

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Old or new? [CLOSED]
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#1 Posted: 10:48:42 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
So I remember playing Spyro 2 when I was younger and loved it! Spyro was part of my childhood and still is today. I completed Gateway to Glimmer recently. For me its the best one ever. But thing is the newer ones obviously have much better graphics and stuff. So which do you prefer: the old classics where Spyro really hit it off or the newer games?
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#2 Posted: 12:16:15 16/09/2011
The older Spyro games. I find them more fun than the newer games.
Read my GB.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#3 Posted: 12:53:12 16/09/2011
I preffer the classics. I always like platforming over other games, and old Spyor had such a great attitude, I loved his confidence. The other characters were just fantastic too. They were cartoonish but don't fall into any cleches I know of. Hunter was a sort of cool guy and ladies man and he was good comic reliefe because he was a bit of a bumbler at times. The other playable characters were some of the best characters in the series IMO. I like Bently's intelligence and refinement, Agent9's insanity and paranoid sketchyness, Sgt. Byrd's no-nonsense militarism (right word?), and Sheila's motherly care and level headedness. Not to mention that Sparx actually had a purpose back in the day.

I also liked the scavenger hunting and minigames/sidequests, it really gave me more replay value. The landscapes also made replay so enjoyable! I loved the color, the designs and those beautiful multi-colored, starry skies!
And the MUSIC! OH! THE MUSIC!!! Stewart Copeland is a genius! He really captured everything that made classic Spyro great in each song. The tone of the game, the 'essence' of the character you were playing as, and the whimsicality of the Dragon Realms.

As for LOS, I used to like it, back when I was young and didn't really thing about what I read/watched/played. At the time it was new and different and exciting, and it was Spyro. Of course as I said I was oung and as I grew I started to think and realized how poor LOS really was.
The gameplay was very linear and repetitive, basically you just move along the path and press the attack button fifty million times till you reach the end. It had no replay value for me once I grew up and woke up, and even had little when I still liked it. Doing the same thing over and over and over in a dark and gloomy setting to the tune of overdramatic opera music just wasn't too appealing to me.

Speaking of which, I'll admit that some songs like the ANB theme, Gaul's boss theme, Tall Planes, and the Avalar theme were decent. But only the ANB theme and the Gaul theme are good enough to listen to outside of the game, and even then I can't do it because the overall series is just that bad that I don't want to be reminded of it.
As for settings It wasn't too bad in ANB, at least there was some color in there, but TEN was just grey, dark blue, dull purple and black, save for a random wisp of color coming off of Spyro or some kind of explosion. DotD was more open and had more color like ANB, but it looked like it was trying too hard to emulate the settings of a hollywood movie or superior game rather than a kid's game about a little dragon. IDK how to make that clearer it's just the feeling i get from it. Maybe that's because the story and characters were so over the top.

Speaking of, they were the worst part of the whole series. I don't want to type too much more, so I'll try and blast through this quickly:
Spyro, grow up and get a pair! He spends so much of his time whining and blaming himself for stuff he can't control, he's literally a tool; he jsut does whatever he's told without question, and much to my annoyance it's often because of destiny or a really poorly done fanservice 'romance'.
Cynder, shut up and pull yourself together! She was cool in ANB, decent in TEN, but annoying as bug bites in DotD. She changed in the blink of an eye from a character with a believeale amount of remorse, humility, toughness and resolve, to a snappy and rude little tramp. One minute she's tough and ready to fight, the next she's a scared little kid again.
Hunter, get a personality for goodness sakes!

The story:

  • IGNITEus, a FIRE dragon with MAGICAL CONTROL over fire DIES IN A FIRE
  • Sparx, the litte dragonfly who was with Spyro in EVERY fight and BOSS fight before, including the INSIDES of a NETHER WORLD TYPE VORTEX and FLAMING MONSTER, stays back during the final confrontation.
  • Malefor, who is the FINAL VILLAIN, and RULER OF DARKNESS/EVIL takes control of Cynder, and Spyro BREAKS THE CONTROL OF SAID LORD OF EVIL with a WIMPY MOAN that basically said I GIVE UP.
  • Spyro stated that HE HAD NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR because a gil he BARELY KNEW went 'evil' for three seconds, when in fact he had LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO FIGHT FOR. The world was going to be DESTROYED for goodness sake!
  • Cynder said I LOVE YOU even though they had never lived (she possesed by evil, he grown in ignorance and both forced into a random war thay knew nothing about for a race they knew nothing about), and hadn't really gotten to know eachother because of the war. In other words, she doesn't really love him, because she doesn't have the necessary information to feel so.
  • Pretty much every boss is killed with a 'Shoop Da Whoop' type final attack, rather than some amount of effort or skill or strategy on the part of the character.
  • The whole 'it's your destiny' and 'you have godly powers' deal actually takes alot away from the story and gameplay. For one thing it's lazy ong the part of the writers, because rather than take the time to make a believealy smart, strong and skillful character, they just give him a built in god mode to mow down his enemies, which means the player (in this case anyway) need not think about how to overcome obstacles, but simply press the 'kill button'. Also rather than flesh out a proper story with tought on the part of the character as to why he does these things, he's simply told 'lol a bunch of random dead people said you'd do it, lol sux to be U' and without question he up and does it.

And of course, the fanbase consists largely of spaztic raging kids who'll explode at you for saying anything against thier beloved LOS or anything related to it, lonely perverts who fap to Cynder, and omni fans suffering from severe superiority complex who won't come off thier high horse and stop beating you over the head with this 'a true fan likes all Spyro' nonsense.

And finally, the reason it's all such a train wreck is because of poor management on the producer's part. They hired A list Voice actors (and IMO most of them did a poor job, except Gary oldman), and used the money that should have been spent of writers and actual game development to do so. Thus the 'story' was written by producers who clearly could NOT write a story.

