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LoS: In the Empty Valley (after DotD) [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#1 Posted: 09:50:36 25/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Edit: The second part of this story can be found on page three in post #112.

Well, I checked the rules and this is totes allowed, so I'm gonna post it here just to see what happens. smilie This takes place immediately after the final cutscene of DotD and may not be suitable for everyone.

In the Empty Valley
by Razz

Cynder follows the gold tip of Spyro's tail down, down toward sweet green grass and flowers in bloom. The sky is brilliant, dotted only with white clouds and birdsong. They land and she bounds after him, inciting an impromptu game of tag to exorcise her youthful energy but he tires quickly (it's not every day one saves the world). She calms then and urges him to rest. His eyes are trusting beneath the exhaustion and she assures him that she will keep watch while he recovers.

He grows still, falling into a sleep so deep it could be mistaken for death were it not for the slow rise and fall of his ribs. Trotting around him quietly, listening carefully, fluttering skyward to be sure, Cynder finds the valley deserted. The cheetahs all came to Warfang and the Hermit more than likely perished in his claustrophobic cul-de-sac. All is as she expected it to be.

Stretching, her joints popping softly, she contemplates purple dragons. The one nearly ripped apart the world twice and brought several species to extinction. The other was nothing but a tool to be used by the world around him, a vessel to be filled by whatever was poured inside and the cracks are beginning to show. She has touched Malefor's soul deep enough to know that he, too, had been innocent once. A short lifetime in his company and a few weeks in Spyro's has told her all she needs to know. Cynder nods once, firmly, confirming her own decision.

Too deep in slumber to notice, Spyro doesn't even shift as scales slide around his neck and cool metal presses into his skin. She wonders idly if he will dream of this but decides likely not; his sleep is too soon and deep to be yet filled with dreams. With one ear she listens to the birds while the other is attuned to his quickly labored breathing.

Without his elemental powers, Spyro is only flesh. Cynder doesn't look down at his face, knowing already what she will see and not wishing to see it again on such a lovely day. Her tail is cramping, a tiny rivulet of blood slithering between her bracelet and scales from the metal's deep bite into his neck. She holds him until the only heat left is from the sun on his scales. To be certain, she slips her tail blade into the weak spot under his chin and saws until it strikes bone.

When she steps away, wiping her blade clean in the grass and gingerly easing out the tight muscles, she looks back. From behind, it looks like he's sleeping. No one is likely to realize that he didn't die when the world split apart; by the time anyone comes across what's left there will be no evidence to determine just what killed this young dragon. At last, someone has done what the Ancestors should have done long ago and finally rid the world of the purple dragons.

There is a flash of light and the body vanishes, replaced by a small bush of blue gems. On instinct, Cynder smashes them apart, the fragments swirling toward her and into her skin, nourishing her body the way food does other creatures. All that is left of Spyro is some crushed grass and a tiny spot of red amidst the green. She feels fresh, new, strong and accomplished.

A gentle smile crosses her face as Cynder leaps skyward. There are few now left who know her name and fewer still who know her face. It will take some time to truly bring her plans to fruition, some years to grow back into her body and master her new powers fully. Thanks to the purple dragons she has all the skills she'll need to make the world truly right one day. By the time anyone remembers who she is, it will be far too late.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:53:27 10/08/2011 by Razz
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#2 Posted: 08:17:22 26/07/2011 | Topic Creator
In case you're not much for reading and/or are just interested, Savage Cynder over on deviantART did a comic page of the first part of this story. Check it out!

page one
page two
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:55:45 10/08/2011 by Razz
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#3 Posted: 04:01:24 27/07/2011
Well... that was dark.

At the end, I imagined this tune in my head.

Watch it, it's only 10 seconds long.

Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:08:57 27/07/2011 by Skorpion216
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#4 Posted: 05:31:20 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
I like twisting up seemingly happy endings like that. smilie

For those keeping up, Savage Cynder has done page two of the comic version on dA. smilie
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#5 Posted: 06:25:44 27/07/2011
Well...... that was dark. It was a good twist, though. It was original.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#6 Posted: 14:12:58 27/07/2011
You have officially made me,

Paranoid about people touching my neck.
Extremely cautious while sleeping.
This morning, I lashed out at one of my friends who accidentally touched my neck while I had my eyes closed.
And forever altered my view of Cynder.

I hope you're proud of yourself.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#7 Posted: 19:05:54 27/07/2011
It has a nice twist to it. I wanna know what happens next. :3
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#8 Posted: 20:47:18 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Skorpion: I am quite proud, yes. smilie But since you don't know anyone with a knife grafted to their butt and it's pretty hard to strangle a real person without them noticing, you should be safe. Spyro only died because he couldn't wake up from his restorative sleep.

