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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE
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Frito Lay PRIZE has arrived.../ Next promo (Sidekicks) info in HERE [CLOSED]
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#651 Posted: 03:06:19 09/06/2012
The problem is, Activision just doesn't care, and they're greedy idiots.
Seewolfe78 Green Sparx Gems: 331
#652 Posted: 04:19:25 09/06/2012
Quote: Hazard335
I want to send out for a "list of winners" do i just send them an stamped evelope with my address on it inside an envellop with there address on it?

pretty much. Though, I would also include a note asking for the winner list (actually, I did). Just make sure to do it soon, so it gets to them in time.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:20:22 09/06/2012 by Seewolfe78
herg62123 Green Sparx Gems: 232
#653 Posted: 04:44:57 09/06/2012
Ok this is my stand on Side Kicks. I have not received my flock stumpy yet so why in the H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK do I want to go buy the side kicks.

We are NOT GOING TO TAKE IT........

CAUSE I AM........

I am missing smilie, & smilie TO COMPLETE MY COLLECTION.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:55:50 09/06/2012 by herg62123
MrsAlvarado26 Green Sparx Gems: 147
#654 Posted: 05:05:58 09/06/2012
I want my stumpy to come :l. &i want a trigger snappy
skittles4890 Blue Sparx Gems: 770
#655 Posted: 16:58:31 09/06/2012
Alot of us want ares. Im still waiting for the 2 code win ones at least. I have an email confirmation for them. I'm patiently waiting and hoping. The stump smash my fiancé got was a call in win do to how his first name was spelled. So he still hasnet gotten his code wins either.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#656 Posted: 23:56:24 09/06/2012
anyone know if the sidekicks are out near vancouver (washington) and portland (oregon) yet? i heard each sidekick is only out for two weeks, so that means i only have half the time to get the current one. btw, i already gave up on eagerly waiting for mail everyday. and i think they put it in the wrong mailbox, because every week or so i see that three packages arrived (special keys are dangling out of the mailbox) and its empty. i hope no one took MY stumpy
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#657 Posted: 01:36:05 10/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Sorry if this has been posted already, but I found this article that claims the sidekicks promo starts June 18th....
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#658 Posted: 01:56:37 10/06/2012
Quote: Postalgoddess
Sorry if this has been posted already, but I found this article that claims the sidekicks promo starts June 18th....

I am suspicious about the article because it was published a while ago as in before the flock smash contest was over in late April. There is no reason to believe anyone outside the promotion knew that much about the sidekicks at that point. It would not be the first time an article was written based entirely on conjecture occurring on sites like these. The articles showing the fake fire giant dragon and caiming there will be 32 reposes are evidence of this. I have talked to a rep and he claims 1st full week of July rollling into late August/early Sept. Another poster claims he was told they are in stores now but have street date restrictions (which is sustainability nightmare for perishable objects). Anyone used to skylanders at this point knows you don't get straight answers until the product is out on the shelf.

I am also skepticle of the article because it mentions they are mail in based on proof of purchase. We have seen how the sidekicks are packaged (individually). Buying multiple bags for skylander mail-ins is a logistic nightmare especially if there is no way to statte which one you are getting. These bags cost $7-$8 a piece and a bad system is going to mean buying a crap load of chips for a possibly incomplete set of skylanders. My source is claiming the four sidekicks will each be promoted seperately each over a two week time period.

Short answer is we know nothing to someone posting on these boards finds their first bag.
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#659 Posted: 02:02:39 10/06/2012
I thought it was supposed to be June 18th – July 13th 2012, at least according to the sell sheet. This was the article we all saw when we first learned more about the promotion

Unless I'm reading that wrong?

It's weird we haven't heard of anything yet. I guess they shifted focus onto the Giants and E3, but they [Either Activision, Frito-Lay or some blogs] still should have announced something. Especially since apparently they gave early ones away at E3
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:03:17 10/06/2012 by spyroflame0487
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#660 Posted: 02:24:25 10/06/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487
I thought it was supposed to be June 18th – July 13th 2012, at least according to the sell sheet. This was the article we all saw when we first learned more about the promotion

Unless I'm reading that wrong?

