that's out there, which is what I think will make the agents - and eventually studios - bite.

This is the best time to try and sell to Hollywood, because they need fresh meat.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:33:47 23/12/2012 by GameMaster78
Fernandez2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1119
#1160 Posted: 01:07:57 24/12/2012
Wow. We should be honored....we got such a big star here.

Your ego never ceases to amaze me.
Fernandez2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1119
#1161 Posted: 01:17:04 24/12/2012
Are you seriously comparing yourself to M. Night Shayamalan and Stephen King? That is hillarious....truly is
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1162 Posted: 01:31:08 24/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Fernandez2
Are you seriously comparing yourself to M. Night Shayamalan and Stephen King? That is hillarious....truly is

God no. Others compared me to king. I don't want to be them. I want to be me. I will let my movies speak for me. smilie
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#1163 Posted: 01:35:02 24/12/2012
@ Fernandez2: Good job at flaming GM. I can't wait till the new mods are chosen. People like you will be gone. So have your fun while you can. It will not last.

@ GM: Was there no other example you could have given besides M. Knight Shamalamadingdong? Yes. I just called him that. The Last Airbender was the worst movie I have ever seen. Just saying.
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1164 Posted: 02:49:34 24/12/2012 | Topic Creator
He was the one I mentioned, because he was the highest paid first timer in the 90's. Yes, his movies have become questionable, as people expect a twist. In my movies, I will just bring some sort of idea to them, that sets them apart from the rest.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#1165 Posted: 05:03:03 24/12/2012
Gonna be honest, your movie sounds like a terrible b movie rip off mix of van helsing and serveral other terrible movies. So if inventive means more middle of the road crap, I think you'll fit right end, when in doubt add vampires or explosions.

disclaimer: I read the 1st paragraph, literally thought this sounds like it belongs on vhs is a dusty corner of a shutdown blockbuster and stopped reading

so please, stay on topic, even though there was already a topic for collections and this one doesn't need to exist.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1166 Posted: 05:15:34 24/12/2012 | Topic Creator
B movies are awesome, though. I love me some Toxic Avenger, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Black Dynamite, Dolemite, Black Devil Doll, Hobo with a Shotgun, Machete, and many others... namely from the 80's.

EDIT: Even better than Hollywood, though, is Bollywood. They just don't make good flicks like this, let me tell ya.

or even this.!
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:19:25 24/12/2012 by GameMaster78
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#1167 Posted: 05:22:41 24/12/2012
B movies don't make millions
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#1168 Posted: 05:43:20 24/12/2012
They see me writin'

They hatin'

Btw gm thank you for reminding me of toxic avenger. I need to watch this again soon.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1169 Posted: 06:01:04 24/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: NinjaHarley
B movies don't make millions

Well, in anycase, your criticism isn't contructive at all. It's just flaming or trolling. In that case, I think I will take the word of industry professionals than someone looking to flame others on an internet website. smilie

Quote: ThePunchPopFizz
They see me writin'

They hatin'

Btw gm thank you for reminding me of toxic avenger. I need to watch this again soon.

I know, right? No prob. Toxic Avenger films are some of the most fun people can have with movies. Everyone has gotten so tight when it comes to movies. They forget that movies are supposed to allow you to check your brain at the door. Now, everyone clings to Nolan like a fly clings to poop. I'm sorry, but while Nolan's Batman movies were okay, they didn't feel like Batman at all. He was too afraid to put characters into the movie that couldn't be realistic (ie Mister Freeze). For that, the movies feel less like Batman and more like a vigilante in a cape. There was no detective work for the most part, and it just felt meh. Give me Burton and Keaton anyday.

My friends and I like to watch movies like the ones I listed above, plus movies like Street Fighter (1994) and just make fun of some of the more corny moments in the flm. Honestly, though, I like the Street Fighter movie. I also like the Mario movie. I won't lie. That's the best part about being human, though. Breaking the trends and being different.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#1170 Posted: 06:11:52 24/12/2012
The mortal kombat movie. Omg so good yet so bad.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1171 Posted: 06:18:13 24/12/2012
The Room.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1172 Posted: 06:38:32 24/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Ah, Mortal Kombat. I love dance/techno/house music, and used to go club hopping back in the late 90's. One thing I am always reminded of, when hearing about the Mortal Kombat movie, is Traci Lords' song, Control.

This is how it's known on Mortal Kombat -

This is how I know it -

I love me some dance/house/techno (Benny Benassi, Deadmau5, Daft Punk). Of course, I can't forget 90's old school dance like -

Sorry about that. But, yeah, Mortal Kombat always makes me think of Traci Lords' Control, which was featured in the movie.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#1173 Posted: 23:13:30 27/12/2012
Can you describe what the "employee edition" of prism break is?
im quite a fan of prism break and that sounds really awesome. maybe provide a pic or two when you get it?
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1174 Posted: 23:17:29 27/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Here is a pic of him.

