It's sort of odd, really.
I am selling them, because despite being worth money, I don't think they are. I also say this as someone who has bought 3 of everything, including the Wii Skylanders Bundle tomorrow.
Thing is, all of those were gotten at cost and would be covered for their cost if something happens to them. If something happens to these ones, they are covered for 9.99 each. I figure they will be in better hands with someone who can find someone willing to offers insurance for collector's items.
Plus, they way overdoing the amount of variants. If they had one per wave, per game, that might be different. Heck, not even Marvel Universe has that many variants.
Plus, people locally, who have seen my collection, state that some of them are downright ugly and kind of ruins the look of my collection. I've always thought the silvers, golds, and glows looked ugly. I like vibrant colors, but that's not the only reason when it all comes down to it. I just think I'd rather focus on the actual collection, rather than everything else.
I mean, if you notice, I even took down my preorder card from the first game.
IF I get rid of these, then I can make the wall look better in my eyes. People have already stressed my collection won't look bad if they're missing. That got me thinking, I still have a massive collection for this franchise, seeing as I'm probably the only one in the world who owns 8 copies of the first game, 11 copies of the second game, bought 3 Wii's for a 15 dollar Giant, and 3 of everything else.
However, in the event they don't sell, I will simply keep them up on the wall, and if I lose them, I lose them. People thought I was too obsessed with Skylanders, I couldn't let anything go. Placing that auction up, proves me right and them wrong, that I control Skylanders, it doesn't control me *twitches*