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i watnt to turn into a dragon plz help [CLOSED]
aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#151 Posted: 10:35:21 03/07/2011 | Topic Creator
omg it topic is so old, i thought it was died, but.........
its alive!!!!!!!!!!

also i still want to turn into a dragon
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#152 Posted: 14:26:29 04/07/2011
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#153 Posted: 06:04:27 05/07/2011
Nothing is impossible
Hyena Yellow Sparx Gems: 1413
#154 Posted: 12:31:13 05/07/2011
Turn into a dragon?

It's simple, really.

You go to the edge of a cliff.
Chant what you wish to become three times.
Once you have chanted; close your eyes and jump off said cliff.

Once you're close to reaching the bottom of the cliff and reaching your certain doom; imagine that you have wings as quickly as you can.

Soon you will find yourself flying and that you're a dragon!
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#155 Posted: 17:31:36 05/07/2011
Quote: aran
omg it topic is so old, i thought it was died, but.........
its alive!!!!!!!!!!

also i still want to turn into a dragon

I just spit out my tea.

aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#156 Posted: 18:44:15 05/07/2011 | Topic Creator
this topic must be the oldest topic (with out a sticky) on ds
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#157 Posted: 18:44:59 05/07/2011
Quote: aran
this topic must be the oldest topic (with out a sticky) on ds

Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#158 Posted: 03:13:03 08/07/2011


It's four years old.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
darkdragon3809 Gold Sparx Gems: 2264
#159 Posted: 03:17:01 08/07/2011
Oh daym, proof!
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#160 Posted: 16:09:52 08/07/2011
wow a four year topic, and its still being used. That must be hard to do, I couldnt wait four years and post on the same topic that was started so long ago,(if it where me who started it, then it probly whouldnt last but a few months) wow, longest conversation ever(that I've seen)
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#161 Posted: 23:31:13 08/07/2011
Nope. The only reason why it isn't closed is because there's only one page on that forum. The topic has to be passed at least two pages to be closed.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7629
#162 Posted: 02:39:16 09/07/2011
Four years. That's a long time.
madnesshank545 Blue Sparx Gems: 546
#163 Posted: 05:17:22 09/07/2011
it's impossible to turn into a dragon. at least i guess.
at least try it in your dreams, ROFL.
(oh, written on the stars, a million miles away.)
when they start the "wing implantation" experiment, get in the line!
"love is fire that burns without end"
"just one person want to be lonely forever: the one who never loved.
what are you looking at?
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#164 Posted: 05:25:53 09/07/2011
It's possible. If you're a human-dragon hybrid.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
missinvisible Green Sparx Gems: 363
#165 Posted: 23:07:02 12/07/2011
why am i reading this?
~i got my fist, i got my pain, i've got survivalism~
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#166 Posted: 01:12:52 13/07/2011
Here's an older one.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#167 Posted: 01:16:45 13/07/2011
^Oh, wow.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
aran Emerald Sparx Gems: 4040
#168 Posted: 23:04:33 21/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Turn into a dragon?

It's simple, really.

You go to the edge of a cliff.
Chant what you wish to become three times.
Once you have chanted; close your eyes and jump off said cliff.

Once you're close to reaching the bottom of the cliff and reaching your certain doom; imagine that you have wings as quickly as you can.

Soon you will find yourself flying and that you're a dragon!

some people tried that, and they fell to there deaths
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907
#169 Posted: 00:49:24 24/07/2011
@aran, obviously you haven't seen peter pan. you need faith, trust, and pixie dust to fly, therefor you need faith, trust, and dragon droppings to be a dragon! smilie
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#170 Posted: 11:19:53 03/09/2011
You need ergot and tongue of lizard. Then, eat the tongue followed by the ergot.
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#171 Posted: 22:06:03 03/09/2011
omg this topic is so old
please support my avatar size movement
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#172 Posted: 14:38:05 10/09/2011
Actually, it's possible although immensely difficult.

It would require extraordinary knowledge of genetics, but by making your DNA change bases so the traits are added is possible.

You need an ora or iguana for study of where the scales are determined in the genetic code. Then, you nanoconstruct adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine (For RNA use uracil). You carefully swap bases out until you get all needed cells implemented in EXACTLY the right area (Otherwise you are likely to die or have permanent disfigurement of some sort). For every cell, it is imperative you take no longer than maybe 6-8 hours, or cell division will start. If successful, you WILL have scales PERMANENTLY. For life.

Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, and Thymine all show their formula's on Wikipedia or other such sites. For the next one, you must find out how to make limbs on your back. Careful examination of insect species should result in a match. Do all necessary DNA and RNA changes to the appropriate places.

The next part is tricky. You must find a way to correspond the new limbs as wings of an immense Java bat to the hexapedal gene. That should allow you, if done carefully, rapidly, and right, to have permanent wings. You will need to be SURE blood can flow to and through the wings, otherwise they will become necrotic and gangrenous, and you will die. You will need to apply significant growth hormone to the wings, and exercise them on a daily basic. They need to be very, VERY strong to sustain flight. Once this is all done, your wings will be permanent, but you'll need to find a way to change them so they grow scales.

This part is simple. You need to get the fangs of a snake into your DNA structure of your tooth (replicating the fangs' DNA pattern, so more base swapping). Once that is done, do the same thing with an ora's tail, and apply that to your DNA system (Likely an addition somewhere, you'll need to double-check before you start any of this). Lastly, apply to your fingernail DNA the DNA changes needed to replicate and ora's claws. At that point, your fangs, tail, and teeth will be permanent.

The final part is the most difficult attempt I have heard of in reconstructive biology. I've never heard of any fire breathing animal, but I would assume you would have to find genes that line the throat in a hard, thin rock-like material (but not made of rock) as to not be flammable, and change your respiratory system so that when you exhale, you have a conscious ability to tap into a phosphorous pocket at will, using a fleshy flap that seals it (preferably a muscle). That will cause the phosphorous to go out of your mouth, and ignite in air since phosphorous burns when exposed to air. Being that none of these traits exist used to make the fire breath in known creatures of any type, it is extremely dangerous.

Before you go off doing this, let me tell you that, in all my years I've studied biology, I have never considered recommending this to ANYONE. It is extremely dangerous and requires completely perfect precision, along with years and years of genome and trait study. You would have to ARTIFICIALLY find out what makes the fire breath traits. If you make a SINGLE base wrong, you will probably die. If you don't work fast enough, your work will need to be redone. If everything doesn't go absolutely perfect, you won't live to regret it. This is the most dangerous, difficult, and complicated task in all of nanotechnology and biology a a whole: Restructuring your DNA. You aren't redefining ONE trait, but about SEVEN.

That means you will be working on each one for days on end to complete EVERY change to EVERY cell needed. You can't stop anywhere short of making yourself a full dragon once you've started. If you stop at ANY POINT, you WILL die. I cannot stress enough... unless you completely know what you are doing, and are dead set on making yourself into a dragon, do not screw with this.

This is changing your entire phylogeny. This is artificially swapping bases of your own DNA. I've been studying biology on a college level for the past decade, and I've never heard of ANYONE doing something of this extraordinary complexity and magnitude. The most advanced scientists of the known world don't dare touch something like this. Although completely doable, it would be the most dangerous attempt of anything in your entire life.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:43:29 10/09/2011 by Prysom
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#173 Posted: 14:44:17 10/09/2011
^Hope you got least a few million bucks lying around your house.
Skijarama Yellow Sparx Gems: 1523
#174 Posted: 14:46:13 10/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
Actually, it's possible although immensely difficult.

It would require extraordinary knowledge of genetics, but by making your DNA change bases so the traits are added is possible.

You need an ora or iguana for study of where the scales are determined in the genetic code. Then, you nanoconstruct adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine (For RNA use uracil). You carefully swap bases out until you get all needed cells implemented in EXACTLY the right area (Otherwise you are likely to die or have permanent disfigurement of some sort). For every cell, it is imperative you take no longer than maybe 6-8 hours, or cell division will start. If successful, you WILL have scales PERMANENTLY. For life.

Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, and Thymine all show their formula's on Wikipedia or other such sites. For the next one, you must find out how to make limbs on your back. Careful examination of insect species should result in a match. Do all necessary DNA and RNA changes to the appropriate places.

The next part is tricky. You must find a way to correspond the new limbs as wings of an immense Java bat to the hexapedal gene. That should allow you, if done carefully, rapidly, and right, to have permanent wings. You will need to be SURE blood can flow to and through the wings, otherwise they will become necrotic and gangrenous, and you will die. You will need to apply significant growth hormone to the wings, and exercise them on a daily basic. They need to be very, VERY strong to sustain flight. Once this is all done, your wings will be permanent, but you'll need to find a way to change them so they grow scales.

