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Skylanders Giants at Bjs?....clean [CLOSED]
neomas77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#1 Posted: 12:52:35 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
Anyone on these boards from the East coast states can check to see if there are new Giants, not reposes, at their local BJs.

I don't have a membership, so I can't get in there officially without one or being with someone with a membership.

So, any east coasters want to confirm if there are new Giant figures out, let us know.

Stores like BJs, and Dicks (sporting goods) are so misunderstood by web filters.

ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#2 Posted: 12:58:32 23/12/2012
If tru dint get new giants, bjs definetly didn't. Doesn't even require a check.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
neomas77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#3 Posted: 13:01:02 23/12/2012 | Topic Creator
smilie It was a tru employee this morning that told me, through customer knowledge.
We were conversion how folks were disappointed on the non giant figure release all the customers were calling for.

These things have been popping up in odd places,
So why not Bjs.
Sam's Club had some a little while ago.

defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#4 Posted: 13:07:49 23/12/2012
I was in BJs yesterday, and they haven't even gotten in Wave 2 yet. I go there regularly, and can assure you that they will NEVER get things in before other stores. They are excellent to get stuff for a decent discount if the things are already out a while. They have an in store Skylanders coupon in their coupon rack, so if you need anything from Wave 1, it is a good place to get it.
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#5 Posted: 13:09:09 23/12/2012
I know they are there. Nobody shall beat me to the joke about them having every singe one in a pack!
Hello from Seattle
BOOM Yellow Sparx Gems: 1265
#6 Posted: 19:55:45 23/12/2012
BJ's... never heard off it
why are you reading this? your wasting your time...
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#7 Posted: 20:59:45 23/12/2012
Went to BJs today after I got home yesterday and dad told me they had a bunch in. Just your standard Wave 1 stuff:
Pop Fizz, Chill, Fright Rider, Zook, Whirlwind, Terrafin, Slam Bam, Ignitor, Trigger Happy; LC Prism Break, Drobot and Eruptro and Crusher, Bouncer and Swarm. Plus the battle and triple packs.

Nothing really special, but they're a dollar cheaper. Which is great if you're still missing a few. I picked up Slam Bam for my personal Christmas gift to myself.

Singles were $8.99; super surprisingly the LCs at mine were $7.99 (I'm assuming to get rid of them because there's a lot of them there) and Giants were $13.99. Didn't see the battle packs but dad thought they said $22.99.

Sams Club still has them, and I'd assume they should probably have a few of the GITD Sonic Booms since it's the same company as Walmart.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
StarNinjini Green Sparx Gems: 381
#8 Posted: 21:14:36 23/12/2012
I have store by my house in a secluded little area called Gorilla.Games, and they get stuff same day as TRU. The good thing is that nobody goes there so I can h
Get first pick all the time, Im like their only customer smilie They have 3 LC shrooms there still.
Hoot Loop :3
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#9 Posted: 23:53:05 23/12/2012
^ Where? Jersey?
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:53:44 23/12/2012 by Matteomax
StarNinjini Green Sparx Gems: 381
#10 Posted: 00:01:41 24/12/2012
Wisconsin smilie
Hoot Loop :3
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#11 Posted: 00:06:42 24/12/2012
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#12 Posted: 00:14:58 24/12/2012
Quote: BOOM
BJ's... never heard off it

It's almost exactly like Sam's Club and Costco on the surface (a lot of difference in how all 3 are run though). It is a membership warehouse.
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#13 Posted: 00:29:56 24/12/2012
Quote: Matteomax

Well to be fair if I could get farther from Jersey I would..... smilie
krayzie Green Sparx Gems: 196
#14 Posted: 02:44:09 24/12/2012
Fyi there is a b2g1 free coupon on single packs.
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