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Skylanders Collection: Filler time - 256 and done. [CLOSED]
noco99 Blue Sparx Gems: 787
#651 Posted: 01:38:09 12/06/2012
How much did all that cost you?!?!
How is Fun Size candy more fun than regular candy if it's less candy?
Write in my Gb or Pm me if you like Minecraft!
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#652 Posted: 01:54:59 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Oh, jeez. Not as much as it should.

I got most of my dupes through buy 1 get 1 free or half off. Half of the triple packs I got for 16 bucks at Sam's Club. Buying each copy of the game cost a lot. I'd have to work it up, but I think people would be surprised.

If anything, the cost of some of the variants (ie the ones I wasn't gifted or found at the store) might jack up the price to make up for all the Skylanders I got for free, but I'd have to check. It's a lot, but I think you would be surprised to know it's not as much as it could have been... thankfully.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#653 Posted: 03:00:21 12/06/2012
For the record, "found at the store" in this case means "obtained in a backroom before it hit the shelf".
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#654 Posted: 04:29:03 12/06/2012
I live to serve...
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#655 Posted: 05:33:13 12/06/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: jackidaniels
Hey GM, just trying to integrate myself into the forum community here, discovered Skylanders about a month ago and thought it was brilliant, nice to see there's other people here who aren't little kids who like it haha. Nice collection too smilie

Grats on buying a great game that is arcadey. Us open-minded adults are what help games like this thrive when many shrug them off, due to AAA titles that come out every year. This is AAA to me. Thanks for the comments on my collection. I hope you enjoy the game.

Quote: Trix Master 100
I'm hoping they make Dark Spyro a single pack but the other Starters like gillgrunt and trigger happy would be cool too smilie

Every country - it seems - besides the US, has a Dark Spyro single pack. I won't buy it until it comes out without that god-awful pegging the Euro packaging has. Like I mentioned, above, I have always thought they would release Spyro, Gill, and Trigg as single packs. This E3 exclusive just lends more credibility to it, as they now have the packaging complete for a single pack Spyro. That, and when Giants releases, people will have to buy Spyro, Gill, and Trigg somehow. I bet we also see them in a triple pack.

Man I hope your right
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#656 Posted: 05:40:57 12/06/2012
Me too...I said I was done...but sometimes it's too just have to poke the bear...I am the guy who will say what everyone is thinking...and I am pretty sure there are quite a few people in here that detest certain can't win the admiration of least gm has the vote of 5-12 year olds...his key demographic...though most people come for the "trolling" I would suspect.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#657 Posted: 05:53:32 12/06/2012
As I have said previously, I receive a fair few PMs from people thanking me for my services in deflating egos.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
spiderbrush Green Sparx Gems: 183
#658 Posted: 06:31:29 12/06/2012
Whoa... first off, the overall layout in the first few pics is very impressive. It must have been difficult in acquiring all of these?

...I'm kind of afraid to ask you just how much all of this cost you, heh.xD
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#659 Posted: 06:32:07 12/06/2012
lol....I lol'd when GM was saying something to trigga about the price of his chrome spyro, When just last week he was crying on the NeoGAF forums about how much money he had spent on his collection and how it "wasn't fair" for them to keep introducing new variants lol

Toys for Bob makes it too hard for me to keep going with these variants.

I'm of the mind if I can't have them all, I don't want any of them. Now, they have an E3 exclusive. I can't get to E3. I don't want to pay stupid prices for it. I guess if I can't obtain one, the gig is up. I will have to fold on my variant collection and try to get all of my money back. Why can't they just chill on the variants? I can't get to SDCC, either.

I love Skylanders, and want all variants, but I can't keep it up, if they keep making ones that are insanely hard to get a hold of. smilie

By the way, this is in reference to the single pack Spyro that is metallic silver, that is an E3 2012 exclusive.


Well, I can honestly say I'm depressed. I keep trying to build a Skylander variant collection, but Activision/Toys for Bob keeps making it painfully hard to do so.

Case in point, the E3 2012 Silver Spyro. How am I supposed to get that? Pay 600 bucks for it "IF" it ever shows up on Ebay?

