So hey, I'm one of those people who grew up with Spyro (the first three games) and liked him, and after almost 10 years of silence I found out about the LoS series through watching some cutscenes of ANB on youtube. Suffice to say that I was deeply moved by the story, and proceeded to some lengths to get all three games. I played them through in about a week flat, and after experiencing the entire story (I didn't notice any plotholes that would've decidedly disturbed my experience), and finding out about the future Spyro game, I had the huge urge to discuss about it, hence I registered here (hi!).
Thoughts on the Spyro games I've played
I guess I might as well give my opinions on the games I played to add to some of the more recent threads I skimmed through here.
First 3 Spyro games in general - Great platforming fun, nice background stories (at least in #3), fun gameplay etc. YES I LIKED THESE GAMES TOO, SO I'M NOT (just) A TLoS FAN
ANB - Has a very immersive way of making the player relate deeply to Spyro, the most legit feeling storytelling I've ever experienced in a game, nice graphics, fun, if a little repetitive gameplay (but it didn't bother as much since it felt like the work you had to do in order to achieve the story's goals).
TEN - The most difficult game in the series, I died countless times but eventually found the best approach: more tactical thinking, more usage of your abilities (not just melee), and I played the game through in a matter of days. Pretty much the same as ANB but a darker, more troubled feel to it throughout the game, but honestly it felt more than approppriate for the second part of a dark trilogy.
DotD - The new way of fighting felt vague at first, but I quickly got used to it, and it made for less repetitive gameplay. The almost-free flying coupled with less linear environments made the game that much more fun and refreshing. Spyro and Cynder growing up by 3 years and changing in appereance accordingly also felt approppriate after the first half an hour of getting used to.
TLoS in general: Immersive story, and touching, awesome music. Witnessing the story of Spyro being narrowly saved from death while he still was in his egg, watching him grow and save Cynder, endeavor through lots of difficulties and finally facing Cynder's nightmare together with her... After playing the last game and seeing the ending cutscenes I'm filled with grief that this seems to pretty much be the end for the more mature Spyro.
(There's one thing about the plot that was strange, and that was Cynder being so... sane and normal, without too bad mental scars after being rescued from Malefor's influence. Wasn't she raised all the way by Malefor's forces and as such driven evil and lacking the sense of empathy? Or perhaps these attributes are genetic instead of being learned from your environment as you grow up? Perhaps she was given loving care while she was still an egg (just like human babies learn to recognize the voices of close people before they've even born) and drew those characteristics from there? Go figure.)
Spyro's future
Then finally regarding the upcoming Skylanders game... Well, I think it goes without saying to you all that the "Spyro" (or Elroy, thanks whoever here came up with that) in that series is hardly the one we've known and loved... He looks totally different, more like a dog or a rat, there's no Sparx, and my god what they did to Cynder, ripper her from a completely different story (and even changed something in her appereance in a way very disturbing and foreign to dragons/lizards, look at the figurine and you get what I mean o_o) to promote this very pokemon-esque creation (Gotta catch 'em all?) that is geared towards little kids (unlike TLoS which with its story also fits well for more mature people like me, you know, the people who played the first Spyro games when they were kids).
To sum up my feelings about the new game, it feels so... soulless. The beautiful story being scrapped in favour of a toy-related story that encourages people to spend more money. Elroy looks like his soul has been sucked away, deformed both physically and mentally, deep inside. Comparing the mood of DotD's last cutscene's end and this game... Well, I hope you get my point.
So here's hoping that Activision's new direction for the franchise isn't permanent, and that this game truly is only a spinoff of the series, with the LoS story also getting continuation (what Spyro and Cynder did after the end cutscenes). But alas, it feels very depressing since if they even went to such lengths as to cancel the LoS movie only due to this game, it means Elroy will be used to get little kids to enjoy the franchise even though, ironically, Elroy's isn't even the same franchise for what I'm concerned, only the name and the purple colour remain. Even the background world that connected both the first Spyro games and the LoS series (with Avalar and everything) is gone, and replaced with a place called "Skylands".
Sorry for the essay, and props for reading it (I hope)! But yeah, I think I covered most of the things on my mind. Discuss!