darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Wave 3 in hand
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#1 Posted: 17:27:54 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
ok heres the deal kids thumpback will be out on the 23rd at toys r us I put my hands on it today I have a friend at toys r us and she let me near the back door and showed me as far as what else I will find out more later and let you know I also talked to my buddy at gamestop and it looks like hotdog battle pack is listed for the 23rd also 95 percent sure on that do play the pics or it didn't happen I am a 39 year old guy I have no reason to lie so that being said I will get back to you later about what else will be out sunday oh and release could be 6 am or midnight depends on the store
Yellow Sparx
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#2 Posted: 17:35:15 19/12/2012
Pics or it didn't happen. (Joke) Also, you'd be surprised how many adults make up lies about buying/seeing unreleased figures in stores.
--- --- It's time for Africa. |
Emerald Sparx
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#3 Posted: 17:44:08 19/12/2012
So ace was there any sign of
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Grave Clobber is back to bury you! Imaginators ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Green Sparx
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#4 Posted: 17:51:04 19/12/2012
If your were 39 you wouldn't just have one long run on sentence...
Hoot Loop :3 |
Blue Sparx
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#5 Posted: 17:56:00 19/12/2012
People that age and older tend to be technologically challenged.
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ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#6 Posted: 17:56:20 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
I wont know until after 4
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#7 Posted: 17:57:28 19/12/2012
Two reasons for a 39 year old to lie: Trolling and attention. Maybe both.
And we have nothing but your word you are 39, which you also use for having seen Thumpback. You also write like an 8 year old, your entire post is one giant run-on sentence with no punctuation or capitalization. The problem is this: none of the sources that have been reliable in getting word out on what is actually in the shipments to TRU have reported any Giants coming into the stores. And they would have lit this place up if they had gotten in a new Giant. Posts like your are what has been so annoying for people on Wave 3. First we had people "sure" because they had a friend at TRU new figures would be out before Thanksgiving. Then Wave 3 was going to be out on Black Friday. Then Dec 2nd. Then Dec. 10 at Target. The speculation is harmless, but a whole bunch of people have claimed to have friends that work at the store that report things that no other store has seen. There are reliable employees that give out information. It is how we know the single case contents of Wave 3. It is how we know the lightcore case contents. I would have given you the benefit of the doubt if you said your friend just told you that. Lots of people are being told things. But you said you saw it. That makes you a liar or your TRU is just special. Maybe yours got in a new shipment, it *is* possible - but by Sunday we will know for sure. If you had seen it, I would think you would have snapped a camera photo, then you truly would be "the man" for being the first to confirm a new Giant. If you are making this up, is four days of kids going "wow" and getting their hopes up funny enough to you for your ID to forever be branded as a liar? |
Green Sparx
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#8 Posted: 17:59:07 19/12/2012
Quote: D-Rex
Haha ![]() ![]() And what do you mean when you say your won't know till 4?
Hoot Loop :3 |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#9 Posted: 17:59:38 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
there is a point you have to care I am making a post not in school so why do I need to use capitals and periods
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#10 Posted: 18:01:57 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
ok this is how its going to go when thumpback comes out the 23rd I want you to come in here and apologize to everyone for calling me a liar
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#11 Posted: 18:03:35 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
To make your post readable as a courtesy to the other users. And to demonstrate that you aren't an illiterate moron. You threw out your age, act it. I don't mind when the younger posters don't have perfect grammar or if someone makes an occasional mistake. Set a better example for them. |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#12 Posted: 18:05:05 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
and let me say this I am tired of people giving false info this is my first post to make things right I don't say anything until I see it for myself
Green Sparx
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#13 Posted: 18:05:59 19/12/2012
Quote: defpally
Couldn't be better said defpally. And ace, what do you Mean you won't know until 4?? Also, it doesn't matter if you're in school or not. Dont post like your 5. It just proves that you aren't 39.
Hoot Loop :3 |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#14 Posted: 18:06:09 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
Yes, I will. I made speculation on Wave 3 not being until January earlier (although I did specify it as purely an educated guess) and when the first photos showed up said plainly I had guessed wrong. And likewise, if he doesn't show up you will come here and say that you are one? Because I and others will be sure to point it out in the future if you don't. |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#15 Posted: 18:07:04 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
by the way its one per person should I have taken a picture of that too
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#16 Posted: 18:08:24 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
waiting on one of my manger friends to get it she don't get in until 3
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#17 Posted: 18:09:24 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
No, that part is believable. |
Blue Sparx
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#18 Posted: 18:10:47 19/12/2012
I was just at gamestop ten minutes ago. My guy i always deal with said he didnt even have the battle packs in the back and that as far as he knew they were still 2013
Also, the fact that there has not been one pic of a giant for the next wave which is set for 4 days from now is suspect that there may not even be one released on the 23rd. Just saying that we all follow this and a pic always shows up from a broken release date or theft from an employee. Additionally, Im in no way saying you are lying, I hope you are correct because my one son wants HotDog and the other Thumpback. However, IN HAND means IN HAND when talking about releases.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 18:18:29 19/12/2012 by finnsllc
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#19 Posted: 18:18:19 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
your right gamestop don't have them yet my guy said the date he was given 2 days ago is the 23rd all I can say about that not confirmed
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#20 Posted: 18:18:36 19/12/2012
And not one "In Hand" auction on Ebay. Other than the couple (including Eye Brawl) from this past weekend that promised pictures that never materialized. Right now, a picture of a new Giant shipment would completely silence the doubters.
