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Too Early? [CLOSED]
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#1 Posted: 23:41:36 07/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Anyone else think this was way to early for the sequel to be revealed? Yes, I am looking foward to this game very much, but I was not expecting this game to come out this early, I was expecting at least another year and a half for Skylanders Giants to be revealed.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#2 Posted: 23:44:12 07/02/2012
I think this is perfect timing...not too late or early! I can not wait!!!!!!
8 months is not they want to hit a sequel with this current generation of systems.

Not too early at all...I want new content, besides new figures. This will be great!!!!!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#3 Posted: 23:44:24 07/02/2012
Might as well be selling their product while the topic is still hot.
Warnado13 Green Sparx Gems: 362
#4 Posted: 23:45:21 07/02/2012
I think sooner is much better. If you leave it for to long you might loose some of yours fans.
Skylanders: [smilie] [smiliesmilie] [smilie] [smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie]
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#5 Posted: 23:48:13 07/02/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
I was, too.
The only way I think they could have what they do right now is if they started making this game the day- maybe even before- the first game released.
Right about now, I'm neutral with this game. I'll have to play it and see.

Welcome to the video game industry!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#6 Posted: 23:50:24 07/02/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
I was, too.
The only way I think they could have what they do right now is if they started making this game the day- maybe even before- the first game released.
Right about now, I'm neutral with this game. I'll have to play it and see.

Actually, lots of developers who release a game the next year don't start work until a few weeks, if not a month or so, until after the first was released. It took them 3 years to get Skylanders to how it was in SA and they don't really need to do much to the original engine in making Giants. They've got another 8 months until it's released, that's enough time to do everything they need to.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#7 Posted: 23:51:15 07/02/2012
The only thing that stresses me is the new figures when the old ones aren't all out yet and the probable milking. Maybe the gameplay, but it looks a bit like the old gameplay and I liked that, sooo.
It is pretty early to come up with this, which of course is one of the biggest signs of milking.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:52:18 07/02/2012 by LevanJess
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#8 Posted: 23:51:58 07/02/2012
When the game will come out (in fall) all the Skylanders will be released since a few months already.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#9 Posted: 23:53:43 07/02/2012
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.
but i love it all smooth
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#10 Posted: 23:54:27 07/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
The only thing that stresses me is the new figures when the old ones aren't all out yet and the probable milking. Maybe the gameplay, but it looks a bit like the old gameplay and I liked that, sooo.
It is pretty early to come up with this, which of course is one of the biggest signs of milking.

It's pretty obvious they're milking. It's Activision, after all.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#11 Posted: 23:55:33 07/02/2012
True, I guess.
That sucks. I hoped they learned their lesson about milking.
but i love it all smooth
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#12 Posted: 23:55:52 07/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

TFB are done with the first game. They are not involved in the distribution of the figures so their work on the first game is done. So you would like them to wait and do nothing until Activision is done with the figures?
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#13 Posted: 23:56:33 07/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

That is what bothers me too. :/ By the way, ever time I read one of your posts, I read it in Dan's voice.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#14 Posted: 23:56:54 07/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

Well, what you're forgetting is that the Skylanders from SA will be sold well into the release of Giants because Giants itself doesn't offer many new Skylanders. They could postpone the Wave 4 release until November, and people would still buy them because they work with Giants.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#15 Posted: 23:58:28 07/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

^Exactly they can not even seem to keep up with the current supply of toys!
Lets hope this is all solved in the next 8 months! haha

Good point bionicle280
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:59:31 07/02/2012 by JAP28
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#16 Posted: 00:01:03 08/02/2012
Quote: JAP28
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

^Exactly they can not even seem to keep up with the current supply of toys!
Lets hope this is all solved in the next 8 months! haha

I think that by now it's a bit out of the hands of Activision. If you look over the net, there are plenty of figures selling around the net. This means that Activision supplies, the problems is that people are buying them to resell them. So even though Activision brings even more figures, the sellers will still buy them all to sell them on the web...

The shops should make a limit per client in the stores to prevent this... but that, Activision can't control.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#17 Posted: 00:03:14 08/02/2012
oh my god

When the hell did I ever say that? Assumption?
To be honest, sure, why not? This sequel looks cool but is quite early, especially considering the figures aren't all out yet. People are still trying to afford the first one; yet they're already thinking of a sequel? What?
The toys are pretty important, you know, you need them to play in the game?
They can't even keep up with the supply of toys (granted, that's out of Activision's control).