It's times like this, when I know I am against the wall, that I want to say screw it. Where I want to say, "why am I doing this in the first place?" What am I getting out of all of this? Squat.

It's kind of pathetic. Forgive my ranting, but if I can't have every variant, I don't want any of them. I certainly don't have thousands of dollars to shell out for variants, because I can't be "privileged" enough to attend E3, because the ESA wants to only tailor to the video game industry and people who write for it. It's simply unfair.

Now I'm sitting here, looking at my wall and wondering why I was so stupid. Why do I keep trying to buy variants, when Activision/Toys for Bob can't just stop bringing them out, which leads me to resorting to Ebay to look for the now impossible to find Silver Spyro or the upcoming SDCC exclusive.

I wish Activision/Toys for Bob would make it so people who can't attend - because everyone wasn't born with a video game industry spoon in their mouth - could have a chance to get them. Not by winning, because I haven't won a single thing in my life (there is such a thing as people being more unlucky than others).

Sorry again, for the rant. But I feel like I - as a Skylander fan - am being slapped in the face. It's like, "oh, hey, you have to be a member of the industry to get in on one of these, if you aren't sorry for you."

I look at CheapyD from CAG. Hey, he gets lucky enough to get one, from being in the right place at the right time. What's this fan who spent thousands get? Nothing.

I don't know why I keep trying. It's already so hard to find the variants, that I spent thousands to get them, but then they give an exclusive away that can literally only be gotten for 3 days, to attendees who have to be a member of the industry in some fashion.

I am so depressed, honestly. I don't even know if I can get Sidekicks. Frito-Lay never sent bags with Flocked Stump to my city. Yeah. How can I compete against not being able to attend E3 or SDCC, or Frito-Lay not sending bags to my city? I can't.

Such a buzzkill.

I've never seen anything about a SDCC variant, link please. Also Your not entitled because you spent all your money on plastic, I understand that a Activision guy sent you the spyro, but damn your a cry baby

I never stated I was entitled to one. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen a human in this world who doesn't get frustrated or rant.

If by little guy getting lucky at times, refers to those who get to walk into E3, they are by no means "the little guy."

You know how bad I have always wanted to attend E3? Very, very, badly. It's been a dream of mine. However, those "little guys" who are getting lucky to get one of these, are not only getting lucky to buy what is now up to 157 dollars on Ebay (yes there is one on Ebay already; check skylanders chrome), but also got to attend a show not even a fraction of the world gets to attend.

Here's another example. Said little guy, who got lucky enough to attend both E3 and get a silver Spyro, is also 157 dollars richer, with two days left to go on the auction.

So, I don't see how the little guy walking away with a bit of luck, could be anyone at E3. There are tons of us who will never see an E3, just because of who we are. Wouldn't that make us, "the little guy?"

My rants don't entitle me to anything. It's me being human. It's me being frustrated at the fact that just when I think I am done, I am not. I am not so much, infact, that it will be near impossible to get one of these things, because I will never pay as much as I've seen a Pearl Hex go for, which was around 600-700 dollars.

At the same time, not being able to obtain every variant, means I shouldn't be collecting variants. I shoot for the stars, bro. If I buy into something like variants, I'm after all variants. I give it 100%. However, 100% doesn't mean I need to cut off my arm for any given item.

I was hoping they wouldn't have had anymore exclusives, honestly. I was hoping the crystals would be the last of the variants, to which I have but haven't updated this thread yet with my updated collection photos.

So, I mentioned thousands, right?

All of my variants, minus 1, was bought on Ebay.

Silver Dino Rang - 54
Silver Boomer - 50
Silver Eruptor - 50

Gold Chop Chop - 176
Gold Drill Sergeant - 200
Gold Flameslinger - 227

Toy Fair Cynder - 350

Glow in the Dark Wrecking Ball, Zap, Warnado, Toy Fair Hex - 1290 dollars.

Crystal Cynder - 225
Crystal Stealth Elf - 10 (found at a store)
Crystal Wham Shell - 285

That totals 2,917.00 I've spent on variants, because they're too hard to find. Only reason I found crystal Stealth Elf, is because a friend had to go through boxes in the back, before even putting them out. Even then, there's another employee there who would have done the same for himself, had he gotten to it before me.

