

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#251 Posted: 19:31:36 09/02/2012
I haven't seen Cynder, but there is a Skylanders thread on Red Flag Deals and people are saying they are finding her now.

and also, I just noticed a Cynder just popped up on Kijiji in Pickering
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:42:11 09/02/2012 by keljonezie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#252 Posted: 21:08:51 09/02/2012
I live in Calgary and just picked up Cynder at EB Games!! smilie I am now good until April when the next wave comes out. No more calling every store 3 times a day.
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#253 Posted: 22:18:44 09/02/2012
Where did you find Skylanders in Calgary?
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#254 Posted: 22:55:13 09/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Awsome!! good to hear that cynder is in Canada now. Hopefully we will see her in Ontario in the next day or so.

Thanks for posting.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#255 Posted: 22:57:36 09/02/2012
I just got Cynder to at Eb games!!!!!!!!!!!! ALso i got Chop chop ad the EMPIRE OF ICE!!!! so excited!!
wats even more weird i also live in Calgary.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#256 Posted: 23:07:34 09/02/2012 | Topic Creator
YES! Good job Fellow canadian skylander hunters keep it commin.
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#257 Posted: 02:26:50 10/02/2012
I got Cynder at EB Games by Ikea in Calgary. It was the last one. They are at least in Canada so I am sure TRU will get them in their next shipment. Just keep calling around. I used to phone each store sometimes 3 times a day. I feel sorry for the staff that get so many calls asking for Skylanders. I heard that at EB Games they get over 50 calls a day. I went out of my way today to phone the manager of the stores I have been bugging to "thank them" for the services of their staff and that they have only been kind when I call. I am not sure how kind I would be after the 50th call. lol Good luck hunting!
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#258 Posted: 02:55:32 10/02/2012
Thanks for the tip!
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#259 Posted: 21:11:11 10/02/2012
FYI. Best Buy have the Skylander Starter Packs on sale for $49.99. Just bought the 3DS (even though I don't have a 3DS - but I am sure will in the future) to get Dark Spyro and Ignitor.
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#260 Posted: 22:12:55 10/02/2012
The 3DS game is fun! I have it and love it. I like that its a different game then the PS3.
Sir Stump Smash Green Sparx Gems: 298
#261 Posted: 00:49:58 11/02/2012
Has anybody had any luck in Toronto?
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#262 Posted: 21:00:00 11/02/2012
TRU in Market Mall, Calgary had some "legendary packs" this morning. Got mine! smilie
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#263 Posted: 21:05:53 11/02/2012
Nice! I went into the Costco by Cross Iron and my daughter found an adventure pack. All I'd ever seen in there was the starter kits. She didn't want to give it up so I put her in the cart with it. The last thing I'd want is my 5 year old to get hurt because she found the only one! Who knew Costco sold them!
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#264 Posted: 21:15:17 11/02/2012
The Costco by Sunridge didn't have any. I heard Okotoks Costco had some too. What we don't do for our kids!! I am more addicted to getting the characters than I think they are! Who needs to clean house when I am driving all over Calgary for Skylanders!!
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#265 Posted: 21:39:22 11/02/2012
My daughter has managed to get workers at EB to go into the boxes in search of Skylanders for her. She managed to walk away with Sonic Boom when he first came out. Sometimes its a good thing to go in search of something with children!
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#266 Posted: 23:17:45 11/02/2012
Do you still know if they have some at MArket MAll?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:18:29 11/02/2012 by Mr-McChicken22
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#267 Posted: 00:36:44 12/02/2012
Just curious any of your Zeller stores have Skylanders????
None where I live! Northern Ontario.

