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Skylanders help-a-thon thread: LET'S DO THIS EDITION! [CLOSED]
Glass Gryphon Gold Sparx Gems: 2686
#251 Posted: 15:50:45 10/02/2012
Sorry if I bumped the topic, but I have an extra Whirlwind that I'll give away for free if any one is looking for one (in the US). She was in a Triple pack but I had to open it to get Drill Sergent and Double Trouble :b If anyone is interested please PM me! First come first serve I guess.
And if anyone wants a pic for proof...
¡¡I love exclamation points!!
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#252 Posted: 16:22:03 10/02/2012
Quote: Glass Gryphon
Sorry if I bumped the topic, but I have an extra Whirlwind that I'll give away for free if any one is looking for one (in the US). She was in a Triple pack but I had to open it to get Drill Sergent and Double Trouble :b If anyone is interested please PM me! First come first serve I guess.
And if anyone wants a pic for proof...

Now there's a swell guy. I don't want it for myself (we have one), but my nephew also loves Skylanders and doesn't have very many. He would love it. PM coming.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#253 Posted: 21:11:47 10/02/2012
Glass Gryphon is a man of his word. He's mailing me Whirlwind as he said in his previous post. My nephew, who has about 6 or 7 Skylanders (none are air), will be getting this figure. Can't wait to give it to him and tell him how I got it. Many thanks again, Glass Gryphon! You da man!
swohh4work Yellow Sparx Gems: 1226
#254 Posted: 00:34:13 11/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
Handling? How much is your handle fee? You sound like an infomercial.
I didn't mean handling, I was just refering to shipping, I guess the 2 just seemed to go together. I have no handling fee. I did say that this is my 1st time posting, ever! I really am willing to work with anybody who is patient enough to dill with somebody who is as internet ignorant as I.
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#255 Posted: 01:03:06 11/02/2012
Quote: Whirlwind5598
Quote: Glass Gryphon
Sorry if I bumped the topic, but I have an extra Whirlwind that I'll give away for free if any one is looking for one (in the US). She was in a Triple pack but I had to open it to get Drill Sergent and Double Trouble :b If anyone is interested please PM me! First come first serve I guess.
And if anyone wants a pic for proof...

Do you still have that whirlwind?

Himewad already got it. Wish I did.
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
MoonlitCynder Gold Sparx Gems: 2589
#256 Posted: 17:09:33 17/02/2012
If anyone has a sealed Drobot or Bash or both, I would love to buy them. I'm trying to get sealed versions of the dragons. I have Cynder, Whirlwind, Zap so far and the last two I need that are out are Bash and Drobot
37/37 + BsmilieTF+GITDsmilieRsmilieE3smilieFlockedsmilieGITDsmilieAsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
48/48 + 6/6 Legendary+smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie+ smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
ramster1221 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1957
#257 Posted: 17:24:49 17/02/2012
Just hit the Jackpot!!!!! Picked up the last Legendary pack at Toys R Us in my Area. Anyone living in the St. Louis, MO area:



10 packs of Empire of Ice available in stock.
domer Green Sparx Gems: 379
#258 Posted: 17:40:44 17/02/2012
All I need is EoI and I'll have everything released except the Silver, golds, legendary and other specialty releases that I'm not interested in.

But when you live out in the corn fields... your stores don't get priority on limited stock items. One day an EoI will show up.

Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#259 Posted: 17:49:08 17/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
Glass Gryphon is a man of his word. He's mailing me Whirlwind as he said in his previous post. My nephew, who has about 6 or 7 Skylanders (none are air), will be getting this figure. Can't wait to give it to him and tell him how I got it. Many thanks again, Glass Gryphon! You da man!

Just wanted to give Glass Gryphon HER props (mistaken gender identity in previous posts - sorry). The Whirlwind figure and cards came yesterday. Thank you so much! My nephew will love it. I told his mom about it the other day, and she was very happy - she said he doesn't have an air element yet.