So, I wouldn't say that I was lucky. You know who was lucky? Those who actually work at the stores and took them before they could make it to the floor, or those who found them on the shelf, because employees didn't know better. Those are the lucky ones.

I didn't get lucky in any of this.

Waste of money, nearly $3,000 on variants? Not counting all your needless dupes lol Bottom line you got lucky with them sending you the chrome spyro, I kinda wish they hadn't cause I've had to see your flaunting this past week, but you were oh so ready to throw in the towel before that lol

Oh heres the link to his crying, before he goes and edits his posts
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 06:39:22 12/06/2012 by NinjaHarley
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#660 Posted: 14:19:43 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: spiderbrush
Whoa... first off, the overall layout in the first few pics is very impressive. It must have been difficult in acquiring all of these?

...I'm kind of afraid to ask you just how much all of this cost you, heh.xD

It took a bit of doing to aquire them all. It's defantely taken a good chunk of time. Thanks for the comments.

As for the cost, it really didn't cost as much, for the actual collection, as one might think. I waited until a lot of buy 1 get 1 sales, or until I had reward certificates at either Toys R Us or Best Buy. I'm gonna have to add it up for the fun of it.

Someone here mentioned measurements of the shelf I built. I will be taking measurements, for those who want to use that display setup, and I will be posting them here later on. When I do post the measurements, I will give a piece of advice, on something I wish I had done with the display, so others can do it if they wish.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#661 Posted: 14:28:26 12/06/2012
Now he apparently can't see posts or is pretending they don't exist. I love that defense mechanism of his. If he has no defense...he'll pretend it didn't exist. Wow...he really is a 5 year old. I always thought parents teach their kids, but at this point I think he's been learning from his!
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#662 Posted: 14:32:16 12/06/2012
I really don't want to sink the boot in but the whole "I don't want variants cause I can't find them" and then "I love variants now I can source them again" schtick came across as sulky and petulant to me. I do not accept this behaviour in my two year-old, let alone a "grown" man.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#663 Posted: 14:52:13 12/06/2012
Can you imagine him if he ever had to go through an intervention. Thank God that his only vice is his adult childhood he is living in. I think if his vice was anything else he'd probably already be dead in a gutter.

I start to wonder if there is anyone policing what he does in life. I guess if you have no rules or restrictions in life you start to lose touch with reality and what reality is for the rest of the "working" world. What scares me most is his gf/fiancee/wife or whatever...that she allows it. I don't care how much money I have. If my wife saw me drop 3K on about 15 small plastic figures and they weren't made of a precious metal, I'd hear about it. And I'd actually expect to hear about it. There is such a thing as frivolous purchases and there is sheer stupidity. I'd rather donate that 3000 dollars to a charity. I cringe to think that he spent the money on over 100 AAA games from the launch of Skylanders till now too. Pull in the reins a bit there. You can't take your money to the grave, but you must think you are in the NFL wasting money like that. You taking financial advice from Warren Sapp?

Don't worry...he won't see this message either... smilie
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6701
#664 Posted: 15:42:47 12/06/2012
Cause you double posted.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#665 Posted: 15:49:40 12/06/2012
It's okay...we know you're GM's biggest fan...why? I'm not quite sure. Maybe you just feel sorry for him. Just as most of us do.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#666 Posted: 15:53:13 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
I got to thinking about the sidekicks a bit, while sitting here at work waiting for my second Chrome Spyro to come in.

I am really hoping that they come in their own packaging and not in little plastic bags. I would so have an awesome spot for them on the wall. However, even if they don't come in packaging, I guess I will be hanging more plastic bags on the wall, next to those Volcanic Vaults.

Another thing I've been thinking - and hoping - about, is that after SDCC there is no more variants, making SDCC the last convention to have an exclusive from the SSA line of toys, before Giants comes out with what will probably be new variants. If ther SDCC exclusive is the last of the variants and exclusives for SSA, I have an idea in mind for that as well.

