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Too Early? [CLOSED]
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#201 Posted: 02:55:21 11/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
Quote: SilentButDeadly
Some of the critics in this thread are fair in what they say and should continue to speak their ideas (same goes for the smarter skylander fans). Others, though, (really just shaqUoh and some small time posters) seem pretty damn snobby (almost like Winchester from M*A*S*H. Intelligent but pretty antagonistic).

Wow. That reference will go right over the heads of 95% of the people in here.

... Did you catch it, though? If you did, it wasn't pointless. smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:55:37 11/02/2012 by SilentButDeadly
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#202 Posted: 02:58:11 11/02/2012
I said 95%. Obviously I got it.

You notice no one else has referenced it, though. Most people here are thinking, isn't Winchester a gun?
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#203 Posted: 03:02:59 11/02/2012
I'm probably going to sound petty and defensive for saying this, but it's not the reference I was focusing on, so much as the sentence following it.

I apologize to whoever thought it wouldn't be needed. Very sorry.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#204 Posted: 03:07:10 11/02/2012
Winchester is the only direct reference you made. Maybe I haven't read enough of the previous posts to see what you were talking about.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#205 Posted: 04:24:34 11/02/2012
Quote: The_dragonborn

I've never played the game, but people say that MW3 is a near-carbon copy of MW2

It kinda is.

Quote: The_dragonborn
Sell MW3

Play Skyrim! It won Game of the Year, and I'm glad it did,
It is the best game I've ever played. (hence the name)

I love Skyrim, but I still don't think it's GOTY. I put it at #3.

Portal 2 was GOTY IMO.

Quote: Tashiji
I don't think anyone is here in this thread saying people aren't allowed to express their opinions. The naysayers just assume it's going to happen and preemptively reassure everyone of their right to speak their mind. It's not really a controversy, it's just being made to look like one.

Actually, a few of the fans here supporting Giants are going off on a tangent, yelling at people to stop complaining and other things like that.
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#206 Posted: 08:17:27 11/02/2012
If angry fans merely ignored, not responded to, or just lightly counter critical opinions of the game, this topic would be heckuva lot shorter, simpler, and civil.
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#207 Posted: 08:23:37 11/02/2012
Angry fans???? This game has those.../sarcasm. Online and difficulty settings are the real clinchers for me. It will be hard to justify the $70 price tag (don't know what the portal-less set will be) if it's the same old Skylanders with no new features. I get that it will be a new adventure but some new features are expected. I personally feel they want to embrace the online market since they said they are designing each version to it's platform's strength. With Xbox and PS3 it's gonna be the online market. At least the PS3 version won't be a crappy Xbox port (I hope).
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9234
#208 Posted: 10:19:17 11/02/2012
Get ready for Skylanders: Miniatures in 2013. smilie Then Skylanders: Cynder's Adventure in 2014. Then Skyla....
Crash Bandicoot is over-rated
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#209 Posted: 14:04:45 11/02/2012
Okay, I made it pretty clear earlier that I was on the fence about this. Truth be told, I will almost definitely get it even if I view the deliverable to be sub-par; I just roll that way (stubborn with a hint of dumb-arse).

That said, I see valid points and will try to recap with my perspective:

How can too soon be a bad thing?
Rushing a sequel with a lack of distinctive improvements will be readily perceived as jumping the shark. The sequel may sell quite well but end up being a death nell (no, I did not originally mean all of that rhyming, it was just the inner rap artist breaking through) to the franchise. A more staid release schedule not only gives the punters time to appreciate what they have and consolidate, but also allows the developers to do much better QA, both in terms of functionality and less bugs.

But new functionality will make it too hard to play, anyway
Not necessarily so. What I think the consensus wants is not really overt added complexity but some new innovation/hook. A demo/preview is supposed to show the best you have and what we saw was less than inspiring. The new features did not really take the gameplay to a new level and I can see the analogy with Guitar Hero as having a degree of validity.

EDIT: Oh, and for the record, SL Giants is not an expansion. Expansions, by definition, require the original game to be installed and expand its functionality.

Diablo 3
No, this is not off-topic as it is a valid analogy. It doesn't matter if D3 turns out to be deitrus or a goldmine. The important aspect is that Blizzard put a significant amount of effort in trying to innovate between each sequel. It is their guts to risk failure that is worthy. They could have released a D3 game within years of D2; simply by designing some new art and storyline and then using the same engine/framework.

Now, in no way am I suggesting that TFB should have gone to that level but I think a 1 year hiatus (i.e. SL finishes waves/releases and then approx. a year later a sequel comes out - about 1.5-2 years between SL's initial release and the sequel release) would have given consumers time to "get hungry" and the designers time to find that next innovation which will hook kids (and us "big" kids) all over again.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:16:44 11/02/2012 by chaosworrier
Rays Green Sparx Gems: 392
#210 Posted: 15:27:29 11/02/2012
Quote: D-Rex
Quote: Rays
I don't think this game would be good. But if it has multiplayer it is good.

