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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Site Polls > Favourite Upgrade Path: Eruptor
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Favourite Upgrade Path: Eruptor

Magmantor Poll 31% (289)
Volcanor Poll 45% (418)
Don't have him Poll 24% (229)
Favourite Upgrade Path: Eruptor
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14467
#1 Posted: 12:27:25 30/04/2012 | Topic Creator
Which path do you favour for Eruptor?

Do you prefer to upgrade his Lava Blobs or his Eruption attack?

You can check out Eruptor's upgrades list to remember which upgrades are from where.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:28:57 30/04/2012 by dark52
skylanders100 Green Sparx Gems: 388
#2 Posted: 12:45:29 30/04/2012
i have a eruptor if you are surpised that i'm 10 years old dark52 and please don't say a another bad word or you are on my ingore list thank you skylanders100
come join my beyblade metal fury role play
Kirby_rules Ripto Gems: 504
#3 Posted: 14:00:15 30/04/2012
He is the admin he can do what ever he wantssmilieOh,and Volcanor
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:00:29 30/04/2012 by Kirby_rules
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3193
#4 Posted: 16:00:55 30/04/2012
Bring the Fanta
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#5 Posted: 16:04:14 30/04/2012
>ignoring an admin


Anyway, Magmantor.
but i love it all smooth
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#6 Posted: 17:30:02 30/04/2012
i don't have him...
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#7 Posted: 19:21:07 30/04/2012
I don't have him >.<
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
gamehippo Green Sparx Gems: 145
#8 Posted: 19:22:11 30/04/2012
Definitely the volcanor path, which is the eruption one right???
The magmator path doesn't help you as much, since all it does is: bouncing magma balls, well, it's pretty hard in the first place to hit an enemy by throwing a magma ball, and it's even harder to decide the trajectory of the bounce, not much of a difference to have this upgrade. Next: exploding magma balls: I must say, this upgrade is a useful one, so, I'm not being totally unfair about thissmilie. And the last one, where the magma ball takes the shape of a massive beast, and does more damage, well, it's good, but not nessecary if you had to other path.

Volcanor: fast eruption=more damage, faster. More damage upgrade, well, this upgrade makes the eruption do more damage. Don't say I'm being unfair that the more damage upgrade for the Magmotor is bad, and this is good, but the eruption and hit SO many enemies, and now with SO much damage!!! The last is one of the best: volcanoes form around your eruption area!!! This keeps getting enemies damaged for a while, so, meanwhile, you can go grab the key and let the volcano finish it off, as well as whatever touches it.

Have - ( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie )( smilie smilie )
Need - ( smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie )
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:23:40 30/04/2012 by gamehippo
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9532
#9 Posted: 20:23:07 30/04/2012
I'm surprised at how many people picked Volcanor! I just hope some more people pick Magmantor, otherwise this would be the second time I reset smilie AND the second time I have to do that gosh-forsaken purple chompy challenge with him! smilie
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
Rrruuu16 Green Sparx Gems: 234
#10 Posted: 21:09:00 30/04/2012
With magamaster you creat lava blob monsters that lock on to enimies then explode.
My opinion is that is AWSOME!!!!!!! smilie
Tec. Forever!
trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
#11 Posted: 22:07:34 30/04/2012
holy cow mine gliched it showed chop chop instead of smilie
skylander fan Blue Sparx Gems: 632
#12 Posted: 22:12:01 30/04/2012
i don't know bout this one i'm not voting cuz their both good paths
Come to the dark side..... we have cookies
Stealth Elf 32 Green Sparx Gems: 176
#13 Posted: 22:25:50 30/04/2012

The mini- Volcanoes rock on Volcanor.

The Explosion is cool.