So, with the remaining stuff to be released I think I can squeeze it in. Here's hoping I can at least. If anyone who enjoys taking a look at my collection, has any ideas where I should put everything once I get the sidekicks and the eventual SDCC exclusive, by all means, feel free to offer up some advice.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#667 Posted: 16:01:32 12/06/2012
So...I'm not understanding the concept behind San Diego Comic Con as being a place they'd release a rare figure. They released them at 2 Toy Fairs and E3 which is specifically related to Video Games. They have no true fan following going to SDCC. So why would they give away the toy to the public that doesn't really have interest in it. I would have to assume you heard through the grapevine that this is going to happen via a reliable source at Toys for Bob or you are purely speculating. If you're purely speculating...then you're way off. There are tons of comic conventions and also things like PAX which would make way more sense to release a figure there than at SDCC. I have a feeling you're way off base. Comic conventions aren't a kid's event anyways. Sure, it has some, but it's mostly the 15-40 crowd that goes to them. Go look at photos of cons and you'll see that.

You need to step off the delusional soap box. And thanks for reminding us AGAIN about your 2nd Chrome Spyro. I wouldn't imagine you'd go to work to ACTUALLY do work.

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#668 Posted: 16:21:15 12/06/2012
Actually xero, Activision has been at both the SDCC and NYCC in the last few years. Generally, they show off more comic-book centered games, but I certainly wouldn't put it past them to release something there.

In the least, they could potentially sell them there, as usually the special items they have at the con are for sale.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#669 Posted: 16:25:49 12/06/2012
...has any ideas where I should put everything...

Oh, diplomacy stops me from providing suggestions! Grin!
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#670 Posted: 16:36:52 12/06/2012
I'm not gonna worry as I'm not collecting them anyways. And I could go down to SDCC. And I am actually hoping the PAX will see something released there. That is gonna fall right at the perfect time before the release of Giants. So end of August is PAX. I'd expect to see them have a big launch push for the game there. I'd almost more likely see a new freebie or sellable item there than at SDCC. Personally I am sick of seeing a new coat of paint put on them. If we wanted new paint jobs, we'd do em ourselves...oh wait...we already do. smilie
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#671 Posted: 16:46:27 12/06/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
I got to thinking about the sidekicks a bit, while sitting here at work waiting for my second Chrome Spyro to come in.

It's comments like this that get people riled up. You need to check yourself and read what you are typing before you hit the "Post Reply" button. You're not going to garner any sympathy when you continually shove your collection down everyone's throats.

Quote: NinjaHarley
Oh heres the link to his crying, before he goes and edits his posts

That's good stuff. He sees the chrome Spyro, and the whining begins. You can feel the despair coming through the computer screen.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:49:29 12/06/2012 by Himewad
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#672 Posted: 16:51:11 12/06/2012
I dunno about SDCC, hes just always saying it like its fact, but we all know he ignores the facts!
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#673 Posted: 17:03:18 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: NinjaHarley
I dunno about SDCC, hes just always saying it like its fact, but we all know he ignores the facts!

Nah, I just choose not to partake in the childish trolling of others. Takes tow people to argue.

And actually, someone mentioned somewhere, that they heard Activision say there might even be TWO SDCC exclusives. However, even if it's one, why would they skip out on maximum exposure for the brand? There are millions of people who go to SDCC. So much, infact, that I hear they sold out in 15 minutes this year. They're going to have an exclusive there, but I would love to be wrong, because that's one less exclusive/variant I have to worry about.

So maybe it would be a godsend if you or Xero were to be right. The faster I can be done with SSA merch, the more I can save for Giants over the next 4 months.

However, there's no reason to think that SDCC won't have anything Skylanders related, when SDCC deals with all manners of entertainment, from games, toys, comics, tv shows, movies, and yes... even video games.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#674 Posted: 17:05:55 12/06/2012
It all reminds me of this.

I apologize for any language in it, but this reminds me of GM78.

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8313
#675 Posted: 17:09:31 12/06/2012
I think the guy in the vid has a problem. a serious problem called "flamotrollia"
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#676 Posted: 17:16:50 12/06/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: NinjaHarley
I dunno about SDCC, hes just always saying it like its fact, but we all know he ignores the facts!