It's a sad state of affairs for gaming when adventure games are judged by the multiplayer.

It won't be good because It took a year to be made.
Youtube account: KoopaBoo2
PortalMaster #517721
Skylanders owned: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#211 Posted: 16:24:13 11/02/2012
Quote: SilentButDeadly
If angry fans merely ignored, not responded to, or just lightly counter critical opinions of the game, this topic would be heckuva lot shorter, simpler, and civil.

I guess. It was rather fun to be in here.

But admitting to that will get people to say I'm a troll, which is funny when compared to people outside of the Skylanders sections.

But even then, the way they acted isn't gaining them points in anyone's books. Skylanders fans have turned out just as bad as the Classic and LoS fans. And you have to be PRETTY bad to reach that level.

In other words, the Spyro fanbase is screwed on all levels. I was hoping that the Skylanders fans would've offered maturity and fairness onto the table. That they would've differed from the other people in the fanbase, and overall be calm and collected. I guess I was wrong. But hey, that's what I get for thinking optimistically for once.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:25:35 11/02/2012 by CAV
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#212 Posted: 17:47:44 11/02/2012
^Always glass half empty!

Yes we are all immature are not very fair ....dang us Skylander fans! We are not gaining points in anyone's book? Humm where is this book???? haha
Come on, there is good people on here! Too excited, sometimes maybe but....

It's hard when some are very excited and looking forward to Giants....and some are like meh, I could care less or do not think Giants will be good.
Hard to find a happy medium.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#213 Posted: 17:48:59 11/02/2012
I actually feel kinda bad for Spyro fans. I played the original Spyro on the PS1 wayyyyy back in the day. Haven't played another one since. I don't really have an opinion on Spyro. Skylanders lured me into the fray and I kind of understand Spyro fans frustration....only slightly though. Also CAV I don't think you're a troll. I think some people might be a little sensitive when people have a varying opinion to their own and can't really respond with anything other than nuh ugh. Differing opinions makes the world go round and I welcome the discussion on both sides of the issue. I'm fairly certain that you want Giants to be a success but you have doubts...which are understandable. I personally like to be more informed before I pass judgement...but that's just me. Respecting others opinions goes along ay people...and no body can tell you your opinion is wrong since it is your opinion. Don't take everything so personal when someone disagrees. I think everyone here wants Giants to succeed when it comes down to it.
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#214 Posted: 18:01:20 11/02/2012
uhm too early... skylanders giant...
now i want ragnaros as a skylanders boss yelling: "too soon activision! you summoned me too soon!"
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9234
#215 Posted: 20:33:45 11/02/2012
Quote: Tigorus
I actually feel kinda bad for Spyro fans. I played the original Spyro on the PS1 wayyyyy back in the day. Haven't played another one since. I don't really have an opinion on Spyro. Skylanders lured me into the fray and I kind of understand Spyro fans frustration....only slightly though. Also CAV I don't think you're a troll. I think some people might be a little sensitive when people have a varying opinion to their own and can't really respond with anything other than nuh ugh. Differing opinions makes the world go round and I welcome the discussion on both sides of the issue. I'm fairly certain that you want Giants to be a success but you have doubts...which are understandable. I personally like to be more informed before I pass judgement...but that's just me. Respecting others opinions goes along ay people...and no body can tell you your opinion is wrong since it is your opinion. Don't take everything so personal when someone disagrees. I think everyone here wants Giants to succeed when it comes down to it.

I don't, I just want them to leave it alone now. But then again it's too late now as further Spyro games passed Year of the Dragon have completely unbalanced the fan base so now it has made it complicated.
Crash Bandicoot is over-rated
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#216 Posted: 23:59:30 11/02/2012
Defenitly too early. The figures aren't even all out yet...
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#217 Posted: 00:04:08 12/02/2012
The figures will be out way before Skylanders: Giants will be released.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#218 Posted: 01:10:49 12/02/2012
Quote: JAP28
^Always glass half empty!

Yes we are all immature are not very fair ....dang us Skylander fans! We are not gaining points in anyone's book? Humm where is this book???? haha
Come on, there is good people on here! Too excited, sometimes maybe but....

Of course. Because any time that I think positive about something, I'm only let down......this is an excellent example.

The book is in my hand. I'm writing a big fat -2 points for odd grammar.

There ARE good people on darkSpyro. But I can't think of a single one off the top of my head that ONLY sticks around in the Skylanders section, and never ventures off to another section. SilentButDeadly has posted in S&N, so they don't count.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#219 Posted: 01:27:07 12/02/2012
Himewad stays in the Skylanders forums. He also likes to talk about himself.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#220 Posted: 01:46:35 12/02/2012
And Himewad has a bad habit of overreacting to a negative opinion.