There, I'm done. Sorry, ma ranting kinda got away from me there. I wonder why I have more to say about the bad of LOS that the good of Classic Spyro? Maybe because ranting comes from rage and good things don't give a person rage? Maybe I just like to flame? IDK.

Anyway, there's all my thoughts on it.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#4 Posted: 13:13:00 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Wow. I agree on so many levels! For me, I like the idea of freedom in games, the fact that you can progress whenever you want to. I've only played A New Beginning of the new Spyro games series. It was alright I guess, but it doesn't beat the classics. In Gateway to Gilmmer I liked how you could run about and choose which portals you went into first, rather than set missions, y'know? I also loved the cutscenes before you arrived at whichever portal you went through. I guess another reason why I'm so attached to the older games is that they were part of my childhood and I fell in love with them. Even now when you play it and the graphics aren't the best, that doesn't bother me because that's how I remember it and that's how it is supposed to be.

And as for the music, I think its amazing! Copeland got it spot on and the different songs fitted the homeworlds perfectly. It adds to the atmosphere when you play it. I just think its great.

As for the new series, well, as I've said I've only played one game and it seems like they've forgotten what Spyro is all about. As you said the characters go through various mood swings, acting badass one minute and then cowering in fear the next. They've changed it so much that the essence we all know and love about the old games is gone. I mean yeah okay, they want to make it up to date - keep up with the times. But so much is different that the only way we can see the true Spyro in action is in the old games, right where he started.

So yeah, I'm all for the old. Nothing beats the classics. Having said that, I'm not saying newer games aren't good. The graphics are a lot better, but the fact that so much is different and I didn't really like the new characters that much ruins it for me.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#5 Posted: 13:37:31 16/09/2011
I prefer the earlier games, the later ones just bore me.
Kimbia28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1890
#6 Posted: 14:27:14 16/09/2011
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I preffer the classics. I always like platforming over other games, and old Spyor had such a great attitude, I loved his confidence. The other characters were just fantastic too. They were cartoonish but don't fall into any cleches I know of. Hunter was a sort of cool guy and ladies man and he was good comic reliefe because he was a bit of a bumbler at times. The other playable characters were some of the best characters in the series IMO. I like Bently's intelligence and refinement, Agent9's insanity and paranoid sketchyness, Sgt. Byrd's no-nonsense militarism (right word?), and Sheila's motherly care and level headedness. Not to mention that Sparx actually had a purpose back in the day.

I also liked the scavenger hunting and minigames/sidequests, it really gave me more replay value. The landscapes also made replay so enjoyable! I loved the color, the designs and those beautiful multi-colored, starry skies!
And the MUSIC! OH! THE MUSIC!!! Stewart Copeland is a genius! He really captured everything that made classic Spyro great in each song. The tone of the game, the 'essence' of the character you were playing as, and the whimsicality of the Dragon Realms.

As for LOS, I used to like it, back when I was young and didn't really thing about what I read/watched/played. At the time it was new and different and exciting, and it was Spyro. Of course as I said I was oung and as I grew I started to think and realized how poor LOS really was.
The gameplay was very linear and repetitive, basically you just move along the path and press the attack button fifty million times till you reach the end. It had no replay value for me once I grew up and woke up, and even had little when I still liked it. Doing the same thing over and over and over in a dark and gloomy setting to the tune of overdramatic opera music just wasn't too appealing to me.

Speaking of which, I'll admit that some songs like the ANB theme, Gaul's boss theme, Tall Planes, and the Avalar theme were decent. But only the ANB theme and the Gaul theme are good enough to listen to outside of the game, and even then I can't do it because the overall series is just that bad that I don't want to be reminded of it.
As for settings It wasn't too bad in ANB, at least there was some color in there, but TEN was just grey, dark blue, dull purple and black, save for a random wisp of color coming off of Spyro or some kind of explosion. DotD was more open and had more color like ANB, but it looked like it was trying too hard to emulate the settings of a hollywood movie or superior game rather than a kid's game about a little dragon. IDK how to make that clearer it's just the feeling i get from it. Maybe that's because the story and characters were so over the top.

Speaking of, they were the worst part of the whole series. I don't want to type too much more, so I'll try and blast through this quickly:
Spyro, grow up and get a pair! He spends so much of his time whining and blaming himself for stuff he can't control, he's literally a tool; he jsut does whatever he's told without question, and much to my annoyance it's often because of destiny or a really poorly done fanservice 'romance'.
Cynder, shut up and pull yourself together! She was cool in ANB, decent in TEN, but annoying as bug bites in DotD. She changed in the blink of an eye from a character with a believeale amount of remorse, humility, toughness and resolve, to a snappy and rude little tramp. One minute she's tough and ready to fight, the next she's a scared little kid again.
Hunter, get a personality for goodness sakes!

The story:

  • IGNITEus, a FIRE dragon with MAGICAL CONTROL over fire DIES IN A FIRE
  • Sparx, the litte dragonfly who was with Spyro in EVERY fight and BOSS fight before, including the INSIDES of a NETHER WORLD TYPE VORTEX and FLAMING MONSTER, stays back during the final confrontation.
  • Malefor, who is the FINAL VILLAIN, and RULER OF DARKNESS/EVIL takes control of Cynder, and Spyro BREAKS THE CONTROL OF SAID LORD OF EVIL with a WIMPY MOAN that basically said I GIVE UP.
  • Spyro stated that HE HAD NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR because a gil he BARELY KNEW went 'evil' for three seconds, when in fact he had LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO FIGHT FOR. The world was going to be DESTROYED for goodness sake!
  • Cynder said I LOVE YOU even though they had never lived (she possesed by evil, he grown in ignorance and both forced into a random war thay knew nothing about for a race they knew nothing about), and hadn't really gotten to know eachother because of the war. In other words, she doesn't really love him, because she doesn't have the necessary information to feel so.
  • Pretty much every boss is killed with a 'Shoop Da Whoop' type final attack, rather than some amount of effort or skill or strategy on the part of the character.
  • The whole 'it's your destiny' and 'you have godly powers' deal actually takes alot away from the story and gameplay. For one thing it's lazy ong the part of the writers, because rather than take the time to make a believealy smart, strong and skillful character, they just give him a built in god mode to mow down his enemies, which means the player (in this case anyway) need not think about how to overcome obstacles, but simply press the 'kill button'. Also rather than flesh out a proper story with tought on the part of the character as to why he does these things, he's simply told 'lol a bunch of random dead people said you'd do it, lol sux to be U' and without question he up and does it.

