

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Wave 3 Release Date? [CLOSED]
Rand O M Gold Sparx Gems: 2223
#201 Posted: 05:28:02 12/12/2012
Quote: longsh0t
So what constitutes a "released wave"? I only ask because there seems to be two distinct that says new figures will be available before Christmas and one that says after. If there is a new adventure pack on the 23rd like Starninjini said she was told will that count as a wave being released? Or does the entire wave 3 line-up have to be made available?

It would be nice to have a consensus here about what we should consider as a wave release.

We really have no strong proof, except for the Scorpion Striker.

The rest is all assumptions and what others have heard from TRU.
johnnyb771 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#202 Posted: 06:15:31 12/12/2012
Just saw someone on Ebay that claims that Eye Brawl is in Wave 3 (as we have suspected) and that he has a source at Target, ( I believe we saw this with Thumpback on Ebay as well) and that the release is Thursday Dec. 13. He claims that if the date is moves, that the item is guaranteed to be to you by January 15. This may be our first indication as we have suspected, that the Wave 3 will be out at least by the second week of January at the latest, as this alleged "guarantee" of January 15. This may be bull I don't know as I am not sure how reputable these Ebay sellers are. Unless it is in hand I am always a little skeptical, but just wanted to report it and keep everyone informed. I am not sure about the Thursday date though, especially in my area, as I do not think my Target's even get shipments on Thursday. I believe it is on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but could be Tuesday and Thursday as i can't remember, but Thursday is not a day I remember them getting stock normally. Gamestop got some in today, I was there, but it was all the first Giants (Crusher, Swarm, Bouncer, etc.) Going to be out shopping tomorrow and Thursday and will check around but not really expecting to find anything new. My Gamestop is awesome and will call me if they get any new ones, so I will post if they do, and as soon as I get them home, of course, I will post pics. however, I am not really expecting them this week. The 23rd is interesting, but would be a horrible time to release them in my opinion, too many people traveling and out of pocket for the Christmas Holiday and a Sunday right before Christmas I think would be odd at best, but I guess we'll see. Hopefully that TRU ad will show up this week on here or CAG. I know the one through the 22nd is on CAG so hopefully by Friday the 23rd one will be too. Hope we hear some concrete stuff and definite info soon as all the rumor and speculation is wearing thin. I really wish Activision would announce these in a timely manner and we didn't have to find out about the New ones from Scalpers on Ebay. I usually find out through you guys on here, ans I also look at the other sites, but here and Facebook seem to be the best although Facebook now is a little sketchy as people have all sorts of dates that someone at xyz store has given them. I would like to see Thumpback and Eye Brawl before Christmas as they are my 2 favorite Giants, but I guess we'll see soon. Happy Hunting and God bless and I hope everyone has an extremely Merry Christmas.

Johnny B
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#203 Posted: 06:20:28 12/12/2012
Ok I skimmed that post in all honesty but I will say this. Tho unlikely a wave would release on a Thursday, target gets skylanders thru FedEx/ups normally. It's a seperate system from the normal trucks that is used or multiple electronics department things. Books being included in that. So if you really wanna check target I'd do it after 11am.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#204 Posted: 06:35:53 12/12/2012
Quote: johnnyb771
Just saw someone on Ebay that claims that Eye Brawl is in Wave 3 (as we have suspected) and that he has a source at Target, ( I believe we saw this with Thumpback on Ebay as well) and that the release is Thursday Dec. 13. He claims that if the date is moves, that the item is guaranteed to be to you by January 15. This may be our first indication as we have suspected, that the Wave 3 will be out at least by the second week of January at the latest, as this alleged "guarantee" of January 15. This may be bull I don't know as I am not sure how reputable these Ebay sellers are. Unless it is in hand I am always a little skeptical, but just wanted to report it and keep everyone informed. I am not sure about the Thursday date though, especially in my area, as I do not think my Target's even get shipments on Thursday. I believe it is on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays but could be Tuesday and Thursday as i can't remember, but Thursday is not a day I remember them getting stock normally. Gamestop got some in today, I was there, but it was all the first Giants (Crusher, Swarm, Bouncer, etc.) Going to be out shopping tomorrow and Thursday and will check around but not really expecting to find anything new. My Gamestop is awesome and will call me if they get any new ones, so I will post if they do, and as soon as I get them home, of course, I will post pics. however, I am not really expecting them this week. The 23rd is interesting, but would be a horrible time to release them in my opinion, too many people traveling and out of pocket for the Christmas Holiday and a Sunday right before Christmas I think would be odd at best, but I guess we'll see. Hopefully that TRU ad will show up this week on here or CAG. I know the one through the 22nd is on CAG so hopefully by Friday the 23rd one will be too. Hope we hear some concrete stuff and definite info soon as all the rumor and speculation is wearing thin. I really wish Activision would announce these in a timely manner and we didn't have to find out about the New ones from Scalpers on Ebay. I usually find out through you guys on here, ans I also look at the other sites, but here and Facebook seem to be the best although Facebook now is a little sketchy as people have all sorts of dates that someone at xyz store has given them. I would like to see Thumpback and Eye Brawl before Christmas as they are my 2 favorite Giants, but I guess we'll see soon. Happy Hunting and God bless and I hope everyone has an extremely Merry Christmas.

