

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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OFFICIAL "I Just Bought" Thread [STICKY]
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5662
#1551 Posted: 09:21:11 25/06/2012
Quote: zebas1234
lolz hes such a dummy look he thinks red bash is avalible red bash was replaced with red drill sergeant he think there a legendary drill sergeant and he calls the crystal clear ones pearl io mean what the heck and he thinks double trouble is a giant smilie

Uh who are you talking about?
words. letters. filler.
judasghost Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#1552 Posted: 14:48:35 25/06/2012
I told myself I wasn't buying any variants other than Legendaries, but I walked out of Wally-World with a red Drill Sergeant today.
37/37 (as of 8/15/12) ... 3/4 sidekicks (as of 8/17/12) ... 4th sidekick came in 8/22/12
5/8 giants .. 5/8 new guys .. 2/8 light core .. 1/? battle packs
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#1553 Posted: 18:11:11 25/06/2012
Very frustrating that there are 20 WERsmilie at wal-mart by work today but 0 smilie
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1554 Posted: 19:45:32 25/06/2012
TacoMakerSkys i was talking about the kid who thinks clear skylanders are pearl
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1555 Posted: 20:03:50 25/06/2012
I go to Walmart I see double trouble singles
Whirlwind singles hex drill sergeants three pack with stump smash flameslinger and drobot. I see a BUNCH of red drill sergeants so I get one then I was wondering if they had wham shell so I ask some guy he says nah over on that shelf is all we got I didn't believe him so a few minutes later I ask some other guy he says he will check he asks what skylander I want I say wham shell he comes back and says no wham shells but there a
Is a hex zook ignitor and some others then finally CAMO it was a good day
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1556 Posted: 20:04:51 25/06/2012
I got camo and red drill sergeant
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1557 Posted: 20:07:36 25/06/2012
They are holding back dude to sell them on ebay I was told so by Ray The Target Employee at Troy MI I think I got him fired...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:09:16 25/06/2012 by AboveSkylands
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1558 Posted: 20:27:35 25/06/2012
i kno hu i called my walmtrt and they said no but we have anew drill sergeant witch i already knew it was the red one no whammy
when i went theey told me the smae thing they told pokemonmaster
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1559 Posted: 23:04:28 25/06/2012
Finally said 'shut up and take my money' for an E3 Spyro.
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1560 Posted: 23:38:17 25/06/2012
i see u want a e3 chrome spyro right
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1561 Posted: 23:44:30 25/06/2012
Yeah its not a bad price for one they go for less than the NYC Metallic Cynder I would pay $135.00 if I was still buying these. I already paid $250.00 for my 2012 NYC Meallic Cynder
Inkie566 Green Sparx Gems: 223
#1562 Posted: 00:43:43 26/06/2012
My Wham-Shell came, and I picked up a WE smilie too.
[User Posted Image]
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#1563 Posted: 01:16:08 26/06/2012
Quote: zebas1234
i see u want a e3 chrome spyro right

I have one coming. Snatched it for about 130. Honestly? If the Toy Fair Hex and Cynder are any indication, there's no sense in waiting. Not if you don't want to pay four times the current asking price.
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1564 Posted: 02:37:49 26/06/2012
whoa i still cant find my wham shell not worried in red drill sergeant i can find him at my walmart
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1565 Posted: 03:34:27 26/06/2012
Just got my Camo triple pack from Gamstop.
MadDragon Green Sparx Gems: 147
#1566 Posted: 08:33:22 26/06/2012
It seems like my "One of each element" rule is breaking
I just got Warnado and I'm planning to get wham shell,wrecking ball,whirlwind and drobot (drobot might be a bit tricky to find)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:36:09 26/06/2012 by MadDragon
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#1567 Posted: 13:54:40 26/06/2012
Drobot, Eruptor, Wrecking Ball, Hex, Blue Bash, and Drill Sergeants are EVERYWHERE in stores in my area.
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Aquatic Llama Green Sparx Gems: 436
#1568 Posted: 15:20:53 26/06/2012
Xbox 360 Starter Pack, Drobot, Bash, Dino Rang, and Prism Break. Thanks to an amazon promotion I got Bash and Drobot for free! Later me and my brother are going to pick up stump smash and the pirate sea's pack.
fearthedark3 Red Sparx Gems: 30
#1569 Posted: 17:34:46 26/06/2012
Yesterday I went to Walmart in Harrisonville,MO and got their LAST IGNITOR!!!!!!I was happy because just a day before i went to that same Walmart and got their LAST DRAGON'S PEAK!!!!!!!And so i completed my fire collection!!!!So i'm having a good week!!!
Can't wait till Skylanders:Giants comes out!!!!!!!!
Shaznat Red Sparx Gems: 36
#1570 Posted: 17:51:29 26/06/2012
Just received my Pearl Hex from my friendly UPS man today. She's so nice and shiny smilie
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1571 Posted: 18:18:03 26/06/2012
i go to gamestop in watertown massachusetts i see 2 warnados 2 camos some others but i was looking for wham shell no whammy
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1572 Posted: 19:30:01 26/06/2012
Yesterday at night Camo triple pack was on sale at I told my mom if she could get it for me she said she would buy it tomorrow. I told her they run out in less than an hour. So my dad goes ahead and buys it. A couple of minutes after we get it they run out.
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1573 Posted: 21:15:21 26/06/2012
how many camp triple packs do you need
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1574 Posted: 21:16:38 26/06/2012
camo not camp
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1575 Posted: 21:49:16 26/06/2012
Quote: pokemonmaster
how many camp triple packs do you need