And actually, someone mentioned somewhere, that they heard Activision say there might even be TWO SDCC exclusives. However, even if it's one, why would they skip out on maximum exposure for the brand? There are millions of people who go to SDCC. So much, infact, that I hear they sold out in 15 minutes this year. They're going to have an exclusive there, but I would love to be wrong, because that's one less exclusive/variant I have to worry about.

I don't believe you, your the one who always starts all that panicking and fear mongering in the frito lay thread, stating an e-mail or you read or you saw, Your full of crap and playground lies don't flly far on the internet
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#677 Posted: 17:21:53 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Well, here's hoping those who started said internet rumor, ends up being wrong. The more money I save, the better. That's more for Giants. I want those people to be wrong. I don't want there to be a SDCC exclusive. I don't want there to be more variants.

Whatever happens, happens.

EDIT: Dunkin, practice what you preach. You could stand to tell Chaos and Xero that, but I guess we are all hard-headed and not willing to admit things. You guys can feel free to tell me to set an example for children here, when you do the same in setting said examples.

In the meantime, I will just ignore all of the flaming/trolling/derailing - as I have been - and set the example - that I already am - to kids, that it takes two to argue and one person to stop arguing, which then - generally - shuts up those who keep persisting in their attempts to egg on an argument.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:27:03 12/06/2012 by GameMaster78
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#678 Posted: 17:31:51 12/06/2012
I can actually confirm that rumor and where it started...but as of right now...the vast majority haven't received their flocked stump smashes...I've only received 2 so far of the 7 that I won. But the person that posted that email got it from someone who was pranking them by spoofing their email address...and just like anything on the have to take it with a grain of salt. It was a plausible thing that they may not honor and still is...all of the prizes. It wouldn't be the first time a company pulled that.

Variants are meant to be a luck thing. Collectors can't be upset if they have to pay a premium for them. That's been the longstanding tradition of being hard to find. Get over the fact that rare items cost money. They are a company out to make money. And just look at that money you are spending as injecting it into an economy that is faltering. You could hoard your cash, but that scalper money may very well pay for someone else's livelihood.

Silver linings in everything.

You've missed the point. We all know you collect everything Skylanders. We don't need constant updates when you get something new. We actually have a stickied thread at the top of the forums for that. We don't need individual threads dedicated to you. It's simple. If you stuck to 1 thread and posted there...nobody would say anything. But you choose to bleed out into every single thread that may pertain to something you have or just got and you feel the need to share. It's one thing to share ideas and thoughts. But when it's just incessant bragging...people tend to cringe at it like I do. Just stick to 1 thread in regards to your collection. You realize we all have the ability to find your collection if we want to. I think that's all we really are asking for. That and the overall general crybaby woe is me whining.

I feel like all I do is sigh when I read another post by him...

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#679 Posted: 17:54:13 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Again, Dunkin, practice what you preach. You certainly aren't leading by example, for the kids you're thinking about on this site.

So, Xero, you're saying the SDCC exclusive talk was a prank? Do you honestly think Activision wouldn't have a Skylanders presence at SDCC?
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#680 Posted: 18:23:20 12/06/2012
I didn't say they wouldn't have a presence. I just don't think they'll likely do a freebie or handout. If they do, that's great. I personally could care less. I don't need more plastic taking up space in my house. I have a very elegant and modern decorated house. I actually have my collection tucked away out of sight. It's not exactly something I'd consider a crowning achievement to have what you have. But instead of saying, "I heard this or that" Actually provide the source of the information. I don't think there is anything proprietary in what you know or don't know. This isn't a secret club here. This is a community to share information in. It's not like you're gonna get a jump on it. Post the links to where you get your info from. If I hear something somewhere and it was out of an actual employee's mouth and not written somewhere, I'll state specifically. I'd even post the specific email if I received it. And I was referencing the flocked stump smash incident about the quantities of people that won vs supply they were awarding. I don't think your claim was a hoax, but why are you so shy to reveal your sources. It's not like you signed a NDA. Is it because you feel special holding access to this oh so secret info. I guess I'm not so anxious to find out that I go around chasing after information as you do.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#681 Posted: 18:41:22 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
I don't reveal my sources, because they asked for me not to. Trust me, I'd like to give them shout outs by their names. However, I can't spit in the face of those who were kind enough to help me out, by doing the opposite of what they asked.