It's weird we haven't heard of anything yet. I guess they shifted focus onto the Giants and E3, but they [Either Activision, Frito-Lay or some blogs] still should have announced something. Especially since apparently they gave early ones away at E3

The sell sheet in this article lists those dates but says nothing about skylanders. It does not even describe the chips we are associating with the sidekick promotion unless they have suddenly decided to put the sidekicks in new flavor bags at $3.49 retail this is not the right promotion.

edit: I do hope you are right though because I want these things two weeks soomer than I have been quoted.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:27:39 10/06/2012 by ItsJustMe
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#661 Posted: 10:55:13 10/06/2012 | Topic Creator
I dunno what the plan is, but it seems a bit far fetched that they would rotate the stock every two weeks, inserting a new sidekick into the product. They'd have to be completely organized to pull that off!! I am starting to take note of the expiration date on the chips, to see the number of days between new stock deliveries. The June 18 start date seems right on target....last day of school (for us) is June 19, they always seem to run back to school promos before school even gets out. Although, considering we are dealing with food, it does seem a bit early. Keep on the lookout!!
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
posreject Yellow Sparx Gems: 1331
#662 Posted: 16:49:47 10/06/2012
The info from the sell sheet:

MP BTS Skylanders KO’s Program

In-Store Timing:
· 4 Waves of KO’s:
o Wave 1 - July 9th, 2012 (P7W4)
o Wave 2 - July 23rd, 2012 (P8W2)
o Wave 3 - August 6th, 2012 (P8W4)
o Wave 4 - August 20th. 2012 (P9W2)

Event Description:
· Partnering Skylanders and MP to deliver exclusive Skylanders consumer offer

$6.15 Classic Mix 20ct
$6.15 Flavor Mix 20ct

Merchandising Solutions:
· Thematic KO’s

Launch Details
Reasons for Success
Consumer Insight:
· Target Consumer is shopper mom with kids
· Mom’s “new year” begins with Back to School and her activities and energy at this time are focused on helping her kids start off the school year strong
· Back to School is a major shopping occasion, with estimated average HH spending of $603 during the 2011 BTS timeframe*

Business Insight:
· Frito-Lay’s Classic and Flavor 20ct Variety Packs are the number one and two (respectively) selling multipacks during the back to school season.**
· Frito-Lay’s Classic and Flavor 20ct Variety Packs turn at least 33% faster during the Back to School time period.**
· Frito-Lay’s Multipacks bring in more than $215MM nationally during the Back to School time period.**

Support for Success
· Merchandised through KO’s
· Consumer offer will allow consumers to redeem a free Skylanders sidekick character with purchase.

Frito-Lay North America, Inc. © 2012

Creative Not Final

*National Retail Federation’s 2011 Back-to-School Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted for NRF by BIGresearch,
**IRI Liquid Data, Total US GDMx, July 31st – Sept 18, 2011, Frito-Lay Business Objects 2011 Dollar Sales

Featured Brands
KO Merchandising
BP# 20474 – 0, 1, 2 ,3
Contact: Alfonso Alanis-Cue
KSS Opens Feb 27(P3W1) and Closes March 23 (P3W4)
Executional Summary

Frito-Lay North America, Inc. © 2012,
© 2012 Activision Publishing, Inc. Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure is a trademark and Spyro and Activision are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved

Skylanders Insights:
· Skylanders video game launched in Fall 2011 by Activision
· Media campaign generated over 230MM impressions
· Major sponsorships with ABC Family, Disney, Nickelodeon & Cartoon Network
· Was voted the #1 Kids Game of 2011 by the NPD Group (a leader in consumer and retail market research)
· Nominated for Game of the Year and Innovative Toy of the Year at the Toy Industry Awards

Creative Not Final

FL Multipack BTS with Skylanders
Products Included in Program
· Classic Mix 20ct and Flavor Mix 20ct

Knockout Merchandise Support
· KO’s offered across 4 standard waves during BTS time period

NCP Lobby Integration
· Offer communicated via Lobby/Perimeter kit

Free Sidekick Character – Exclusive to FL, Not distributed or sold anywhere else in the market

Packaging will highlight partnership with Skylanders which will be a recognizable property for Shopper Mom – packaging will communicate exclusive offer directed to Shopper Mom.
S:SA: 37/37, 3 variants & 4 SK
S:G: 54/54, 14 variants & 4 SK
S:SF: lost count...
Failinhearts Gold Sparx Gems: 2376
#663 Posted: 17:26:58 10/06/2012
So the waves are like wave 1 is one sidekick and 2 is the next and so on... Smart! i want this to be in Canada!
SSA: 37/37. SG: 61/62. SSF: 73/75 STT: 42/78
Have left this forum, who knows if I'll come back...
A believer of Jesus Christ
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#664 Posted: 01:09:37 11/06/2012
So they list it starts in July, but some people have stated their stores already have the chips with Sidekicks promo on the bag?
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#665 Posted: 01:22:09 11/06/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
So they list it starts in July, but some people have stated their stores already have the chips with Sidekicks promo on the bag?

