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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > eBay (Metallic Cynder/Camo) PEARL HEX TOO!
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eBay (Metallic Cynder/Camo) PEARL HEX TOO! [CLOSED]
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#51 Posted: 17:47:07 13/02/2012
WOW awsome deal out of all the rare figs i think these are the ones to keep the pearl hex and metallic purple cynder.

I thought the toy fair wasnt open to the public?
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#52 Posted: 18:26:29 13/02/2012
I'm just fine with my derp Cynder, but I wish everyone luck!

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#53 Posted: 18:37:38 13/02/2012
Quote: joseph235
WOW awsome deal out of all the rare figs i think these are the ones to keep the pearl hex and metallic purple cynder.

I thought the toy fair wasnt open to the public?

Its not. You have to work in the industry in order to get in. My contact got the figure yesterday.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#54 Posted: 18:40:54 13/02/2012
You lucky Duck Very jealous of you right now LOL.
Did you get the pearl one? or were the pearl hex's even at the toy fair? And how many were each person able to purchase of those figs?
Sorry for all the questions. just curious i want my own inside guy too. :-)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:42:21 13/02/2012 by joseph235
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#55 Posted: 18:45:19 13/02/2012
Quote: joseph235
You lucky Duck Very jealous of you right now LOL.
Did you get the pearl one? or were the pearl hex's even at the toy fair? And how many were each person able to purchase of those figs?
Sorry for all the questions. just curious i want my own inside guy too. :-)

The pearl one was only available at the Toy Fair in Germany, so no, there wasnt any pearl Hexes there (I think).

As far as I know, it was 1 to a person and they were give aways. Free.

It was by pure chance I have the cynder. Honestly, I would rather get what my contact can provide to me, in a round about way, as opposed to the cynder.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:45:54 13/02/2012 by Monsinour
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#56 Posted: 18:47:24 13/02/2012
so... no one bought camo lol?
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Madel Blue Sparx Gems: 584
#57 Posted: 20:18:27 13/02/2012
Quote: Ellioy
The metallic ended at 1 cent.


Actually, it says listing ended for the item because it's no longer available. The seller probably got a ridiculous offer for it and decided to handle business that way.
That's why all the Gryffindors sing: Weasley is our king.
TeaJai Red Sparx Gems: 61
#58 Posted: 20:32:41 13/02/2012
Am I weird for thinking that those versions of the figures (pearl, gold, silver or this one right here) look so boring and plain?
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#59 Posted: 20:33:23 13/02/2012
Quote: TeaJai
Am I weird for thinking that those versions of the figures (pearl, gold, silver or this one right here) look so boring and plain?

You're not alone. I feel you. I only like the pearl Hex though.

Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#60 Posted: 20:43:08 13/02/2012
Quote: TeaJai
Am I weird for thinking that those versions of the figures (pearl, gold, silver or this one right here) look so boring and plain?

Not really. The light sparkles on the metallic paint. Its never really the same when you look at it due to a different light source. Purple happens to be my favorite color and I really like how the Cynder looks.

Edit : Under the really cool paint job is a standard Cynder figure. It is level 1 with 0 coinz and no upgrades. So my kids are playing the figure through the packaging since we can reset it back to the start.

I certainly didn't get the reaction I was hoping for, but the excitement is still there.

My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:09:04 13/02/2012 by Monsinour
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#61 Posted: 21:41:44 13/02/2012
That's so cute.
Very cute kids.
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#62 Posted: 21:46:12 13/02/2012
I used to have the same coach O.o
Fernandez2 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1119
#63 Posted: 01:02:28 14/02/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Well, the same could be said about Leno. Why does he need every car under the sun, while people are scrapping to get a job? Why does Nicholas Cage need to own his own island?

Thing is, people aren't shelling this money out at one time. Each of us paying 100+ for Skylanders, are paying them off. Like I said before, even my son's 11 year old friend makes 30 a week doing random things in his neighborhood or at his house. So even he could afford to buy a 300 dollar Skylander online, as he is making around 120 a month, give or take.

Fernandez, also think about this. Do you think that if a person spends 300 on a Skylander, that means that person thinks only of themselves?