I think there will be an exclusive, because I think TFB/Activision loves doing variants/exclusives. I think this is the last real convention with anything devoted to gaming in the US, until Giants releases.

However, I hope you guys are right, and they don't release an exclusive there. I wish they would stop with the variants until Giants releases, so I can build up cash for Giants merch, which there is a ton coming out.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#682 Posted: 18:49:53 12/06/2012
DUDE! I just stated PAX PENNY ARCADE EXPO Look it's pretty much the biggest video game event beyond E3...and it's for the public. Why on earth would Activision ignore PAX East or West for that matter. It's tickets sold out pretty dang quick...and it gets a lot of big names there...and Activision would be moronic not to put a big show on for PAX.

LOL @ your "sources". I guess if that's your life...sucking up to Toys for Bob/Activision employees for little nuggets of info (more like whining about it)...more power to ya. If only you invested the time you invest in Skylanders into your kids lives and to actual useful things. Damn...3 kids that are gonna be just like you...that's pretty messed up...thank God all three will wind up only screwing up OKC and not my neck of the woods.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:52:36 12/06/2012 by xerokills
Sanctum Nomen Green Sparx Gems: 416
#683 Posted: 19:05:51 12/06/2012
lol @ GameMaster78

I don't think kids read giant walls of text and if they do they would be long gone from this forum anyway
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#684 Posted: 19:22:17 12/06/2012
Sanctum, you're welcome to chime in with actual constructive commentary vs 1 liners that hold no just look like the true definition of a troll, even if it is on a devil's advocate side of things.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Sanctum Nomen Green Sparx Gems: 416
#685 Posted: 19:27:58 12/06/2012

Wow if thats the way you treat new members on the forum than my 1 liner said more than enough. Not gonna get involved on the wall of text wall tough .. Rather level a skylander tot level 100 on Spyro's Universe (never going to happen smilie)
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#686 Posted: 19:39:59 12/06/2012
It's all're just contributing to the derailing of this thread which is pretty much the goal. I'll gladly "troll" if it stops the usefulness of the thread...or lack there of.

And it's pretty obvious that you DO indeed read the walls of text or you wouldn't even be here. It's fine, someone needs to step in for GM anyways. He left his balls in his wife/gf/whatever the hell she is's purse for the duration.

What makes this thread fun is that it takes very little effort to contribute to it and make it better than it was.

And I was in no way mistreating you. I was offering you the opportunity to actually share your views on the matters regarding both GM, me and anyone else you care to troll in here. Trolling isn't really a bad thing. Because someone made a rule about it in a forum doesn't mean it can't serve a good purpose. Your efforts just weren't exactly helping but to be a useless troll...because you don't really contribute anything but lame observations about mundane details such as "walls of text" Kudos to ya!

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:02:08 12/06/2012 by xerokills
Sanctum Nomen Green Sparx Gems: 416
#687 Posted: 20:10:36 12/06/2012
Yes I do read great walls of text! Altough in this case it's hard to keep up what some of you guys are reffering to. Maybe contributing... I dunno trowing around psychological analyses around on forums doesnt make you popular in any way. And it's what I do best when I give my opinion.

DO like the fact that you guys are so passionate about Skylanders!. Wish there was a bit more talk about gameplay tough.
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#688 Posted: 20:14:37 12/06/2012
Sanctum...there's actually a lot of threads dedicated to it. Just in the stickied sections alone there is a ton. Once into the collecting side areas of gets pretty bad...unfortunately.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#689 Posted: 20:16:11 12/06/2012
Good god!

(Pardon me extremely if this offends) I normally wouldn't ask but I'm REALLY curious:
How much did that all cost?
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#690 Posted: 20:17:56 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Sanctum Nomen
lol @ GameMaster78

I don't think kids read giant walls of text and if they do they would be long gone from this forum anyway

Well, I think they would be long gone from the forum, due to all of the silly antics people pull around here, be it trolling, flaming, or derailing topics.

A lot of people warned me long ago, that a lot of hate generated on this forum, comes from kids being kids, people being jealous, or from people who just love to stir the pot with anyone in a fit of elitism. I used to get riled up about it. Now I just laugh at it, because it's all opinions, which every opinion in this world is subjective.