This part is simple. You need to get the fangs of a snake into your DNA structure of your tooth (replicating the fangs' DNA pattern, so more base swapping). Once that is done, do the same thing with an ora's tail, and apply that to your DNA system (Likely an addition somewhere, you'll need to double-check before you start any of this). Lastly, apply to your fingernail DNA the DNA changes needed to replicate and ora's claws. At that point, your fangs, tail, and teeth will be permanent.

The final part is the most difficult attempt I have heard of in reconstructive biology. I've never heard of any fire breathing animal, but I would assume you would have to find genes that line the throat in a hard, thin rock-like material (but not made of rock) as to not be flammable, and change your respiratory system so that when you exhale, you have a conscious ability to tap into a phosphorous pocket at will, using a fleshy flap that seals it (preferably a muscle). That will cause the phosphorous to go out of your mouth, and ignite in air since phosphorous burns when exposed to air. Being that none of these traits exist used to make the fire breath in known creatures of any type, it is extremely dangerous.

Before you go off doing this, let me tell you that, in all my years I've studied biology, I have never considered recommending this to ANYONE. It is extremely dangerous and requires completely perfect precision, along with years and years of genome and trait study. You would have to ARTIFICIALLY find out what makes the fire breath traits. If you make a SINGLE base wrong, you will probably die. If you don't work fast enough, your work will need to be redone. If everything doesn't go absolutely perfect, you won't live to regret it. This is the most dangerous, difficult, and complicated task in all of nanotechnology and biology a a whole: Restructuring your DNA. You aren't redefining ONE trait, but about SEVEN.

That means you will be working on each one for days on end to complete EVERY change to EVERY cell needed. You can't stop anywhere short of making yourself a full dragon once you've started. If you stop at ANY POINT, you WILL die. I cannot stress enough... unless you completely know what you are doing, and are dead set on making yourself into a dragon, do not screw with this.

This is changing your entire phylogeny. This is artificially swapping bases of your own DNA. I've been studying biology on a college level for the past decade, and I've never heard of ANYONE doing something of this extraordinary complexity and magnitude. The most advanced scientists of the known world don't dare touch something like this. Although completely doable, it would be the most dangerous attempt of anything in your entire life.

You will die a nerd.

Not that there is anything wrong with that, as I'm a nerd too. smilie
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#175 Posted: 14:53:23 10/09/2011
It's actually real science, albeit life-threatening and extremely dangerous science. Though you'd become a dragon, everything would have to be done perfectly. And no, the media would never leave you alone again.

Unfortunately, the claws make fine motor tasks difficult, the tail will often get in the way, everyone will stare, belching and vomiting would both likely result in a bad fire, and the wings would take a lot of getting used to, since the use separate muscles. Worst part is that you can not undo it.
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907
#176 Posted: 15:32:46 11/09/2011
holy carp, this is the first topic i ever posted on O.O
ccrogers15 Ripto Gems: 248
#177 Posted: 09:16:51 03/10/2011
close your eyes.
Clap your hands.
Spin 3 times.
Go to walmart.
Buy a case of beer.
Drink them all.
You will be so drunk while playing spyro you will think your really him
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#178 Posted: 13:00:32 03/10/2011
Quote: lemmingluv
holy carp, this is the first topic i ever posted on O.O

and this was the first topic that aran ever created on ds smilie
please support my avatar size movement
lolwhut Emerald Sparx Gems: 4306
#179 Posted: 21:42:03 05/10/2011
I don't know. I'm already a dragon, so maybe you need a magical marker for that?

You should give up being a dragon and be a phoenix, phoenixes are epic...

[User Posted Image]
DeviantArt: ThatSketchyDragon
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#180 Posted: 13:35:16 06/10/2011
^ true, and u can never die
please support my avatar size movement
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#181 Posted: 07:09:27 07/10/2011
Old topic is old.
lemmingluv Ripto Gems: 907
#182 Posted: 19:46:29 08/10/2011
Quote: nyx
Quote: lemmingluv
holy carp, this is the first topic i ever posted on O.O

