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Regular Dragonfire Cannon Battle Pack not a hoax, plus Mega Bloks. [CLOSED]
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#151 Posted: 04:30:53 04/10/2012
Using the code or physical figure?
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#152 Posted: 04:39:45 04/10/2012
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#153 Posted: 04:42:19 04/10/2012
There online code must be able to recognize S2s and isn't switched on to accept them yet, makes sense I guess.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#154 Posted: 04:45:04 04/10/2012
Maybe the speculation Hero Levels match the ingame ones now is true and Chop Chop isn't working because of that? smilie
I really want them to update Universe already, it's so much fun, they need to add new stuff again and make it less laggy.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#155 Posted: 04:46:18 04/10/2012
Oh, here is what you see if you put the dragon cannon or Shroomboom on the portal while playing SSA:

[User Posted Image]
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2667
#156 Posted: 10:21:49 04/10/2012
anyone else notice that the battle cannon pack's link is gone from toys r us?

also ive been wondering about this. if toys r us released 1 pack of toys early, why wouldnt they release everything early? theyve already broken the street date..
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7109
#157 Posted: 14:15:01 04/10/2012
More Skylanders toys to take your money!

TRU.com has 5 new mega-bloks sets for pre-order this AM... http://bit.ly/Pddq3R

Battle Portal Sets for Terrafin, Chop Chop and Trigger Happy as well as Crusher's Pirate Quest and Dark Castle Conquest. The latter two ship around Oct 23rd while the Battle Portal Sets ship around Nov 27th.

The larger sets are kinda pricey.. One is over $100... In any case, enjoy.

♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

FiUSAwS:G! http://bit.ly/R3L1lb
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#158 Posted: 14:30:39 04/10/2012
I'll most likely get them for Christmas
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#159 Posted: 14:49:59 04/10/2012
Quote: UncleBob
Weird... I knew the online game wouldn't recognize the Cannon or Shroomboom... but it doesn't seem to recognize the reposed Chop Chop?

My PS3 recognized the S2 Chop Chop and I was able to play with him too... what system do you use?
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#160 Posted: 14:51:02 04/10/2012
For the online game? My PC....
Jet Moto 4 Blue Sparx Gems: 688
#161 Posted: 18:46:53 04/10/2012
Disheartening fact: Checked on my second order of the Battle Pack this morning (keeping this one sealed) and it appears that TRU has sent a request to intercept my package for a return to sender.

Obviously they are scrambling to fix their gaff, but this totally sucks. It is supposed to be delivered tomorrow and they are just now intercepting it? The order is paid for in full, it was placed legitimately, it was packed up, shipped, and now I won't be receiving it.

Very dissapointed with TRU at the moment.
Tnblue13 Blue Sparx Gems: 530
#162 Posted: 19:15:55 04/10/2012
Quote: Jet Moto 4
Disheartening fact: Checked on my second order of the Battle Pack this morning (keeping this one sealed) and it appears that TRU has sent a request to intercept my package for a return to sender.

Obviously they are scrambling to fix their gaff, but this totally sucks. It is supposed to be delivered tomorrow and they are just now intercepting it? The order is paid for in full, it was placed legitimately, it was packed up, shipped, and now I won't be receiving it.

Very dissapointed with TRU at the moment.

Oh no!!! This makes me very nervous. Mine is supposed to come today...eeeeeek.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#163 Posted: 19:20:16 04/10/2012
I'm surprised it took them this long to attempt to stop the shipments.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
exosquad Gold Sparx Gems: 2667
#164 Posted: 20:08:34 04/10/2012
i got my battle cannon pack today! cannon looks all cool with its glowy blue light thing. my shroom boom is painted horribly on top. splashes of paint everywhere.

hope everyone gets theirs too
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday...
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#165 Posted: 23:33:15 04/10/2012
Quote: Zylek
I'm surprised it took them this long to attempt to stop the shipments.

Me too!!
67/67+GITD:smiliesmiliesmilieAEsmilie ROCKsmilie&smilieGLITTERsmilie&smilieSNOWsmilie

37/37+All Sidekix~WERDS~Blusmilie~Flockedsmilie~GITDsmilie~GREENsmilie~CLEARsmilie~CHROMEsmilie
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#166 Posted: 14:39:03 05/10/2012
Mine arrived yesterday, but the side of the package was partially torn open.

The Lightcore on the Cannon looks amazing, though!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#167 Posted: 14:52:35 05/10/2012 | Topic Creator
My two arrived yesterday as well. To much surprise, the packaging on both sets were actually in great shape. Toysrus.com usually sucks at packing things.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#168 Posted: 14:55:23 05/10/2012
^ I agree, it definitely adds a "magic" element to the toys, my kids loved the feature. I'm sure all of the characters from the eventual 3rd game will have that feature, it's very innovative and goes to show that Toys for Bob is looking for new ways to push the envelope on their new gaming genre.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7109
#169 Posted: 05:00:49 06/10/2012
Ugh.... TRU.com did the UPS-->USPS thing on me. Hopefully I will see my BP and one of the M-Bloks sets tomorrow in the mailbox...

<-- Otherwise I'm letting TH loose...


Edit: USPS managed to get it right! Both pieces in same box with no damage (battle pack has slight bent corner). BTW to @LegoLander - you don't have kids I guess. Silly @LegoLander Mega Bloks are for kids.

Edit2: Ahhh...Now I see.... @Legolander is 12... I get it... uspmm-1.
♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

FiUSAwS:G! http://bit.ly/R3L1lb
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:27:07 08/10/2012 by ViDeOmAnCiNi
tmentuis Green Sparx Gems: 318
#170 Posted: 05:16:30 06/10/2012
Quote: ViDeOmAnCiNi
Ugh.... TRU.com did the UPS-->USPS thing on me. Hopefully I will see my BP and one of the M-Bloks sets tomorrow in the mailbox...

<-- Otherwise I'm letting TH loose...


They give you the USPS tracking info as well, when you look at the UPS tracking history you will see it in the info.
smiliegc:smilieGreensmilieFlockedsmilieWERsmilie GITDsmiliesmiliesmilie Bluesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Working On Collecting All Lightcore Package Variations.
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#171 Posted: 23:53:05 06/10/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
There are three Mega Blok sets listed on toysrus.com as we speak. One of those is instock.

I will just wait until I see them at the store, before I buy them.

YOU BUY MEGABLOKS????!!!???smilie*draws Lego gun*
The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#172 Posted: 23:54:08 06/10/2012
Quote: ViDeOmAnCiNi
Ugh.... TRU.com did the UPS-->USPS thing on me. Hopefully I will see my BP and one of the M-Bloks sets tomorrow in the mailbox...

<-- Otherwise I'm letting TH loose...


The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
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