Xion hugged ehr back,"Kailie...I miss you all so much.Can you help me find Pip?They've been doing horrible things to her.." he said,his voice holding more emotion than it normally did
Trinity trugged at the shackles,"LET ME OUT!" she continued to howl
Diamond Sparx
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#51 Posted: 04:05:41 08/08/2012 | Topic Creator
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Emerald Sparx
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#52 Posted: 05:40:18 08/08/2012
Katiela stopped singing, and her hands reached up to her wings. She began cutting at the bonds furiously with her nails. She expected another shock, but the scientists were obviously not focused on her at the moment. Or they were dead. It didn't really matter anyway, at least she couldn't be hurt any further. Katiela grinned as she cut through the bonds on her left wing, stretching it out. She hoped that the escapees would help her, but she didn't say anything.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. |
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907 |
#53 Posted: 06:05:06 08/08/2012
Blaire dashed a little ways down the hall, then slapped her forehead. Duh, I should be helping the others! she thought.
She turned to the cell she'd stopped in front of, looking in to see Katiela. Her third eye opened and she bent the door so that it fell clean off of the hinges. "Need some help?" she asked the winged girl, quietly. |
Emerald Sparx
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#54 Posted: 14:51:58 08/08/2012
Katiela nodded, staying quiet. She cut the bonds on her other wing and stretched them both out, showing her large wingspan. You could see through the membranes slightly, giving them a ghostly appearance. She was still faintly humming the creepy song.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. |
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907 |
#55 Posted: 18:41:06 08/08/2012
"We could use your help setting the others free." Blaire said, sidestepping so she wasn't in the way of the doorway to the cell. She glanced at Katiela's wings in slight awe. "But it's purely optional."
Gold Sparx
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#56 Posted: 23:45:38 08/08/2012
Kailie nodded. "yeah. Do you have something of hers? Or something that could hold her scent?" she asked, ears flicking around.
Krona walked down the hallway, his wings folded to his back. He grabbed a scientist that tried to stop him by the throat, and froze him solid, smashing him into the ground. He broke. He did similar things to any he encountered. He eventually got to an airlock door, and pulled melted blood from the dead scientists that littered the hall. He sliced the airlock to bits, and air rushed inside. Soratchi felt air rushing in, and took a huge gasp of air, eyes shooting open. He used the air and broke his restraints, floating himself up and out. He panted, and collapsed against Krone. He caught him by the arm.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#57 Posted: 05:11:39 09/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion held out a scrap of cloth,"Sorry its small but its all i could get from her before as taken away..." he said.
Pippin started to come to.Her short was teared so that it only just covered her breasts now.Her pants had been ripped into shorts and both were no longer their clean white.They were coated in blood.She whimpered as memories pounded their way into her head. Trinity was still struggling,they had made the bonds incredibly strong so she couldnt get free.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#58 Posted: 13:54:09 09/08/2012
Kailie took it, and pressed it to her nose, eyes shut. It smelled of Pippin... "i miss her so much..." she muttered, face going soft. Then it hardened again. "lets go get her." she growled, and took one more deep breathe, then dropped into a crouch, gliding around on all fours while she found pippin's scent. She 'point'ed, and then broke into a run.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#59 Posted: 18:42:15 09/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion kept up with her easily,warping around behind her.He was hoping that she wouldnt look at him while he was doing something like this,he didnt know if she would hate him for what they had turned him into.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#60 Posted: 19:19:32 09/08/2012
Kailie glanced, but didnt seem to care. She snarled and simply ran faster, skidding around a corner and bouncing off the wall.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Emerald Sparx
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#61 Posted: 23:01:42 09/08/2012
Quote: lemmingluv
She nodded slowly, flexing her wings before folding them up again. "..First, could you possibly do me a favour..?" she asked, pointing to the chains on her neck and feet. Her nails had been slightly elongated by the tests, but otherwise she was useless.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. |
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907 |
#62 Posted: 05:32:18 10/08/2012
"Oh right, of course! So sorry!" Blaire said. Her third eye opened and she focused on the shackles, squinting in concentration. After a few minutes, the metal gave away with a high pitched groan, snapping off.