Johnny B

Ebay is not a very credible source of information. As far as i know Target doesn't have a date for Eye Brawl. And if they did it would be a solid date. Not "we may have it soon but if not check back next month". We try to be a bit more organized. On the other hand we have tru and this ad talking about wave 3. After working there i can say they are not as organized. It is possible that they have their info wrong or a typo. I remember seeing on here a tru ad for legendary bouncer with a normal bouncer's picture.
Praise Helix!!!
johnnyb771 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#205 Posted: 06:44:56 12/12/2012
Here is the text from the Ebay ad. Haven't seen it before today so take what you will from it.
Not sure what to think of it but interesting. Can only hope it is remotely possibly true.

Johnny B

For Your Careful Consideration is the following item, PLEASE NOTE THIS ITEM IS A PREORDER ITEM, it is not IN HAND!!

I have been informed by my source @ TARGET stores, and secured 8 Skylander Giants Eyebrawl Giant Individual Character Packs. The release date for this item is December 13th, which has been set by Toys for Bob/ Activision which hold license and release for SKYLANDERS GIANTS video game. Buyer understands that I do not take any responsiblity if the release date on this item gets set back by Activision.

Buyer agrees to pay $8.11 for SHIPPING via USPS Priority Shipping!

I cannot guarantee that this item will be shipped in time for Christmas. If the release date (which is almost dead on) is December 13th, the Buyer can anticipate 1 day for handling. Upon cleared PayPal payment I will ship out item.

Upon recieving item I will message buyer that your item and order has been processed.
I promise to ship this item as soon as this order is fulfilled to me. I promise that you will get the utmost customer service from me while we wait for the release of this item. If the release date gets pushed back until January 2013 I will allow you the option to refund your item via PayPal. I promise that you will receive your item no later than January 15th, 2013.
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#206 Posted: 07:02:18 12/12/2012
well i doubt that the 13th will go through. With thursday so close we would see at least a couple leaked ones on ebay. And wave 3 isnt exclusive to target so tru, walmart, best buy would also be getting it making it more likely to leak.
Praise Helix!!!
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#207 Posted: 14:16:22 12/12/2012
I don't know why people say that APs add a lot to the game, with the exception of Darklight Crypt I found all four very boring and I finished all of them within an hour of getting them.
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: SSj3 Derek
Quote: ShinkenRed

If Activision holds off on new figures until the 23rd, I think they'll find that a lot of their consumer base has already spent their Christmas money. If anything I thnk their best bet would be to hold a release mid to late January during all the after Christmas sales.

That would make no sense at all. By that time, even all the money kids get for Christmas would be long spent, and parents would just be saying "You just got a bunch of stuff for Christmas, you don't need anything else." January would be a horrible release time.

That didn't stop their line of thinking with Spyro's Adventure, which was drawn out to May of 2012, a whole 7 months after the game was released, and 6 months and 3 weeks after people probably finished the game.

It's the only bad thing about Skylanders. They draw out such an easy game for months. By that time, kids have moved on or already waiting for the next Skylanders game to come out.

TFB really needs to start releasing all figures within the first couple of months of each game. Fans will get restless waiting for figures for a game they've beaten in the first two days of release (the game needs to be harder than Nightmare Mode which was just as easy as Hard). That, or they need to make a longer game. If they want to draw out a game for 4-7 months, they need to make people want figures and a reason to go back. They can do that by making more Adventure Packs and more of them per game, or make the game insanely hard and longer, that way people won't have such an easy time beating it.

There's plenty to do with the figures.
  • Play the other games. Universe, Battlegrounds, et al are all there to expand your play. Same with 3DS version. Even if you lack either of the platforms the other games are on, you are almost certain the owner of a PC if you are reading this comment. They're like a replacement for Adventure Packs.
  • Universe has 50 levels per Skylander, a buttload of objectives, and a ton of minigames you can perfect. Plus a bunch of achievements to conquer. Reaching level 50 takes a lot of time, the sheer number of the objectives makes completing them commendable, and the minigames are quite difficult in later stages.
  • Battlegrounds has a lot of upgrades to buy. A. Lot. And it's more difficult then getting them on the console versions. You got an extra slot to buy on every Skylander, two extra abilities, several upgrades to get on every ability, and a bunch of item slots to aquire. And they're adding more levels. They added some levels a couple of days ago. And it's likely they plan even more after King Brock.
  • I'm not going to say anything about whatever replay value the 3DS version of Giants adds because I'll just end up bashing it... smilie Neither 3DS version adds too much in terms of replay value unless you just play them blindly a lot anyway- I actually reached the 100% status in 11 hours on each of them, factoring APs, they're designed truly as a pseudo-AP. A different adventure if not very lengthy.
  • Cloud Patrol has over 40 levels of objectives and an ability for every Skylander as well as upgradable Magic Items.
  • Lost Islands is a city builder game. I have no idea how long it might last. A long time, I'm guessing. But really the genre is made to last long and Lost Islands doesn't seem to be an exception from what I have tried. I actually can't wait to get back into it now that I have a BTPOP. As for what you can actually do- tons of goals. Levels for every Skylander. Getting every item and reaching the max Kingdom Level.
  • And in GIANTS ITSELF: Quests, Heroics, Arena Battles, Battle Mode, Co-Op. Auric's shops have items that cost your overflowing Gold. You can play through a different difficulty on a new file. I'm working on finishing all hour difficulties on the four files. I get the impression that alone will last me a while because I don't just rush through it, I play it healthily because that's how I enjoy it. Oh Eon Heroic Challenges oh Eon why