And of course, the fanbase consists largely of spaztic raging kids who'll explode at you for saying anything against thier beloved LOS or anything related to it, lonely perverts who fap to Cynder, and omni fans suffering from severe superiority complex who won't come off thier high horse and stop beating you over the head with this 'a true fan likes all Spyro' nonsense.

And finally, the reason it's all such a train wreck is because of poor management on the producer's part. They hired A list Voice actors (and IMO most of them did a poor job, except Gary oldman), and used the money that should have been spent of writers and actual game development to do so. Thus the 'story' was written by producers who clearly could NOT write a story.

There, I'm done. Sorry, ma ranting kinda got away from me there. I wonder why I have more to say about the bad of LOS that the good of Classic Spyro? Maybe because ranting comes from rage and good things don't give a person rage? Maybe I just like to flame? IDK.

Anyway, there's all my thoughts on it.

^this :0 agreed
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#7 Posted: 15:19:03 16/09/2011
Quote: Kimbia28
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I preffer the classics. I always like platforming over other games, and old Spyor had such a great attitude, I loved his confidence. The other characters were just fantastic too. They were cartoonish but don't fall into any cleches I know of. Hunter was a sort of cool guy and ladies man and he was good comic reliefe because he was a bit of a bumbler at times. The other playable characters were some of the best characters in the series IMO. I like Bently's intelligence and refinement, Agent9's insanity and paranoid sketchyness, Sgt. Byrd's no-nonsense militarism (right word?), and Sheila's motherly care and level headedness. Not to mention that Sparx actually had a purpose back in the day.

I also liked the scavenger hunting and minigames/sidequests, it really gave me more replay value. The landscapes also made replay so enjoyable! I loved the color, the designs and those beautiful multi-colored, starry skies!
And the MUSIC! OH! THE MUSIC!!! Stewart Copeland is a genius! He really captured everything that made classic Spyro great in each song. The tone of the game, the 'essence' of the character you were playing as, and the whimsicality of the Dragon Realms.

As for LOS, I used to like it, back when I was young and didn't really thing about what I read/watched/played. At the time it was new and different and exciting, and it was Spyro. Of course as I said I was oung and as I grew I started to think and realized how poor LOS really was.
The gameplay was very linear and repetitive, basically you just move along the path and press the attack button fifty million times till you reach the end. It had no replay value for me once I grew up and woke up, and even had little when I still liked it. Doing the same thing over and over and over in a dark and gloomy setting to the tune of overdramatic opera music just wasn't too appealing to me.

Speaking of which, I'll admit that some songs like the ANB theme, Gaul's boss theme, Tall Planes, and the Avalar theme were decent. But only the ANB theme and the Gaul theme are good enough to listen to outside of the game, and even then I can't do it because the overall series is just that bad that I don't want to be reminded of it.
As for settings It wasn't too bad in ANB, at least there was some color in there, but TEN was just grey, dark blue, dull purple and black, save for a random wisp of color coming off of Spyro or some kind of explosion. DotD was more open and had more color like ANB, but it looked like it was trying too hard to emulate the settings of a hollywood movie or superior game rather than a kid's game about a little dragon. IDK how to make that clearer it's just the feeling i get from it. Maybe that's because the story and characters were so over the top.

Speaking of, they were the worst part of the whole series. I don't want to type too much more, so I'll try and blast through this quickly:
Spyro, grow up and get a pair! He spends so much of his time whining and blaming himself for stuff he can't control, he's literally a tool; he jsut does whatever he's told without question, and much to my annoyance it's often because of destiny or a really poorly done fanservice 'romance'.
Cynder, shut up and pull yourself together! She was cool in ANB, decent in TEN, but annoying as bug bites in DotD. She changed in the blink of an eye from a character with a believeale amount of remorse, humility, toughness and resolve, to a snappy and rude little tramp. One minute she's tough and ready to fight, the next she's a scared little kid again.
Hunter, get a personality for goodness sakes!

The story:

  • IGNITEus, a FIRE dragon with MAGICAL CONTROL over fire DIES IN A FIRE
  • Sparx, the litte dragonfly who was with Spyro in EVERY fight and BOSS fight before, including the INSIDES of a NETHER WORLD TYPE VORTEX and FLAMING MONSTER, stays back during the final confrontation.
  • Malefor, who is the FINAL VILLAIN, and RULER OF DARKNESS/EVIL takes control of Cynder, and Spyro BREAKS THE CONTROL OF SAID LORD OF EVIL with a WIMPY MOAN that basically said I GIVE UP.
  • Spyro stated that HE HAD NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR because a gil he BARELY KNEW went 'evil' for three seconds, when in fact he had LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO FIGHT FOR. The world was going to be DESTROYED for goodness sake!
  • Cynder said I LOVE YOU even though they had never lived (she possesed by evil, he grown in ignorance and both forced into a random war thay knew nothing about for a race they knew nothing about), and hadn't really gotten to know eachother because of the war. In other words, she doesn't really love him, because she doesn't have the necessary information to feel so.
  • Pretty much every boss is killed with a 'Shoop Da Whoop' type final attack, rather than some amount of effort or skill or strategy on the part of the character.
  • The whole 'it's your destiny' and 'you have godly powers' deal actually takes alot away from the story and gameplay. For one thing it's lazy ong the part of the writers, because rather than take the time to make a believealy smart, strong and skillful character, they just give him a built in god mode to mow down his enemies, which means the player (in this case anyway) need not think about how to overcome obstacles, but simply press the 'kill button'. Also rather than flesh out a proper story with tought on the part of the character as to why he does these things, he's simply told 'lol a bunch of random dead people said you'd do it, lol sux to be U' and without question he up and does it.