"There you are, friend." she said. |
Gold Sparx
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#63 Posted: 13:25:00 10/08/2012
Krone helped Soratchi to his feet, and then felt someone slam into his back. He almost sliced a hole in them before turning. "Kailie?" he asked. Kailie looked up at him from where she sat on the floor. "Krone! Soratchi!" more happy puppy reactions from her as she tackled them both in turn. She knocked Soratchi over, and he laughed as she nuzzled his hair, sniffing him. "You're just like a puppy, Kai!" he laughed.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Emerald Sparx
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#64 Posted: 13:29:02 10/08/2012
Katiela stood up, rubbing some feeling into her legs. She smiled. "Thanks." Then she disappeared through the doorway, heading down the hallway to some of the other cells. She stopped in front of Trinity's cell and stuck her finger into the lock, picking it with her nail. After a moment there was a click, and the door swung open.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. |
Diamond Sparx
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#65 Posted: 21:56:02 10/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion appeared next to Krone,looking like his normal self apart from the blood.His normal smirk was on his face as he watched Kailie and Soratchi.
Trinity froze for a moment,thinking it was a scientist who had unlocked her door
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#66 Posted: 01:15:37 11/08/2012
Krone glanced over at him. "Xion..." He said with a nod. Soratchi laughed and pushed Kailie off of him. "Alright, alright... Where's Pippin?" He asked, frowning. Kailie's ears and tail snapped up. "Right!" She pulled the cloth out and sniffed it deeply, then went back to tracking Pippin. Soratchi floated after her, and Krone jogged along.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Emerald Sparx
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#67 Posted: 11:39:08 11/08/2012
Katiela slipped in the door, then stood there for a moment, listening for scientists. She didn't hear any, so she quietly walked over to Trinity, kneeling down next to her. She stuck her finger in a keyhole that was embedded in the metal around her wrist, her wings reshuffling slightly. "..This might take a few moments, they made it really tricky.." she murmured.
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. |
Gold Sparx
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#68 Posted: 15:53:57 11/08/2012
OOC : May I join?
![]() Name: Snow Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: She is mostly in her own world because she remembers some of what happened to her the last three years.She doesn't have very good patience,but usually doesn't get mad much.Sometimes she acts cold around others. Changes: Now has snow leopard ears and tail.Her hair is now longer and thicker,even strangely fluffy.It has changed to a gray-white color.Hearing has increased,sight is much better.Can make the air around her colder if feeling angry,could probably create ice too but she has never tried it. Appearance: She has long gray-white hair that stops at her waist and has pale green eyes to change to ice-blue if she's angry.Snow leopard ears are at the top of her head,the same color as her hair,and have black spots on them.Her tail is thickly covered with fur and has large black spots;her tail is the same color as her hair and ears. History: Snow was abandoned when young and lived most of her life with a boy who found her and took care of her.They became friends and he taught her how to steal.She was caught because she tripped and the owner of the store put her into Sunnyville Orphanage.Then she was taken from the orphanage. Other: She loves the coldness of snow.
(Avatar made by CinderLover! ![]() "In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity." I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible... |
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907 |
#69 Posted: 16:30:13 11/08/2012
Blaire sighed to herself. She was one of the few prisoners here that didn't know the others. Apparently, a lot of them had seemed to come from the same place and already know each other.
Green Sparx
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#70 Posted: 17:34:26 11/08/2012
Age: 16 Gender:female Personality: always been the quite girl and is very shy. Changes: is able to control electricity and mind control/ reading also skin has scales now and she has red leather wings. Appearance: ![]() History: Serenity's parents abandoned her at an orphange in sunnyville the day everyone was taken so she knows no one. Other:feels alone and wonders why her parents left her.