Whatever you say, I guess.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:05:26 08/02/2012 by LevanJess
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#18 Posted: 00:06:13 08/02/2012
Quote: LevanJess
oh my god

When the hell did I ever say that? Assumption?
To be honest, sure, why not? This sequel looks cool but is quite early, especially considering the figures aren't all out yet. People are still trying to afford the first one; yet they're already thinking of a sequel? What?
They can't even keep up with the supply of toys (granted, that's out of Activision's control).

There was a question mark at the end of my sentence... which means it was a question, not an assumption.
And like I said, TFB are not involved in the distribution of the first game, so when they were done with the first game, well their work was done, so it was time for them to take some rest, then work on the next project.

Doing a sequel also is not long when you use the same console, the same engine and almost all the same characters.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#19 Posted: 00:08:18 08/02/2012
But there's a problem there. If they want a successful game, maybe they should wait for Activision to get done with the toys, since you, I don't know, need them to play the damn game?

Doing a sequel when the game hasn't even been out for a year hardly shows any change and milking, which obviously worries many people.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:08:46 08/02/2012 by LevanJess
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#20 Posted: 00:10:44 08/02/2012
Well they can't do nothing to help with the figures, so why would they wait and do nothing while Activision is trying to supply the demand? This wouldn't help anyway.

Activision and TFB are two distinctive companies.

So they started to work on the sequel, and Activision decided that they were ok to announce it now and release it in fall. I see it in a positive way. If Activision thinks that they are ready, I'm pretty sure that it's because they have plans for the shortage and they work something for that.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:11:22 08/02/2012 by Reimu
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#21 Posted: 00:11:09 08/02/2012
Too early. I predict it'll be the same as last time.

But whatever. If doing this with CoD is working for them, I guess this will too.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#22 Posted: 00:15:06 08/02/2012
So what if they can't do anything? You need figures to play this game. What good is the game if people can't play because TFB made another game too early instead of waiting?

No dip.

In fall, the game will only be released a year. One year, 2 games. Whoooooa.
Possibly, we can't know for sure.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:16:22 08/02/2012 by LevanJess
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#23 Posted: 00:17:50 08/02/2012
Yes but the figures part is Activision's part, not TFB's. If TFB are working too soon on the sequel, fine, they will report it and will work on it.

Why should they wait to work on it? While they can start right after they are done with the other one. This way they keep their jobs, they still have work to do and the ideas are still fresh.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#24 Posted: 00:20:34 08/02/2012
I still stand by "it's useless without the figures" point.

Because without figures, people can't play the game. If TFB is too fast for Activision, Activision can't make any toys, thus rendering the game useless.
but i love it all smooth
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#25 Posted: 00:22:05 08/02/2012
Well then the game will come out a bit later and TFB will work on it a bit longer, that's it.

There's no point for them to wait until all the figures are out and available to work on the sequel. I man, it's not lost work.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#26 Posted: 00:29:34 08/02/2012
The longer to work on it, the better, honestly.

Yeah there is. People are still trying to afford the first game and figures... Now they have this.
The game's expensive as it is, there's hardly any time to save money up for this.
Plus there's more time to work on the game then.
but i love it all smooth
ShaqUoh Ripto Gems: 12
#27 Posted: 00:29:53 08/02/2012
Activision went like this:

get() GameReleaseCompletionPercent;
if GameReleaseCompletionPercent < 90,
then set() SequelAnnounceVar == 1;
if SequelAnnounceVar == 1,
then say "Skylanders Sequel Arriving (CurrentSeason + 2);
get() MilkVar;
if MilkVar < BudgetForOriginal,
then saywithemotion ((EmotionOf var.OriginalGameAnnounce)/2) "At this time, another sequel is in consideration, and we may make another Spyro game!";
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#28 Posted: 00:32:18 08/02/2012
Sadly, this is not how it works in the video game industry... But I do agree with you, that it's better when they work longer, but there is no need for TFB to wait before working on the sequel. But, it might be Activision's decision to give them only one year to work on it though.

And well, when the game will come out in fall... after a year if someone didn't play it yet, I don't think he "really" wanted to play in the first place, and waiting another year he wouldn't still play it.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#29 Posted: 00:36:33 08/02/2012
That's sadly true...
You don't really want a milked or rushed game. EtD can be an example of a rushed one; although this isn't really rushed.
It probably is Activision's decision. I just wished they at least waited a little longer to at least tell us about it.