These same people have not been able to buy them yet so take this information as you will. When I first assked a frito Lay vendor about this he brought out some Flock Smash bags so it might be just a misunderstanding.
Graz73 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3215
#666 Posted: 12:40:39 11/06/2012
It seems strange that stores would get in chip bags then nhold them back. That might work with toy stores, but with chips: THey take up a lot of space in the warehouse and they expire if you hang on to them too long.

I wonder of the person that claimed the chips were in their warehouse were really thinking of the older promotion bags? (which apparently they were over stocked with)
For Trade: EyeSmall, Punch Pop Fizz, Lava Barf Eruptor(black): PM to deal!
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#667 Posted: 13:01:27 11/06/2012
The contest apparently starts on the 17th or around there. You may be able to buy the chips, but you won't be able to enter codes or get them till after the 17th I believe. Or so I've heard.
"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#668 Posted: 20:00:20 11/06/2012 know something I was just thinking about.

Perhaps the Sidekicks don't do anything unless there's a specific character on the portal with them. I was reading an article where they compared the Sidekicks as the "Robin to the Batman" , ie the main Skylanders.

From what I remember in the videos, the person using them never actually used the corresponding character.

So for instance, Whisper Elf will do something if Stealth Elf is on the portal; Gil Runt will do something if Gill Grunt is on the portal, etc.

Just my theory anyways.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#669 Posted: 20:17:19 11/06/2012
The deal is that Frito Lay has a contract with.. Parker Bros.? I'm not sure, but some board game company. They won't be running two promotions concurrently, unless they want to get sued by the board game people. That promo ends the day that Sidekicks begin, so I REALLY doubt anyone scanning the shelves for them will find anything before the 18th.
xerokills Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#670 Posted: 20:35:39 11/06/2012
I'll be picking up as many of the packs I can. I will get the code out of it, and then donate the food to a food drive. I figure that way I am doing myself a service and helping at the same time. I think this would be a nice way to give back...because personally, I don't want to eat that much junk food...I don't even eat chips unless it's in a meal the give to me. But food is food for the homeless or less fortunate. It's a win-win right?

"I'm disgusted, and repulsed, and...I can't look away..."
joedelta Green Sparx Gems: 418
#671 Posted: 23:07:15 11/06/2012
Quote: xerokills
I'll be picking up as many of the packs I can. I will get the code out of it, and then donate the food to a food drive. I figure that way I am doing myself a service and helping at the same time. I think this would be a nice way to give back...because personally, I don't want to eat that much junk food...I don't even eat chips unless it's in a meal the give to me. But food is food for the homeless or less fortunate. It's a win-win right?


I'll probably win some brownie points with the coworkers with all the extra chips.
Need Dark Spyro or $$$$$$. 36 out of 37 Baby
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#672 Posted: 23:18:40 11/06/2012
All you can eat chips (and no Sidekicks... lawl) for the kiddos Vhraina and I occasionally babysit.
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#673 Posted: 00:57:09 12/06/2012
Quote: posreject
The info from the sell sheet:

MP BTS Skylanders KO’s Program

In-Store Timing:
· 4 Waves of KO’s:
o Wave 1 - July 9th, 2012 (P7W4)
o Wave 2 - July 23rd, 2012 (P8W2)
o Wave 3 - August 6th, 2012 (P8W4)
o Wave 4 - August 20th. 2012 (P9W2)

Event Description:
· Partnering Skylanders and MP to deliver exclusive Skylanders consumer offer

$6.15 Classic Mix 20ct
$6.15 Flavor Mix 20ct

Merchandising Solutions:
· Thematic KO’s

Launch Details
Reasons for Success
Consumer Insight:
· Target Consumer is shopper mom with kids
· Mom’s “new year” begins with Back to School and her activities and energy at this time are focused on helping her kids start off the school year strong
· Back to School is a major shopping occasion, with estimated average HH spending of $603 during the 2011 BTS timeframe*

Business Insight:
· Frito-Lay’s Classic and Flavor 20ct Variety Packs are the number one and two (respectively) selling multipacks during the back to school season.**
· Frito-Lay’s Classic and Flavor 20ct Variety Packs turn at least 33% faster during the Back to School time period.**
· Frito-Lay’s Multipacks bring in more than $215MM nationally during the Back to School time period.**

Support for Success
· Merchandised through KO’s
· Consumer offer will allow consumers to redeem a free Skylanders sidekick character with purchase.