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#21 Posted: 18:22:24 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
hey maybe its hard to believe a 39 year old is so into skylanders but I can assure you I am very into it beat giants in 12 hours 100 percent on the 4th day of playing it I also have many rare that I buy on ebay I have a china cabinet full of skylanders in my living room sad I know
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#22 Posted: 18:24:33 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
defpally I have mentally ignored you I don't like haters like I said I wouldn't post it if I didn't see it for myself pictures weren't and option trust me I would have one if I could have gotten one
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#23 Posted: 18:33:14 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
Oh no, how will I ever make it through the day? The challenge stands, the goal is set - Sunday. Thumpback on the shelf at TRU, Hotdog at Gamestop. Since you are a big fan, and it is in your store then you will obviously go get them both, and have ample opportunity to snap photos at your leisure to post. And my posts weren't for your purposes, it was for the other readers to point out the shortcomings of your story. |
Thumpterra12 Ripto Gems: 120 |
#24 Posted: 18:37:18 19/12/2012
*sees the word "thumpback" and "wave 3" in one sentence and gets excited*
Blue Sparx
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#25 Posted: 18:40:21 19/12/2012
Unfortunately everyone is anxious to pick up the remaining Giants. Thats the problem with unsubstantiated information. Considering that ACT and TFB dont release information like i wish they would we are all quick to trash anyone who chooses to post release info that cant be proven. But thats how it has to be.
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#26 Posted: 18:42:26 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
and your always the first one to jump on someone and call them a liar and why don't you get your facts straight I never said hotdog was a definite that what I was told by gamestop don't worry defpally you cost everyone else info on the next wave and release I wont post again after you say your sorry I will keep all my inside info to myself thank the hater
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#27 Posted: 18:46:45 19/12/2012
Quote: finnsllc
Sure, and when I first posted the case contents I saw on another forum, I was rightfully questioned - even though I mentioned where it came from and the reliability of the source (which was confirmed by others). I didn't post a pic, because it was not my pic to re-post and did not want to risk the person's job - but I did mention where *they* posted a pic. If you share new information, prepare to be challenged. If you share highly questionable new information, prepare to be highly challenged. I've also speculated in the past, but I try to label it as such and the reasons for my thinking when I do so. |
Gold Sparx
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#28 Posted: 18:49:13 19/12/2012
This post is making my head hurt! I said that I wouldn't, but I'm going to remove the ban on punctuation because it's so close to Christmas. .
Go ahead and start using: " " . , ? ! ' and even ; if you're feeling saucy! |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#29 Posted: 18:49:17 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
one question why is everyone so hellbent on pictures anyway with photoshop out there anything can be faked
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#30 Posted: 18:53:41 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
eric I am a one finger wonder with typing I don't care about punctuation never asked anyone to read the post nor comment if you feel froggy please rewrite my post with punctuation I am wrapping gifts and doing this at the same time so I could careless
Emerald Sparx
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#31 Posted: 18:59:37 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
See this is one of those things that I really haven't been able to understand with the Skylanders fandom. "Pics or it didn't happen" isn't supposed to be used for trolling, and although some users are using it as such (or it seems that way) it's really just to have multiple confirmations on things. We've had plenty of people come forward about new things and a vast majority tend to either be trolling or misinformation. It's weird to me that people get overly defensive about pics or it didn't happen- I guess they see it as an affront to their credibility. It's really not though. It's just so that we have visible actual proof than some random person coming on and saying "oh I saw this" or "oh my friend saw this and he told me about it". The joke I use about that is if you were walking down the street, and someone came up to you telling you that the Queen was revealed to be an alien, you'd think they were a nutjob, no? At least, until you were able to see photographic proof and multiple sources also claiming the same thing. ![]()
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic? Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15] |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#32 Posted: 19:00:27 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
Sorry, it was kind of hard to make out exactly what you were saying about Hot Dog in the original post. That's what I mean about grammar. As far as you denying us "next wave info", well if that means we don't get more posts consisting of word vomit containing not a shred of evidence and contradicting everything the reliable sources of information have provided - I guess we will just have to find a way to make do. Personally, I'd rather have my information delayed with pics than instant with nothing. And I am not the first to always jump on people, in fact I've only been posting a few weeks after reading for months. I do point out when someone posts something that is different from what is known to be factual at the time. And I do point out when I am speculating. By the way, didn't you mentally block me? |
Blue Sparx
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#33 Posted: 19:02:12 19/12/2012
I don't know if this has been known or not, but Kmart has all of the lightcores listed, along with new 3 packs, Eyebrawl, and Ninjini.