Anyways, thanks again GG! You da WO-man!
tubsrnhc Blue Sparx Gems: 650
#260 Posted: 23:51:24 17/02/2012
hey everybody. i just thought i should come here before jut putting it on ebay. but today my wal mart was completely stocked with skylanders
like completely. they had them strewn all into places not even meant for skylander

[User Posted Image]

anyways, the only ones i didnt have that they had were stealth elf and sonic boom. unfortunately they came in a 3 pack with wrecking ball which i ready own 2 of. so, heres my point. if anyone wants to trade anything i dont have for it (i dont know if anyone is looking for wrecking ball or not, but i figured i could help someone out and maybe get something cool) i will send you every thing it came with but it will be opened, since it was a 3 pack. i only need dino rang, terrafin, legendaries and the ones from the 3DS starter pack. hopefully i can help someone out!
only need dark spyro
Jimsta28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1252
#261 Posted: 00:11:19 18/02/2012
I only own the ones in the starter pack as New Zealand hasn't had any stock since Christmas.
Need Any Of |smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|
Wynne1975 Blue Sparx Gems: 854
#262 Posted: 13:12:18 18/02/2012
Quote: Jimsta28
I only own the ones in the starter pack as New Zealand hasn't had any stock since Christmas.

Wow. You poor sod.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#263 Posted: 14:26:20 18/02/2012
Quote: Jimsta28
I only own the ones in the starter pack as New Zealand hasn't had any stock since Christmas.

I am sure if I packs lots in a decent sized box and ship it to you from Australia, that even with shipping cost it will be no more expensive than buying in NZ? PM me if you want.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7292
#264 Posted: 17:17:42 18/02/2012
I was just at the Arrowhead Mall TRU in Glendale, AZ and they had quite a few Cynders, Drill Sarges, Whirlwinds, Chop Chops and a couple others. NO EoIs though. No triple packs of any kind. The starter packs are still $30 off though today. Get them while you can.

♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

Wynne1975 Blue Sparx Gems: 854
#265 Posted: 17:21:15 18/02/2012
Would anyone be prepared to post to the UK? I'm thinking wave 4 stuff IF it comes out next week. We only have EOI from wave 3 so god knows when wave 4 will get here.
Osbor Blue Sparx Gems: 710
#266 Posted: 17:38:53 18/02/2012
i'd be eternally grateful to any who locates a Bash figure. i originally didn't like him, but damn if he isn't growing on me like a very rough and rocky moss.
well more like a crystalline growth
except he's not crystal.
maybe a silicate?
bash plz smilie
Vortimous Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#267 Posted: 19:57:05 18/02/2012
I am new to the forums and new to the game (very noob), but I just started getting into the skylanders world. I have read alot online and watched many videos. I have a 6 year old son who I will be playing the game with. I just started out, but I can already see I will be a collector. Not a hard core collector, I will open them up and play with them (try telling my son he cant open it lol). I just know I will be one of those ones that has to have one of each.... With that being said, I have the WII version and one three pack (the one with stump smash (sorry if I got name wrong havent used him yet). Just on thursday, I went to my local Toys R Us to pick up the DS version of the game (son also has a DS) and I figured with there sale this week of $30 off all starter kits, I might as well pick it up for the other three characters at least. While I was there, they just got a shipment in that hadnt even been unpacked yet. But one of the boxes said skylanders on it.... When they opened it, there were three Empires of Ice so i scooped one of them up. So they had two left. The Toys R US by me has lots of skylanders, but the problem is, they only have about three different ones... they have about 20 copies of those three, but not much more. They have the 3 pack with Hex in it as well ( about 5-10 copies). About 5-10 of the first two adventure packs and of course a ton of starter packs. But not many singles with the exception of the 20 or so of the three they had. Prism Break was one of them I remember. I live in New Orleans, LA and this was the Toys R Us on the WestBank if anyone is near or interested.

I know this will be a fun adventure for me and my son. Now no matter what Walmart, Target, Toys R US or Best Buy I go in, I look to see which ones they have and if I need them or not... the hunt is the fun part.... So far, most places have nothing.... I will not buy any online unless it really becomes neccessary.... Nice to meet everyone, glad to be here....
"Winning isnt everything, but losing is NOTHING!!!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:54:52 19/02/2012 by Vortimous
julio71599 Green Sparx Gems: 267
#268 Posted: 22:40:30 18/02/2012
Quote: Glass Gryphon
Sorry if I bumped the topic, but I have an extra Whirlwind that I'll give away for free if any one is looking for one (in the US). She was in a Triple pack but I had to open it to get Drill Sergent and Double Trouble :b If anyone is interested please PM me! First come first serve I guess.
And if anyone wants a pic for proof...