And of course, the fanbase consists largely of spaztic raging kids who'll explode at you for saying anything against thier beloved LOS or anything related to it, lonely perverts who fap to Cynder, and omni fans suffering from severe superiority complex who won't come off thier high horse and stop beating you over the head with this 'a true fan likes all Spyro' nonsense.

And finally, the reason it's all such a train wreck is because of poor management on the producer's part. They hired A list Voice actors (and IMO most of them did a poor job, except Gary oldman), and used the money that should have been spent of writers and actual game development to do so. Thus the 'story' was written by producers who clearly could NOT write a story.

There, I'm done. Sorry, ma ranting kinda got away from me there. I wonder why I have more to say about the bad of LOS that the good of Classic Spyro? Maybe because ranting comes from rage and good things don't give a person rage? Maybe I just like to flame? IDK.

Anyway, there's all my thoughts on it.

^this :0 agreed

Same here. All of the things that NEW_SpyroLUVA said is so true.
Read my GB.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#8 Posted: 16:57:21 16/09/2011
I prefer the old series. It's fun, less dark and one of my favourite game series of all time.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:57:49 16/09/2011 by alicecarp
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#9 Posted: 16:57:24 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Yep! Couldn't agree more. smilie
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#10 Posted: 20:04:11 16/09/2011
The old. It had EFFORT put in.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#11 Posted: 20:43:20 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
It did. It was enjoyable and just downright awesome.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#12 Posted: 20:59:54 16/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
The old. It had EFFORT put in.

THIS! The real shame of LOS is that NO effort was given, the potential, vast as it was was not lived up to.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#13 Posted: 21:52:51 16/09/2011
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
Quote: Prysom
The old. It had EFFORT put in.

THIS! The real shame of LOS is that NO effort was given, the potential, vast as it was was not lived up to.

Completely agreed. Potential WASTED.
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#14 Posted: 22:22:57 16/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
The old. It had EFFORT put in.

I agree with this even more. The LOS games never had alot of effort put into them. Especially DOTD.
Read my GB.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#15 Posted: 22:26:31 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
I never got into them. It was just their way of updating the franchise,
but they did a terrible job.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#16 Posted: 22:29:19 16/09/2011
They had the right idea in parts, but they screwed up the vast majority of LOS.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#17 Posted: 23:55:27 16/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah suppose. I'm just gonna stick with the classics, unless they get the Spyro games right.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#18 Posted: 00:24:30 17/09/2011
I mean, Spyro 1-3 raised the bar REALLY high. Then some idiot unscrewed part of the bar and dropped it. LOS was the result of the bar rolling off a cliff.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:25:04 17/09/2011 by Prysom
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#19 Posted: 00:33:13 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Haha! I like that. Yes, that's true right down to a T. What a shame their crappy games ruined a great series.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#20 Posted: 00:43:34 17/09/2011
Yeah, despite their massive budget, those games fell flat, really.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#21 Posted: 00:47:56 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Sure did. I hadn't even heard of the new one, Skylanders. When I finally did hear about a new Spyro game I thought "Yay, great! Hopefully this will be better than all the LOS ones!" But then once I saw what it actually involved and what Spyro looked like I thought "What the hell is wrong with these people?" I mean, come on. It looks cheap. And he looks like a goblin. So this will be another Spyro game I'm skipping. If I need a fix, I'll play Glimmer.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#22 Posted: 00:49:53 17/09/2011
Even the Spyro fanbase could make a better game than most companies have.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#23 Posted: 00:59:39 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Exactly, because we know what type of game we want. They should listen to fans opinions and ideas more.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#24 Posted: 01:00:49 17/09/2011
True, true. At least Insomniac had a little fun with the game and enjoyed making it, not just trudging through the making for profits.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#25 Posted: 01:05:58 17/09/2011
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I preffer the classics. I always like platforming over other games, and old Spyor had such a great attitude, I loved his confidence. The other characters were just fantastic too. They were cartoonish but don't fall into any cleches I know of. Hunter was a sort of cool guy and ladies man and he was good comic reliefe because he was a bit of a bumbler at times. The other playable characters were some of the best characters in the series IMO. I like Bently's intelligence and refinement, Agent9's insanity and paranoid sketchyness, Sgt. Byrd's no-nonsense militarism (right word?), and Sheila's motherly care and level headedness. Not to mention that Sparx actually had a purpose back in the day.

I also liked the scavenger hunting and minigames/sidequests, it really gave me more replay value. The landscapes also made replay so enjoyable! I loved the color, the designs and those beautiful multi-colored, starry skies!
And the MUSIC! OH! THE MUSIC!!! Stewart Copeland is a genius! He really captured everything that made classic Spyro great in each song. The tone of the game, the 'essence' of the character you were playing as, and the whimsicality of the Dragon Realms.

As for LOS, I used to like it, back when I was young and didn't really thing about what I read/watched/played. At the time it was new and different and exciting, and it was Spyro. Of course as I said I was oung and as I grew I started to think and realized how poor LOS really was.
The gameplay was very linear and repetitive, basically you just move along the path and press the attack button fifty million times till you reach the end. It had no replay value for me once I grew up and woke up, and even had little when I still liked it. Doing the same thing over and over and over in a dark and gloomy setting to the tune of overdramatic opera music just wasn't too appealing to me.