And he has a bit of an ego issue if he mentions himself as if to remind me that he's a good user.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:47:01 12/02/2012 by CAV
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#221 Posted: 02:55:58 12/02/2012
^CAV Hummm many of us are on here because we like Skylanders...not because we like Spyro, or the other sections of this site!
I don't like to venture into other section because one of the first times I did you were super rude to me!!!!!

You're always let down??? Welcome to life and you are what only 16??? hahaha

Cav you are always sooooo negative and talk about others so badly!
Himeward has an ego??? I think he is just joking around. You talk about others taking things so serious......I think you need to look in the mirror kiddo!
What are you king of??? King of negativity and rudeness??? You are no rap star? - 10 points for you! haha Put that in your book! haha

I apologized to you around Christmas because I thought maybe I was the one with the problem.....Clearly it is you!
I am not going to argue anymore, just ignore your posts. Cav yes you are right you always seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum...but you could lighten up on the rudeness and dissing others.

You said "There ARE good people on darkSpyro. But I can't think of a single one off the top of my head that ONLY sticks around in the Skylanders section." Funny I can only think of one kid that ruins these Skylanders forums for me and others????
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:04:43 12/02/2012 by JAP28
SilentButDeadly Gold Sparx Gems: 2086
#222 Posted: 03:08:05 12/02/2012
Maybe I'm just out of line, but I think you're being too snobby right there, JAP28. Much like ShaqUoh, saying how dumb we must be for liking a low quality game. Not only that, but you're also spitting out some rude and useless comments, like a 10 yr old bully or something.

We all have our opinions on this game. I think it's awesome, you think it's awesome. Most of this section thinks it's awesome. CAV thinks it's decent and flawed. And other folks think it's utter crap.

I'm not trying to be the sissy neutral or anything, but when an argument turns to insults, it shows a bad sign of character. Be cool and calm, unless you enjoy fights. Nothing wrong with the latter.

(Waits for someone to tell me this fight was none of my business)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:08:36 12/02/2012 by SilentButDeadly
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#223 Posted: 03:13:06 12/02/2012
^No no I see where you are coming from totally!
This is not the first time Cav has been like this! Sorry if I was being rude, but his words are rude too.
Two wrongs do not make a right though so I will just drop it!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#224 Posted: 03:27:20 12/02/2012
3 rights make a left.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#225 Posted: 03:31:40 12/02/2012
hahaha hey you are right!!! haha
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#226 Posted: 03:51:14 12/02/2012
What quote? The Eminem quote?
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#227 Posted: 03:55:51 12/02/2012
Quote: JAP28
^CAV Hummm many of us are on here because we like Skylanders...not because we like Spyro, or the other sections of this site!
I don't like to venture into other section because one of the first times I did you were super rude to me!!!!!

You're always let down??? Welcome to life and you are what only 16??? hahaha

Cav you are always sooooo negative and talk about others so badly!
Himeward has an ego??? I think he is just joking around. You talk about others taking things so serious......I think you need to look in the mirror kiddo!
What are you king of??? King of negativity and rudeness??? You are no rap star? - 10 points for you! haha Put that in your book! haha

You said "There ARE good people on darkSpyro. But I can't think of a single one off the top of my head that ONLY sticks around in the Skylanders section." Funny I can only think of one kid that ruins these Skylanders forums for me and others????

1. Fix your grammar.

2. It's fine if you only like Skylanders. But some people here.......well.........MOST people here, like other Spyro games. And they go to other sections. PLUS, there are sections that don't relate to other Spyro games, like Idle Chatter and Stuff and Nonsense (where the REAL trolls are).

3. My intention is to never be rude. It's to be blunt and straightforward. I don't tip toe around the subject. And I'm only "offensive" when it's the truth, and there's no way to lighten it up. I'm not the only person to do this. Nobody in the past has really found me rude. Only people in the Skylanders section have universally found me to be a rude jerk.

4. Correction: I'm 15. But you were close. And that's enough time for me to have found out that life is full of disappointments. So I don't get my hopes up. I've always been let down when I do.

5. I only talk negatively about people that deserve it. No offense guys, but the majority of you Skylanders fans deserve what I'm saying. It's honestly the truth, whether you want to believe it or not.

6. Well of course. At least I'm open about how serious I am. I won't deny that. Will you?

7. You signature..............seriously. You took...............a quote..............from a song................with Eminem in it..............seriously. You thought, that my signature, had some sort of relevance to me.............................................WHY?

