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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Thread!
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#251 Posted: 06:58:34 09/12/2012
The new episode was pretty awesome. I absolutely loved the BG music.
Cynder1996 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3333
#252 Posted: 13:12:52 09/12/2012
I think Luna sounds a little different because now that she's been in the present a bit longer , she doesn't speak with the royal canterlot voice and she doesn't use *thee* or *thy* that much...
my dragons
I stalk Slenderman.....
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#253 Posted: 21:20:50 09/12/2012
Quote: wspyro
The new episode was pretty awesome. I absolutely loved the BG music.

I agree. Gotta love those spooky theremins. ^.^
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StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#254 Posted: 11:50:53 10/12/2012
Never expected to see Luna in the Sleepless in Ponyville episode and I love Rainbow Dash's neighing snore.
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#255 Posted: 15:38:23 10/12/2012
To people thinking Celestia should've taught the lesson rather than Luna:

IMO, Celestia hasn't had many fears that can relate to Scootaloo's (I suppose), whereas Luna had the same fear of rejection. In Luna Eclipsed, she wanted everyone to love her and praise her. But when her actions lead to them fearing her and running away, she felt helpless and insecure. She was just as afraid of rejection as Scootaloo was (I believe Scootaloo's fear was RD's disapproval). The best teachers are often the ones that have gone through the situation themselves, and we haven't seen Celestia do so (yet).
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8260
#256 Posted: 17:12:25 10/12/2012
I laughed when Scootaloo was scared of Rainbow's snoring smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#257 Posted: 18:57:15 10/12/2012
Quote: CAV
To people thinking Celestia should've taught the lesson rather than Luna:

IMO, Celestia hasn't had many fears that can relate to Scootaloo's (I suppose), whereas Luna had the same fear of rejection. In Luna Eclipsed, she wanted everyone to love her and praise her. But when her actions lead to them fearing her and running away, she felt helpless and insecure. She was just as afraid of rejection as Scootaloo was (I believe Scootaloo's fear was RD's disapproval). The best teachers are often the ones that have gone through the situation themselves, and we haven't seen Celestia do so (yet).

^Pretty much this, to a tee. ^.^;
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Cynder1996 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3333
#258 Posted: 21:54:55 10/12/2012
Quote: HIR
Quote: CAV
To people thinking Celestia should've taught the lesson rather than Luna:

IMO, Celestia hasn't had many fears that can relate to Scootaloo's (I suppose), whereas Luna had the same fear of rejection. In Luna Eclipsed, she wanted everyone to love her and praise her. But when her actions lead to them fearing her and running away, she felt helpless and insecure. She was just as afraid of rejection as Scootaloo was (I believe Scootaloo's fear was RD's disapproval). The best teachers are often the ones that have gone through the situation themselves, and we haven't seen Celestia do so (yet).

^Pretty much this, to a tee. ^.^;

Yeah , I think they should do an episode that re-introduces nightmare moon or a similiar character who has experienced the same jealously as Luna. I mean , Luna is my favorite princess , not just because of her dark colors , cool back story and great design , I also like her personality. She has so much potential to be a regular character with how she can relate to many of the mane six's problems... Celestia never helps any of the ponies in the series , or not really... Not helping Rarity , knowing her favorite student has six friends and only sends two tickets , has the biggest wings in equestria and lets her pegasus guards fly her around.... Whereas Luna socializes like a normal pony instead of acting too regal , as shown when she pranks and participates in nightmare night like a normal pony , she is grateful and makes normal gestures towards the other ponies ( hugging fluttershy , telling the ponies to call her Luna rather than princess , and saving pip) not to mention when she helps Scootaloo conquer her fears. I think they should make an episode that concentrates on Luna more , on her jealously possibly returning in some way..or some bitterness towards her sister
Especially if its towards her big sisters obvious favoritism among the other ponies , not because they sleep at night and play in the day
my dragons
I stalk Slenderman.....
JetH7 Blue Sparx Gems: 827
#259 Posted: 22:33:28 10/12/2012
Quote: Cynder1996
Quote: HIR
Quote: CAV
To people thinking Celestia should've taught the lesson rather than Luna:

IMO, Celestia hasn't had many fears that can relate to Scootaloo's (I suppose), whereas Luna had the same fear of rejection. In Luna Eclipsed, she wanted everyone to love her and praise her. But when her actions lead to them fearing her and running away, she felt helpless and insecure. She was just as afraid of rejection as Scootaloo was (I believe Scootaloo's fear was RD's disapproval). The best teachers are often the ones that have gone through the situation themselves, and we haven't seen Celestia do so (yet).

^Pretty much this, to a tee. ^.^;

Yeah , I think they should do an episode that re-introduces nightmare moon or a similiar character who has experienced the same jealously as Luna. I mean , Luna is my favorite princess , not just because of her dark colors , cool back story and great design , I also like her personality. She has so much potential to be a regular character with how she can relate to many of the mane six's problems... Celestia never helps any of the ponies in the series , or not really... Not helping Rarity , knowing her favorite student has six friends and only sends two tickets , has the biggest wings in equestria and lets her pegasus guards fly her around.... Whereas Luna socializes like a normal pony instead of acting too regal , as shown when she pranks and participates in nightmare night like a normal pony , she is grateful and makes normal gestures towards the other ponies ( hugging fluttershy , telling the ponies to call her Luna rather than princess , and saving pip) not to mention when she helps Scootaloo conquer her fears. I think they should make an episode that concentrates on Luna more , on her jealously possibly returning in some way..or some bitterness towards her sister
Especially if its towards her big sisters obvious favoritism among the other ponies , not because they sleep at night and play in the day

^ This.
I am the ghostly watermelon!!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#260 Posted: 22:38:44 10/12/2012
^Yeah. Celestia is cool and all, but at the end of the day she's much more difficult to relate to and doesn't do much in terms of interacting with other characters. When she does, she plays the role of the wise teacher that doesn't seem to have many flaws. Luna has flaws in the form of jealousy, insecurity, and a fear of being shunned, whereas Celestia seems to have no problems.

The only time Celestia shows any sort of weakness is when she's beaten by Chrysalis. And this weakness is out of "physical" power, rather than some sort of emotional problem like jealousy. Otherwise she seems perfect in every way and everyone treats her as such. And while the show sometimes tries to make her seem relateable, it falls flat on its face because she's still a god-like character.

Simply put: Celestia is as close to a Mary Sue as the show gets.

But while Luna is my favorite character and I'd love to see more episodes based around her, she's already had 2, while Celestia hasn't really had any. I'd like to see an episode based around Celestia and her personality, and possibly reveal a few flaws or fears she may have. Anything to make her a better character.

I'm hearing some rumors about how there could be an episode about Celestia and Luna's past, and I would love it as long as they don't treat Celestia like a character with no flaws.
aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#261 Posted: 02:31:08 11/12/2012 | Topic Creator
^ i would love that
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#262 Posted: 02:43:18 11/12/2012
Yeah, I've heard rumors about that and they got stronger when de Lancie said he was returning to do something MLP related (which I now believe was just some voiceovers for the HUB's Naughty or Nice contest although you're welcome to prove me wrong). As an alternative, I think a "day in the life" episode for Celestia may be interesting. Maybe being the ruler of an entire country takes a serious stressful toll on her, but she knows she needs to keep a good appearance? The episode could show her starting to crack under the pressure...