Speaking of which, I'll admit that some songs like the ANB theme, Gaul's boss theme, Tall Planes, and the Avalar theme were decent. But only the ANB theme and the Gaul theme are good enough to listen to outside of the game, and even then I can't do it because the overall series is just that bad that I don't want to be reminded of it.
As for settings It wasn't too bad in ANB, at least there was some color in there, but TEN was just grey, dark blue, dull purple and black, save for a random wisp of color coming off of Spyro or some kind of explosion. DotD was more open and had more color like ANB, but it looked like it was trying too hard to emulate the settings of a hollywood movie or superior game rather than a kid's game about a little dragon. IDK how to make that clearer it's just the feeling i get from it. Maybe that's because the story and characters were so over the top.

Speaking of, they were the worst part of the whole series. I don't want to type too much more, so I'll try and blast through this quickly:
Spyro, grow up and get a pair! He spends so much of his time whining and blaming himself for stuff he can't control, he's literally a tool; he jsut does whatever he's told without question, and much to my annoyance it's often because of destiny or a really poorly done fanservice 'romance'.
Cynder, shut up and pull yourself together! She was cool in ANB, decent in TEN, but annoying as bug bites in DotD. She changed in the blink of an eye from a character with a believeale amount of remorse, humility, toughness and resolve, to a snappy and rude little tramp. One minute she's tough and ready to fight, the next she's a scared little kid again.
Hunter, get a personality for goodness sakes!

The story:

  • IGNITEus, a FIRE dragon with MAGICAL CONTROL over fire DIES IN A FIRE
  • Sparx, the litte dragonfly who was with Spyro in EVERY fight and BOSS fight before, including the INSIDES of a NETHER WORLD TYPE VORTEX and FLAMING MONSTER, stays back during the final confrontation.
  • Malefor, who is the FINAL VILLAIN, and RULER OF DARKNESS/EVIL takes control of Cynder, and Spyro BREAKS THE CONTROL OF SAID LORD OF EVIL with a WIMPY MOAN that basically said I GIVE UP.
  • Spyro stated that HE HAD NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR because a gil he BARELY KNEW went 'evil' for three seconds, when in fact he had LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO FIGHT FOR. The world was going to be DESTROYED for goodness sake!
  • Cynder said I LOVE YOU even though they had never lived (she possesed by evil, he grown in ignorance and both forced into a random war thay knew nothing about for a race they knew nothing about), and hadn't really gotten to know eachother because of the war. In other words, she doesn't really love him, because she doesn't have the necessary information to feel so.
  • Pretty much every boss is killed with a 'Shoop Da Whoop' type final attack, rather than some amount of effort or skill or strategy on the part of the character.
  • The whole 'it's your destiny' and 'you have godly powers' deal actually takes alot away from the story and gameplay. For one thing it's lazy ong the part of the writers, because rather than take the time to make a believealy smart, strong and skillful character, they just give him a built in god mode to mow down his enemies, which means the player (in this case anyway) need not think about how to overcome obstacles, but simply press the 'kill button'. Also rather than flesh out a proper story with tought on the part of the character as to why he does these things, he's simply told 'lol a bunch of random dead people said you'd do it, lol sux to be U' and without question he up and does it.

And of course, the fanbase consists largely of spaztic raging kids who'll explode at you for saying anything against thier beloved LOS or anything related to it, lonely perverts who fap to Cynder, and omni fans suffering from severe superiority complex who won't come off thier high horse and stop beating you over the head with this 'a true fan likes all Spyro' nonsense.

And finally, the reason it's all such a train wreck is because of poor management on the producer's part. They hired A list Voice actors (and IMO most of them did a poor job, except Gary oldman), and used the money that should have been spent of writers and actual game development to do so. Thus the 'story' was written by producers who clearly could NOT write a story.

There, I'm done. Sorry, ma ranting kinda got away from me there. I wonder why I have more to say about the bad of LOS that the good of Classic Spyro? Maybe because ranting comes from rage and good things don't give a person rage? Maybe I just like to flame? IDK.

Anyway, there's all my thoughts on it.

Long post is long.

I agree with all of this, but I don't really have a favorite. I love all of them equally.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#26 Posted: 01:08:03 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah cause most companies these days are all about the money and hardly put heart into what they're doing.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#27 Posted: 01:11:14 17/09/2011
Quote: SpyroFlame
Yeah cause most companies these days are all about the money and hardly put heart into what they're doing.

I'd take a game with Spyro's graphics nowadays if it had Spyro's gameplay. I don't want something with High Def graphics if it has Horribly Designed gameplay.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5350
#28 Posted: 01:15:56 17/09/2011

I like the classics over the new ones. NEW_SpyroLUVA pretty much summed it all up for me.

The classics were my childhood, which is the main reason why I love then. I remember watching my sister play STD when I was like, four. STD was a great game, same with GTG and YOTD. The characters were great and wacky with their own unique personality. It had great puzzles, good game-play and fantastic music.

Many people consider ETD as the downfall of the franchise, but I give that honor to AHT. Unlike AHT, ETD stayed true to the originals. I felt like I was playing a slightly watered down classic game when I played it. Sure, it was full of glitches and had long loading times, and the game was very short, but I didn't care about that. I looked deeper into the game, and I found enjoyable game-play every time I did that. The music was great too. I don't see what's so bad about it. Honey Marsh's music was very catchy. <3

AHT, to me was when the games turned for the worse. AHT, although a good game, it wasn't like the classics. The music didn't help ether. The music was different and had this different theme to it (I can't explain it). It's way better than TLOS's horrible chanting/choir music in DotD, but it's **** compared to the classics + ETD. The character designs were different and looked rather derpy and ugly. Every single character from the classics (except the Professor and Zoe) were goofed up in a different way with a slightly different character design and a different personality. Spryo is now some ugly, cocky, teenage jerk who made corny jokes. Hunter's trying-to-be-so-cool personality wasn't very appealing (but I did like his design), Moneybags and Sgt. Byrd's accents weren't necessary (and Moneybag's design wasn't very appealing. Where the hell did Sgt. Byrd's slightly weird side to his personality go?) and Bentley had changed so much that I believe it's just some Yeti who thinks he's Bentley (which makes things much more easier for me to believe). Where the hell is his club? Why didn't he just smash those yetis with his club? Why does he look like some fluffy panda? What happened to his vocabulary? Due to this, I don't believe this game continues after ETD. I know it's supposed to, but I just find it hard to believe. I just believe that AHT, SL and Fusion are spin-offs in their own little universe.