He's basically a gold Lightcore Prism Break, with a base that has a flocked (ie fuzzy) snow on it, along with the crystals that resemble the Earth Element base. He has snow on top of him, as if snow fell on him, that is also flocked.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#1175 Posted: 23:40:02 27/12/2012
THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. thats like three variants in one! i'd work at activision JUST to get that. i shed a man-tear at the awesomeness. you're getting one for free? d@mn bro, excuse my language, but i envy you.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1176 Posted: 01:06:11 28/12/2012 | Topic Creator
It is pretty neat. I think it would have been cool if Employee Break, or Winter Break (the wave 3 white-flocked Prism Break), would have had a green LED in one crystal and red in another. It would have symbolized Christmas and winter pretty well.

However, they're still both cool.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1177 Posted: 02:04:46 28/12/2012
^ Does he come up as "special"?
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1178 Posted: 02:28:37 28/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Haven't received him yet. Trust me, though, that's the first thing I'm doing when I get it, is give info to my fellower DS'ers.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Kevinvert Gold Sparx Gems: 2146
#1179 Posted: 02:30:52 28/12/2012
how rich is this person?
Team Hot Dog!
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1180 Posted: 02:32:06 28/12/2012
Looking forward to it. I know you're after a Snow PB as well, so, in the event that you come into possession of both, would it be possible to check if one's "special" tag is the same as the next for collection purposes? I assume that they are, but you can never be sure.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1181 Posted: 04:14:51 28/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Yeah, I will do some detailed sleuthing on each of the Giants variants, once I can afford to get them. I am looking around about the 23rd of next month, before I start going after the Giants variants.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1182 Posted: 02:12:19 29/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Sorry for the double post, but I have a small update. I got everything figured for the new shelf, so I went ahead - thanks to some new motivation to make the walls look better - and bought the stuff - and got it cut - for the new shelf. It's going to be a long shelf, but I think it will look cool after I am done. I am going to try and assemble it tonight. After that, it's a matter of getting it painted.

Here it is, unassembled - like the last pic I took of my last shelf before building it.

[User Posted Image]

I was hoping to just get white boards and save myself the trouble, but they didn't have any 1x3x8 in white, that was 3/4 inches thick.

So, hopefully soon I will have an updated look at my wall - with a better camera again - which I will share with you all when the shelf is hanging up.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
L-Drobot 38 Green Sparx Gems: 156
#1183 Posted: 02:22:28 29/12/2012
When I become rich, and Nyan Cats, Minecraft people, and Angry Birds take over the world, I will remain loyal to Skylanders and I will become more like you, my idol. (Seriously though if I was allowed to I would spend my money on collections of things like that... smilie)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:20:34 29/12/2012 by L-Drobot 38
jakesterg Blue Sparx Gems: 806
#1184 Posted: 04:12:07 29/12/2012
PLEASE don't quote that gigantic thing, I don't have anything against that, (I actually LOVE his collection,) it's just that post is huge, and it takes lots of space. don't quote it!
Irish Jig!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:13:29 29/12/2012 by jakesterg
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#1185 Posted: 05:14:57 29/12/2012

Please learn this, people...
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1186 Posted: 06:32:56 29/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Okay, so here is a teaser of what's to come. I finished the shelf, but I need to paint it (a couple of times) and hang it on the wall. This is how the setup for this shelf will look. I won't update with new pics of the collection - and walls - themself, until I get at least the new Scorpion Striker Battle Pack.

Here is a teaser, however.

[User Posted Image]

Of course, it will look better when it gets its coat of white paint (like the other shelf I built), is hung up on the wall, and is stickered up. Speaking of stickers, I have an idea in mind about the name stickers. Since the code is tied to the same sticker as the names of each Skylander, I am thinking of cutting out the names themselves, so I can have their names displayed without giving away the code. Plus, there's no room for the whole sticker.

When the next new Skylander releases, my Giants walls will look a bit different. Where the Skylanders once stood, will be some more merch, like Mega Bloks and such.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
andreas20012001 Blue Sparx Gems: 674
#1187 Posted: 10:06:55 29/12/2012
omg your wii u games
my youtube channel :
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1188 Posted: 15:52:28 29/12/2012 | Topic Creator
I had to take one of them back, due to being virtually unplayable. That game, is Epic Mickey 2. NEVER buy that game on Wii U. The framerate drops so bad, that it makes you miss your target during platforming segments. Luckily, TRU let me swap it for the 360 version of the game.

Every other Wii U game runs perfect. The outsourced company that did Epic Mickey 2 had less than 6 months to port the game.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:53:03 29/12/2012 by GameMaster78
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#1189 Posted: 23:32:49 29/12/2012
Coming late to the party...