...I'd like that. But I'm probably in the minority here. ^.^;
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CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#263 Posted: 20:22:08 11/12/2012
^That's a good idea, as long as they don't completely rip off Lesson Zero.
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#264 Posted: 22:56:44 11/12/2012
If anyone wants to add me on the GL app, I'm Kristineroo.
Falling Chandeliers
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#265 Posted: 01:41:38 12/12/2012
Guys, whats the mlp app called?
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#266 Posted: 02:47:22 12/12/2012
Okay I might get it.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#267 Posted: 03:11:39 12/12/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: HIR
Yeah, I've heard rumors about that and they got stronger when de Lancie said he was returning to do something MLP related (which I now believe was just some voiceovers for the HUB's Naughty or Nice contest although you're welcome to prove me wrong). As an alternative, I think a "day in the life" episode for Celestia may be interesting. Maybe being the ruler of an entire country takes a serious stressful toll on her, but she knows she needs to keep a good appearance? The episode could show her starting to crack under the pressure...

...I'd like that. But I'm probably in the minority here. ^.^;

I can see that happening in the supposed episode where it delves more into the Princess' history.


Because it's very likely that Luna also takes half of the duty. While Luna was stuck in Nightmare Moon who was stuck in the moon (moon stuck in a moon stuck in a moon oh ho ho ho), Celestia probably had a lot more duties to handle than while she had Luna at her side.

Well I would imagine, being the princess of the night, Luna's work is of a much different variety... less about keeping the kingdom running smoothly, more about keeping the subjects safe during the night. Something along those lines. <.<

@CAV: I didn't really think Lesson Zero was a "day in the life" so to speak. But I can see what you mean. <.<
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#268 Posted: 08:03:22 12/12/2012
Quote: Phantom
If anyone wants to add me on the GL app, I'm Kristineroo.

I'll add you tomorrow.
My GL is Trixie_Lulamoon.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#269 Posted: 13:34:24 12/12/2012
Quote: HIR
@CAV: I didn't really think Lesson Zero was a "day in the life" so to speak. But I can see what you mean. <.<

Yeah it wasn't. But it would be easy to take Twilight's meltdown and copy paste it for Celestia (or anyone really).
Phantom Platinum Sparx Gems: 5241
#270 Posted: 22:48:30 12/12/2012
Quote: wspyro
Quote: Phantom
If anyone wants to add me on the GL app, I'm Kristineroo.

I'll add you tomorrow.
My GL is Trixie_Lulamoon.

Thanks! I'll send you hearts.
Falling Chandeliers
icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
#271 Posted: 14:26:46 13/12/2012
An episode review of Sleepless in Ponyville
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:27:04 13/12/2012 by icedragon333
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#272 Posted: 17:06:10 13/12/2012
Quote: Phantom
Quote: wspyro
Quote: Phantom
If anyone wants to add me on the GL app, I'm Kristineroo.

I'll add you tomorrow.
My GL is Trixie_Lulamoon.

Thanks! I'll send you hearts.

I'll add you and send hearts. smilie
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#273 Posted: 18:02:37 13/12/2012
I don't understand why people keep linking to reviews. <.<;
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#274 Posted: 18:03:44 13/12/2012
Tyros just want's to share, boyo.

Here's the next episode.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:13:58 13/12/2012 by wspyro
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#275 Posted: 18:44:12 13/12/2012
What the... WHY DOES THIS EXIST? Did it get leaked?
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#276 Posted: 18:46:29 13/12/2012
Found it on Reddit ;~;
I haven't watched it yet, but I saw the first few minutes. And the comments didn't say it was a lie so yes, it got leaked.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#277 Posted: 19:04:51 13/12/2012
Well it seemed legit...

They reused several Pegasi from Hurricane Fluttershy though... including Steroid Pony. XD
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Sky-Glaceon10 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1910
#278 Posted: 20:04:12 13/12/2012
I really liked the new episode.