Frito-Lay North America, Inc. © 2012

Creative Not Final

*National Retail Federation’s 2011 Back-to-School Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted for NRF by BIGresearch,
**IRI Liquid Data, Total US GDMx, July 31st – Sept 18, 2011, Frito-Lay Business Objects 2011 Dollar Sales

Featured Brands
KO Merchandising
BP# 20474 – 0, 1, 2 ,3
Contact: Alfonso Alanis-Cue
KSS Opens Feb 27(P3W1) and Closes March 23 (P3W4)
Executional Summary

Frito-Lay North America, Inc. © 2012,
© 2012 Activision Publishing, Inc. Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure is a trademark and Spyro and Activision are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved

Skylanders Insights:
· Skylanders video game launched in Fall 2011 by Activision
· Media campaign generated over 230MM impressions
· Major sponsorships with ABC Family, Disney, Nickelodeon & Cartoon Network
· Was voted the #1 Kids Game of 2011 by the NPD Group (a leader in consumer and retail market research)
· Nominated for Game of the Year and Innovative Toy of the Year at the Toy Industry Awards

Creative Not Final

FL Multipack BTS with Skylanders
Products Included in Program
· Classic Mix 20ct and Flavor Mix 20ct

Knockout Merchandise Support
· KO’s offered across 4 standard waves during BTS time period

NCP Lobby Integration
· Offer communicated via Lobby/Perimeter kit

Free Sidekick Character – Exclusive to FL, Not distributed or sold anywhere else in the market

Packaging will highlight partnership with Skylanders which will be a recognizable property for Shopper Mom – packaging will communicate exclusive offer directed to Shopper Mom.

knockout? someone explain?
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#674 Posted: 01:02:56 12/06/2012
Knockouts are multi-tiered floor displays that can be pulled apart and discarded as the merchandise sells down
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#675 Posted: 01:09:56 12/06/2012
oooh, thanks for clearing that up.
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#676 Posted: 01:10:11 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
My mom called Frito Lay today. They told her that if it said she won...she should be getting the prize. They also told her that there are 4 different randoms (not just the two), so maybe they are waiting on activision to cough up the skylanders??? Additionally, they said the wait is gonna be more like 8-10 weeks...rather than the said 6-8 weeks. So, all we can do is wait. Tomorrow marks the first day this week, that they could be delivered. Let's hope we get lots of posts tomorrow!!! smilie

She also asked about the sidekicks promo, and they claim to have NO info.
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:21:11 12/06/2012 by Postalgoddess
SparCrux1101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1898
#677 Posted: 02:54:39 12/06/2012
Quote: Postalgoddess
My mom called Frito Lay toda. They told her that if it said she won...she should be getting the prize. They also told her that there are 4 different randoms (not just the two), so maybe they are waiting on activision to cough up the skylanders??? Additionally, they said the wait is gonna be more like 8-10 weeks...rather than the said 6-8 weeks. So, all we can do is wait. Tomorrow marks the first day this week, that they could be delivered. Let's hope we get lots of posts tomorrow!!! smilie

She also asked about the sidekicks promo, and they claim to have NO info.

the frito lay fss is already over...
WTB: Molten Hot dog
c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b
NinjaHarley Yellow Sparx Gems: 1346
#678 Posted: 06:38:10 12/06/2012
Quote: Postalgoddess
My mom called Frito Lay toda. They told her that if it said she won...she should be getting the prize. They also told her that there are 4 different randoms (not just the two), so maybe they are waiting on activision to cough up the skylanders??? Additionally, they said the wait is gonna be more like 8-10 weeks...rather than the said 6-8 weeks. So, all we can do is wait. Tomorrow marks the first day this week, that they could be delivered. Let's hope we get lots of posts tomorrow!!! smilie

She also asked about the sidekicks promo, and they claim to have NO info.