Allow me to shine some light on you. Everytime I go into the local mom and pops donut shop near the corner of my street, I always give them my change. Why? Because mom and pops donut shops aren't backed by huge corporations like Krispy Kream. They need every cent they can get. There's one charitable contribution. On the corner of I-240 and May Ave, there is a homeless man I give a dollar to everyday. There's number 2. I-240 and Western, a homeless man in a wheelchair (actually has no legs). I give him a dollar anyday I get off on Western. Number 3. 29th and I-35, there's a homeless man who sits across from a Sonic. Sometimes I either give him part of my meal from Chick-fil-A, or a dollar everytime I get off on 29th and I-35, heading to work. There's number 4. My son found 20 dollars in the parking lot of Target. We took the money and went to Chilis. However, we didn't use the money to pay for Chilis. That was our own money. Instead, we took the 20 and gave it to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. My son got to color his own chili-pepper. Two months later, my son found 40 dollars inside my local Toys R Us. I instructed him to give it to me, and I went and bought 20 dollars worth of boys toys and 20 dollars worth of girl toys, and we donated them to Toys for Tots inside said Toys R Us.

What's my point? I guess I "COULD" say everyone has to be like me. Everytime someone passes by the homeless, they better not look at them as a potential panhandler, who is faking being homeless, just to get some smokes. Everyone has to give them a dollar, because it makes me sick to see people with money, give no money to those who have none.

Yep, I could. Will I, though? Nah. Why? Well, you said it yourself, "to each his own." However, when thinking about how someone buying a 300 dollar Skylander disgusts you, think about what they could be doing, that you may not be.

There's always a second side of the story.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't be quick to judge those who buy 300 dollar Skylanders, while others deal with the economy (those having it rough probably voted in the person who caused all of it to begin with; Bush Jr.; in which case they caused it themselves by being naive to politics and believe everything they hear). Some balance their money in ways, they sacrifice one thing for another.

Just look into it more than quickly getting disgusted over how one chooses to spend their money. You could be taking that time being disgusted and pointing the finger, and being more productive with said time, by helping those who are hurt by the economy. lost me. You talking about homeless people? Mom and pop doughnut shops? Bush Jr.? On a Skylanders forum?

I didn't say anything about you thinking only of yourself. (really don't know where that came from) As for the kid making $30 a week, $120 a month? So it take him around 2 1/2 months to afford an ultra rare Skylander? I can understand a kid thinking that's a good use of 2 1/2 months of his life. That's the benefit of youth. To live and learn. But for an adult to think that's ok? I guess if you got a great paying job and can throw money away like that it's ok for you then. But that just isn't the reality most people live in.

But don't sweat it....You got a free one now and can turn around and sell the one you bought for $300. I'm sure there's someone out there stupid enou to pay you that for a reprint Skylander so you won't be out any money when it's all said and done. Right?
zebas1234 Blue Sparx Gems: 985
#64 Posted: 05:36:58 23/02/2012
metalic cynder is so rare why would poeple who get a free figure sale em they should get securitys on internet so if someone says im just buying it for the game and if a security finaly stalks him and seas hes lied

im in a contest to win on thogh hope i win

my eruptor wants mexican food

[User Posted Image]
go to my guestbook to see my collection
ima nom nom u tonight
people see my grammer they hating trolls here are evil
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:05:27 24/02/2012 by zebas1234
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#65 Posted: 10:25:52 14/03/2012
Wow! Check this auction out...

When I first saw it, I got excited for a friend as I only saw the conversion of $A223; I completely missed the $2000 prefix on it...
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#66 Posted: 12:11:28 14/03/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Thanks, Tash. As for Hex, I doubt I'll ever get it. It's from Germany, so it won't pop up on Ebay, as I think Ebay has sites for each region. I have checked the UK site, and no one posted one.

Oh, well. As long as I have anything the US offers, it's all good. I was just happy to get Cynder.

Amazon Germany.
It's cheap and saved everyone from missing out on Sonic Generations Collectors edition on the all purpose Sonic topic.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#67 Posted: 14:17:55 14/03/2012
If Amazon Germany shipped to the US, I would have already put in 5 preorders for Zook, Lightning Rod, Dragon's Peak, as well as 1 Ignitor and 1 triple pack 7.