It's a crazy place at times, this site. You just have to let the haters hate, while letting it go in one ear and out the other.

If you're new here, welcome to the forums... for better or worse. If you have any questions about gameplay, feel free to ask me or make a post and ask any questions you have, and I - as well as others I'm sure - will do our best to help you out. smilie
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#691 Posted: 20:20:05 12/06/2012
Mods really need to take a closer look at this thread.
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#692 Posted: 20:24:16 12/06/2012
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Good god!

(Pardon me extremely if this offends) I normally wouldn't ask but I'm REALLY curious:
How much did that all cost?

A cost far too great....ones dignity....
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#693 Posted: 20:37:29 12/06/2012
I always love how he plays the diplomat when deflecting from his inadequacies...
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14437
#694 Posted: 20:45:37 12/06/2012
Time to give it a rest now. Anyone who carries on with this pointless harassment of GameMaster78 will have their account suspended.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#695 Posted: 21:00:00 12/06/2012
*gulp*xerokills has just been suspended...
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#696 Posted: 21:01:40 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you, Dark.

So, about those measurements for the display case. I am currently handling my kids, spending time with them and such. Once I am done, I will take measurements and post them here for anyone who is looking at an effective way of displaying their collection.

I can't remember the brackets I used, but I will take a pic of them, so you can get an idea of which ones to use for the size of the wood.

I will post with the measurements later on.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#697 Posted: 21:03:05 12/06/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Thank you, Dark.

So, about those measurements for the display case. I am currently handling my kids, spending time with them and such. Once I am done, I will take measurements and post them here for anyone who is looking at an effective way of displaying their collection.

I can't remember the brackets I used, but I will take a pic of them, so you can get an idea of which ones to use for the size of the wood.

I will post with the measurements later on.

you've inspired me to build a display!'s gonna be tough though
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#698 Posted: 21:03:21 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Well, whatever Dark saw fit to do, let's leave it at that. This topic was never meant to be a topic for fighting, but rather another topic (on top of Tash and Vhra's already excellent collection topic) for people to glance at my collection and post theirs if they see fit.

EDIT: Actually, Ignitor, it's not as tough as it looks. You will need to have Home Depot do some cuts for you, unless you know how to cut yourself (I don't so Home Depot did it for me).

I mentioned in an above post, that I regret not doing something with my current shelf. My son is about to take over the man cave, now that my youngest is getting older, so all of this will be moving to my actual bedroom. This is when I will be able to fix said regret.

The regret is in the spots where the adventure pack/magical items and Dark Spyro/legendaries are. They aren't covered like the main part is. I am going to finally be able to get those on there. I won't be able to give measurements on those, until I get that done, but I can give measurements for everything you see, plus tell you how I got the sides and top to stick to the main part, which was through the use of brackets - no nailing.

I will post it here by tonight, but I'm honored if you think my display is worth using, because there are some mighty fine displays out there I wouldn't even mind having.

EDIT: I just read into your post more, Ignitor, haha. If you mean you have your own idea, by all means, show it off after it's done. So, if you weren't intending on using my design, which I am still posting the measurements for, then good luck and post a pic of it when it's done. smilie
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 21:27:46 12/06/2012 by GameMaster78
Gaiaknight Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#699 Posted: 08:30:03 13/06/2012
Sounds like alot went down sense i last logged on and Dark made the right choice trolling on any internet forum should not be tolerated at all cause it ruins some forums but to keep on topic grats on all the variants you collected sense i last checked this topic.
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#700 Posted: 08:46:44 13/06/2012
I know this got ugly, but Xero really isn't a troll. He makes plenty of worthwhile contributions on the forum in general, just not when GM is also involved. Mistakes were definitely made, and the right person got Gnorc'd in this thread, but if he can keep it in check, there's no reason to hold a grudge and refuse to welcome Xero back when the ban is lifted. Hopefully this thread can get back to actually being about collecting, and it doesn't escalate like that again.

Anyway GM, nice Spyro. Actually half-tempted to get one of those ourselves. Ordinarily, V and I aren't the types to go for expensive variants, but this is also the only single pack Spyro available, and all things considered, looks pretty awesome.
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