Spitfire was too serious though, but I guess she would have to be serious to train Wonderbolt wannabes. Rainbow Dash was likeable again - Thunderdust on the other hand is like a parallel version of Rainbow Dash but a hundred times worse. Lol, and Pinkie...DON'T FORGET TO WRITE! Do you think she heard me? smilie And you forgot your care package!! smilie Overall, it was an awesome episode.
"A Zone greater than Zone." Aomine Daiki - 2015
Ask me stuff I guess.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#279 Posted: 20:44:26 13/12/2012
"That's an academy record" is going to be a meme. I guarantee it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:44:59 13/12/2012 by CAV
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#280 Posted: 21:09:46 13/12/2012
Found it on Youtube, the link wouldn't work for me.

I'm pretty sure the next episode is still a mystery though.
self professed austGAYlian
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6701
#281 Posted: 22:16:50 13/12/2012
Quote: CAV
"That's an academy record" is going to be a meme. I guarantee it.
New academy record meme? That's a new academy record.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#282 Posted: 00:08:52 14/12/2012
Quote: CAV
"That's an academy record" is going to be a meme. I guarantee it.

And then when that happens, that means you'll have used in before it was cool. And then you'll be the first darkSpyro Hipster. ^.^ *brick'd*
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#283 Posted: 03:29:15 14/12/2012
Quote: ReshiramForever
Found it on Youtube, the link wouldn't work for me.

I'm pretty sure the next episode is still a mystery though.

Yeah, that link is dead now. I guess they took down the video or something.
Thanks for uploading the YouTube one.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#284 Posted: 04:04:25 14/12/2012
Hmm, the next episode is Apple Family Reunion. Anyone have any speculation, or anything?

I'm mainly interested in the episodes 10/11/12/13, to be honest.
self professed austGAYlian
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:07:13 14/12/2012 by ReshiramForever
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#285 Posted: 04:40:47 14/12/2012
Western accents. Western accents EVERYWHERE. <.<;
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wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#286 Posted: 18:15:10 14/12/2012
When was the last AppleJack episode?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#287 Posted: 18:17:32 14/12/2012
^The Last Roundup, I think.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#288 Posted: 18:23:56 14/12/2012

Hopefully, we will learn something new from AppleJack. I hardly see her anymore.
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#289 Posted: 21:38:54 14/12/2012
What's the latest episode?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#290 Posted: 02:14:24 15/12/2012
Why do I feel like it will be another "Applejack works herself too hard" episode?
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aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#291 Posted: 02:33:36 15/12/2012 | Topic Creator
^ because there will be
LegendaryFlames Emerald Sparx Gems: 3791
#292 Posted: 18:13:44 15/12/2012
This person makes loads of awesome games! You should play them!
smilie@Jetbytes everywhere elsesmilie
Cynder1996 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3333
#293 Posted: 19:12:42 15/12/2012
Loved the new episode!! It was nice to have one with a more realistic lesson , I find there are some schools where the teacher doesn't quite see what a student like Lightning Dust is really like
my dragons
I stalk Slenderman.....
StevemacQ Platinum Sparx Gems: 6533
#294 Posted: 19:37:45 15/12/2012
It's good see a Rainbow Dash-focused episode again, I like how she has standards while still trying to push her own limit.

Also, what was on that care-package? Does any one else question that and how Pinkie Pie had a giant megaphone that pushes mountains?
Needz more eh-mo-shuns.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#295 Posted: 20:07:59 15/12/2012
So now we have had a Twilight Episode(Kinda), Pinkie episode, CMC episode, Scootaloo Episode, RD episode, and next is Applejack(Unless it's about the whole family).

I have hardly seen Ratity so I hope she has an episode in this season.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#296 Posted: 21:36:25 15/12/2012
No idea if this is old news or not, but some pony MMO was shut down by Hasbro (skip to 2:42).
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#297 Posted: 23:05:28 15/12/2012
Quote: wspyro
So now we have had a Twilight Episode(Kinda), Pinkie episode, CMC episode, Scootaloo Episode, RD episode, and next is Applejack(Unless it's about the whole family).

I have hardly seen Ratity so I hope she has an episode in this season.

Episode 10 maybe? <.<;
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