  • Volcanor [check]
  • Magmanator [x]
  • ---
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I posted! smilie My Other Site, although I rarely use it. I love Godsmack! Its a rock band.
    Triggerhappy124 Blue Sparx Gems: 843
    #14 Posted: 22:41:45 30/04/2012
    Wait I meant to pick volcanor but messed up didnt no what is what
    >-< Bow ties are cool!
    trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
    #15 Posted: 23:50:38 30/04/2012
    you mean 3. i like both, i cant decide.
    njd123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1546
    #16 Posted: 01:48:22 01/05/2012
    Magmantor for me.
    I can't think of a signature.
    SkylanderFun Green Sparx Gems: 481
    #17 Posted: 10:43:34 01/05/2012
    Volcanor : It is the best path for eruptor It is way better than the other path it deal way to much damage and there is no way that he can lose with that path in my opinion,Well i haven not tried the other path so i cant say anything about it.In my opinion i did right to choose this path.
    Still working on a better signature....
    skylander kid13 Blue Sparx Gems: 762
    #18 Posted: 10:44:54 01/05/2012
    i choose volcanor but thats the only 1 i tryed
    money makes the world go round, i wish i had some though
    skylander fan Blue Sparx Gems: 632
    #19 Posted: 21:30:28 01/05/2012
    ^did u vote cuz if u did that's bad cuz u don't have him
    Come to the dark side..... we have cookies
    trentd78 Ripto Gems: 914
    #20 Posted: 23:46:35 01/05/2012
    Quote: njd123
    Magmantor for me.

    again. im switching to that because i dont like volcanor.
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #21 Posted: 00:05:37 02/05/2012
    I gyots him. I love his eruption attacks.

    My AWESOME crew:[smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmilie]

    Today I ordered smiliesmiliesmilie
    chopchop Blue Sparx Gems: 552
    #22 Posted: 02:06:01 02/05/2012
    Magmator for the win!
    This user has died
    darkhead21 Red Sparx Gems: 50
    #23 Posted: 03:50:19 02/05/2012
    If some of u guys have skylanders and if u want sunburn go on

    I like the valconor path
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #24 Posted: 13:39:57 02/05/2012
    I ONLY NEED 6 MORE SKYLANDERS AND I HAVE ALL 32! VOLCANOR! I JUST NEED smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, and smilie.

    H: [smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie]

    Normally I would put a want column but it's kinda obvious.

    smilie+volcanor=AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smilie
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:22:59 03/05/2012 by pureblonde
    voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
    #25 Posted: 14:54:00 02/05/2012
    Quote: hectapuss72
    i chose the magmantor, i would always choose the primary atk path.

    this doesn't sound very smart
    avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
    MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
    #26 Posted: 16:44:14 02/05/2012
    Quote: voodude
    Quote: hectapuss72
    i chose the magmantor, i would always choose the primary atk path.

    this doesn't sound very smart

    I agree! I think you should choose the strongest one. Volcanor is definitely stronger (and it looks cooler). Always choose the stronger path unless it's really boring! Then choose the fun path!
    Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
    LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
    #27 Posted: 20:25:10 02/05/2012
    I fail to see how the upgrade path for a little video game determines how smart someone is, the game isn't about damage, it's about fun and if someone likes the other path then big deal.
    but i love it all smooth
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #28 Posted: 21:13:51 02/05/2012
    Exactly! The game was made to be fun. Smart is boring!
    gamehippo Green Sparx Gems: 145
    #29 Posted: 17:08:02 05/05/2012
    Quote: Rrruuu16
    With magamaster you creat lava blob monsters that lock on to enimies then explode.
    My opinion is that is AWSOME!!!!!!! smilie

    You know, I never knew that, so in that case... I'm resetting smilie.

    Have - ( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )( smilie smilie smilie )
    Need - (smilie smilie smilie smilie )
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:45:38 07/05/2012 by gamehippo
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #30 Posted: 16:26:17 06/05/2012
    Volcanor ROCKS! my friend Super S chose the other one, and I dominated her is smilievsmilie, I took 1 hit, she took all the rest. ( both smilie's are level 10)
    Dragons Peak Red Sparx Gems: 14
    #31 Posted: 20:36:18 13/05/2012
    Volcanor rules! Thanks to this path, it takes much less time to perform an eruption attack.
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #32 Posted: 12:42:56 17/05/2012
    Ya. he erupts almost immediatly.
    MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
    #33 Posted: 10:05:37 31/05/2012
    volcanor for the win of everything!
    Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
    pureblonde Green Sparx Gems: 281
    #34 Posted: 00:32:23 02/06/2012
    YEAH YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    L Cynder Platinum Sparx Gems: 5744
    #35 Posted: 12:59:29 28/09/2012
    I'm gonna pick the Volcanor for Eruptor. His eruptions remind me of his lava barfs. smilie
    favs smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
    Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
    #36 Posted: 17:35:00 13/01/2013
    smilie Volcanor is BOSS!
    Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
    #37 Posted: 14:59:23 02/04/2014
    I dont know if volcanor is stronger or not but i just plain dont like it .
    Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
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