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Royal Double Trouble could really be a GS exclusive [CLOSED]
Alliana Green Sparx Gems: 311
#1 Posted: 12:26:58 20/11/2012 | Topic Creator

out tomorrow! and i guess royal double trouble really is a gamestop exclusive, because this is our pack at tru
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#2 Posted: 12:29:24 20/11/2012
Darn, now I'll need to buy this twice! Arse. I don't even want the Double Trouble or Platinum Treasure Chest that bad- just the Portal. smilie
kiz3000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1734
#3 Posted: 12:53:03 20/11/2012
Well this sucks. No news over in the UK about who has it exclusively and only three places are offering a preorder anyway, Amazon, GAME and Asda.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#4 Posted: 12:55:45 20/11/2012
I hope EB games localizes it here...

If this is a US exclusive I will be FRUSTRATED, just because the Royal picture plays in the occasional Lost Islands video in ALL regions(could have set it to check the set country on your device so out-of-America fans don't get a wrong impression from it).
Alliana Green Sparx Gems: 311
#5 Posted: 13:56:57 20/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Well I hate to tell you this, but I have been checking the EB system nearly every shift and as early as this morning when I got into work but there's no sign of this pack at all.

I'll check again Friday but I'm wondering if it'll be another one of those things Aus just has to wait for.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#6 Posted: 13:58:15 20/11/2012
I wouldn't be surprised if they end up not localizing it, at all, honestly...
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#7 Posted: 14:56:45 20/11/2012
I was at Best Buy and Wal-Mart this morning and the Double TRouble in the IOS pack was a regular one on a series two base.

Royal DT must be a GS exclusive
PlayableMoogle Gold Sparx Gems: 2446
#8 Posted: 14:59:24 20/11/2012
Quote: Nibelilt
I hope EB games localizes it here...

If this is a US exclusive I will be FRUSTRATED, just because the Royal picture plays in the occasional Lost Islands video in ALL regions(could have set it to check the set country on your device so out-of-America fans don't get a wrong impression from it).

I hope it's localized just so we don't have to read more loathing for Americans over silly toys.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#9 Posted: 15:05:05 20/11/2012
Quote: PlayableMoogle
Quote: Nibelilt
I hope EB games localizes it here...

If this is a US exclusive I will be FRUSTRATED, just because the Royal picture plays in the occasional Lost Islands video in ALL regions(could have set it to check the set country on your device so out-of-America fans don't get a wrong impression from it).

I hope it's localized just so we don't have to read more loathing for Americans over silly toys.

Quote: Nibelilt
"I'm tired of not being able to get Skylanders that are only in America." becomes "I hate Americans and you are all greedy hags."... It's what tends to happen, but it's got less than zero in common with what I actually think. smilie

Of course, however, you don't believe me.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#10 Posted: 15:25:51 20/11/2012
Good thing I reserved at Gamestop then.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#11 Posted: 15:29:33 20/11/2012
aww man I really dont wanna spend another $50 on this just to get Royal Double Trouble!
RAakaFerrari Green Sparx Gems: 185
#12 Posted: 15:50:24 20/11/2012
Any Uk people need help ? Pm
In need of Clear/Rock Variants/GITD Fright Rider.
fatherofskyland Green Sparx Gems: 223
#13 Posted: 16:23:02 20/11/2012
heads up my gamestop is only getting two in.
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#14 Posted: 16:36:30 20/11/2012
Hopefully they plan to stock this in large supply at GameStop, because I actually want to play the thing, but have no intention of purchasing any version without Royal Double Trouble. Because that would just be silly.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#15 Posted: 17:13:32 20/11/2012
All of my local Gamestops are either getting in 1 or 2. Looks like many won't be around, like other starters have been.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
phyreenx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1401
#16 Posted: 17:18:33 20/11/2012
Buying mine now, pictures to follow. Royal is at GameStop.
SSA: 37/37 (no variants, bb, rds) Sidekicks: 1/4
SG: 13/50 (no variants) Giants: 5/12
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#17 Posted: 17:18:36 20/11/2012
Anyone know if the regular Double Trouble counts as a Series 1 or Series 2 figure in game? I just want to make sure there is nothing special in game about it.
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
Bazinga Blue Sparx Gems: 884
#18 Posted: 17:26:08 20/11/2012
I believe he is a variant of the S2 DT, as has a S2 base. Also, he is in the guide for giants as a special character.
Kung Fu Man Gold Sparx Gems: 2120
#19 Posted: 17:28:34 20/11/2012
phyreenx: give us a shout too if the treasure chest actually does anything.
IAmMarti Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#20 Posted: 17:33:06 20/11/2012
I've emailed GAME UK for enquiring which pack they are selling.
phyreenx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1401
#21 Posted: 17:43:46 20/11/2012
Here you guy everyone! As you can see, Royal Double Trouble right there on the left. Unfortunately I can't open this up to see what the chest does yet, but I will let you know as soon as I can. Also, I saw no mention of GS exclusive other than on the website, but based on what everyone is saying it may just be GS.