At first, I hated how Elora, Bianca, Agent 9 and Sheila weren't in the game, but now I'm glad. If they appeared in the game, they would have had some goofy design and a different personality. Bianca's design wasn't very appealing in SL and wtf was with Hunter teasing her in that game?

TLOS wasn't Spyro at all. It was like as if some company made some random game about dragons with a boring story that has been used many times before and slapped Spyro's name on it to give it better sales. The only reason why it's considered a Spyro game is because the main character is a purple dragon who shares Spyro's name and has a dragonfly who follows him. It wasn't what Spyro was meant to be. At least AHT kept to the same game-play. If this game didn't share Spyro's title, it could have been better. It needed a T rating for it to be a good game. The main character should have been gold IMO. People wouldn't even consider this game being similar to Spyro. They're so different that it's hard to compare.

Classic Spyro:
Bright atmosphere.
Goofy characters with fun personalities and accents.
Spyro is a dragon who is usually fun and cocky, but knows when to get serious. He loves to kick ass, but he was never fond of constantly saving the world.
Sparx is his sidekick. Not a certain black dragon.
Has a few plotholes, but no plotholes that are very serious and noticeable.
Hit enemies once to kill.
Full puzzles.

Legend Spyro:
Dull atmosphere.
Dull, boring characters with serious personalties. Excluding Volteer, Cyril and Sparx. They were okay.
Spyro is a boring, way too serious character who's personality is like a brick wall, and brick walls aren't very interesting. Started acting sappy in DotD. Hates to hurt others and would give up his life to safe the world like any lame, sappy hero.
Has a female dragon who has now replaced Sparx in being Spyro's sidekick and is now following/stalking him in every game he's in, including Skylanders.
Has plotholes everywhere in DotD and makes the game a laugh (such as Ignitus, a fire dragon, dying in a fire).
Hit enemies about ten times to kill.
No puzzles.

At the moment, people are only buying the games because it has a purple dragon and Spyro's name is slapped on the title.

i'm now just going to say that TLOS is one of the worse series i've ever played and leave it at that

wow, the last time i wrote a large post was like, a year ago

a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 04:27:17 17/09/2011 by DarkCynder_543
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#29 Posted: 01:24:10 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: Prysom
Quote: SpyroFlame
Yeah cause most companies these days are all about the money and hardly put heart into what they're doing.

I'd take a game with Spyro's graphics nowadays if it had Spyro's gameplay. I don't want something with High Def graphics if it has Horribly Designed gameplay.

If the story was good and had depth, and if the characters were likable, then yeah. I'd get a newer game, if it came out.

Wow! I agree with everything you said too! Nothing beats the classics. Companies shouldn't make sequels unless they're sure everything works. Cause at the end of the day, they're just milking it to get as much moola out of it as they can. Which in turn, destroys an amazing series.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#30 Posted: 01:41:54 17/09/2011
Quote: DarkCynder_543

I like the classics over the new ones. NEW_SpyroLUVA pretty much summed it all up for me.

The classics were my childhood, which is the main reason why I love then. I remember watching my sister play STD when I was like, four. STD was a great game, same with GTG and YOTD. The characters were great and wacky with their own unique personality. It had great puzzles, good game-play and fantastic music.

Many people consider ETD as the downfall of the franchise, but I give that honor to AHT. Unlike AHT, ETD stayed true to the originals. I felt like I was playing a slightly watered down classic game when I played it. Sure, it was full of glitches and had long loading times, and the game was very short, but I didn't care about that. I looked deeper into the game, and I found enjoyable game-play every time I did that. The music was great too. I don't see what's so bad about it. Honey Marsh's music was very catchy. <3

AHT, to me was when the games turned for the worse. AHT, although a good game, it wasn't like the classics. The music didn't help ether. The music was different and had this different theme to it (I can't explain it). It's way better than TLOS's horrible chanting/choir music in DotD, but it's **** compared to the classics + ETD. The character designs were different and looked rather derpy and ugly. Every single character from the classics (except the Professor and Zoe) were goofed up in a different way with a slightly different character design and a different personality. Spryo is now some ugly, cocky, teenage jerk who made corny jokes. Hunter's trying-to-be-so-cool personality wasn't very appealing (but I did like his design), Moneybags and Sgt. Byrd's accents weren't necessary (and Moneybag's design wasn't very appealing. Where the hell did Sgt. Byrd's slightly weird side to his personality go?) and Bentley had changed so much that I believe it's just some Yeti who thinks he's Bentley. Where the hell is his club? Why didn't he just smash those yetis with his club? Why does he look like some fluffy panda? Due to this, I don't believe this game continues after ETD. I know it's supposed to, but I just find it hard to believe. I just believe that AHT, SL and Fusion are spin-offs in their own little universe.

At first, I hated how Elora, Bianca, Agent 9 and Sheila weren't in the game, but now I'm glad. If they appeared in the game, they would have had some goofy design and a different personality. Bianca's design wasn't very appealing in SL and wtf was with Hunter teasing her in that game?

TLOS wasn't Spyro at all. It was like as if some company made some random game about dragons with a boring story that has been used many times before and slapped Spyro's name on it to give it better sales. The only reason why it's considered a Spyro game is because the main character is a purple dragon who shares Spyro's name and has a dragonfly who follows him. It wasn't what Spyro was meant to be. At least AHT kept to the same game-play. If this game didn't share Spyro's title, it could have been better. It needed a T rating for it to be a good game. The main character should have been gold IMO. People wouldn't even consider this game being similar to Spyro. They're so different that it's hard to compare.

