Quote: zetazebrapiesI don't know if I'm being blind but it says Sainsburys Starter pack has gone up to £49.99?
It did, I've already adjusted the top post, copy/paste: "12/09/12 @ 11:58 : GITD Cynder CONFIRMED! Sainsbury's code removed, prices adjusted (some when up by £10!) "
Quote: kiz3000Quote: chaosworrierMy understanding from Buzzthebatgirl is that they are now the same company. Their sites function identically except for branding.
No, no, no, no, no. GAME and Gamestation are owned by the same people and function exactly the same. Gamestop is an American company and is owned by competely different people. Sorry to sound harsh, but thats the only way I can think of wording it.
Game and Gamestation were once different companies, one bought the other out some years ago. GAME focuses on selling games to families and Gamestation focuses on selling to gamers.
Even the official sites states at the end of the page :
"Game Retail Limited. trading as game.co.uk/gamestation.co.uk - Company Registration No: 7837246"
EDIT: Seems this confusion will be over soon
all Gamestations will be rebranded as GAME soon enough
Just for clarity, there are no physical GAMESTOPs (just have to shout that one out for the Americans) in the UK, should us living in the UK want we have to buy from the Gamestop.ie site and either pay € or £.
Quote: WhirlwindDragonIf they're giving away an exclusive Glow In The Dark Cynder that is exclusive in the UK only then how will us americans obtain a Glow in the Dark Cynder figure? I would really like to have one
I know I'm going to sound harsh here, but I simply don't care that the US isn't getting this. The US has already had promotions for Flocked Stump Smash and a promotion to get the Sidekicks, with some people getting/winning 8-10 Flocked Stump Smash. Sod off and let us have this one please.