~Cause cool men don't cheat~ Soul from soul eater |
Gold Sparx
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#71 Posted: 18:26:32 11/08/2012
Ooc: cynder, lil, youre both in.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Emerald Sparx
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#72 Posted: 18:50:46 11/08/2012
OOC: Sorry I left, what did I miss?
Wow Such signature |
Gold Sparx
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#73 Posted: 18:52:31 11/08/2012
OOC: Um... No idea. We need to keep this thing calm, somehow. It's just so crowded. Apparently people have been stalking Rio and I for ages, because we just got this flood of people...
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#74 Posted: 20:44:55 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
ooc: Thats kinda weird to say...hahaha...
Xion continued to warp after the group.He wondered why Soratchi had asked where the one he called his 'non-blood related little sister'.A frown appeared on hsi face but it was gone almost as soon as it was there. Trinity nodded,relaxing.Her voice was sore from yelling. Pippin's cage was electrified.She didnt know why there was so much protection around her.But there was.She slowtly stood up,staring down at herself.Her clothes no onger disguised the figure she had gained over the last 3 years.She frowned and look her head,strands of her white hair fell over her eyes.3 years of this and now some have broken out.They probably wouldnt even come for her.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Green Sparx
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#75 Posted: 20:47:44 11/08/2012
Serenity awoke to the sound of the sirens. She remembers the scientist keep her asleep with drugs. "Hello," she said. "Is anyone there. Let me out," she screamed.
~Cause cool men don't cheat~ Soul from soul eater |
Gold Sparx
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#76 Posted: 20:55:05 11/08/2012
Kailie slid around a corner again and saw an electrified cage. "Pippin!" She said, and almost ran into it in excitement. Soratchi held her back. "Pip!"
Krona was a little winded. He stopped next to the cage as well.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#77 Posted: 21:02:10 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion appeared right infront of the cage,"Pippin,you have to do it!"
Pippin stared at them,her cat ears going down.Her red eyes flickered to blue."I...I..." "Pippin you have to!" Xion urged Pippin nodded,"O-okay...if its the only way..." she said.She stepped forward shakily until she was just infront of the bars,then looked at Soratchi."Its nice seeing you again Sora~" she said before she reached out and grabbed the electrified bars with her hands
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#78 Posted: 21:04:05 11/08/2012
Soratchi's jaw dropped. "Pippin!"
Kailie yelped, backing up quickly. Krone grabbed Soratchi and held him back.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Green Sparx
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#79 Posted: 21:19:57 11/08/2012
Serenity fights at her restraints. Realizing the attempt was a failure she gave up and tears rolled down her face.
~Cause cool men don't cheat~ Soul from soul eater |
Diamond Sparx
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#80 Posted: 21:43:12 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
The electricity pulsed through Pippin,making her hair stand on end.Her eyes were open and glowing a bright yellow.The electricity suddenly stopped,and Pippin let go of the bars and fell to the ground.The door of her cell swung open.Pippin looked unconcious and it appeared as though she was barely breathing,the skin on the plams of her hands were charred black.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#81 Posted: 21:48:14 11/08/2012
Soratchi slammed Krona into the wall and rushed in, kneeling next to her. "Pippin!"
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#82 Posted: 21:50:15 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Pippin coughed and opened her eyes,a small smile spread across her face."I guess Xi didnt tell you about what I can do..." she said
Xion whistled in an 'innocent' manner
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#83 Posted: 21:51:17 11/08/2012
Kailie growled at him. "You idiot." She muttered at him, and growled.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#84 Posted: 21:56:01 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion laughed,"Sticks and stones my dear kailie."
Pippin sat up and looked at Soratchi."Why did you run to me?"
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#85 Posted: 21:57:46 11/08/2012
She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She muttered. Then Krona scratched her behind the ear to calm her and her tail wagged like crazy, a happy look on her face.
Soratchi sat there. "I was worried about you."