Amazon, outside of the US, doesn't ship to the US when it comes to toys. Only books, DVDs, Music.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Takua11 Green Sparx Gems: 243
#68 Posted: 14:41:05 14/03/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
If Amazon Germany shipped to the US, I would have already put in 5 preorders for Zook, Lightning Rod, Dragon's Peak, as well as 1 Ignitor and 1 triple pack 7.

Amazon, outside of the US, doesn't ship to the US when it comes to toys. Only books, DVDs, Music.

I didn´t find any of them for pre-order on
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#69 Posted: 14:28:03 15/03/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
If Amazon Germany shipped to the US, I would have already put in 5 preorders for Zook, Lightning Rod, Dragon's Peak, as well as 1 Ignitor and 1 triple pack 7.

Amazon, outside of the US, doesn't ship to the US when it comes to toys. Only books, DVDs, Music.

Damn, well you learn something new every day.....
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#70 Posted: 04:18:21 15/04/2012
Gamemaster.......................You're trying to defend spending hundreds on a toy with a different color. Toys that other than color, have no difference to the standard toy that costs only $8 at base price.

Think carefully about what you're saying.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#71 Posted: 04:38:51 15/04/2012
Quote: CAV
Gamemaster.......................You're trying to defend spending hundreds on a toy with a different color. Toys that other than color, have no difference to the standard toy that costs only $8 at base price.

Think carefully about what you're saying.

I did think about it. I thought about it really well, actually.

I had to defend my purchase, to reassure myself, that spending hundreds on a toy that looks no different in game, was worth it.

Since Chaos and others here do it as well, they're sitting in the same boat as me. We're like the "Skylander Variant Big-Spender Self-Assurance Coalition." We have to make it feel like it's okay. smilie
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:39:13 15/04/2012 by GameMaster78
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#72 Posted: 04:58:49 15/04/2012
Sorry but logically speaking, there is absolutely no good reason to spend hundreds on a toy that has a different color. You don't end up cooler. You don't end up gaining the key to the universe. You aren't the envy of your friends. You simply waste money when it can be used on something better (i.e. rent, food, other games, etc.).

[0:52:43] Surprise!: Doesn't actually sound like he thought about it at all.
[0:53:16] Surprise!: Buy metallic purple paint for $2. Whoa! Just saved $248!

-Kao Kitty in the Skype group

Decided to quote it, since it makes a lot of sense.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#73 Posted: 07:43:23 15/04/2012
I waste my money on all types of things.

Skylanders, gold teeth, bling for my, gold rims for my car, and 20 Escaldades in my garage.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#74 Posted: 08:17:50 15/04/2012
Quote: CAV
Sorry but logically speaking, there is absolutely no good reason to spend hundreds on a toy that has a different color. You don't end up cooler. You don't end up gaining the key to the universe. You aren't the envy of your friends. You simply waste money when it can be used on something better (i.e. rent, food, other games, etc.).

[0:52:43] Surprise!: Doesn't actually sound like he thought about it at all.
[0:53:16] Surprise!: Buy metallic purple paint for $2. Whoa! Just saved $248!

-Kao Kitty in the Skype group

Decided to quote it, since it makes a lot of sense.

Honestly I'm defneding such an outlandish purchase, but.

People can do what they want with their money. Everyone gives everything different Values.

Here are common things I wouldnt be caught wasting $5 yet millions do everyday.

Soda pop (It does nothing good for you)
Fast Food (See above)
Hair Dye
More than a couple pairs of shoes.
Shirts that cost more than $20
Fake Nails
Hair Extensions
Body Lotion

Here are things I do spend a lot of money on that my friends and other people don't always agree with

Camping Materials
My cat
Video Games

not to be Harsh or critical, but a "waste of money" is very subjective and is generally opinion, not fact.

Someone bought that Crystal Wham-Shell for $2000. Was it worth it. Yes. To the person who paid $2000.

If it was put up for sale for $2000 and no one bought it for $2000, then it obviously wasn't worth it.
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#75 Posted: 08:20:31 15/04/2012
^ what he said smilie
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#76 Posted: 08:21:24 15/04/2012
There is no reason to spend lots of money on a car which is functionally the same as a cheap one, wrt going from A to B.

There is no reason to buy clothes or a handbag which looks identical to other ones, except for a designer logo on it.