Awesome, I was thinking about calling, but I've kinda taken the stance, they get here when they do if at all no longer waiting for the post man
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#679 Posted: 08:19:50 12/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: SparCrux1101
Quote: Postalgoddess
My mom called Frito Lay toda. They told her that if it said she won...she should be getting the prize. They also told her that there are 4 different randoms (not just the two), so maybe they are waiting on activision to cough up the skylanders??? Additionally, they said the wait is gonna be more like 8-10 weeks...rather than the said 6-8 weeks. So, all we can do is wait. Tomorrow marks the first day this week, that they could be delivered. Let's hope we get lots of posts tomorrow!!! smilie

She also asked about the sidekicks promo, and they claim to have NO info.

the frito lay fss is already over...

I thought it was pretty obvious that she called to find out where all of our "missing" prizes are...not to enter a contest that's over.....
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
Hazard335 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1435
#680 Posted: 10:05:59 12/06/2012
sorry if this has been gone over before, but i cant seem to find anything about how the sidekicks are going to be distributed.
it sounds like they are going to have a code in the chip bags to put in on there website, are they going to have a phone line as well like they did last time?
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#681 Posted: 14:15:09 12/06/2012
Ooh my. That'd be great if there were some other ones. I wonder if we'll end up getting Hex and Prism Break, since those were the other 2 on the page if I'm not mistaken.
I'm still due for 2 more randoms to finish the total 5.

Quote: Hazard335
sorry if this has been gone over before, but i cant seem to find anything about how the sidekicks are going to be distributed.
it sounds like they are going to have a code in the chip bags to put in on there website, are they going to have a phone line as well like they did last time?

We don't really know right now how they're going to do it. To me, it seems like the best option would be to actually have them inside the large bags, nestled in the smaller chip bags like the code cards were. That'd save them from having to ship things out to people every other week, while also driving up sales for the actual bags. I'd have to wonder if they lost any money by allowing entries on a phone line.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Plaag Emerald Sparx Gems: 4339
#682 Posted: 14:18:45 12/06/2012
Well found out what I posted about the Sidekicks was a mistake on the Target Employees part - what he saw as little guys just looking into the box was the stylus pen's tops. Also Frito Lay guy I talked to must not have known what I was talking about because no grocery store around me has any sort of promotion or special bags. One of the Targets around me though did increase the Skylanders another section of aisle. No Wham Shells smilie

spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#683 Posted: 14:56:37 12/06/2012
Hnnghh. That's still good news. Now I don't have to pay that crazy $11.99 price for those styluses. Glad to see they're coming to other stores. Man..if TRU didn't have special stuff, I'd probably never even shop there.

I'm kind of curious if they'll maybe have a special section at Walmart for them. For the first promo, they just had the boxes up near the checkout with them in it. For the Sidekicks Promo, they look to have a full out display in mind. Usually, Walmarts have them in the centers of the main aisles, so I'd have to guess they'd be near wherever the Electronics area is. (which at all of mine, is in the back)
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#684 Posted: 15:56:17 12/06/2012
One would think, Spyro. In my area, we have these grocery stores -

- Walmart (market and supercenter)
- Target
- Buy for Less
- Crest
- Homeland

and a mom and pops grocery store called Warehouse Market. I have been checking feverishly as of late, but still nothing in my area. I do hope one of those stores get that gigantic looking display, because it will be easier to spot them.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
bensdady Yellow Sparx Gems: 1702
#685 Posted: 16:02:35 12/06/2012
got 3 skylanders today. 1 wrecking ball and 2 boomers
Jack Sinatra Green Sparx Gems: 315
#686 Posted: 18:25:55 12/06/2012
Still not one prize here in NYC...
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#687 Posted: 18:31:51 12/06/2012
i wish i had boomer...except i'm in canada and i've never seen him in a single or 3 pack smilie
Graz73 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3215
#688 Posted: 21:42:59 12/06/2012
I just received 1 Wrecking Ball and 2 Boomers stuffed into my mailbox today! One addressed to me, one addressed to my wife, and one with my name spelled wrong. (Which makes me think they are trying to send these out one per person?)

I thought I'd never get anything from this contest, because I'd just used the phone line, so I was pleasantly surprised. For those of you who have not gotten anything yet, don't give up hope!

Still no FSS though!