[User Posted Image]

Up close and personal:
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
SSA: 37/37 (no variants, bb, rds) Sidekicks: 1/4
SG: 13/50 (no variants) Giants: 5/12
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#22 Posted: 18:45:04 20/11/2012
Got mine. Sure enough, at GameStop with limited supply. Hurry if you want this figure before a re-stock, because other stores are getting plain DT instead.

EDIT: Royal Double Trouble IS S2 in-game. Confirmed, because I already bought all his abilities, lawl. Chest appears to be S1 chest, though, right down to the voice sample about the "special hidden dragon treasure" upon its activation. Probably a way for people without access to Pirate Seas to have the game's best overall magic item.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:52:37 20/11/2012 by Tashiji
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#23 Posted: 19:01:42 20/11/2012
I decided to check an EB Games in Canada here... nothing. The guy at the counter says the game isn't even in their system. Is this a US only thing?
Collection List and image
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#24 Posted: 19:08:12 20/11/2012
Every place outside of the US and UK currently lack confirmation the game will be released at all(even the standard, non-Royal edition).
Kung Fu Man Gold Sparx Gems: 2120
#25 Posted: 19:10:50 20/11/2012
I've secured mine. I posted it in the other thread, but to save shipping use the promo code "SAVER". It'll be $54 after tax.
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#26 Posted: 19:14:00 20/11/2012

First Evilbayer trying to make a quick buck!!
Plaag Emerald Sparx Gems: 4339
#27 Posted: 19:38:13 20/11/2012
Quote: Tashiji
Got mine. Sure enough, at GameStop with limited supply. Hurry if you want this figure before a re-stock, because other stores are getting plain DT instead.

EDIT: Royal Double Trouble IS S2 in-game. Confirmed, because I already bought all his abilities, lawl. Chest appears to be S1 chest, though, right down to the voice sample about the "special hidden dragon treasure" upon its activation. Probably a way for people without access to Pirate Seas to have the game's best overall magic item.

Could you list his starting stats in game. And perhaps take a picture of his card.

Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#28 Posted: 19:45:34 20/11/2012
^ Not at home at the moment, but if this information doesn't come to light before I get back, I'll relay it at that point. Including card pic, because he does have a unique one.
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#29 Posted: 20:00:00 20/11/2012
I really like Royal Dub but I'll hold my breath for now and wait for it to come out for other systems. I saw an article about Activision planning on releasing them for Android (and I'd assume probably blackberry too)
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Zook Yellow Sparx Gems: 1905
#30 Posted: 20:47:24 20/11/2012
Well I found one. They only got two packs in, so I'm guessing this pack will be limited. At least I have Royal Double Trouble now.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#31 Posted: 21:04:06 20/11/2012
I found one! They also only got 2..
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#32 Posted: 21:05:19 20/11/2012
Starting stats:

HP: 250
Speed: 35
Armor: 18
Crit: 50
Elemental: 53 with full (available) collection.

EDIT: For those wondering, this makes him exactly the same statistically as plain S2 Double Trouble.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:33:12 20/11/2012 by Tashiji
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#33 Posted: 21:19:48 20/11/2012
Got my 3 copies today.

Somethings to note.

The home console game's total counter does go to 100, so I imagine it can go higher. I now have 100 registered objects in Giants.

The platinum treasure doesn't register as anything new in the home games. It is just the original Hidden Treasure in the home console games. It does come with its own card, sticker, and code, however. It's interesting to see Royal Double Trouble's card, which shows him next to the new style magic backdrops, but different colored, with his Series 1 art.

Still, it's cool to have something new to register. Time to watch Expendables 2 and then redeem Battlegrounds on my iPhone.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Nroc-Nuika Platinum Sparx Gems: 5410
#34 Posted: 21:30:42 20/11/2012
reckon you can show us the cards Gamemaster?
I always forget to check my guestbook
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#35 Posted: 21:51:29 20/11/2012

[User Posted Image]
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
skyoutube Green Sparx Gems: 497
#36 Posted: 21:52:55 20/11/2012
They look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

*goes on Evilbay*
fatherofskyland Green Sparx Gems: 223
#37 Posted: 21:55:51 20/11/2012
Someone said something about android. Sadly it will most likely not be released on Android. As for BlackBerry I would say %100 it will not be on that.
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#38 Posted: 22:10:05 20/11/2012
3 copies....
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#39 Posted: 22:25:44 20/11/2012
DUDE! This game is awesome. It feels like a strategy game. You can upgrade your skylanders like in the games. Each Skylander seems to have 3 moves total, but you can only assign two at a time. Your party seems to be 2 Skylanders. You move on grids and fight enemies. This game is awesome.