Paff. You people are just too impatient. Skylanders is not the only game in the world... Maybe you should all just take a break from the franchise so you have a chance to realize that. You can play other games as you wait, and if Skylanders doesn't fill the quota you think it should you are free to leave. The door is there. I'm not trying to say you're all wrong in that yes, Skylanders could be more immersive per wave but there is no possible way that it is a necessity that you get a new toy every single day to enjoy it at all. I think you're all underestimating how awful that would make stock too. But they can make tons while the game is going? But then another drought with no good restocks for months. Maybe some of you need to be exiled back to the time of the awful hunts for the last three ):<
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#208 Posted: 16:38:24 12/12/2012
The only problem with the to do list posted above is -

1: Universe is definitely for kids. I've played with it a lot, but customizing an island doesn't last forever, and the mini-games only last so long before you've played and beaten them all. Same for Battlegrounds. While the game is good, it is short. Cloud Patrol is okay in small doses, and Lost Islands is the Farmville of Skylanders. I didn't like Farmville. 3DS games are shorter than the console games.

2: Reaching level 50 with one Skylander is one thing, but doing it for 127 figures, that is borderline repetitive, and it would probably make me disown Skylanders.

3: The other games don't translate to the problems the console game has every year now, for the past 2 years/games, now that you
think about it. A lot of people are already complaining on Facebook (or at least 1 other) about the same thing I am. They're releasing characters for a game people have already beaten. The only ones who haven't, are the ones getting it for Christmas. Even still, by the time wave 3 releases, people getting it for Christmas will have beaten it too. It begs to ask, why release characters for a game 99% of your customers have beaten, when there is a very real chance they may not be interested in the characters, now that the game has hit the "been there, done that" status? Not everyone into Skylanders wants every character, but they would probably buy every character, if every character were right in front of their face from the onset (impulse buying).

4: Has nothing to do with my problem with the longevity of the home console game.

5: Same as above.

6: Same as above.

7: Heroics are starting to take too long to do for ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN SKYLANDERS. While the addition of them is cool, it is repetitive to try and get all 9 quests done for ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN SKYLANDERS. It's why every one of my characters doesn't have every Heroic done from the first and second game. Imagine doing 32 + 45 Heroics for 127 Skylanders. 77 x 127 is 9,779 times you would be doing the same thing. As for Nightmare Mode. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That mode was cake, and I knew it would be. If I have to, I will show everyone that I could go through ANY level of Giants on Nightmare, with a level 1 Skylander with all moves. Want me to try it with a level 1 with its base moves, fine? I bet I could do that, too. Nightmare mode should have been available from the onset, instead of an unlockable, and it should have been Demon's/Dark Souls hard. TFB still refuses to leave something truly challenging for us adults. Leave the kids to easy, medium, or if they grow a wild hair, hard. Leave Nightmare Mode to adults and actually warn parents that their kids shouldn't try it.

One more thing about Heroics. I felt really cheated, to the point I wanted to say screw Heroics altogether (I still haven't done but maybe 6 Heroics on Giants because of this), when I checked my Ghost Roaster on Giants to see his stats were nerfed from the first game. That REALLY MADE ME MAD. Why did I waste my time doing the Heroics on the first game, if TFB was going to just make that work disappear on Giants, only for me to have to do the Heroics on Giants, in order to bring him back to what he was after doing the 32 Heroics of Spyro's Adventure? This was one aspect I was really looking forward to, breaking the boundaries set by the first game. I was at 91 SPEED after doing all 32 Heroics in SA, but when I popped him onto Giants, his SPEED had been brought down to 67. Now that I have done whatever SPEED Heroics are available, he is around 91 again. That's a big tease and it makes me fume to realize I could have spent that time doing something else, instead of wasting it by doing it, only for TFB to trash it. So, yeah. Why do Heroics in Giants, when TFB might just trash your work again, because they don't want to allow Skylanders to break their caps, except for on HP? What fun is that?

I love Skylanders. Everyone knows how much I - apparently - do. I know not one other person who bought 8 copies of the first game, 11 copies of the second game, 4 Wii's, 3 iOS Starters, the Xbox 360 bundle, and soon another iOS Starter just for a Series 1 molded, Series 2 Double Trouble, on an orange base. However, unless I am working for Activision to market this game (which I wouldn't list any flaws, because it would be my job to market duh), I can't deny the series still has one fatal flaw. That is -