Same case here but I'm not delivering u would hav to pik it up I liv near SF, CA If u want it or more info or proof pm me it comes with sticker, card and unused web code
I have all except l-spyro,l-bash, and l-chop chop from skylanders giants
DrillSarge Gold Sparx Gems: 2327
#269 Posted: 23:09:33 18/02/2012
Ok so I tried 3 times to get rid of my spare whirlwind. Package is opened from 3 pack but I just needed double trouble and drill satge. I will mail it to someome for free. No collectors or people that want a double. I want this to go to a home that needs it. I have not touched or used this figure. Last kid said his mom wouldnt let me mail it to him lol. Pm me if u want it.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#270 Posted: 23:09:48 18/02/2012
Quote: julio71599
Quote: Glass Gryphon
Sorry if I bumped the topic, but I have an extra Whirlwind that I'll give away for free if any one is looking for one (in the US). She was in a Triple pack but I had to open it to get Drill Sergent and Double Trouble :b If anyone is interested please PM me! First come first serve I guess.
And if anyone wants a pic for proof...

Same case here but I'm not delivering u would hav to pik it up I liv near SF, CA If u want it or more info or proof pm me it comes with sticker, card and unused web code

Mine was shipped to me USPS in an envelope and arrived in 4 business days. For two stamps. If you are giving the figure away, you can afford two stamps.
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#271 Posted: 23:39:15 18/02/2012
Quote: DrillSarge
Ok so I tried 3 times to get rid of my spare whirlwind. Package is opened from 3 pack but I just needed double trouble and drill satge. I will mail it to someome for free. No collectors or people that want a double. I want this to go to a home that needs it. I have not touched or used this figure. Last kid said his mom wouldnt let me mail it to him lol. Pm me if u want it.

Pmed. smilie
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
Landerfan2012 Gold Sparx Gems: 2048
#272 Posted: 02:25:43 20/02/2012
I need HEX!!!!!!!!!!!!smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Trap team and Gearshift on reservation
L-Sunburn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1739
#273 Posted: 02:49:11 20/02/2012
smilie^I've seen hex so many times you'll get her

i need l-th its the last i need for now but i see wave 4 releasing soon soo i will end up needing more
Favorties smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
ghost master Blue Sparx Gems: 700
#274 Posted: 01:55:53 22/02/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
So someone here mentioned we should try and help one another. So, let's do just that.

Whoever finds Empire of Ice, Cynder, D.T., Whirlwind or Drill Sergeant first, should grab a few to help one another here.

I, of course am looking for Empire of Ice, Cynder and Double Trouble, should anyone want to keep me in mind. I will do the same for others who post here, with what they are looking for.

Let's make a useful thread on here, where people help one another.

Dude, i totally would have bought an empire of ice for everyone, but by the time my dad told me and i told him to buy it, all were gone. Oh, where do you live? I might be able to tell you where to buy empire of ice.
I have no ideas for a signature.
ghost master Blue Sparx Gems: 700
#275 Posted: 01:59:41 22/02/2012
Quote: Landerfan2012
I need HEX!!!!!!!!!!!!smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

Dude you WILL find her. Before Christmas would have been a good time to buy her, but dont stress over it. Shes not the best with either paths [ive done both].
I have no ideas for a signature.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#276 Posted: 02:39:44 22/02/2012
Quote: ghost master
Quote: Landerfan2012
I need HEX!!!!!!!!!!!!smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie

Dude you WILL find her. Before Christmas would have been a good time to buy her, but dont stress over it. Shes not the best with either paths [ive done both].

What? Shes one of the Best skylanders!!
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#277 Posted: 03:42:22 22/02/2012
Does anyone have a spare skylander that they don't want? I'm trying to get some for my little cousin. Sadly, he only has the starters.
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#278 Posted: 02:41:19 23/02/2012
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
gsizzle Green Sparx Gems: 272
#279 Posted: 13:43:57 23/02/2012
If you go to and search for "Spyro" instead of "Skylanders" you will find the following in stock as of right now:

- Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant, Double Trouble 3 pack

- Pirate Seas Adventure Pack

- Darklight Crypt Adventure Pack

This only works if you type in just "Spyro" - If you search for "Skylanders" or click the Skylanders link on the front page, you will not see these.
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 14:02:39 23/02/2012 by gsizzle
Geekycat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1184
#280 Posted: 14:10:21 23/02/2012
Can anyone help me, I need to find a whirlwind in the UK. If anyone sees one in the northwest england, or online, for a reasonable pricelet me know, thanks.
If you can't think of something clever to say, ask someone like me.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#281 Posted: 14:13:19 23/02/2012
Quote: gsizzle
If you go to and search for "Spyro" instead of "Skylanders" you will find the following in stock as of right now:

- Whirlwind, Drill Sergeant, Double Trouble 3 pack

- Pirate Seas Adventure Pack

- Darklight Crypt Adventure Pack

This only works if you type in just "Spyro" - If you search for "Skylanders" or click the Skylanders link on the front page, you will not see these.