When I was taking screenwriting, the teacher told me she didn't even think I needed to take the class.

Were her words, "Don't bother coming to my class?"
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1190 Posted: 01:57:25 30/12/2012 | Topic Creator
No, more like, "You seem to know everything I am about to teech this class."

Screenwriting isn't rocket science, though. Anyone can learn how to write a screenplay by just googling or finding a book.

In other news. I am re-arranging the room as we speak. I am taking a small break to eat some burgers and watch Family Guy. Afterward, I am going to finish up. I painted and hung up the shelf. I am going to sticker the shelf and re-arrange my walls, and I might take some pics and update my collection photos tonight.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#1191 Posted: 08:07:23 30/12/2012
Skylanders...dreaming of being a movie writer mogul and video games are your therapy, huh? Hope it sorts itself out for ya in the end. I think most everyone wants to reach the top in life...eventually though you will have to stop playing games as much and start spending more time wearing the big boy pants. Get that script done and remove yourself from these forums more frequently. All they do is waste time that you can't get back. I am very glad I am not involved in here in much capacity anymore.

Cruise control will not get you to Hollywood. Throttle up...console power down...

All the talk in the world won't prove it...and don't prove it for others...just prove it for yourself.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1192 Posted: 18:56:32 30/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Hobbies aren't a form of coping, if you ask me. Skylanders is a game that deserves my money, whereas the 7th gen of gaming was filled with crap, with a few gems here and there (Skylanders being one of them).

I agree with you though, Xero. All the talk in the world proves nothing. It is actions that speak louder than words. Thankfully, I am a couple of days away from being finished with my latest script, sending it to a friend for proofing, getting it back and trimming any fat, before sending it back to an agent I had talked with previously about a different movie. That's when I will start crossing my fingers and praying that I can get my kids into a bigger home so they can have their own rooms.

IN OTHER NEWS! I finished my walls... yet again. I stickered up the shelf, and I took some pics. It will give an idea as to how my setup is going to look. I may make 1 other alteration, but that won't happen until I get every card, for every released object. What is that idea? When you see the pics on the front page, you will notice my Giants Starter Pack character poster on my closet door (all of the Mario Galaxy stickers are gone). My idea is to put all of my Giants cards on the closet door, and fill up the space where they currently are, with all of the variants and store exclusives. The Giants poster would sadly have to be retired until I get a bigger house, as I now have 3 full walls dedicated to Skylanders.

It looks less like a Game Room, and more like a Skylanders Room.

Anyhow, I am currently going through the pictures of my shelf, and removing the codes from the stickers, as well as the barcode, for obvious reasons.

I will edit or post again when the first post is updated with new pics.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:52:45 31/12/2012 by GameMaster78
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1193 Posted: 19:08:13 30/12/2012
Quote: xerokills
Skylanders...dreaming of being a movie writer mogul and video games are your therapy, huh? Hope it sorts itself out for ya in the end. I think most everyone wants to reach the top in life...eventually though you will have to stop playing games as much and start spending more time wearing the big boy pants. Get that script done and remove yourself from these forums more frequently. All they do is waste time that you can't get back. I am very glad I am not involved in here in much capacity anymore.

Cruise control will not get you to Hollywood. Throttle up...console power down...

All the talk in the world won't prove it...and don't prove it for others...just prove it for yourself.

Honestly, I use these (and a ton of other) forums sort of as a part of work. I make the majority of my money, as well as my way through my doctorate, as a writer, and posting here gets me warmed up. In fact, I usually have an article, advertisement, script, or whatever else I've been hired for open in another tab. Being here allows me to forget about work while still slightly doing it, which goes a long way in staving off insanity. Heck, I've actually found work as a writer through posting here, turning a hobby into a profit. I suppose, in the end, it all depends on what line of work you pursue. The caveat here, of course, is that I'm paid to write and GM is still kind of working on that on the side, but I bet he finds similar solace.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1194 Posted: 19:32:30 30/12/2012 | Topic Creator
You know what's funny, Tash? Ever since I picked up screenwriting, I've become super descriptive in everything I write. I don't know if it's because of the trait, but before I ever took on screenwriting, I was as descriptive as I am now. This is sometimes unfortunate, because I have the habit of putting TMI into my posts, no matter where I post.

I do sometimes get warmed up by writing my wall of texts on various forums, however. I have a feeling I will sell a script, before I am ever discovered on a website, for the way I write. If you found work writing - and got paid for it - due to this website, then congrats on that. I hope it lands you where you want to be in life.