Ignitor101, let me know if you want to do some kind of trade for one of my extra Boomers. I'll mail it to you! (PM me)
For Trade: EyeSmall, Punch Pop Fizz, Lava Barf Eruptor(black): PM to deal!
XXEVILGREMLINXX Green Sparx Gems: 122
#689 Posted: 21:43:16 12/06/2012
got 2 wrecking balls today, i entered during the last week by phone. still waiting for the 2 flocked stump smash's i won
ItsJustMe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1273
#690 Posted: 21:51:08 12/06/2012
Quote: Hazard335
sorry if this has been gone over before, but i cant seem to find anything about how the sidekicks are going to be distributed.
it sounds like they are going to have a code in the chip bags to put in on there website, are they going to have a phone line as well like they did last time?

We think we have a copy of the promotion sell sheet. (I've seen a few and this one looks quite genuine). It says skylanders will be redeemable from product purchase. It aslo details that this promotion consists of four waves.

I wish they were in the bag but the sell sheet would likely indicate this. Just hope you don't have to buy two or more bags to get a single sidekick or this will be ridiculous. Although they do have suggested retail below what most stores sell them for now.
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#691 Posted: 22:08:37 12/06/2012
I won 18 times on the call in numbers 15 for regular skylanders and 3 times on flocked stump smash. I got 2 wrecking balls in the mail today for starters we will see how many more figures show up here in the next few weeks.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:10:35 12/06/2012 by trixster68
Postalgoddess Yellow Sparx Gems: 1144
#692 Posted: 00:30:08 13/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Seewolfe has let me know that he'll be MIA for a bit, so keeping up with his tally here are the numbers for today:

Prize totals so far...
Flocked Stumpy! x100
Wrecking Ball x74
Boomer x71

Prize arrivals from the old thread:
Boomer x1 ... Post #698
Wrecking Ball x3 ... Posts #704, #815

Prize arrivals posted here:
Boomer x70 ... Posts #36, #43, #40, #44, #72, #78, #84, #85, #88, #91, #116, #131, #135, #139, #140, #169, #175, #176, #181, #184(#395), #235, #237, #265, #270, #271, #273, #480, #493, #494, #497, #508, #509, #514, #526, #531, #535, #537, #560, #562, #569, #571, #575, #577, #578, #579, #584, #685, #688
Wrecking Ball x71 ... Posts #31, #32, #42, #51, #78, #87, #88, #101, #111, #117, #129, #131, #138, #166, #168, #178, #234, #235, #270, #273, #281, #286, #355, #371, #455, #464, #468, #476, #480, #481, #486, #497, #508, #512, #532, #535, #536, #537, #538, #555, #557, #561, #562, #563, #575, #577, #580, #584, #685, #688, #689, #691
Flocked Stumpy! x100 ... Posts #141, #148, #153, #168, #173, #175, #176, #178, #230, #237, #251, #253, #272, #280, #285, #288, #297, #322, #371, #377, #422, #426, #427, #428, #429, #433, #434, #437, #444, #451, #452, #458, #459, #462, #463, #464, #465, #466, #467, #469, #470, #471, #478, #482, #485, #486, #487, #488, #496, #498, #503, #508, #511, #513, #519, #522, #524, #529, #534, #537, #539, #543, #558, #563, #565, #566, #572, #580, #587, #589, #593, #624

....taken from another topic:

Quote: xerokills
You're selfish inside and you have to carry a persona on the outside. I witnessed it first hand when you found out there might not be enough Flocked Stump Smashes going around. So you panicked and ran to the Skylanders Trading group you are a former member of. And you were essentially begging people to help you get one. You pretty much pissed off the entire group.

Quote: GameMaster78
Quote: Postalgoddess
Quote: mattun
I received four random ones in 48 hours (2 addresses, 3 phone numbers). But none since. Maybe they got smart and started checking off people who won a prize. Even though it doesn't say "1 per address" anywhere, it sure feels like that. I'm betting they're out of the Flocked.

I am sorta feeling the same friend got two flocked, but they spelled her first name different on each one (two "different" people to them). How can they just decide to limit our prizes?? ....when it is not stated in the rules?? Unreal!!! They HAVE to award the prizes. I am feeling more curious to send for the winners' list....I believe we have til 6/15 to do so.

You told us skeptics we were just panicing, and that there was no reason we shouldn't worry. Now you're supporting the fact they might not show up for all of us, like us skeptics thought?