Good find. I had to test it out myself, because it doesn't make sense. And it's not like those three packs don't have "Skylanders" in the title, either. They just don't show up. Weird.
Cinnamonster Green Sparx Gems: 128
#282 Posted: 22:06:31 24/02/2012
Has anyone seen a Sonic Boom single or triple in store in the last month? I've run all over the place with no luck. I just can't find her, and she doesn't appear to be popping up online either, except through TRU at the moment. The triple pack with shipping from TRU would end up being $30, and I don't like that. Every time Zoolert says Amazon gets the triple pack in stock it seems to sell out in under 10 minutes. I'm having the same problem with Voodood too. I haven't even seen him in stock once, or in store.
Have: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Looking For: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Hexin_Wishes Yellow Sparx Gems: 1522
#283 Posted: 22:10:18 24/02/2012
Same issue as the poster above me. I can't find Sonic Boom in a single pack AT ALL. I found her in the three pack but I was uninterested in getting her that way.

Any help would be appreciated. In the NYC area.
tubsrnhc Blue Sparx Gems: 650
#284 Posted: 00:40:30 25/02/2012
try walmart for sonic boom 3 pack. i got one a week or two ago from there and they had 4 or 5 more.
only need dark spyro
judasghost Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#285 Posted: 01:50:06 25/02/2012
are people finding that Cynder is still hard to come by? i ask this because i picked up an extra tonight.
37/37 (as of 8/15/12) ... 3/4 sidekicks (as of 8/17/12) ... 4th sidekick came in 8/22/12
5/8 giants .. 5/8 new guys .. 2/8 light core .. 1/? battle packs
GothamLord Yellow Sparx Gems: 1790
#286 Posted: 02:08:18 25/02/2012
My local Gamestop had two singles yesterday still on the rack behind the counter. Target claimed to have had some but sold out already today.
Cinnamonster Green Sparx Gems: 128
#287 Posted: 02:08:48 25/02/2012
Quote: tubsrnhc
try walmart for sonic boom 3 pack. i got one a week or two ago from there and they had 4 or 5 more.

Okay, so you actually found the triple pack walmart a week ago? That gives me hope. I'll just have to be patient and continue to hunt. Thanks!

Quote: judasghost
are people finding that Cynder is still hard to come by? i ask this because i picked up an extra tonight.

Cynder isn't super rare in my area, but not super common either. I find her at Gamestops the majority of the time.
Have: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Looking For: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7292
#288 Posted: 02:51:57 25/02/2012
These are currently in stock right now at these online sites: (times are how long they have been in stock)

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Wrecking Ball
10h 51m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Wrecking Ball
10h 51m $9.99

FAO Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Wrecking Ball
10h 51m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Eruptor
11h 50m $9.99

FAO Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Eruptor
11h 50m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Eruptor
11h 50m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Dino-Rang
11h 50m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Dino-Rang
11h 50m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Zap
12h 52m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Whirlwind Character by Activision
18h 0m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Double Trouble Character by Activision
19h 24m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Flameslinger Character by Activision
19h 29m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Chop Chop Character by Activision
19h 31m $9.99

Amazon Skylanders Spyro's Adventure: Chop Chop
1m $7.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Hex
21h 29m $9.99

FAO Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Boomer
22h 17m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Chop Chop
22h 26m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Chop Chop
22h 27m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Hex
22h 55m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Zap
22h 58m $9.99

FAO Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Flameslinger
23h 4m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Cynder Character by Activision
30m $9.99

GameStop Skylanders Drill Sergeant Character by Activision
32m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Flameslinger
8h 24m $9.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Boomer
1d 41m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Boomer
1d 7h 6m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Flameslinger
2d 10h 50m $9.99

FAO Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character Pack - Chop Chop
2d 11h 31m $9.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character 3-Pack - Drobot/Flameslinger/Stump Smash
23h 46m $24.99

EToys Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character 3-Pack - Wrecking Ball/Stealth Elf/Sonic Boom
1d 29m $24.99

ToysRUs Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Character 3-Pack - Wrecking Ball/Stealth Elf/Sonic Boom
1d 8h 7m $24.99 also has Darklight and Pirate adventure packs. Best search term on seems to be "skylanders adventure". It seems to get the most hits.


♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

judasghost Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#289 Posted: 03:35:41 25/02/2012
Quote: Vortimous
I am new to the forums and new to the game (very noob), but I just started getting into the skylanders world. I have read alot online and watched many videos. I have a 6 year old son who I will be playing the game with. I just started out, but I can already see I will be a collector. Not a hard core collector, I will open them up and play with them (try telling my son he cant open it lol). I just know I will be one of those ones that has to have one of each.... With that being said, I have the WII version and one three pack (the one with stump smash (sorry if I got name wrong havent used him yet). Just on thursday, I went to my local Toys R Us to pick up the DS version of the game (son also has a DS) and I figured with there sale this week of $30 off all starter kits, I might as well pick it up for the other three characters at least. While I was there, they just got a shipment in that hadnt even been unpacked yet. But one of the boxes said skylanders on it.... When they opened it, there were three Empires of Ice so i scooped one of them up. So they had two left. The Toys R US by me has lots of skylanders, but the problem is, they only have about three different ones... they have about 20 copies of those three, but not much more. They have the 3 pack with Hex in it as well ( about 5-10 copies). About 5-10 of the first two adventure packs and of course a ton of starter packs. But not many singles with the exception of the 20 or so of the three they had. Prism Break was one of them I remember. I live in New Orleans, LA and this was the Toys R Us on the WestBank if anyone is near or interested.

I know this will be a fun adventure for me and my son. Now no matter what Walmart, Target, Toys R US or Best Buy I go in, I look to see which ones they have and if I need them or not... the hunt is the fun part.... So far, most places have nothing.... I will not buy any online unless it really becomes neccessary.... Nice to meet everyone, glad to be here....

you and i live in the same city! and i'm looking for Prism Break! i wish i would've seen this post earlier! i'm sure they're sold out of him by now! ...i didn't even know there was a Toys R Us on the westbank and i used to live there LOL. the one on Vets was empty last time i went in there!
37/37 (as of 8/15/12) ... 3/4 sidekicks (as of 8/17/12) ... 4th sidekick came in 8/22/12
5/8 giants .. 5/8 new guys .. 2/8 light core .. 1/? battle packs
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#290 Posted: 03:57:58 25/02/2012
Does anyone have a spare skylander that they don't want? I'm trying to get some for my little cousin. Sadly, he only has the starters.
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
Vortimous Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#291 Posted: 04:11:26 25/02/2012
Quote: judasghost
Quote: Vortimous
I am new to the forums and new to the game (very noob), but I just started getting into the skylanders world. I have read alot online and watched many videos. I have a 6 year old son who I will be playing the game with. I just started out, but I can already see I will be a collector. Not a hard core collector, I will open them up and play with them (try telling my son he cant open it lol). I just know I will be one of those ones that has to have one of each.... With that being said, I have the WII version and one three pack (the one with stump smash (sorry if I got name wrong havent used him yet). Just on thursday, I went to my local Toys R Us to pick up the DS version of the game (son also has a DS) and I figured with there sale this week of $30 off all starter kits, I might as well pick it up for the other three characters at least. While I was there, they just got a shipment in that hadnt even been unpacked yet. But one of the boxes said skylanders on it.... When they opened it, there were three Empires of Ice so i scooped one of them up. So they had two left. The Toys R US by me has lots of skylanders, but the problem is, they only have about three different ones... they have about 20 copies of those three, but not much more. They have the 3 pack with Hex in it as well ( about 5-10 copies). About 5-10 of the first two adventure packs and of course a ton of starter packs. But not many singles with the exception of the 20 or so of the three they had. Prism Break was one of them I remember. I live in New Orleans, LA and this was the Toys R Us on the WestBank if anyone is near or interested.