- Not enough longevity to keep people playing and seeing new things for the amount of time they hold off releasing new characters
- Heroics need to NOT BE A WASTE OF TIME. If I have a fully maxed out Ghost Roaster, after busting my butt to get him there, he shouldn't be nerfed in the second game, making it so you have to re-earn what you already worked for.
- They need to make a mode strictly for adults, that's balls to the wall hard. So hard, it will make it so you couldn't hope to beat it within a couple of days.
- They need to make enough Adventure Packs, that it will keep people coming back. After having beaten the first game within 3 days, I knew I still had two optional chapters to do. Even if only 1 hour long on the first playthrough, it was still something new. It made it feel as if I didn't waste my money on figures, for a game I had beaten months before the release of said characters. If you're going to space out your figure releases over the span of 4 months, make 4 Adventure Packs - 1 for each month you're dragging it out. If you're going to release figures over the span of 7 months, bi-monthly, make 7 Adventure Packs, 1 for each month, so everyone has something to do while waiting for new figures bi-monthly. Having 1 hour to a game per month is better than twiddling your thumbs waiting for characters, for a game that had been beaten months before.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:39:10 12/12/2012 by GameMaster78
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#209 Posted: 17:02:57 12/12/2012
8 copies of the first game and 11 copies of the second game, 4 wii's and 3 iOS Starter Packs!!!.......ummmmm.....I'll stop right there!!
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#210 Posted: 17:10:25 12/12/2012
1, I think they should release DLC for Skylanders. Some of it free* (see below), some paid for.
2, They should offer online multiplayer so my kids can play their friends.
3, They should open new levels (not just areas) for EVERY character you buy. (Every character would open a new path to complete the game but all characters can finish even if you only have 1) Maybe those levels explain where that character comes from and touches on their back story... idk...
4, They should come up with more battle packs to open more special levels.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#211 Posted: 17:37:50 12/12/2012
Agreed with the above.

Games with a lot of thought put into it, could have secrets that last a good while. I've always imagined Skylanders having a huge hub with things to do on it and places to explore. There could be hidden challenge levels outside of Heroics, Heroics (if they don't mess it up like they did in Giants by nerfing your characters still mad about that as that was a really cheap shot to the stomach), levels, adventure levels, and mini-games.

They need to have Dreadbeard in the hub to allow you to play the match game from Pirate Seas, Skystones from Giants, and any new mini-game that comes in the third game.

They need a hub big enough that you can explore.

They do need to add multiplayer. They can roll with the idea of physical interaction between players at a home, but there are adults who play this. Not only would online benefit this game in the CO-OP department, but I could seriously see this franchise being played on a tournament level when it comes to battle mode. Have rooms for adults and kids. Tournaments for adults and kids, that result in actually meeting at a annual Skylanders championship in some state. Kids would play kids, unless they could put in the level of strategy the adults do (I've played against kids and adults and adults know how to drag out matches through strategy).

This game has a level of depth to Battle Mode that can only be seen when two adults play each other. It could make for great tournament play, but as long as TFB sits on the idea of online, this franchise won't achieve its truest potential. I could see online being very-very-very popular.

Giants was too short. The levels were longer, sure, but I could breeze through this game in no time. The first game was far longer, even with shorter levels. They need to make each level as long as the levels in Giants, but best its previous games number of levels. If the first game had 22, have 23 or 24 in Giants. In the 3rd game, have about 25-26. Cap it off at 26 chapters per game afterward, but make the same number of Adventure Packs, as you're dragging out the game in months. 7 months, 7 Adventure Packs. 4 months, 4 Adventure Packs. Including a Skylander with those Adventure Packs gaurentees the customer at least 1 new Skylander a month, if waves are bi-monthly, in the spans of 7 months or 4 months, or how many ever months. That's an easier pill to swallow, instead of doing what we're doing now, which is speculation and boredom.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ziggymoonunit Green Sparx Gems: 271
#212 Posted: 00:59:31 13/12/2012
Gamemaster78, thank you for posting everything that has been in my head so I don't have to, lol. If we were to slam Activision/TFB with tons of people all thinking this, do you think they would get the point and listen?
I have- smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
swohh4work Yellow Sparx Gems: 1226
#213 Posted: 01:30:37 13/12/2012
^This. Has an online potition with every thing Gamemaster said been talked about? I am definately all for it!
gamecocksc17 Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#214 Posted: 01:40:33 13/12/2012
well if we can get about 10,000 of us or so to sign this petition on then the president will look at it. and then activision will be forced by the iron fist of the leader of the free world.
Turrible, just turrible - Sir Charles Barkley
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#215 Posted: 02:03:36 13/12/2012
Constructive criticism isn't bad at all.

If TFB wants to make a franchise that can be all it can be, they would listen. Us fans could go to helping them ensure the franchise lasts as long as possible.

One way to kill a franchise, though, is to bring out a sequel that doesn't go above and beyond what the first game offers. Them nerfing characters who have done all Heroics in the first game, in Giants, isn't a good start. That will forever make me mad, because it was one of the things I was looking forward to the most. Now, I refuse to do the Heroics of the second game, because I feel I will lose those stats in the third game.

Online would be great. My friends are the type that say, "oh, if it isn't a AAA, M-Rated franchise, with realistic graphics, it's crap." These are friends who I used to have get togethers with to play simple games like Worms (PS1/Dreamcast), WCW/NWO Revenge (N64), or Power Stone (Dreamcast).

Online could open up a realm of possibilities for the Skylanders franchise, including official tournaments. Smash Bros. got into the mix of the, Skylanders could, too. Plus, it would just be fun to go through the game with friends that you made all over the world.