and this was the first topic that aran ever created on ds smilie

i know it was the first topic that you ever created on ds smilie
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#183 Posted: 13:15:45 14/10/2011
^ and it is still alive!!!!!!!!1
please support my avatar size movement
daimondcynder21 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1218
#184 Posted: 03:42:52 16/10/2011
eva heard of the guy who got surgrey to look like a cat? well he had piercings done to put the whiskers into, his whole body was tattoed to look like cat fur, his face was reshaped to look like a cats, and he was going to get attachable robotic ears and a tail.
think he'd be the fulla to chat to bout that stuff.
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#185 Posted: 17:33:41 18/10/2011
^ yea i did hear about that, right now he is trying to get a real tail
please support my avatar size movement
daimondcynder21 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1218
#186 Posted: 21:59:59 18/10/2011
yeah, then there was a guy who wanted to be a lizard smilie
it was some doco i watched one night
Leskati Green Sparx Gems: 256
#187 Posted: 03:30:11 31/10/2011
i see why you would want to be a dragon, but wat kind of psychotic demonic person wants to do that? WATS WRONG WITH WAT U HAVE??? and why would u want to look kool but not have a meaning to life or soul? i think dragons are brave, inteligent, and slightly sexy; (yes i just said that) but that doesnt make me want to be one. i am wat i am and unless im sitting on deathrow in prison for something i will burn for one day, and im chosen for this to happen, it will be the ONLY time i ever let that happen; Or unless scientists needed 2 volunteers to be changed to dragons, and repopulate them, but otherwise im not gonna attempt it, (Called dibs on volunteering for male) and if i had a choice of dragon to be, it would be Skye no questions asked.
"Make Like A Blind Ghost And Get Lost."
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#188 Posted: 03:23:09 03/11/2011
^my life and body is nothing, im living but im not alive. only having freedom( like a dragon) will free my soul.
please support my avatar size movement
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#189 Posted: 05:11:45 06/11/2011
I am a dragon. smilie (born in YotD)
nyx Blue Sparx Gems: 802
#190 Posted: 14:20:31 07/11/2011
please support my avatar size movement
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#191 Posted: 21:32:02 08/11/2011
Quote: Leskati
i see why you would want to be a dragon, but wat kind of psychotic demonic person wants to do that? WATS WRONG WITH WAT U HAVE??? and why would u want to look kool but not have a meaning to life or soul? i think dragons are brave, inteligent, and slightly sexy; (yes i just said that) but that doesnt make me want to be one. i am wat i am and unless im sitting on deathrow in prison for something i will burn for one day, and im chosen for this to happen, it will be the ONLY time i ever let that happen; Or unless scientists needed 2 volunteers to be changed to dragons, and repopulate them, but otherwise im not gonna attempt it, (Called dibs on volunteering for male) and if i had a choice of dragon to be, it would be Skye no questions asked.

Yes, well, not everyone is exactly happy with their life or what they have. Or being human.
but i love it all smooth
wingsofpurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1023
#192 Posted: 04:04:19 09/11/2011
sexy? dragons are sexy?!? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?
is dis guy sexy? :terador:
"Man! will you ever run out of muffins?"
"No. Because I work at ze muffin factory."
wingsofpurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1023
#193 Posted: 04:05:28 09/11/2011
opps, i failed. mabey this time? (p.s. i suck at the dragon faces)
"Man! will you ever run out of muffins?"
"No. Because I work at ze muffin factory."
wingsofpurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1023
#194 Posted: 04:05:53 09/11/2011
oh poop. forget it.
"Man! will you ever run out of muffins?"
"No. Because I work at ze muffin factory."
Leskati Green Sparx Gems: 256
#195 Posted: 23:05:57 15/11/2011
i guess some people are that way. smilie but im not.
"Make Like A Blind Ghost And Get Lost."
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#196 Posted: 00:46:42 16/11/2011
Yes, dragons are sexy. Live with it.
wingsofpurple Yellow Sparx Gems: 1023
#197 Posted: 02:17:38 16/11/2011
i think they are awsome. not sexy you weirdos.
"Man! will you ever run out of muffins?"
"No. Because I work at ze muffin factory."
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#198 Posted: 02:32:06 16/11/2011
No. Sexy.

Refer to the 69 laws of Scalism.
Leskati Green Sparx Gems: 256
#199 Posted: 04:36:24 16/11/2011
Quote: cynder 9999
OH WTF!!! If your already human, you stay human! If your already dragon, you stay dragon! You dont change into something that does not excist anymore...

Thank you!!!
"Make Like A Blind Ghost And Get Lost."
daimondcynder21 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1218
#200 Posted: 07:20:20 16/11/2011
Quote: Hyena
Turn into a dragon?

It's simple, really.

You go to the edge of a cliff.
Chant what you wish to become three times.
Once you have chanted; close your eyes and jump off said cliff.

Once you're close to reaching the bottom of the cliff and reaching your certain doom; imagine that you have wings as quickly as you can.

Soon you will find yourself flying and that you're a dragon!

Yeah, that would work smilie
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