As for that new take on Cynder you now have...woo! smilie I never could buy that she'd just give up everything she knew and all she was raised to be just because a guy she doesn't know was nice to her.

Waaksian: I don't yet really know what happens next since this was just planned as a one-shot. I like to think she actually succeeds with all of her plans and makes the world a good place (or destroys it once and for all; I can't decide which I like more smilie). I do know that she'll go and finish Malefor for good, though (because the Ancestors just did the same thing that got them in trouble to begin with way back when and didn't really take care of the problem).
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#9 Posted: 20:50:14 27/07/2011
What about the "I love you...."?
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#10 Posted: 20:54:57 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Anyone can be confused. If you never had a friend in your entire life or anyone who would ever do something nice for just because or, stranger still, someone who would save your life after you tried to kill him, wouldn't you be confused about how you feel? Someone like that could easily misunderstand friendship as love.

Also, that line was horribly forced, badly timed, poorly written, cliche as all get-out, and very out of character (not that Cynder was in character at all in DotD, but I digress). So there's that, too.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#11 Posted: 20:59:02 27/07/2011
Spyro's dead, just the thought of that makes me creeped out for some reason, at the hands of someone he trusted at that; this really kinda makes me.... I don't know a good word.
gargoylegurl97 Red Sparx Gems: 16
#12 Posted: 20:59:52 27/07/2011
wow that was amazingly good! did you come up with that yourself?! even though it was dark it was still amazingly written! yeah i want to know what happens further! but wow, if cynder really would betray somebody who she said she loved in the end, thats pretty cruel. but wow that is amazing writing skill. i only write poems with twists of certain subjects, but i cant write a whole storyline lol
Transformers and Gargoyles and Dragons, OH MY!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#13 Posted: 21:15:27 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Skorpion: Well, LoSpyro was never exactly the brightest crayon in the box... He tended to save things by sheer dumb luck and anyone dumb enough to just assume that the person who tried to kill him isn't dangerous just because she's the same size as him is kind of asking for it. smilie

GargoyleGurl: Thank you. smilie Yeah, I came up with the whole thing myself (I've been writing big stories and novels since I was young, so short ones are pretty fun for me). I don't think Cynder was trying to be cruel intentionally, she was just thinking of the greater good and she's got some old habits that aren't just going to go away because she spent three weeks in Spyro's company. smilie I'm getting some inklings of ideas to continue this, but time will tell if I actually write them down.

As for your own writing, just keep practicing and read a lot (especially non-fiction smilie).
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#14 Posted: 21:20:28 27/07/2011
Ah, I just figured it out, I'm a wimp, I'd rather imagine them getting it on in the Valley of Avalar, then having to deal with anything sad or depressing, I'm a wimp, aren't I.
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#15 Posted: 21:24:14 27/07/2011
I like the idea that Cynder killed Spyro in hopes of making the world a better place. For some reason I can see her wanting to do good but having a very twisted and/or misled view on morality. smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#16 Posted: 21:25:17 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Nah, you're not a wimp. smilie I'm one of those rare cases who doesn't like conveniently happy endings like the one we got in DotD. I like happy endings, but they have to have precedence and meaning and I'd prefer something a tad more realistic, something I can believe would work. I never bought what we got in DotD, so I like to fill in the giant holes every now and again with stuff like this, happy endings that aren't what they appear to be and twists that could be for the greater good or be more damaging than what came before depending on how you look at it.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#17 Posted: 21:29:58 27/07/2011
I feel that the DotD ending was rushed, I would've liked the game more if it was twice as long.

Anyway, how could this kill anything, just look at her face, look at the face.
[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:48:43 27/07/2011 by Skorpion216
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#18 Posted: 23:19:46 27/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Gah! D: That pretty much proves my point right there. smilie I always found it fun to imagine the cute little butterball Cynder from TEN being a ruthless killing machine (which the game pretty much confirms since she was in the arena, too). smilie
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#19 Posted: 23:24:13 27/07/2011
[User Posted Image]