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#86 Posted: 22:03:18 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Xion just smirked
"Worried about me?Thanks...'' Pippin said,then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before standing up
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#87 Posted: 22:17:59 11/08/2012
He froze up, and blushed bright red....
Kailie snickered. "Soratchi, come on, dude, don't.... Ahhh..." She sighed, lost in the ear rubs. She really was just like a puppy, even though she was 16.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Gold Sparx
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#88 Posted: 22:23:54 11/08/2012
OOC : Well,I'm gonna post.
![]() Snow sat there with her eyes closed,ignroing any sounds around her.She was in her own world,a world far,far away from this place...The thought made the faintest smile become shown.
(Avatar made by CinderLover! ![]() "In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity." I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible... |
Diamond Sparx
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#89 Posted: 22:24:45 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Pippin walked over to Xion and hugged him,"thank you Xi..."
"No prob Pip..." Pippin stopped hugging Xion and looked at Kailie and Krone,her tail swaying a little.
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#90 Posted: 22:33:27 11/08/2012
The faintest of smiles still hung on as tears streamed down Snow's cheeks.She hated being alone,but didnt want to try and fight the scientists to get out of here.What if they hurt her,like they had been doing?She shuddered at the thought and just sat there,never moving as her eyes remained closed.
(Avatar made by CinderLover! ![]() "In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity." I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible... |
Gold Sparx
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#91 Posted: 22:34:37 11/08/2012
((I meant it to be Krona, I typod. Krone is Cynder09's character in The Werecreatures RP. And I'm too lazy to change the chara sheet or my mistakes.))
Krona stopped scratching her behind the ear, and Kailie tackled her friend. "Pippin! Woof!"
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Green Sparx
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#92 Posted: 22:37:25 11/08/2012
Serenity straightens up trying to test the limits of the restraints. She moved a few feet forward but still to far from the cell door. She called out again, "Help."
~Cause cool men don't cheat~ Soul from soul eater |
Gold Sparx
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#93 Posted: 22:40:01 11/08/2012
Snow heard sounds,but they were just muffled sounds to her.The air got colder as she cried,so cold it started to freeze her tears.The snow leopard didn't mind,just sat there.So alone,so alone...The two words made the air get colder faster.
(Avatar made by CinderLover! ![]() "In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity." I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:40:14 11/08/2012 by cynder2000
Diamond Sparx
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#94 Posted: 22:57:39 11/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Pippin laughed as she was tackled
ooc; I thought so!
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#95 Posted: 23:00:34 11/08/2012
Snow kept thinking thoughts of loneliness,her shackles now starting to freeze."I didn't mean to steal so much,I just didn't know how to do anything else.Is this really the punishment I get!?I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE!"the girl screamed the last part out,her anger and pain clear.
(Avatar made by CinderLover! ![]() "In a dog-eat-dog world, we lose part of our humanity." I'm still here, but I'm mainly invisible... |
Green Sparx
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#96 Posted: 23:48:03 11/08/2012
Serenity looks around hearing another voice over the siren. She knew how that person felt right now alone. She has to try and free herself. She tries to use an electric current to unlock the shackles and she frees her hands.
~Cause cool men don't cheat~ Soul from soul eater |
Gold Sparx
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#97 Posted: 01:05:04 12/08/2012
Kailie laughed and barked again, tail wagging furiously.
Soratchi followed kailie over.
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#98 Posted: 03:17:28 12/08/2012 | Topic Creator
Pippin smiled,"Okay Kailie...off me..."
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
Gold Sparx
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#99 Posted: 03:21:44 12/08/2012
She backed off, and sat there. "sorry..." she said. "instincts i didnt know i had..."
Posted Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8b1...uo1_r1_1280.gif |
Diamond Sparx
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#100 Posted: 03:35:57 12/08/2012 | Topic Creator
"Its fine...I jsut didnt want you to start licking me..." Pippin said,standing up again
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on |
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