I know this will be a fun adventure for me and my son. Now no matter what Walmart, Target, Toys R US or Best Buy I go in, I look to see which ones they have and if I need them or not... the hunt is the fun part.... So far, most places have nothing.... I will not buy any online unless it really becomes neccessary.... Nice to meet everyone, glad to be here....

you and i live in the same city! and i'm looking for Prism Break! i wish i would've seen this post earlier! i'm sure they're sold out of him by now! ...i didn't even know there was a Toys R Us on the westbank and i used to live there LOL. the one on Vets was empty last time i went in there!

I just got back from the Best Buy on Vets... the small one, between clearview and causeway... THEY HAD A TON of singles... Cynder (about 3), flameslinger, Double Trouble, Drill Sarge, Wrecking Ball, Whirlwind, Hex, Eruptor (spelling?), Boomer, Zap, Chop Chop, so many I cant remember them all... What funny is, the BB by the Vets exit had none.... I picked up Wrecking Ball and Eruptor from them today....

Also got Whirlwind today BIG THANKS TO DRILLSARGE on these forums, he sent me Whirlwind today for FREE... yes FREE... no shipping, nothing... just because he had an extra and was willing to give it to someone... that kind of kindness is really rare now a days... its good to see that still in the world... THANKS AGAIN.....
"Winning isnt everything, but losing is NOTHING!!!"
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#292 Posted: 04:13:43 25/02/2012
Quote: Vortimous
Quote: judasghost
Quote: Vortimous
I am new to the forums and new to the game (very noob), but I just started getting into the skylanders world. I have read alot online and watched many videos. I have a 6 year old son who I will be playing the game with. I just started out, but I can already see I will be a collector. Not a hard core collector, I will open them up and play with them (try telling my son he cant open it lol). I just know I will be one of those ones that has to have one of each.... With that being said, I have the WII version and one three pack (the one with stump smash (sorry if I got name wrong havent used him yet). Just on thursday, I went to my local Toys R Us to pick up the DS version of the game (son also has a DS) and I figured with there sale this week of $30 off all starter kits, I might as well pick it up for the other three characters at least. While I was there, they just got a shipment in that hadnt even been unpacked yet. But one of the boxes said skylanders on it.... When they opened it, there were three Empires of Ice so i scooped one of them up. So they had two left. The Toys R US by me has lots of skylanders, but the problem is, they only have about three different ones... they have about 20 copies of those three, but not much more. They have the 3 pack with Hex in it as well ( about 5-10 copies). About 5-10 of the first two adventure packs and of course a ton of starter packs. But not many singles with the exception of the 20 or so of the three they had. Prism Break was one of them I remember. I live in New Orleans, LA and this was the Toys R Us on the WestBank if anyone is near or interested.

I know this will be a fun adventure for me and my son. Now no matter what Walmart, Target, Toys R US or Best Buy I go in, I look to see which ones they have and if I need them or not... the hunt is the fun part.... So far, most places have nothing.... I will not buy any online unless it really becomes neccessary.... Nice to meet everyone, glad to be here....

you and i live in the same city! and i'm looking for Prism Break! i wish i would've seen this post earlier! i'm sure they're sold out of him by now! ...i didn't even know there was a Toys R Us on the westbank and i used to live there LOL. the one on Vets was empty last time i went in there!

I just got back from the Best Buy on Vets... the small one, between clearview and causeway... THEY HAD A TON of singles... Cynder (about 3), flameslinger, Double Trouble, Drill Sarge, Wrecking Ball, Whirlwind, Hex, Eruptor (spelling?), Boomer, Zap, Chop Chop, so many I cant remember them all... What funny is, the BB by the Vets exit had none.... I picked up Wrecking Ball and Eruptor from them today....

Also got Whirlwind today BIG THANKS TO DRILLSARGE on these forums, he sent me Whirlwind today for FREE... yes FREE... no shipping, nothing... just because he had an extra and was willing to give it to someone... that kind of kindness is really rare now a days... its good to see that still in the world... THANKS AGAIN.....