I was supposed to help my cousin, whose documentary, "TV Junkie," won an award at Sundance in 2006. However, even if I never help him on his flicks, I bet the one I am currently writing will sell. It has broad appeal.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Failinhearts Gold Sparx Gems: 2376
#1195 Posted: 21:59:32 30/12/2012
It's your choice, but to keep the collection "complete" you probably need the battlegrounds edition of Regular Double Trouble. ( Series 2 in Series 1 pose) But hey, you're the collector
SSA: 37/37. SG: 61/62. SSF: 73/75 STT: 42/78
Have left this forum, who knows if I'll come back...
A believer of Jesus Christ
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1196 Posted: 22:30:18 30/12/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
You know what's funny, Tash? Ever since I picked up screenwriting, I've become super descriptive in everything I write. I don't know if it's because of the trait, but before I ever took on screenwriting, I was as descriptive as I am now. This is sometimes unfortunate, because I have the habit of putting TMI into my posts, no matter where I post.

I do sometimes get warmed up by writing my wall of texts on various forums, however. I have a feeling I will sell a script, before I am ever discovered on a website, for the way I write. If you found work writing - and got paid for it - due to this website, then congrats on that. I hope it lands you where you want to be in life.

Eh, it was just some technical writing for an iStore app. Pays the bills, but at the end of the day, just another job to float me through this Ph.D. Unlikely to set the world on fire, but it helps. I actually do a lot of work like this away from the forums, and if you're serious about getting some writing cred under your belt, I'd suggest freelancing. I've kept a roof over my family's head and all bills paid by doing just that, and it lets me stay in school while I need to.

EDIT: And strangely enough, I actually am where I want to be in life. I've got a son I love more than life itself, a great marriage, and a roof over my head. As long as none of that goes away, the amount of money and prestige I have are immaterial. I'd say the best things in life are free, but the diaper bill alone would prove me a liar.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:05:54 30/12/2012 by Tashiji
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1197 Posted: 23:27:26 30/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Failinhearts
It's your choice, but to keep the collection "complete" you probably need the battlegrounds edition of Regular Double Trouble. ( Series 2 in Series 1 pose) But hey, you're the collector

Yeah, I keep eyeballin' them when I go to my local Best Buy. I will be grabbing one, but not at this moment.

Quote: Tashiji
Quote: GameMaster78
You know what's funny, Tash? Ever since I picked up screenwriting, I've become super descriptive in everything I write. I don't know if it's because of the trait, but before I ever took on screenwriting, I was as descriptive as I am now. This is sometimes unfortunate, because I have the habit of putting TMI into my posts, no matter where I post.

I do sometimes get warmed up by writing my wall of texts on various forums, however. I have a feeling I will sell a script, before I am ever discovered on a website, for the way I write. If you found work writing - and got paid for it - due to this website, then congrats on that. I hope it lands you where you want to be in life.

Eh, it was just some technical writing for an iStore app. Pays the bills, but at the end of the day, just another job to float me through this Ph.D. Unlikely to set the world on fire, but it helps. I actually do a lot of work like this away from the forums, and if you're serious about getting some writing cred under your belt, I'd suggest freelancing. I've kept a roof over my family's head and all bills paid by doing just that, and it lets me stay in school while I need to.

EDIT: And strangely enough, I actually am where I want to be in life. I've got a son I love more than life itself, a great marriage, and a roof over my head. As long as none of that goes away, the amount of money and prestige I have are immaterial. I'd say the best things in life are free, but the diaper bill alone would prove me a liar.

I hear ya on that one. Sometimes, it's the little things like family that makes a man more rich than even the richest multi-millionaire.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1198 Posted: 04:37:28 31/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Sorry for the double post, but I thought I'd show everyone my new shelf, painted, stickered/carded, and hung. I will post new pics for the first post when a new camera comes in, which should be soon-ish.

[User Posted Image]
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
L-Drobot 38 Green Sparx Gems: 156
#1199 Posted: 05:16:54 31/12/2012
EPIC. Hey, where did you get that poster in the top left corner? I keep seeing them, one for each element. I would love one.

HEY! Also in case anyone has been waiting for it, at Wal-Mart they released the new poster that is like the S:SA one. Lists and shows a picture of each character. By the time I got there though, GONE. 100%..

All that was left was some Justin Bieber CD's and a 1D poster... smilie

EDIT: SO SORRY THAT LAST LINK DIDN'T WORK! I fixed it by putting it on my website.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 05:38:36 31/12/2012 by L-Drobot 38
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#1200 Posted: 05:26:01 31/12/2012 | Topic Creator
The poster you're talking about - I assume - is the one that shows Thumpback on it? That is from a double-sided poster gotten only in the Best Buy Strategy Guide. I had to buy 2 guides to have each side of the poster. It isn't like the Fire Element poster seen at Walmart.

I clicked the link you provided, and it didn't show anything. It just took me to Google.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
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