People have the freedom to waste money as they see fit; the bottom line is if they can afford it and they are happy to spend that money, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

We have had this conversation before so why try to rehash old potatoes?
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#77 Posted: 08:22:40 15/04/2012
Quote: t7gga
^ what he said smilie

Sorry I when explaining things I tend to take to long lol.
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
sykotek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1262
#78 Posted: 08:23:32 15/04/2012
^(originally was to be pointing to GM78)...and he sprinkles diamonds on everything he eats.

Not saying they're in any way worth it to me, but value is in the eye of the beholder. Also, it's his money and he can do what he wants with it. What's the deal with bumping a month dead topic anyways?
Volcanic Vault World Tour is temporarily on hold...waiting on dwattzdrummer
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:26:45 15/04/2012 by sykotek
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#79 Posted: 08:25:26 15/04/2012
Quote: sykotek
^...and he sprinkles diamonds on everything he eats.

Not saying they're in any way worth it to me, but value is in the eye of the beholder. Also, it's his money and he can do what he wants with it. What's the deal with bumping a month dead topic anyways?

I'm not guilty of bumping it, didn't see ho wold it was.

Then again have you ever seen a forum That works like clockwork?

No Spam

No fights

Every topic is on Topic

Everyone searches

No Necros

No duplicate threads

Its the nature of the beast. This beast being the internet. smilie
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#80 Posted: 08:36:01 15/04/2012
I don't care about the raising from the dead but we have already had the discourse on selfishness in spending so much, yadda, yadda, yadda...

GM got into the whole charity thing, etc and we have done that so I see no point in going over it again.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#81 Posted: 08:53:13 15/04/2012
Quote: chaosworrier
Wow! Check this auction out...

When I first saw it, I got excited for a friend as I only saw the conversion of $A223; I completely missed the $2000 prefix on it...

scalpers best friend EVILBAY!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#82 Posted: 14:22:19 15/04/2012
Quote: StormbringerGT

Here are common things I wouldnt be caught wasting $5 yet millions do everyday.

Soda pop (It does nothing good for you)
Fast Food (See above)
Hair Dye
More than a couple pairs of shoes.
Shirts that cost more than $20
Fake Nails
Hair Extensions
Body Lotion

not to be Harsh or critical, but a "waste of money" is very subjective and is generally opinion, not fact.

Someone bought that Crystal Wham-Shell for $2000. Was it worth it. Yes. To the person who paid $2000.

If it was put up for sale for $2000 and no one bought it for $2000, then it obviously wasn't worth it.

You know I never said that spending money on those things is a good thing either. Any sort of addiction to toys, alcohol, etc etc is a waste of money (IMO) and the people that invest hundreds or thousands a year on it is throwing away their money. Though I'm not sure why you put kids on there when kids are, oh I dunno, important?

It is general to opinion, no doubt, but at the same time, it also happens to come down to logical thinking: Is it really worth spending hundreds on a repaint of a figure that is otherwise no different from the standard toy?

The guy may have bought it for $2000, but that doesn't mean it's worth $2000. If you ask me, he didn't think it through long enough and made a foolish decision. Saying "oh HE felt it was a good idea" doesn't pardon it from logical thinking. And when you think logically about it, there is no good reason to spend that much money on a toy with a different paint job. There's not even a good reason to be a collector, either. Oh, I bought every Skylander as well as duplicates of them, and hung them all over my wall. Boy, am I the envy of my friends or what? Give me a break.

I just never found the point of spending any more than $10 on a toy for what is (IMO) simply a decent game, and nothing more. It just seems to me like that money can be used for much better things.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#83 Posted: 14:57:22 15/04/2012
long story short it has nothing to do with anyone else what someone chooses to spend their money on.

if someone is happy to pay $whatever on anything be it toys, cars, holidays then that is their choice and nobody has any right to judge them for it.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#84 Posted: 16:11:18 15/04/2012
^Actually yes I do have that right.

Using the glorious freedom of speech I have, it gives me the right to submit my opinion about anything I want. It also gives you the right to object to my thoughts, like you are right now.
t7gga Yellow Sparx Gems: 1726
#85 Posted: 16:17:09 15/04/2012
oh get a life and judge yourself before judging others you ignorant person
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#86 Posted: 16:24:17 15/04/2012
I think we are getting close to going defmad 5. It's when peoples' freedom of speech only has to do with "mad."