Awww. Your so lucky! I messaged him and he didn't reply at all. smilie
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
Vortimous Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#293 Posted: 04:14:21 25/02/2012
Quote: judasghost
Quote: Vortimous
I am new to the forums and new to the game (very noob), but I just started getting into the skylanders world. I have read alot online and watched many videos. I have a 6 year old son who I will be playing the game with. I just started out, but I can already see I will be a collector. Not a hard core collector, I will open them up and play with them (try telling my son he cant open it lol). I just know I will be one of those ones that has to have one of each.... With that being said, I have the WII version and one three pack (the one with stump smash (sorry if I got name wrong havent used him yet). Just on thursday, I went to my local Toys R Us to pick up the DS version of the game (son also has a DS) and I figured with there sale this week of $30 off all starter kits, I might as well pick it up for the other three characters at least. While I was there, they just got a shipment in that hadnt even been unpacked yet. But one of the boxes said skylanders on it.... When they opened it, there were three Empires of Ice so i scooped one of them up. So they had two left. The Toys R US by me has lots of skylanders, but the problem is, they only have about three different ones... they have about 20 copies of those three, but not much more. They have the 3 pack with Hex in it as well ( about 5-10 copies). About 5-10 of the first two adventure packs and of course a ton of starter packs. But not many singles with the exception of the 20 or so of the three they had. Prism Break was one of them I remember. I live in New Orleans, LA and this was the Toys R Us on the WestBank if anyone is near or interested.

I know this will be a fun adventure for me and my son. Now no matter what Walmart, Target, Toys R US or Best Buy I go in, I look to see which ones they have and if I need them or not... the hunt is the fun part.... So far, most places have nothing.... I will not buy any online unless it really becomes neccessary.... Nice to meet everyone, glad to be here....

you and i live in the same city! and i'm looking for Prism Break! i wish i would've seen this post earlier! i'm sure they're sold out of him by now! ...i didn't even know there was a Toys R Us on the westbank and i used to live there LOL. the one on Vets was empty last time i went in there!

Also, I went to that same TRU on Thursday and they didnt have any adventure packs... and I cant remember if they had any prism breaks left... I did pick up drill sarge and Double Trouble though (and there last legendary pack). Also, the TRU on Vets only had three flameslingers on Thurs, that was it....
"Winning isnt everything, but losing is NOTHING!!!"
Vortimous Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#294 Posted: 04:16:37 25/02/2012
Quote: Fireballz
Quote: Vortimous
Quote: judasghost

you and i live in the same city! and i'm looking for Prism Break! i wish i would've seen this post earlier! i'm sure they're sold out of him by now! ...i didn't even know there was a Toys R Us on the westbank and i used to live there LOL. the one on Vets was empty last time i went in there!

I just got back from the Best Buy on Vets... the small one, between clearview and causeway... THEY HAD A TON of singles... Cynder (about 3), flameslinger, Double Trouble, Drill Sarge, Wrecking Ball, Whirlwind, Hex, Eruptor (spelling?), Boomer, Zap, Chop Chop, so many I cant remember them all... What funny is, the BB by the Vets exit had none.... I picked up Wrecking Ball and Eruptor from them today....

Also got Whirlwind today BIG THANKS TO DRILLSARGE on these forums, he sent me Whirlwind today for FREE... yes FREE... no shipping, nothing... just because he had an extra and was willing to give it to someone... that kind of kindness is really rare now a days... its good to see that still in the world... THANKS AGAIN.....

Awww. Your so lucky! I messaged him and he didn't reply at all. smilie

Sorry man, but if I get any double figures (by accident or gifts, etc, I will look you up....) I believe in paying back in kind... I wish we could get more in this online community to be like that and help others out... and be trusting.... I know when wave 4 comes out, I will keep DRILLSARGE posted on what we have here in New Orleans, and if he needs any I can pick up, they are his....
"Winning isnt everything, but losing is NOTHING!!!"
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#295 Posted: 04:19:38 25/02/2012
Quote: Vortimous
Quote: Fireballz
Quote: Vortimous

I just got back from the Best Buy on Vets... the small one, between clearview and causeway... THEY HAD A TON of singles... Cynder (about 3), flameslinger, Double Trouble, Drill Sarge, Wrecking Ball, Whirlwind, Hex, Eruptor (spelling?), Boomer, Zap, Chop Chop, so many I cant remember them all... What funny is, the BB by the Vets exit had none.... I picked up Wrecking Ball and Eruptor from them today....

Also got Whirlwind today BIG THANKS TO DRILLSARGE on these forums, he sent me Whirlwind today for FREE... yes FREE... no shipping, nothing... just because he had an extra and was willing to give it to someone... that kind of kindness is really rare now a days... its good to see that still in the world... THANKS AGAIN.....