Another big no-no, was only making the game 16 chapters. The levels were bigger, as I stated before, but when making a sequel (even if you only have 1 year to get it planned and out), you got to 1-up the previous version, or people will start to lose interest. I don't want Skylanders being the next Guitar Hero, which is dead.

Again, if TFB is going to stretch out character releases for any number of months, make it so everyone will want to go back to the game during that period. They can do this by making the same number of Adventure Packs, which would still include a Skylander, Adventure Level, and 2 Magical Items - which I miss - as months they're stretching out the release of characters. This gaurentees 2 things -

1: There will at least be 1 new level per month which is a reason to go back
2: The customers will get at least 1 new Skylander every month, or more than 1 on the months a new wave hits

I have so many ideas for Skylanders, that would just rock. If they're not ideas for the gameplay itself, they're ideas for physical objects. For instance, I wish TFB would make a certain amount of Magical Items per year. Magical Items are a very cool aspect of the Skylanders game. I always thought to myself, "man, if this becomes an annual franchise, I can't wait to have a huge collection of magical items to collect and use." Giants is only giving us 2 (3 if you count Golden which is a redeco that unlocks a Battle Arena the normal doesn't but it still does the same ingame).

With Magical Items, I imagined building a shelf one day, where I would have a long row full of Magical Items. Same with Adventure Levels.

Even if TFB made Adventure Packs every year, they should also make a package that would hang on pegs. It would be a Magical Item Booster Pack and would contain 4 Magical Items per pack. The sky is the limit on Magical Items. TFB just needs to be motivated to make a true masterpiece of interactivity. It shouldn't just begin and end with Skylander figures.

I, honestly, think they should ditch the Lightcore idea. That kind of time could have gone to making more Magical Items. Instead, 8 characters in Giants are the same, minus a lightup feature and the Flashbomb effect. There could have been 8 more NEW Core Skylanders, or a focus on something like Magical Items. Instead, over the course of 2 games, there is literally 3 versions of 4 figures (Hex, Drobot, Eruptor and Prism Break), and 2 versions of 4 characters that might end up being 3 if they continue this Series 2 stuff (Shroomboom, Jet-Vac, Chill and Pop Fizz).

That brings me to Series 2. After they do the remaining 8 Series 1, and maybe the 8 Skylanders from Giants, they should end this Series stuff. There's no need to play the Beanie Babies game. I don't think kids are going to grow up saying, "oh, I have Camo Series 1. He's a retired mold." That kind of crap died when comics, cards, and a mass number of people buying Star Wars Episode 1 toys, died. If you don't have comics and cards from the 40's/50's, forget it. Nothing is worth anything. The Skylander franchise should be a physical Pokemon. In other words, gotta catch'em all, but in catching them all, they should be unique. I don't consider Series 2, or Lightcores as part of the unique collection. In my eyes, there are only 48 Skylanders, with "Shinies and Legendaries" versions (ie Legendary and ingame variants).

I would like to see that number grow to as much as Pokemon has one day, but if they focus on making Series 2, Series 3, Series 1,000,000, those resources are wasted. Now, my theory has always been - and I told my neighbor this so I hope I'm not wrong because he's buying Series 2 figures due to my theory - that Series 2 figures are just futureproofed figures, since TFB didn't forsee Skylanders taking off like it did. In other words, Series 2 figures, as well as the new Skylanders and Giants, are made to receive future upgrades should TFB want to give them new upgrades in each new game. I told my neighbor that theory, and I hope I'm right, as I don't need 10 version of Hex filling up my room.

Finally, to Giants. They need to end the Giants thing, for the sake of the story. I didn't see any other Giants fighting the battle against the Arkeyans, so it should stay at 8. The Elder Elementals, right? One thing I don't like about Giants, is that these Elder Elementals - according to the lore of the first game - could harness the powers of light and darkness, yet in Giants, they're just Giants in the same 8 elements. I didn't see this power mentioned in the lore. In Skylanders 3, these Giants should show that power.

If they revealed new Giants, it wouldn't make sense, seeing as they weren't there to help their friends. I just think they should leave it at 8 Giants, plus the packaging is too big. PLEASE GOD, ALMIGHTY, don't do Series 2 of the Giants. I had originally thought, "oh, well they did 24 Series 2 for Giants, they will do 24 for Skylanders 3." Those 24 would be the 8 Series 1 that didn't get a Series 2, Series 2 of the 8 new Skylanders, and 8 Series 2 Giants.

I bought into this franchise to get UNIQUE Skylanders every year. I swear on my life, I am 99% for sure I won't buy anymore Series 2 after this game. They could come with 5 new moves, but I don't like to double-dip on figures when it comes to them being unique, as odd as that sounds, seeing as I buy multiples of every figure to experience both upgrade paths.