Classic Spyro:
Bright atmosphere.
Goofy characters with fun personalities and accents.
Spyro is a dragon who is usually fun and cocky, but knows when to get serious. He loves to kick ass, but he was never fond of constantly saving the world.
Sparx is his sidekick. Not a certain black dragon.
Has a few plotholes, but no plotholes that are very serious and noticeable.

Legend Spyro:
Dull atmosphere.
Dull, boring characters with serious personalties. Excluding Volteer, Cyril and Sparx. They were okay.
Spyro is a boring, way too serious character who's personality is like a brick wall, and brick walls aren't very interesting. Started acting sappy in DotD. Hates to hurt others and would give up his life to safe the world like any lame, sappy hero.
Has a female dragon who has now replaced Sparx in being Spyro's sidekick and is now following/stalking him in every game he's in, including Skylanders.
Has plotholes everywhere in DotD and makes the game a laugh (such as Ignitus, a fire dragon, dying in a fire).

At the moment, people are only buying the games because it has a purple dragon and Spyro's name is slapped on the title.

i'm now just going to say that TLOS is one of the worse series i've ever played and leave it at that

wow, the last time i wrote a large post was like, a year ago


I agreed with every word of that!
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#31 Posted: 01:45:12 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Haha! Us Spyro fans sure know how we like our games!
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#32 Posted: 01:47:55 17/09/2011
Quote: SpyroFlame
Exactly, because we know what type of game we want. They should listen to fans opinions and ideas more.

Still, listening to fans and giving them what they desperately want in a Spyro game would make the fanbase look spoiled.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#33 Posted: 01:48:14 17/09/2011
Got that right. Now for the COMPANIES making him to realize that.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#34 Posted: 01:51:28 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
I guess but then, isn't it all about what the customer wants? We're paying them therefore we deserve the best quality game possible.

Yep, hopefully the penny will drop soon.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#35 Posted: 01:52:35 17/09/2011
Exactly. Only in drug dealing are good customers given the stepped on crap.
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#36 Posted: 01:54:32 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: Prysom
Exactly. Only in drug dealing are good customers given the stepped on crap.

Lol! So true! xD
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#37 Posted: 01:56:42 17/09/2011
Quote: SpyroFlame
I guess but then, isn't it all about what the customer wants? We're paying them therefore we deserve the best quality game possible.

Yep, hopefully the penny will drop soon.

Still we don't want to overdo it. I mean look what the LoS has become, the producers listened to the fanbase and gave them what they wanted in DotD, but it didn't fully turn out very well.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#38 Posted: 01:58:14 17/09/2011
Coming after me here now? I'll play that way. smilie
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#39 Posted: 02:01:19 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: Aura24
Quote: SpyroFlame
I guess but then, isn't it all about what the customer wants? We're paying them therefore we deserve the best quality game possible.

Yep, hopefully the penny will drop soon.

Still we don't want to overdo it. I mean look what the LoS has become, the producers listened to the fanbase and gave them what they wanted in DotD, but it didn't fully turn out very well.

I see what you mean. I guess it's all about getting the right balance of what fans want and what the producers think is best, in order to make the game work.

I'm posting everywhereeee!
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#40 Posted: 02:07:37 17/09/2011
Some fans who think the publisher should listen to their every whim on what they desperately want in a Spyro game and then getting all mad and upset when a Spyro game doesn't have what they desire in it by sending death threats and hate mail to the devs gives off the impression of those fans being somewhat selfish.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
SpyroFlame Green Sparx Gems: 354
#41 Posted: 02:13:36 17/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah, I agree with that! That's wrong. I'm just saying that products are based at what the customer wants, to satisfy them. But I agree with your point about them getting angry when what they asked for doesn't turn out the way they wanted.
Broccoli - the way of the future for trees.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#42 Posted: 02:13:49 17/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
Coming after me here now? I'll play that way. smilie

You sounded like you were awfully horny ther....

.....oh wait....
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#43 Posted: 02:20:47 17/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
Coming after me here now? I'll play that way. smilie

If Aura only knew what you said back on Random Facts topic.
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#44 Posted: 02:23:18 17/09/2011
You should all know that video game industry is... an industry. So it is normal that they want to do money, there's a lot of people behind these industries, several people that are living from this. So, stop complaining about that, it is a business, no matter what we say, it won't change.

The developers are really passionate people, and they really take decisions thinking it is a good decision. I'm pretty sure they didn't want to ruin Spyro, they wanted to be innovative, which is pretty much a hit or miss when you attempt to do something new with a franchise.

Each of us think that we can have a brilliant idea for a new game that would be awesome, but designing a game is more than that, and each screwed game came from someone who thought that his idea was awesome, and a lot of people thought like him too I guess (you need to sell your concept somehow). All of this is subjective... about how to do a great game or not.

PS: Don't hate me, I'm just saying that nothing is all black or all white here
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:35:35 17/09/2011 by Reimu
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#45 Posted: 02:30:50 17/09/2011
Quote: Skorpion216
Quote: Prysom
Coming after me here now? I'll play that way. smilie

If Aura only knew what you said back on Random Facts topic.

Now this made me curious what he said... <.<
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#46 Posted: 02:32:16 17/09/2011
Quote: Aura24
Quote: Skorpion216
Quote: Prysom
Coming after me here now? I'll play that way. smilie

If Aura only knew what you said back on Random Facts topic.

Now this made me curious what he said... <.<

You want me to send you a link of the exact page?

Just look at post #274 on page 6 in the "Random facts about yourself" in S&N
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:34:19 17/09/2011 by Skorpion216
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#47 Posted: 02:32:55 17/09/2011
No need, I already saw it.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#48 Posted: 02:50:09 17/09/2011
Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVA
I preffer the classics. I always like platforming over other games, and old Spyor had such a great attitude, I loved his confidence. The other characters were just fantastic too. They were cartoonish but don't fall into any cleches I know of. Hunter was a sort of cool guy and ladies man and he was good comic reliefe because he was a bit of a bumbler at times. The other playable characters were some of the best characters in the series IMO. I like Bently's intelligence and refinement, Agent9's insanity and paranoid sketchyness, Sgt. Byrd's no-nonsense militarism (right word?), and Sheila's motherly care and level headedness. Not to mention that Sparx actually had a purpose back in the day.