Just curious someone on e-bay is selling a Skylander and say they got it at Zellers?????
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#268 Posted: 00:43:36 12/02/2012
I just called one of the Zellers here in Calgary and they do carry then however they are out. My guess is that all of them must carry them then.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#269 Posted: 00:59:32 12/02/2012
I have been to Zellers several times never seen them ever???? Weird!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
xellos667 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#270 Posted: 01:49:49 12/02/2012
My first post on this forum to tell about my awesome find of today

I went to the TRU at Repentigny (In Quebec Province). When I was there there, everything was empty....everything except there was TWO LEGENDARY PACK!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I bought one right away, and almost bought the second one to resell at one point...and then I remembered how much I hate all those scalpers that create this situations of no skylanders anywhere, so I decided to leave it there, so that someone else could be as happy as me. So if any Quebecer near Repentigny want to check out from time to time, it's available there smilie
My Skylanders:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:52:41 12/02/2012 by xellos667
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#271 Posted: 03:23:13 12/02/2012
Nice of you^ Good first post!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#272 Posted: 06:56:33 12/02/2012
Just doing some "google" searching and came across this news release from Toys R Us yesterday.... Translucent Blue Bash to be released April 8th. Legendary Trigger Happy to be released beginning March & Dragon's Peak to be released in March. I have a few weeks break before the next hunt of skylanders!
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#273 Posted: 15:36:58 12/02/2012
I cant wait for Dragons PEAK!!!
darkdragoon31 Green Sparx Gems: 189
#274 Posted: 20:28:53 12/02/2012 you can order legendary bash chop chop and spyro 1-2 or 3-5 business day for delevery !!!!!!!!!!
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#275 Posted: 20:36:21 12/02/2012
I just ordered it however I won't find out that I have one until it is filled Mon/Tues. The email said that my payment details cleared.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#276 Posted: 20:45:18 12/02/2012
Yah that is really cool.... I already got it but hey good to know.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#277 Posted: 20:51:23 12/02/2012
Yeah. It's hard to explain to children why no store have them and they can see them in the case smilie
superbill28 Blue Sparx Gems: 514
#278 Posted: 01:03:43 13/02/2012
I've seen singles of them at my TRU in B.C.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#279 Posted: 01:29:31 13/02/2012
^Singles of the legendaries?
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#280 Posted: 03:23:26 13/02/2012
Really singles???? Funny they do not show up on TRU web site?
Never seen pictures of singles never know!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:24:42 13/02/2012 by JAP28
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#281 Posted: 17:38:14 13/02/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]
Hello fellow Canadians any cynders found?
Just got mine from ebay today paid 22.50 plus 4 bucks shipping at little expensive but worth it to finally have my skylanders complete.

Get this i ordered cynder a week after i ordered my gold chop chop and gold D sergent from ebay cynders was from north carolina the golds are from new jersey i live in Oshawa Ontario Canada. And cynder got to me first how did that happen? And still havent recieved my gold skylanders either.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#282 Posted: 17:39:34 13/02/2012 | Topic Creator
How do you guys like my one of a kind skylander case. I was going for a where's waldo feel LOL
I know your all jealous. :-)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:41:42 13/02/2012 by joseph235
DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#283 Posted: 23:31:06 13/02/2012
So has anybody seen singles of Drill Sergeant or Whirlwind in Canada yet? :/
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:31:21 13/02/2012 by DinoHex
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#284 Posted: 23:35:12 13/02/2012
Hi, everyone. I'm from Mississauga... and I went out today in search of some adventure packs... since I'm about to finish off the DS version of the game... and none. I went to 2 walmarts, 2 eb games, and a toys r us... nothing... the skylanders wall in toys r us was completely empty. Anyone know where I could possibly find any of the adventure packs in stock these days?
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#285 Posted: 23:49:46 13/02/2012
Quote: DinoHex
So has anybody seen singles of Drill Sergeant or Whirlwind in Canada yet? :/

I saw a single of Whirlwind and drill sergeant at ebgames when i got cynder
chop chop and EOI.My mom did get me whirlwind but i have to wait for my b-day to get her.smilie
DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#286 Posted: 23:53:37 13/02/2012
Thanks. Good to know they're out there. : )
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
Zaptastic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1465
#287 Posted: 01:15:34 14/02/2012
I'm in Hamilton, Ontario and I have managed to find both the TRU Legendary pack at Toysrus and all 3 Adventure packs at Walmart since thursday.

I went to TRU thursday at 8pm and they had around 12 Legendary packs on the shelf so I picked one up. I started talking with the associate there and turns out the had 17 cases of these come in wednesday afternoon.