If I didn't care about this franchise, I wouldn't have written an essay about it. I just want what I think would be best for this franchise. However, I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for new figures for a game I've beaten 3 days after release. There is something wrong with that. They need to make it so people will go back to the game at least once a month, but nerfing a Skylander after they did all Heroics in the first game, only for those stats to disappear in the second game, and making a game that doesn't last as long as the stretched out release of figures, might hurt things in the end. I don't want to see that for what is one of my top 5 favorite franchises ever.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:08:07 13/12/2012 by GameMaster78
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#216 Posted: 03:34:19 13/12/2012
Apparently Wave 3 is 12/23. The guy that posts very reliable Wave 3 info on the other forum I go to (CAG) said they got in the singles today, marked "Hold for Sunday 12/23" and posted an image of it. No Giants yet. The contents were:

Flashwing x2
Pop Fizz
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
Stealth Elf
Prism Break
Drill Sergeant
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:39:28 13/12/2012 by defpally
StarNinjini Green Sparx Gems: 381
#217 Posted: 03:49:27 13/12/2012
N-no s2 wrecking ball? D: our Thumpback? Whaaah :'(
Hoot Loop :3
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#218 Posted: 03:55:37 13/12/2012
Quote: StarNinjini
N-no s2 wrecking ball? D: our Thumpback? Whaaah :'(

If I had to guess, that's it for the singles, they normally don't have two different packings for the same Wave. However, obviously Giants and Lightcores come in separate boxes, which he said he had not seen yet. Given it is a week and a half off, don't give up yet.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#219 Posted: 04:48:28 13/12/2012
Quote: defpally
Apparently Wave 3 is 12/23. The guy that posts very reliable Wave 3 info on the other forum I go to (CAG) said they got in the singles today, marked "Hold for Sunday 12/23" and posted an image of it. No Giants yet. The contents were:

Flashwing x2
Pop Fizz
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
Stealth Elf
Prism Break
Drill Sergeant

Where is a link to said pic? I checked both Skylanders topics on NEOGAF and I don't see said pics.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#220 Posted: 04:57:05 13/12/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: defpally
Apparently Wave 3 is 12/23. The guy that posts very reliable Wave 3 info on the other forum I go to (CAG) said they got in the singles today, marked "Hold for Sunday 12/23" and posted an image of it. No Giants yet. The contents were:

Flashwing x2
Pop Fizz
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
Stealth Elf
Prism Break
Drill Sergeant

Where is a link to said pic? I checked both Skylanders topics on NEOGAF and I don't see said pics.

He said CAG (Cheap***Gamer) and here's the link to the page I found. Here are the pics
[User Posted Image]
Credit to prim4444 for his picture and information.
words. letters. filler.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:06:08 13/12/2012 by TacoMakerSkys
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#221 Posted: 04:57:28 13/12/2012
Quote: defpally
Apparently Wave 3 is 12/23. The guy that posts very reliable Wave 3 info on the other forum I go to (CAG) said they got in the singles today, marked "Hold for Sunday 12/23" and posted an image of it. No Giants yet. The contents were:

Flashwing x2
Pop Fizz
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
Stealth Elf
Prism Break
Drill Sergeant

So just lightning rod, cynder, stealth elf, prism break and eruptor in wave 3 reg singles. Meh. Rod is mah boi and all but everyone else we've gotten already in one form or another. Seems more likely to me that we'd get 2 giants this wave. There's gonna be a double giant wave, I could see it bein this one if this is true.

Tho of course refer to my sig for my honest opinion.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#222 Posted: 04:57:36 13/12/2012
Quote: defpally
Apparently Wave 3 is 12/23. The guy that posts very reliable Wave 3 info on the other forum I go to (CAG) said they got in the singles today, marked "Hold for Sunday 12/23" and posted an image of it. No Giants yet. The contents were:

Flashwing x2
Pop Fizz
Lightning Rod
Stump Smash
Stealth Elf
Prism Break
Drill Sergeant

I can live with this list smilie only really need to get Lightning Rod, Eruptor, Stealth Elf, and Prism Break then. Plus what ever giant and light core there is. Doesn't bankrupt me like the last 2 waves have
Praise Helix!!!
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#223 Posted: 05:00:15 13/12/2012
Pics seem off to me. Maybe cause I'm used to the label used at target for new unreleased stuff. Didn't think it'd be so different. Do we have any confirmation of older waves being labeled on the box? Still skeptical til I see the contents of said boxes.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:00:59 13/12/2012 by ThePunchPopFizz
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#224 Posted: 05:02:00 13/12/2012
Well This IS Toys R Us that is getting the shipments, not Target :/
words. letters. filler.
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#225 Posted: 05:04:47 13/12/2012
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Well This IS Toys R Us that is getting the shipments, not Target :/

Obviously, just never thought they'd look that different. Target just had a small label not a piece of paper covering the side of a box. Just saying it seemed odd to me. Not saying that's why I'm skeptical.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#226 Posted: 05:05:03 13/12/2012
Quote: ThePunchPopFizz
Pics seem off to me. Maybe cause I'm used to the label used at target for new unreleased stuff. Didn't think it'd be so different. Do we have any confirmation of older waves being labeled on the box? Still skeptical til I see the contents of said boxes.

Like I said, this guy has posted many times in the past with very accurate info. I believe him, and I was one of those guys that said "it won't be until January". I didn't post his pictures because I do not do that without his permission. I gave enough info to find them.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:07:58 13/12/2012 by defpally
PlayableMoogle Gold Sparx Gems: 2446
#227 Posted: 05:08:35 13/12/2012
Seems pretty insane to me, that anyone would doubt the legitimacy of those pictures. Excited and waiting for news about the actual Giants to drop.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#228 Posted: 05:11:03 13/12/2012
Im waiting for the Giants/Lightcores to arrive to see what are in there ;3
words. letters. filler.
D-Rex Blue Sparx Gems: 815
#229 Posted: 05:11:37 13/12/2012
Do stores actually define the waves? Do they actually come up on their computers as "Wave 1" and so on?
ThePunchPopFizz Green Sparx Gems: 258
#230 Posted: 05:11:51 13/12/2012
Quote: PlayableMoogle
Seems pretty insane to me, that anyone would doubt the legitimacy of those pictures. Excited and waiting for news about the actual Giants to drop.