The game came out a few months ago, the first one did, plus all the figures. Some people can still be saving up for it, in fact I think I know someone who still is trying to who posted on the forums.
but i love it all smooth
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#30 Posted: 00:39:52 08/02/2012
Well, he can see it this way:

When the second game will be almost out, the first one will have a major price drop.

Anyway, it's nice to argue with you, just wanted to mention it.
ShaqUoh Ripto Gems: 12
#31 Posted: 00:41:58 08/02/2012
Aw, so my nerdy code joke was wasted...
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#32 Posted: 00:43:20 08/02/2012
It's amazing how a topic can grow over one little post.

Anyway, yeah, it's way too early.
I'll buy it, I have a while to save up for it, but honestly, already with a sequel? I imagined it having an early sequel but THIS early?
Oh well, I guess it's coming out in fall anyway.

BY THE WAY: I liked that code joke
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 00:45:03 08/02/2012 by CynderFan1309
ShaqUoh Ripto Gems: 12
#33 Posted: 01:00:29 08/02/2012
Yay me. smilie
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#34 Posted: 01:05:12 08/02/2012
Sorry if I said something stupid or rude.
I expect a lot of replies saying how I'm wrong tomorrow, heh.

Thanks anyway for letting me know that, I'll think about it before posting in the future.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:05:48 08/02/2012 by LevanJess
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#35 Posted: 01:06:33 08/02/2012
Mmmm? I don't see how you could have done something wrong. It's pretty rare on this forum to see a polite argue between two persons... So it's why I'm telling you it was nice to do it with you.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#36 Posted: 01:08:27 08/02/2012
Well, thanks. I appreciate it. Sorry if I said anything rude.
Also sorry if we went off topic, if anyone considers it off topic.
but i love it all smooth
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#37 Posted: 01:09:38 08/02/2012
It was still about if it was too early or not, nothing off topic here IMO, and nothing rude as well, don't worry.
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#38 Posted: 01:13:56 08/02/2012
I like how open minded this is, wish to see it more on the forums. :)

I still am a bit surprised it's this early, though. Hope it turns out good, and I also hope more figures will be available soon and the figures won't be so hard to find this time.
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#39 Posted: 01:16:19 08/02/2012
Quote: JAP28
I think this is perfect timing...not too late or early! I can not wait!!!!!!
8 months is not they want to hit a sequel with this current generation of systems.

Not too early at all...I want new content, besides new figures. This will be great!!!!!

i am nearly finished with the first skylanders, so a new game in 8 months is good... i only hope it turns out good.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#40 Posted: 01:30:51 08/02/2012 | Topic Creator
......Well that was the nicest argument I ever seen, thank God you two didn't go on a total rage and throw in totally uncessary words like most worthless internet fights...
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#41 Posted: 01:33:33 08/02/2012
Quote: Kariana
......Well that was the nicest argument I ever seen, thank God you two didn't go on a total rage and throw in totally uncessary words like most worthless internet fights...

it was close only seconds away from the head tearing...
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#42 Posted: 01:34:36 08/02/2012
I'm happy they didn't go completely off topic or rage.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:34:58 08/02/2012 by CynderFan1309
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#43 Posted: 01:39:25 08/02/2012
Well, I like to argue when the person makes good points and doesn't insult me. I like to read other opinions.
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#44 Posted: 01:42:25 08/02/2012
Now that's the open mindedness I like to see in forums.

... We should stop bringing this up now...

So, just to clarify, does anyone have a real release date or is it just coming 'in fall'? I'd like to see how early it's being released officially.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:42:42 08/02/2012 by CynderFan1309
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#45 Posted: 01:43:19 08/02/2012
Just "Fall" for now. My bet is that it will come out around the same time than the first, so October?
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#46 Posted: 01:44:18 08/02/2012
Sweet, that's what I thought. Thanks!
ShaqUoh Ripto Gems: 12
#47 Posted: 02:23:28 08/02/2012
Skylanders... Fall 2011. Skylanders 2... Fall 2012.

It isn't 2000 anymore. Games take more than 1 year to make decently.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#48 Posted: 02:56:22 08/02/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: ShaqUoh
Skylanders... Fall 2011. Skylanders 2... Fall 2012.

It isn't 2000 anymore. Games take more than 1 year to make decently.

Exactly, most games made now in a year don't come out that good, but I trust that Activision will do good with this one.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#49 Posted: 03:03:00 08/02/2012
Well, thanks guys...

Also agreed with comment above mine, I hope the game isn't too rushed
but i love it all smooth
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