Unlocking Skylanders for it right now.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Landerfan2012 Gold Sparx Gems: 2048
#40 Posted: 23:06:27 20/11/2012
why does he have his series 1 form? does he have wowpow?
Trap team and Gearshift on reservation
Dangermom Green Sparx Gems: 458
#41 Posted: 23:06:55 20/11/2012
I found Battlegrounds at Gamestop (they only had one and I had to show it to the guy on the Gamestop website before he knew what I was talking about) They only got one in at that location. I took my otherone back to Best Buy because I really wanted Royal Double Trouble.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#42 Posted: 23:16:08 20/11/2012
Yes, he is Series 2 Double Trouble, but with a Series 1 pose. He does have his Wow Pow Power.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#43 Posted: 23:18:18 20/11/2012
I believe they are speaking about the non-GameStop edition...
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#44 Posted: 00:12:33 21/11/2012
Quote: fatherofskyland
Someone said something about android. Sadly it will most likely not be released on Android. As for BlackBerry I would say %100 it will not be on that.

I read this article here which has this blurb at the bottom:

Though iOS is the only platform mentioned during our meeting, [Activision Mobile VP Greg] Canessa says that Activision is dedicated to bringing the Skylanders experience to all gamers and players can expect to see Battlegrounds and Lost Islands to expand beyond Apple's platform.

Cloud Patrol came to android (albeit, Amazon's kindle only right now) but as something like a whole starter pack I can't see them having it for only one system. There's a lot of the market that has android systems, so excluding them would be a pretty bad marketing strategy in the first place.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
fatherofskyland Green Sparx Gems: 223
#45 Posted: 00:44:27 21/11/2012
yes a lot of people have Android, but there are to many different phones. Yes the could make it for only ios devices because there are a few of them and it works across them. There are small sections of stores devoted to just ios products like battlegrounds.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#46 Posted: 00:46:39 21/11/2012
Sadly, the Platinum Treasure chest is NOT different..

But good news, I got the "Master of Skylands" achievement for it!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
CoastyJimbo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1778
#47 Posted: 01:10:40 21/11/2012

What is your 100 count come from? I am seeing the following:

37 SSA
5 TRU Legendaries (3 Pack, Bouncer, Stealth)
2 GITD (Cynder, Fright Rider)
1 Gold Flameslinger
4 Adventure Pieces
1 Volcanic Vault
10 Magic Items (8 SSA, 2 Cannons)
4 Sidekicks
5 Giants
7 New Skylanders
15 Series 2
4 Light Core
4 Limited (Punch, Gnarly, Royal, Granite)

That gives me 99. Do you already have GITD Sonic Boom? What am I missing?
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#48 Posted: 01:45:50 21/11/2012
Did you count Gnarly?
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
cbunny84 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1403
#49 Posted: 01:47:25 21/11/2012
I actually saw a starter set for the apple products and the royal double trouble looks completely different. Don't know if he's worth going nuts over... wonder if he will be released as a single in the future.
new edition: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Trexroarr Gold Sparx Gems: 2219
#50 Posted: 02:01:12 21/11/2012
Quote: CoastyJimbo

What is your 100 count come from? I am seeing the following:

37 SSA
5 TRU Legendaries (3 Pack, Bouncer, Stealth)
2 GITD (Cynder, Fright Rider)
1 Gold Flameslinger
4 Adventure Pieces
1 Volcanic Vault
10 Magic Items (8 SSA, 2 Cannons)
4 Sidekicks
5 Giants
7 New Skylanders
15 Series 2
4 Light Core
4 Limited (Punch, Gnarly, Royal, Granite)

That gives me 99. Do you already have GITD Sonic Boom? What am I missing?

Wait... The GITD variants and the gold Flameslinger count as seperate figures in game? smilie
Skylanders Collection smilie
78 S1 + 37 S2 + 16 S3 + 1 S4 + 19 LC + 8 Minis + 12 G + 25 SF + 13 TM + 2 EE + 34 Traps + 39 Items = 284 + 11 Chase = 295 Total
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