Insane? It's pictures of boxes. I'm going to look for the other pics now but a far as what's here I'm not convinced.

Also, I don't have to be. If I choose to stay skeptical til I see em on the shelves that's on me. I'm not calling anyone insane for having a different opinion.

Edit: yea I saw the thread. Just pics of boxes. Since I don't know the guy posting I remain skeptical. If you list what's in the boxes and take pics of the boxes themselves why not take a pic of what you saw in the boxes? Again, my opinion.
Ravens Nation.
Activate: PunchPopFizz
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:18:18 13/12/2012 by ThePunchPopFizz
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#231 Posted: 05:16:48 13/12/2012
Quote: D-Rex
Do stores actually define the waves? Do they actually come up on their computers as "Wave 1" and so on?

The sides of the Boxes have a little outlined Box with W1 on it for Wave 1, W2 for Wave 2, and W3 for Wave 3, and these boxes for Wave 3 should have W3 on them somewhere
words. letters. filler.
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#232 Posted: 05:17:04 13/12/2012
Quote: D-Rex
Do stores actually define the waves? Do they actually come up on their computers as "Wave 1" and so on?

I know at target they dont, all skylanders have the same SKU number and same with the giants. Just letting everyone know I will be checking in back tomorrow to see if we have any of these boxes. I'll snap some pics if they let me, also see if I can open em up to confirm.
Praise Helix!!!
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#233 Posted: 05:18:42 13/12/2012
What does “ flashwing x2” mean? Just 2 in the box or the variant?
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#234 Posted: 05:21:09 13/12/2012
2 in a box
words. letters. filler.
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#235 Posted: 05:30:44 13/12/2012
It looks like the only unreleased characters coming out (that we know of) are:

1, Lightning Rod
2, Eruptor (not lightcore)
3, Stealth Elf
4, Prism Break (not lightcore)

Hopefully they will have a new Giant in there as well....
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#236 Posted: 05:31:53 13/12/2012
So am I to guess this is a TRU exclusive again?
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#237 Posted: 05:32:40 13/12/2012
The only reason I may not be convinced about those boxes, is because there is one TRU employee from NY (actually a few) who break street date on new Skylanders, and not one single person yet has posted any wave 3 figures on Ebay.

These same people sold wave 1 ahead of time and wave 3 ahead of time.

Even still, if this ends up being true for some reason, it's really odd, because I could have swore some leak showed Jet Vac and Shroomboom as coming in single packs in wave 3. If they aren't, then maybe Shroomboom will be Battle Pack only, just like Hot Dog?

I don't know. It's awfully odd for them to pack 2 Series 2 Skylanders from the same element, in wave 4 (ie Spyro and Wrecking Ball).

EDIT: Oh, and because the Skylanders Facebook page usually starts teasing characters before they're released.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:37:42 13/12/2012 by GameMaster78
sakurawing Green Sparx Gems: 160
#238 Posted: 05:37:12 13/12/2012
Imo that list could be true for just one box. Every box has different ones...... seriously had a tru employee open 3 cases for me while trying to find the sparkle ones. (And my friend bought a case that day too) while all the boxes had 2x flashwing,everything else kind of varied from wave 1 and 2. One box had a flame slinger while another had hex.
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#239 Posted: 05:38:57 13/12/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
The only reason I may not be convinced about those boxes, is because there is one TRU employee from NY (actually a few) who break street date on new Skylanders, and not one single person yet has posted any wave 3 figures on Ebay.

These same people sold wave 1 ahead of time and wave 3 ahead of time.

Even still, if this ends up being true for some reason, it's really odd, because I could have swore some leak showed Jet Vac and Shroomboom as coming in single packs in wave 3. If they aren't, then maybe Shroomboom will be Battle Pack only, just like Hot Dog?

I don't know. It's awfully odd for them to pack 2 Series 2 Skylanders from the same element, in wave 4 (ie Spyro and Wrecking Ball).

The guy said they arrived today so maybe your buddies haven't had time to drop them off the dock...

And who knows if this guy got them all in yet OR if he had time to open all the boxes....

Who knows what Activision is up to, I just want them NOW.
Yuckmouth Green Sparx Gems: 214
#240 Posted: 05:45:08 13/12/2012
Doesn't look legit in any way

~ Anyone could print that off and stick it on a box.
~ Why no pic of the inside of the box if he's already seen it?
~ Why would half the figures listed in Wave 3 be already released? What's the point in holding them?
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#241 Posted: 05:47:37 13/12/2012
Looks just like the sticker on the wave 2 boxes when TRU was unloading them the morning they were released.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#242 Posted: 05:47:57 13/12/2012
All boxes are marked as such and contain the same thing -

GR(W1): These are your Skylanders Giants single packs.