When we go to defmad 5, we need to watch out for turbin wearing My Little Ponies. They will be trying to overtake the Skylander franchise, which is incidentally the first game to feature the character, "Spyro."

We must stop the pony apocalypse.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#87 Posted: 16:46:38 15/04/2012
^Gamemaster I like how you're joking around, keeping things lighthearted. But at the same time it's looking like you're just using it as a comeback to try and justify spending a lot of money on toys.


Quote: t7gga
oh get a life and judge yourself before judging others you ignorant person

Nice comeback. Did it take you all day to think that one up?

EDIT: By the way, technically speaking, aren't you the ignorant one for not understanding the full extent of freedom of speech?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:52:09 15/04/2012 by CAV
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8731
#88 Posted: 16:53:06 15/04/2012
This topic is so funny. Just saying.
zzsdf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4451
#89 Posted: 16:56:34 15/04/2012
Quote: t7gga
oh get a life and judge yourself before judging others you ignorant person

He should get a life because his opinion is different from yours?

Quote: GameMaster78
I think we are getting close to going defmad 5. It's when peoples' freedom of speech only has to do with "mad."

When we go to defmad 5, we need to watch out for turbin wearing My Little Ponies. They will be trying to overtake the Skylander franchise, which is incidentally the first game to feature the character, "Spyro."

We must stop the pony apocalypse.

Are you serious? Why would MLP fans even care about Skylanders?
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#90 Posted: 17:27:43 15/04/2012
Am I the only one who finds it funny that some of the people here who never even posted in this section before/hardly did are defending CAV/taking CAV's side?

... Just sayin'. Not like there's anything that terrible about defending a friend.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:02:54 15/04/2012 by CynderFan1309
zzsdf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4451
#91 Posted: 17:41:01 15/04/2012
Quote: CynderFan1309
Am I the only one who finds it funny that some of the people here who never even posted in this section before/hardly did are defending CAV/taking CAV's side?

If you're talking about me, I posted because we were laughing at this topic (and talking about how the Skylanders section makes us sick) in the Skype group.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#92 Posted: 17:43:01 15/04/2012
Quote: zzsdf
and talking about how the Skylanders section makes us sick

I hope I don't count in that
but i love it all smooth
zzsdf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4451
#93 Posted: 17:55:23 15/04/2012
Quote: LevanJess
Quote: zzsdf
and talking about how the Skylanders section makes us sick

I hope I don't count in that

You don't.
StormbringerGT Green Sparx Gems: 162
#94 Posted: 19:04:35 15/04/2012
Quote: CAV
Quote: StormbringerGT


You know I never said that spending money on those things is a good thing either. Any sort of addiction to toys, alcohol, etc etc is a waste of money (IMO) and the people that invest hundreds or thousands a year on it is throwing away their money. Though I'm not sure why you put kids on there when kids are, oh I dunno, important?

It is general to opinion, no doubt, but at the same time, it also happens to come down to logical thinking: Is it really worth spending hundreds on a repaint of a figure that is otherwise no different from the standard toy?

The guy may have bought it for $2000, but that doesn't mean it's worth $2000. If you ask me, he didn't think it through long enough and made a foolish decision. Saying "oh HE felt it was a good idea" doesn't pardon it from logical thinking. And when you think logically about it, there is no good reason to spend that much money on a toy with a different paint job. There's not even a good reason to be a collector, either. Oh, I bought every Skylander as well as duplicates of them, and hung them all over my wall. Boy, am I the envy of my friends or what? Give me a break.

I just never found the point of spending any more than $10 on a toy for what is (IMO) simply a decent game, and nothing more. It just seems to me like that money can be used for much better things.

Kids to me are a waste of money. Me and the missus decided against kids a long time ago. We don't hate kids, we like em, so we just enjoy everyone elses kids, since they are all so keen on over population.

Since we don't have kids, we have a lot more money to toss around on other things.

$2000 for a toy is a LOT of money, maybe or maybe not a waste of money. We can all agree its a lot. Objectively, if that person makes 80K 90K a year. Suddenly 2K doesn't seem like too much. Do you see how much designer purses sell for? I saw a pair of Sunglasses that costs almost 6K a few months ago.