I also liked the scavenger hunting and minigames/sidequests, it really gave me more replay value. The landscapes also made replay so enjoyable! I loved the color, the designs and those beautiful multi-colored, starry skies!
And the MUSIC! OH! THE MUSIC!!! Stewart Copeland is a genius! He really captured everything that made classic Spyro great in each song. The tone of the game, the 'essence' of the character you were playing as, and the whimsicality of the Dragon Realms.

As for LOS, I used to like it, back when I was young and didn't really thing about what I read/watched/played. At the time it was new and different and exciting, and it was Spyro. Of course as I said I was oung and as I grew I started to think and realized how poor LOS really was.
The gameplay was very linear and repetitive, basically you just move along the path and press the attack button fifty million times till you reach the end. It had no replay value for me once I grew up and woke up, and even had little when I still liked it. Doing the same thing over and over and over in a dark and gloomy setting to the tune of overdramatic opera music just wasn't too appealing to me.

Speaking of which, I'll admit that some songs like the ANB theme, Gaul's boss theme, Tall Planes, and the Avalar theme were decent. But only the ANB theme and the Gaul theme are good enough to listen to outside of the game, and even then I can't do it because the overall series is just that bad that I don't want to be reminded of it.
As for settings It wasn't too bad in ANB, at least there was some color in there, but TEN was just grey, dark blue, dull purple and black, save for a random wisp of color coming off of Spyro or some kind of explosion. DotD was more open and had more color like ANB, but it looked like it was trying too hard to emulate the settings of a hollywood movie or superior game rather than a kid's game about a little dragon. IDK how to make that clearer it's just the feeling i get from it. Maybe that's because the story and characters were so over the top.

Speaking of, they were the worst part of the whole series. I don't want to type too much more, so I'll try and blast through this quickly:
Spyro, grow up and get a pair! He spends so much of his time whining and blaming himself for stuff he can't control, he's literally a tool; he jsut does whatever he's told without question, and much to my annoyance it's often because of destiny or a really poorly done fanservice 'romance'.
Cynder, shut up and pull yourself together! She was cool in ANB, decent in TEN, but annoying as bug bites in DotD. She changed in the blink of an eye from a character with a believeale amount of remorse, humility, toughness and resolve, to a snappy and rude little tramp. One minute she's tough and ready to fight, the next she's a scared little kid again.
Hunter, get a personality for goodness sakes!

The story:

  • IGNITEus, a FIRE dragon with MAGICAL CONTROL over fire DIES IN A FIRE
  • Sparx, the litte dragonfly who was with Spyro in EVERY fight and BOSS fight before, including the INSIDES of a NETHER WORLD TYPE VORTEX and FLAMING MONSTER, stays back during the final confrontation.
  • Malefor, who is the FINAL VILLAIN, and RULER OF DARKNESS/EVIL takes control of Cynder, and Spyro BREAKS THE CONTROL OF SAID LORD OF EVIL with a WIMPY MOAN that basically said I GIVE UP.
  • Spyro stated that HE HAD NOTHING TO FIGHT FOR because a gil he BARELY KNEW went 'evil' for three seconds, when in fact he had LITERALLY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO FIGHT FOR. The world was going to be DESTROYED for goodness sake!
  • Cynder said I LOVE YOU even though they had never lived (she possesed by evil, he grown in ignorance and both forced into a random war thay knew nothing about for a race they knew nothing about), and hadn't really gotten to know eachother because of the war. In other words, she doesn't really love him, because she doesn't have the necessary information to feel so.
  • Pretty much every boss is killed with a 'Shoop Da Whoop' type final attack, rather than some amount of effort or skill or strategy on the part of the character.
  • The whole 'it's your destiny' and 'you have godly powers' deal actually takes alot away from the story and gameplay. For one thing it's lazy ong the part of the writers, because rather than take the time to make a believealy smart, strong and skillful character, they just give him a built in god mode to mow down his enemies, which means the player (in this case anyway) need not think about how to overcome obstacles, but simply press the 'kill button'. Also rather than flesh out a proper story with tought on the part of the character as to why he does these things, he's simply told 'lol a bunch of random dead people said you'd do it, lol sux to be U' and without question he up and does it.

And of course, the fanbase consists largely of spaztic raging kids who'll explode at you for saying anything against thier beloved LOS or anything related to it, lonely perverts who fap to Cynder, and omni fans suffering from severe superiority complex who won't come off thier high horse and stop beating you over the head with this 'a true fan likes all Spyro' nonsense.

And finally, the reason it's all such a train wreck is because of poor management on the producer's part. They hired A list Voice actors (and IMO most of them did a poor job, except Gary oldman), and used the money that should have been spent of writers and actual game development to do so. Thus the 'story' was written by producers who clearly could NOT write a story.

There, I'm done. Sorry, ma ranting kinda got away from me there. I wonder why I have more to say about the bad of LOS that the good of Classic Spyro? Maybe because ranting comes from rage and good things don't give a person rage? Maybe I just like to flame? IDK.

Anyway, there's all my thoughts on it.

i logged on just to say that this is awesome, and i agree COMPLETELY.

i also agree completely with DarkCynder_543. i can't quote her post.

so, in a nutshell, the classics are the best.
but i love it all smooth
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:06:43 17/09/2011 by LevanJess
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#49 Posted: 03:02:40 17/09/2011;dr posts......
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#50 Posted: 03:14:10 17/09/2011
It just means "Too long; Didn't read", not what I call trolling though =)

Edit: Errr... where is the post I was answering to? =/
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:16:46 17/09/2011 by Reimu
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