- x2 Fright Rider
- x2 Pop Fizz
- x2 Chill
- x1 Terrafin
- x1 Slam Bam
- x1 Zook
- x1 Trigger Happy
- x1 Whirlwind
- x1 Ignitor

GS(W1): These are your Skylander Giants.

- x2 Crusher
- x2 Swarm
- x2 Bouncer

GB(W1): This is your Battle Pack.

- x6 Dragonfire Canon Battle Pack

GL(W1): This is your Lightcore pack.

- x4 Drobot
- x4 Prism Break
- x4 Eruptor

Now then, wave 2 breaks down like this -

GR(W2) -

- x2 Flashwing
- x2 Sprocket
- x1 Double Trouble
- x1 Bash
- x1 Gill Grunt
- x1 Flameslinger
- x1 Drill Sergeant
- x1 Hex
- x1 Sonic Boom
- x1 Stump Smash

GS(W2) -

- x2 Hot Head
- x2 Swarm
- x2 Bouncer

GL(W2) -

- x4 Jet-Vac
- x4 I forget
- x4 I forget

I have friends who open these boxes for me all of the time, no matter which store. I have them at Gamestop, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. I have never seen an alternate wave 2, where they split apart Hex and Flameslinger.

I'm not gonna say, though, that this dude on CAG (thought it was Neogaf) is lying, but I am a bit skeptical, just by how insanely stupid wave 3 is looking in the single pack Skylander department. No single packs of NEW Skylanders and only 4 NEW Series 2?
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ToxicFate Yellow Sparx Gems: 1137
#243 Posted: 05:48:34 13/12/2012
Why would they only put four new figures in the wave? That doesn't make any sense at all.
dinoah2005 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3472
#244 Posted: 05:48:56 13/12/2012
The picture is accurate... and a normal label for TRU. I will explain near the end.
On page 3 of this post I had stated that my local TRU store manager told me about the Wave 3 coming 12/23. If you recall my conversation with him on D-Day, he told me about Wave 2 was in the back but could not put them on the shelves til Monday (the next day). At the time of our conversation he was calling it Series 2, I questioned it being "Series 2" because there was already Series 2 out in Wave 1. I showed him one of the "Series 2" characters from "Wave 1" that was on the shelf. As I was going through the Wave 1 inventory (Looking for any variants) he asked me to get him a "Series 2", I did. He took it to the back. Moments later he brought out the box that was to be saved for Monday (the next day) and it was identical to the picture that is showing on this post. Except for the title "Wave 2". I then was able to explain to him the difference between "Series 2" and "Wave 2". After taking the box back to storage he came back to me and told me that he opened one of the boxes to see what character was in it. He told me it was a "GIANT" with flames and it is new because it was not out on the floor. I flipped over the Starter kit and pointed to Hot Head and asked if this was the one? He said "Yes". I was back the next day and got 1 of the 4 they had that day. Because I helped him out that day and now he can show his wisdom to future shoppers, I believe that is why he has helped me ever since. I love it when a plan comes together.
Now that there is more evidence of 12/23/12, I will call him tomorrow to see if he has any updates.

Edited 2 times - Last edited at 05:56:12 13/12/2012 by dinoah2005
sakurawing Green Sparx Gems: 160
#245 Posted: 05:54:57 13/12/2012
Gamemaster78 honestly i could have been wrong about the one box. I only asked them to open some boxes once..... i stopped looking after that. I just hope we find out soon.....kinda making my husband crazy with all the skylanders talk
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#246 Posted: 05:55:43 13/12/2012
Well maybe Activision is just placing wave 2 characters in with wave 3 to fill the boxes. They are only releasing 4 "newish" skylanders (and thats only if Prism Break and Eruptor aren't lightcores).

The day I went to TRU to get the wave 2 when they were released they had the boxes and were picking them out 1 by 1 and placing wave 1 characters to the side.

Now I don't have all the answers but to think someone either photoshoped a picture and or print a fake sticker and placed it on a box is silly to say the least and I can't help but think Yuckmouth is trolling.
Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#247 Posted: 05:55:56 13/12/2012
I think it makes sense. This gets Activision more money just before the holidays, but keeps new figures to spread out in future waves. I doubt if my family would have collected them all if all of my son's favorites were avail right away. I'm sure they don't want to mess too much with a formula that worked so well last year.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#248 Posted: 05:57:24 13/12/2012
I mean, anything's possible, but if it is true, wave 3 single packs blows chunks.

Why only 4 new characters, and they are all Series 2? Series 2 doesn't sell as well as new Skylanders. What are they looking to accomplish other than having a lot of shelf warming Skylanders to keep from wave 4 being stocked when it streets?
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
krayzie Green Sparx Gems: 196
#249 Posted: 05:57:25 13/12/2012
The guy from CAG is pretty reliable. Hopefully they have 3 packs on the 23rd as well as Giants.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:58:38 13/12/2012 by krayzie
Dragon Crusher Green Sparx Gems: 447
#250 Posted: 05:58:47 13/12/2012
Seems like Skylanscaper is correct in my mind. I would guess this is to give people a chance to buy more before Christmas without really hurting sales of their next wave(s).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:58:58 13/12/2012 by Dragon Crusher
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