However freedom of speech is important. Stating ideas and opinions are what build us to be more well rounded people.
You think its dumb and you have every right to. I don't think about it much either way and I have every right to. His buying that toy for 2k doesn't impact my life in any sort of way. More power to him. Although personally I wouldn't buy that toy for 2K.

However I can actually think of much dumber, and potentially more dangerous things you can spend 2K on.
I'm currently: Awaiting Dragon's Dogma and listening to Old Linkin park. Bite me, their old stuff is better than their new stuff. smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#95 Posted: 20:42:09 15/04/2012
^Thank you for elaborating on the kids thing.

The amount of income can certainly make $2k look cheaper, but even then, $2k is a lot to ask for for a toy, and a lot of pay for. And of course, not everyone makes that much money in a year. In this economy, very few people do.

I agree that sunglasses and designer purses are also overpriced. Unless the item is something big like a vehicle or boat, or it has a very important purpose, it shouldn't cost over a thousand.

While there are more dumb and more dangerous things that can be bought for $2k, it still doesn't pardon the fact that paying that much for what is simply a re-paint is not a very good idea.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#96 Posted: 21:02:01 15/04/2012
Quote: StormbringerGT
Quote: CAV
Quote: StormbringerGT


You know I never said that spending money on those things is a good thing either. Any sort of addiction to toys, alcohol, etc etc is a waste of money (IMO) and the people that invest hundreds or thousands a year on it is throwing away their money. Though I'm not sure why you put kids on there when kids are, oh I dunno, important?

It is general to opinion, no doubt, but at the same time, it also happens to come down to logical thinking: Is it really worth spending hundreds on a repaint of a figure that is otherwise no different from the standard toy?

The guy may have bought it for $2000, but that doesn't mean it's worth $2000. If you ask me, he didn't think it through long enough and made a foolish decision. Saying "oh HE felt it was a good idea" doesn't pardon it from logical thinking. And when you think logically about it, there is no good reason to spend that much money on a toy with a different paint job. There's not even a good reason to be a collector, either. Oh, I bought every Skylander as well as duplicates of them, and hung them all over my wall. Boy, am I the envy of my friends or what? Give me a break.

I just never found the point of spending any more than $10 on a toy for what is (IMO) simply a decent game, and nothing more. It just seems to me like that money can be used for much better things.

Kids to me are a waste of money. Me and the missus decided against kids a long time ago. We don't hate kids, we like em, so we just enjoy everyone elses kids, since they are all so keen on over population.

Since we don't have kids, we have a lot more money to toss around on other things.

$2000 for a toy is a LOT of money, maybe or maybe not a waste of money. We can all agree its a lot. Objectively, if that person makes 80K 90K a year. Suddenly 2K doesn't seem like too much. Do you see how much designer purses sell for? I saw a pair of Sunglasses that costs almost 6K a few months ago.

However freedom of speech is important. Stating ideas and opinions are what build us to be more well rounded people.
You think its dumb and you have every right to. I don't think about it much either way and I have every right to. His buying that toy for 2k doesn't impact my life in any sort of way. More power to him. Although personally I wouldn't buy that toy for 2K.

However I can actually think of much dumber, and potentially more dangerous things you can spend 2K on.

Well, you will find plenty of kids here to enjoy the company of. They're like action figures, even. They come with rage attack action. smilie

There is a lot more worse things that people can spend 2k on. Drugs, getting drunk 24/7, rims for a car that only sit there and shine. So, I agree with you about the worse things to spend money on.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:02:23 15/04/2012 by GameMaster78
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#97 Posted: 22:04:47 15/04/2012
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they seldom use”
Soren Kierkegaard
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#98 Posted: 22:12:10 15/04/2012
I like that quote, Chaos. Never heard it before, but it makes a good point.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#99 Posted: 22:12:49 15/04/2012
I hope you don't mind but I'm going to take that quote for my sig.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:56:14 16/04/2012 by LevanJess
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#100 Posted: 00:55:50 16/04/2012
Hey, you can't steal from me what was never mine in the first place...

EDIT: My feeble attempt at humour is moot now.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:02:24 16/04/2012 by chaosworrier
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