I just want....whatever is coming out next ![]() |
Blue Sparx
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#34 Posted: 19:08:12 19/12/2012
K mart sucks, Ray. ( sorry, i couldnt help it)
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:08:59 19/12/2012 by finnsllc
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#35 Posted: 19:09:17 19/12/2012
I completely agree with the pics thing. Pictures are so easy to take and post these days. Practically everyone has a phone capable of doing it and free services to post them. And if you got the information from another forum, at least tell us that and where you saw it. If you heard second hand, say that and you should not be held accountable for being lied to.
Take the guy the other day that had a sister at Gamestop that saw a "shark guy" he thought was Thumpback. He said exactly that it was second hand (actually he said third hand), sure his info was questioned, but he did not get attacked. Questions are not attacks. People are just excited and have been lied to many times. So many reports of made up stuff it should be of no personal insult to be asked for pictures. If it bothers you, then take it up with the horde of trolls. And definitely don't visit other forums. They would eat you alive. |
Green Sparx
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#36 Posted: 19:09:24 19/12/2012
I work at KMart D: KMart is awesome
Hoot Loop :3 |
ace4557 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#37 Posted: 19:10:48 19/12/2012 | Topic Creator
like I said don't worry I wont be posting again
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#38 Posted: 19:11:25 19/12/2012
Quote: Aptocurse
Unfortunately, they mix their stock numbers among similar figures, as some that found an active listing for Lightcore Hex and Shroomboom found out a while back. They showed up for pick up and had Eruptor/Drobot waiting for them. |
Green Sparx
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#39 Posted: 19:12:36 19/12/2012
ace! Please post again!! We a love you and we are dearly sorry! Please forgive us?
Hoot Loop :3 |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#40 Posted: 19:13:13 19/12/2012
Quote: ace4557
That's a shame, I look forward to you gloating over me. Honestly, if you are right it means I'll probably be holding Thumpback at the time, so it will be some of the tastiest crow I have ever eaten. |
chevyext02 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1909 |
#41 Posted: 19:15:10 19/12/2012
At ACE4557: eBay member ACE4557- YOU OLD MAN is a damn liar and a thief. This person stole my Gnarly Tree Rex and he know damn well its true. You switched my Gnarly Tree Rex for your regular. You filed a false claim on me. You stole my item and my money.
Blue Sparx
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#42 Posted: 19:17:32 19/12/2012
If you want proof that he's probably a troll, go look in the toys and merch section at a topic called Rare Skylander and look at the last post.
EDIT: Ninjad
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92! Have waves 1,2,3, and 4 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:19:21 19/12/2012 by Reaganag
Blue Sparx
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#43 Posted: 19:17:48 19/12/2012
Well, ace is sorta asking to be trashed. Im okay with unsubstantiated claims, but when you are lying about your age, you open the floodgates for harassment.
There is no use making up stories ace.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you. |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#44 Posted: 19:19:49 19/12/2012
Hmm, starting to wonder if ole ace4557 was planning to put up a few Thumpback auctions after whipping up some speculation ... the plot thickens.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:21:23 19/12/2012 by defpally
Green Sparx
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#45 Posted: 19:26:24 19/12/2012
Im waiting outside of TRU tomorrow.
Hoot Loop :3 |
Platinum Sparx
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#46 Posted: 19:27:24 19/12/2012
Quote: chevyext02
Wait what? This Ace ebay member you're talking about is the ace4557 here?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:27:46 19/12/2012 by Aura24
Green Sparx
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#47 Posted: 19:28:54 19/12/2012
Most likely Aura.
Hoot Loop :3 |
chevyext02 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1909 |
#48 Posted: 19:33:30 19/12/2012
I bet he/she/it is. I hope you slip on puu and break both legs OLD MAN. You are one sorry sack of whatever you want to finish the sentence with. You can keep the $65 dollars. All I had to do was file a police on your a@@ but you ain't worth my troubles.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#49 Posted: 19:36:43 19/12/2012
Hmm, maybe since you have his shipping address chevy, you can search on the closest Toys'R'Us to him and give them a call to confirm Thumpback.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:37:55 19/12/2012 by defpally
chevyext02 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1909 |
#50 Posted: 19:39:07 19/12/2012
Not a bad idea
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