I won close to mid-April. Still haven't gotten 1 yet. That's been almost 2 months ago. So, anyone here still think I shouldn't worry?

And then he panicked and told me off, because I have an opinion, based on the fact that most people getting multiples (i believe) were sent to different names. I try to base my opinions on what's real life. (and i thank everyone for sharing, so we have the info to make a conclusion with) I don't like when people create me to be saying something I am not...or worse, being a hypocrite!! I have tried to be positive, but at this stage of the game....and seeing what everyone else is experiencing, it's hard to not see what's going on. I am still hoping it is just another delay from Activision, but it just seems weird. Furthermore, I have 4 flocked stumpies, why would I enter panic mode???
37 of 37, smilie, flocked smilie, WER smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:40:07 13/06/2012 by Postalgoddess
wayiswho Yellow Sparx Gems: 1259
#693 Posted: 06:36:19 13/06/2012
I recieved a Wrecking Ball figure today in NW Ohio from a call in.
joedelta Green Sparx Gems: 418
#694 Posted: 07:22:14 13/06/2012
Recieved Brita water filter adapter replacements today. Hey clean water>a plastic toy. Hey Portal, add one brita adapter to the list.
Need Dark Spyro or $$$$$$. 36 out of 37 Baby
Eric-K Gold Sparx Gems: 2211
#695 Posted: 11:56:40 13/06/2012
Yesterday I got 3 Wrecking Balls and 3 Boomers!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#696 Posted: 12:53:28 13/06/2012
Start the hunt... As of June 13th..., the day this comment was made...sidekicks kicks-off!
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#697 Posted: 12:57:54 13/06/2012
Quote: joedelta
Recieved Brita water filter adapter replacements today. Hey clean water>a plastic toy. Hey Portal, add one brita adapter to the list.

Best post of the entire thread. Kudos.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#698 Posted: 13:05:17 13/06/2012
Quote: joedelta
Recieved Brita water filter adapter replacements today. Hey clean water>a plastic toy. Hey Portal, add one brita adapter to the list.

Brita water filter adapter replacement.

he's so rare!
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6477
#699 Posted: 13:17:13 13/06/2012
Once again!

Prize totals so far...
Flocked Stumpy! x100
Wrecking Ball x78
Boomer x74
Brita Water Filter Adapter Replacement x1

Prize arrivals from the old thread:
Boomer x1 ... Post #698
Wrecking Ball x3 ... Posts #704, #815

Prize arrivals posted here:
Boomer x73 ... Posts #36, #43, #40, #44, #72, #78, #84, #85, #88, #91, #116, #131, #135, #139, #140, #169, #175, #176, #181, #184(#395), #235, #237, #265, #270, #271, #273, #480, #493, #494, #497, #508, #509, #514, #526, #531, #535, #537, #560, #562, #569, #571, #575, #577, #578, #579, #584, #685, #688, #695
Wrecking Ball x75 ... Posts #31, #32, #42, #51, #78, #87, #88, #101, #111, #117, #129, #131, #138, #166, #168, #178, #234, #235, #270, #273, #281, #286, #355, #371, #455, #464, #468, #476, #480, #481, #486, #497, #508, #512, #532, #535, #536, #537, #538, #555, #557, #561, #562, #563, #575, #577, #580, #584, #685, #688, #689, #691, #693, #695
Flocked Stumpy! x100 ... Posts #141, #148, #153, #168, #173, #175, #176, #178, #230, #237, #251, #253, #272, #280, #285, #288, #297, #322, #371, #377, #422, #426, #427, #428, #429, #433, #434, #437, #444, #451, #452, #458, #459, #462, #463, #464, #465, #466, #467, #469, #470, #471, #478, #482, #485, #486, #487, #488, #496, #498, #503, #508, #511, #513, #519, #522, #524, #529, #534, #537, #539, #543, #558, #563, #565, #566, #572, #580, #587, #589, #593, #624
Brita Water Filter Adapter Replacement x1 #694
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
fanjo Gold Sparx Gems: 2382
#700 Posted: 13:38:22 13/06/2012
Quote: ZapNorris
Quote: joedelta
Recieved Brita water filter adapter replacements today. Hey clean water>a plastic toy. Hey Portal, add one brita adapter to the list.

Brita water filter adapter replacement.

he's so rare!

I got a three pack the other week!
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