8. I put -10 points for me for telling bad jokes.

9. If I'm REALLY ruining the section for you, then you're clearly far too sensitive. I'm absolutely nothing compared to the trolls on this site. I wonder how you would react to them if they started to post in these sections.....
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#228 Posted: 04:25:29 12/02/2012
Well in the big book I guess we are both -10 then! haha
Do I loose another 10 for more bad grammar and jokes???
Seriously for a sec....Do you really think someone likes to hear that they have bad grammar???

I was making a joke about your signature....That's all man.

Your number 5. Is very rude and uncalled for, but hey it is your opinion.

If some of us here are way too sensitive then you are way too serious and negative.....lighten up a little. Life is too short.
I just don't get it....
Will try and explain: I am not a huge Playstation fan, so I don't go on PS3 sites and complain about it and be all negative.
I just do not bother....

Anyways Cav do not want to argue.....I have derailed this topic too much.
You must be a little excited for this game you are posting a lot more these days????
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 04:26:37 12/02/2012 by JAP28
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#229 Posted: 04:46:23 12/02/2012
You don't lose another ten.

My bad.

It's not uncalled for when you guys prove my point. Sorry. If you guys cleaned up your act, I would gladly revoke my statements. I'm not being rude for the sake of being rude.

Here's the problem though: You shouldn't really be on the internet if you're sensitive. All it does is make your time here miserable. I know this by experience.

Ok, but this isn't just a Skylanders site. Also, I DO like Skylanders. So I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be a problem for me to talk about my disappointment of how soon this game is coming.

I've always posted a lot. Just not in the Skylander sections. And the reason I'm doing so is because I'm trying to see if maybe things will be a bit different here, than on the actual Skylanders section.
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#230 Posted: 05:03:05 12/02/2012
Some people don't shy away from a little controversy. Others hunt controversy like rabid dogs, and if they still can't find any, they make some up.

Yes, CAV is negative, but you don't have to respond to it. He's just doing what's in his nature as part of that latter group.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#231 Posted: 05:07:55 12/02/2012
Um..........not sure if that's implying that I'm TRYING to create controversy. But I'm not.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#232 Posted: 05:10:02 12/02/2012
Tash is just at it again.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#233 Posted: 05:12:03 12/02/2012
You know me too well.

And I suppose this means you, too, are at it again.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:13:12 12/02/2012 by Tashiji
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#234 Posted: 05:12:59 12/02/2012
You're pretty much predictable when it comes to CAV.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#235 Posted: 05:14:07 12/02/2012
Who the f cares?

Its not too early if you just want more chapters to play in.

Its too early if you wanted innovation in gameplay or design.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#236 Posted: 05:14:20 12/02/2012
Come now, my tone has changed entirely with CAV.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#237 Posted: 05:15:38 12/02/2012
By the looks of your comments, I highly doubt it.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#238 Posted: 05:19:22 12/02/2012
Oh, I still disagree with his methods, I've just chosen not to be vindictive about it. Regardless of who agrees with who, no one should be chased forcibly from the forums, and I no longer believe that is the right course of action for my interactions with CAV. He shouldn't be bashing people for their grammar, though. That is most definitely below the belt.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#239 Posted: 05:30:57 12/02/2012
He wasn't bashing, he was just telling JAP to correct his grammar. Unfortunately, some users, including ones new to the internet, take it rather defensively.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#240 Posted: 05:37:59 12/02/2012
There's nothing about JAP's post that is unintelligible. CAV read it clearly, and responded to it point-by-point, thereby demonstrating his understanding. If there were any point at which he found it difficult to understand what JAP was saying, then his reply wouldn't have been able to so thoroughly address the post. JAP isn't using netslang, or 1337speak, and anyone who can read should be able to comprehend the entire passage. Therefore, yes, it is uncalled for. It had nothing to do with any part of their argument, and would have been best left unsaid.

Do you have any problem with JAP's grammar? By internet standards, it's downright decent.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#241 Posted: 05:43:47 12/02/2012
No I don't have a problem with JAP's grammar.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#242 Posted: 05:54:47 12/02/2012
Tash, I understood it, yes. But I had to read it twice to do so. I shouldn't have to. I wasn't "banishing" him, more than just pointing it out. And while it is decent by internet standards, it's still not an excuse.

Quote: Tashiji
You know me too well.

We should totally be in a sitcom.

Quote: Aura24
By the looks of your comments, I highly doubt it.

Actually, he has talked to me via PM, and we settled our differences.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:56:46 12/02/2012 by CAV
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#243 Posted: 06:00:59 12/02/2012
Quote: CAV
Actually, he has talked to me via PM, and we settled our differences.

Oh, alright then. Glad to hear you two aren't enemies anymore.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#244 Posted: 14:46:05 12/02/2012
Lets justs drope all this guys!
Me grammar and speeling is awesome! haha

Maybe I am a little sensitive about my grammar and spelling....I have what is known as Dysorthographia.
I think I do pretty good here though???

Let's talk about the game and have some fun around here!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
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