Then at Walmart (where I work) everyone started coming through my cash lines with adventure packs in the afternoon. It was so nice to see all the little kids so excited that they were getting Skylanders. Just goes to show you can find Skylanders at anytime in the day!
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#288 Posted: 01:23:27 14/02/2012
That is awesome. Hopefully I will have more luck in the near future. I'm going to call TRU tomorrow morning also since they told me to call when they open smilie
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#289 Posted: 17:29:52 14/02/2012
Ok, so I went and waited at the Local TRU for 3 hours as they open at 9:30 and they said the shipment should be in any time between 9:30 and 12:30... I was about to leave when the courier guy came in and I followed him to the Electronics department. Lo and behold it was a shipment of skylanders figures and adventure packs and so I got the following:

Chop Chop
Double Trouble
Drill Sergeant

Adventure Packs:
Pirate Seas Adventure pack
Darklight Crypt Adventure pack
Empire of Ice Adventure pack

It was so worth the wait!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:01:03 15/02/2012 by vinvin616
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#290 Posted: 18:17:16 14/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Which tru did you go to?
xellos667 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#291 Posted: 18:20:35 14/02/2012
@vinvin616: You're one patient and lucky guy smilie
My Skylanders:
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#292 Posted: 18:26:22 14/02/2012
@joseph235: I went to the TRU at Winston Churchill and Argentia and they still have 3 of each pack of what I got left in store when I left the store. Some people who were also getting them told me that the TRU at Hurontario and Eglington still had 2 Legendary packs but I was too lazy to drive all the way there to get it since I'm hearing that they will be re-released. I really want to get a hex though haha!

@xellos667: Well I just started the whole thing and got the game for 3DS and PS3... all my starters are at level 10 so I figured I need more to play. That and the 3DS version is sooooo short so I figured adventure packs would make me not regret getting it for the 3DS haha. Not gonna lie though, I was so close to just leaving around 11:30 ... but I thought I might as well wait a little longer since I've waited longer for other figures that I collect (bearbrick)...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:27:17 14/02/2012 by vinvin616
xellos667 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#293 Posted: 18:42:49 14/02/2012
3DS version may be short and easy, but IMHO (of course), it's more fun and better than the console version which can sometimes be a drag to play. With the 3DS version I never wanted to stop once, it was a blast from beginning to end.
My Skylanders:
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#294 Posted: 19:37:02 14/02/2012
yeah I couldn't put down the 3DS version either... but I really dislike ice stages smilie in all games... ice... it makes me angry smilie
xellos667 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#295 Posted: 19:49:17 14/02/2012
Wait till you find the Empire of Ice and play it on the console. I love the ice stages on 3DS (in fact, those are my favorite stages. They are so beautiful to look at, and it has my favorite Skylanders music in them...which wasn't even included in the official soundtrack, shame on them!!). But the Empire of Ice on "console", now I hated the physics used in this stage....
My Skylanders:
vinvin616 Red Sparx Gems: 46
#296 Posted: 20:00:55 14/02/2012
lol Oh, I agree, they look nice... I just hate sliding all over the place haha. Alas being that today is Valentines day I will not be able to play much... I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to revel in my new toys smilie
xellos667 Red Sparx Gems: 90
#297 Posted: 20:04:54 14/02/2012
I know what you mean smilie. Love before gaming smilie Anyway, I will stop being off-topic, and let the topic continue on Canadian Skylanders hunt.
My Skylanders:
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#298 Posted: 05:30:10 15/02/2012
Quote: DinoHex
So has anybody seen singles of Drill Sergeant or Whirlwind in Canada yet? :/

Yes my local Wal-Mart had tons of Whirl-Wind but, Drill Sergeant was there!!!!!!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#299 Posted: 14:35:55 15/02/2012
I have never seen any skylanders at walmart yet smilie
Mystic_Star Red Sparx Gems: 73
#300 Posted: 15:20:26 15/02/2012
Heads up Calgary. I have been to two different Walmarts and they had a big shipment in. I was able to find Cynder and others that I needed. I found Cynder at the Walmart at Nothhill (by Crowchild) and then there were some at the Airdrie Walmart. It was a great find! Happy morning smilie
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