I'd like to be the King of the Ninjini fan base! I promise to defend Ninjini and promote her, making sure I have a valid argument for anything Ninjini related. Our fan base is strong, but for it too be stronger, we need a leader. I believe Ninjini is the best Giant, and should be the most recognized. I will support others opinions unless they are against Ninjini. I am responsible, and will keep up with Ninjini news, and keep a list of the Ninjini Fanbase Supporters! If you nominate me as your leader, I vow to make Ninjini more popular than all the other Giants, especially Eye-Brawl. If I do get selected, I will nominate spots for everyone, so you won't just be another fan, you will be a helper. We can organize meetings with group messages. We can organize Ninjini meetings where we discuss Ninjini and what we can do too make her more popular. She can stand the battle against the other Giants, and will prevail if we have support. You may like other Giants, but Ninjini has too be #1/2 on your list. If you don't like her, that is okay, just don't Flame or troll, just do not post. She is the best Giant and should be treated as though. I pity Pop Fizz as he is living in the shadow of Ninjini Greatness!!!!'
Post: Ninjini is the best Giant! to join, and I will PM you!
- No Flaming
No Trolling
Only Ninjini Discussion
joerox123- President/King
weebbby- Secretary
sprocketrocket- Vice President
yokey25- Mod
StarNinjini- QUEEN
Milton310- Vice President
Together we can make a difference!
The jobs:
President/King ( Keeps track of fandom and leads the group. He is the only one that is allowed too speak ill of anything Ninjini related /I won't do this but it just seems needed\ ) (1)
Queen ( Same as King )
Vice President ( Assissts President and has as much power as President except for one thing ) (2) 1 TAKEN!
Secratery ( Keeps track of all PM's sent to and from our group ) (3) 1 TAKEN!
Treasurer ( Keeps records of all Ninjini Fans/Haters )
Mod ( Reports off topic posts in Ninjini Based Topics )
Reporter ( Repost Ninjini News )
Supporter ( Just Supports her by starting discussion about her )