Just needed one but I wanted to prove a point to my mother. Can't believe i snatched it for only 20$.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:50:34 26/06/2012 by Whammy
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1576 Posted: 21:58:57 26/06/2012
what point
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1577 Posted: 01:12:29 27/06/2012
Its funny how my Best Buy only has the older versions and cant sell them at all! It will be like this soon with all of them!!! I dont think they even want the company to send them anymore they are running out of room they have them on top of a shelf! Too funny! I agree the company made a lot of money on these but I think a lot of t was from internet sales because how could they when the stores were out of them for so long!!! Just doesnt add up!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:14:45 27/06/2012 by AboveSkylands
Madhouse1 Green Sparx Gems: 461
#1578 Posted: 01:14:33 27/06/2012
I have all 32 skylanders and all legendaries but the most recent ones ive gotten are warnado wham shell and camo
Right now I'm willing to battle people on Super Smash Bros Brawl
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1579 Posted: 01:15:35 27/06/2012
Mad I have all too I am still disappointed how activision went about it it really saddens me for Giants~
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1580 Posted: 02:47:03 27/06/2012 has Camo triple pack in stock, but it has to be in your wish list. Get it fast b4 it runs out.
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1581 Posted: 04:01:50 27/06/2012
i want wham shell everytime i go to its always out of stock
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1582 Posted: 04:26:08 27/06/2012
Same here smilie
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1583 Posted: 04:50:33 27/06/2012
i knoiw hu my uncle said that theres only 1 wham shell per box in stores smilie
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1584 Posted: 12:44:39 27/06/2012
Well the sooner you guys see it the employees buy them like Derrick at Troy MI Gamestop in Sommerset. I dont even go in that one any more
Guardie Yellow Sparx Gems: 1793
#1585 Posted: 23:49:02 27/06/2012
I'm new here so thought I'd start of here.

While out hunting today I went to game stop and found the LR/Zook?Cynder triple pack for the first time ever, but I just picked up LR nd Zook yesterday and I didn't want to rebuy those two just for Cynder, although I think I should've. But then I went to K-Mart and found Ignitor so I snagged the last one. Then I went toWalmart to get the WERDS but I got there and saw about 30 of them and then I also found 3 Camo there and 2 Warnado so I grabbed those instead. They also had 3 Voodood but I didn't have enough money for him.
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1586 Posted: 01:15:16 28/06/2012
I just got my triple pack camo from
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1587 Posted: 03:10:20 28/06/2012
yeah pokmonmaster when i go to wham shell is always out of stock since last 2 months
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#1588 Posted: 12:07:58 28/06/2012
just got voodood
Suzie-Q Green Sparx Gems: 317
#1589 Posted: 16:13:05 28/06/2012
Just got WERDS! I am 37 of 37 plus blue bash and WERDS!!!! Now just waiting for sidekicks and Giants.
37/37 +BB+WERDS+FSS+all 4 side kicks
Willing to help non U.S members get U.S only promotion items, P.M. me
wasprocks Green Sparx Gems: 281
#1590 Posted: 18:44:03 28/06/2012
Bought Skylanders today.
Original Spyro!!!!!!!
My Skylanders: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Whammy Green Sparx Gems: 336
#1591 Posted: 19:46:53 28/06/2012
Quote: zebas1234
yeah pokmonmaster when i go to wham shell is always out of stock since last 2 months

If you dont have it on your wish list it will always come out like that.
theooze Green Sparx Gems: 106
#1592 Posted: 20:51:21 28/06/2012
hey first timer
just picked up BB and WERDS with the kids
heading out to look for sidekicks bags in a bit in the twin cities
all + BsmilieWERsmilie
pokemonmaster Blue Sparx Gems: 855
#1593 Posted: 22:02:29 28/06/2012
Amazon camo three pack 20 bucks googol
own all but smilie and no variants besides red smilieFor giants I have tree Rex pop fizz jetvac and s2 cynder
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1594 Posted: 23:21:35 28/06/2012
oh i see
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#1595 Posted: 23:40:48 28/06/2012
If you dont have it on your wish list it will always come out like that
i made an account on i aded to my wish list now what do i wait
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Madel Blue Sparx Gems: 584
#1596 Posted: 13:01:31 29/06/2012
My boyfriend picked up Red Drill Sarge for me when we went to Walmart yesterday. :) I love how the base of the figure is red, too.
That's why all the Gryffindors sing: Weasley is our king.
AboveSkylands Blue Sparx Gems: 587
#1597 Posted: 20:40:25 29/06/2012
I finally got my Frito Lays Flocked Stump Smash! I wonder if I will get a few more because I did try a couple times!!! I was surprised I got it they spelled my address wrong so i doubt I will get anymore I am happy with one! Again I am thankful! Thank you Frito Lays!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 22:17:09 29/06/2012 by AboveSkylands
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#1598 Posted: 22:29:16 29/06/2012
Quote: wasprocks
Bought Skylanders today.

I see you're a fan of Classic Spyro? Same! How are you liking Skylanders?
but i love it all smooth
boomer has it Green Sparx Gems: 304
#1599 Posted: 03:57:58 30/06/2012
computer brokedown so could only get on today and recently got smilie and smilie and planning to get red smilie and blue smilie
credit to kappa for my avatar
MadDragon Green Sparx Gems: 147
#1600 Posted: 08:13:54 30/06/2012
Bought Wrecking Ball yesterday. Getting Drobot, Whirlwind and Wham Shell as soon as I can
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