Awww. Your so lucky! I messaged him and he didn't reply at all. smilie

Sorry man, but if I get any double figures (by accident or gifts, etc, I will look you up....) I believe in paying back in kind... I wish we could get more in this online community to be like that and help others out... and be trusting.... I know when wave 4 comes out, I will keep DRILLSARGE posted on what we have here in New Orleans, and if he needs any I can pick up, they are his....

Now, your a good guy. Really nice to see friendly people on the forums, unlike scalpers and trolls. Thanks. I can understand why he gave you that now. smilie
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
Landerfan2012 Gold Sparx Gems: 2048
#296 Posted: 05:05:28 25/02/2012
I need:smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilieand pirateseassmilieand EoIsmiliesmiliesmilieand Dragonspeaksmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
i know that some of those aren't out yet though
Trap team and Gearshift on reservation
Geekycat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1184
#297 Posted: 08:39:14 25/02/2012
^Well you can get three of those in the 3DS starter pack, and if you don't have a 3DS then sell the game without the figs. Whereabouts do you live. If you live in the UK you can pick up the bash three pack pretty much in every smyths store. As for the others, let me know where to get them!
If you can't think of something clever to say, ask someone like me.
DrillSarge Gold Sparx Gems: 2327
#298 Posted: 15:34:27 25/02/2012
This forum and thread and community should be about helping true fans out. I made sure vortimous needed the figure and wasnt a scalper. I will continue to help those out that need it. I just want good karma and hopefully someone will return the favor. Right now I have 4 cynders. 1 toy fair 1 opened 2 unopened. I will get rid of one unopened if someone wants to trade something even PM me. Otherwise I will sell it on ebay for 7.99 plus shippijg. Im not out to make money I just want to put skylanders in the hands f those that need and cant find. Not those who need doubles or those that want to scalp.
gsizzle Green Sparx Gems: 272
#299 Posted: 16:43:17 25/02/2012
@ViDeOmAnCiNi - The search term "Spyro" still turns up more item results than "skylanders adventure" or "skylanders", as I previously posted.

For those of you who check regularly, make sure you search for "Spyro" - there has been anywhere from 3 to 7 more in-stock items if you search this way.

Admittedly though, the one extra search result at the moment is a spyro bobblehead DS stylus...
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:45:00 25/02/2012 by gsizzle
ViDeOmAnCiNi Platinum Sparx Gems: 7292
#300 Posted: 19:04:30 25/02/2012
@gsizzle - The search term "spyro" does turn up the extra Spyro bobblehead like you say (but misses the Gill Grunt and Chop chop bobbles..), but getting people used to that search term will be useless when Giants comes out which does not have the term "Spyro" attached to it. I have been messing with the search engine and I have come to the conclusion that it basically sucks. It does not support any sort of regex and takes all of the search terms literally and does not apply each word on it's merit individually. For the moment, the search term "spyro" or "skylander spyro" turn up the same results. "skylander bobble" will give you the three bobbleheads, which are IN STOCK if you want to get those. $12/ea plus shipping is a bit much though. You would think that the search term "skylander" or "skylanders" would be the best search term, but it misses a bunch of the stuff marked as 'new'. So we loop back around to how much the search engine sucks. If I was searching (like I do often) I would search on many terms just to CYA if you know what I mean. I would hate to miss L-Triggs because he did not come up under one of the above searches. Same with D Peak.

On another note, the stocks have to be improving as I was at a B&M TRU this AM and found this:

[User Posted Image]

Sorry for the poorish quality pic, but there are lots of wave 2 & 3 here and to the left there are 3-packs and they did have all 3 adventure packs in stock, but only 1 or 2 of each. No legendary packs though. They have gotten some legendary packs, but they go fast I was told.

I found a well informed TRU employee and we started talking about the Skylanders situation and I had him punch the TRU SKU's (found in this forum post: // into their inventory system and it shows that there are 6500+ L-Triggs units sitting in their warehouse waiting to go out. There are also 2500+ L-Triggs units sitting in the warehouse waiting to be sold (if they would just put them up!!). He also punched in the Dragon's Peak SKU and the warehouse (and showed ZERO units in stock as of today. This particular TRU (in Phoenix AZ) also showed cases of 'Landers in their back room and the guy went back and looked through the boxes for me just in case they had gotten some L-Triggs, but it was more wave 2/3 figs. Sigh....

Yea.. I know.. TL;DR

♫ "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold" ♫

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