She looks like she's posing for this one

Come on, look at the face.
How could that face kill that other face.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#20 Posted: 02:59:50 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
I can't speak for anyone else, but I always wanted to just punch Spyro every time he talked and she was pretty annoyed with him... smilie And just look at those eyes! She's angry already! smilie
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#21 Posted: 03:01:17 28/07/2011
She always looks like that though.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#22 Posted: 05:34:20 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Which means DotD Cynder has been evil all along! smilie I knew it! That explains the "so crazy they've driven most of the fans out" creepy Cynder fans! She must have put a spell on them (a spell called "wearing bondage jewelry and being a skanky lolibait Mary Sue"). smilie
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#23 Posted: 16:50:08 28/07/2011
I think she's going to slit your throat next, after those words.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#24 Posted: 19:31:07 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Pfft. I made her popular before DotD came out. She owes me. smilie Also, she's not real. I'm pretty sure I'll be just fine. smilie
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#25 Posted: 19:35:58 28/07/2011
May I add that your story also made me not trust anyone, ever, because they're all trying to kill me, you made me realize that, you monster.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#26 Posted: 19:40:54 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Don't ever read anything by Stephen King, ever. smilie But, seriously, this is just fiction. In real life, there is no way anyone can get you into a position like this.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#27 Posted: 19:43:30 28/07/2011
I've sleeped in a valley, outside, alone several times.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#28 Posted: 19:55:24 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
You probably shouldn't do that, in general. Camping with friends/family can be dangerous enough as is without just being alone.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#29 Posted: 19:58:34 28/07/2011
Oh, I just go through survivalist phases, don't worry, I'm usually armed to the teeth smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#30 Posted: 20:27:19 28/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Well, there you go. smilie You've got nothing to fear from anyone like that!
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#31 Posted: 20:29:21 28/07/2011
But people can still kill me when I'm sleeping, even someone I just saved the world with.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#32 Posted: 15:06:37 30/07/2011
Skorpion, don't worry. You'll be just fine. Spyro just placed the world back together. Don't you think it would be hard to fall in that deep of sleep without doing that big of a job? Besides, you can protect yourself. Everyone's got some sort of ninja skillz smilie.

But, I do like your point of view, Razz. Cynder not knowing certain feelings and being confused of them actually makes seance.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#33 Posted: 00:52:03 31/07/2011
If Spyro became a ghost after that, I'm sure he'd be all like

Spoilered for language
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#34 Posted: 01:02:40 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
I don't think Cynder would care since there'd be nothing he could do to her. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#35 Posted: 01:07:15 31/07/2011
Quote: Skorpion216
[User Posted Image]

She looks like she's posing for this one

Come on, look at the face.
How could that face kill that other face.

Wow.....that picture strangely goes with the song I'm listening to... smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#36 Posted: 01:09:00 31/07/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Skorpion216
[User Posted Image]

She looks like she's posing for this one

Come on, look at the face.
How could that face kill that other face.

Wow.....that picture strangely goes with the song I'm listening to... smilie

Oh, please elaborate, what song?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#37 Posted: 01:11:52 31/07/2011

Also, not a bad story, Razz. smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:16:11 31/07/2011 by sonicbrawler182
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#38 Posted: 01:20:14 31/07/2011
I don't see how the picture and song match, personally.

Though this song always reminded me of Cynder.

Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#39 Posted: 01:56:30 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
I hate to be a party pooper here, but can we please stay on topic with this one?
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#40 Posted: 01:58:58 31/07/2011
You are a party pooper, but yes, we can stay on topic.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#41 Posted: 02:17:20 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Thanks. smilie It's kind of a punch in the gut to have a topic about something you worked on derailed into a song trading post and I don't really want to close this topic down yet.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#42 Posted: 02:21:56 31/07/2011
I brought you a gift, though, I don't know why I'm giving a gift to someone who made me even more paranoid.

[User Posted Image]

Since we got that out of the way,
Now we can get back on topic!
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#43 Posted: 02:27:13 31/07/2011
I honestly can't think of much to say on this one. Great descriptive work, that's for sure. Also feels like the prologue of something (this could be because of the fact I have recently made the prologue to my big LoS story project, though! smilie). It's a nice change from Spyro x Cynder, this coming from someone who really likes the characters alone and paired. Probably much more interesting than my Spyro x Cynder story anyway...and the Spyro x Elora one! smilie

I honestly don't get why any SxC fan could complain about this. I felt a strange, almost romantic aura as Cynder killed Spyro. As if, she did care about him, be she let her lust for other things overpower her love for him.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#44 Posted: 02:30:05 31/07/2011
To be honest, I haven't decided if I love this story or hate it. I just know that I would hate this to be made canon by game developers.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#45 Posted: 03:06:00 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
Skorpion: Bwahaha! smilie Thank you very much. smilie I like dark things, but laughing at them is even better. smilie

SonicB: Thanks. smilie You're not the first person who says it seems like the start of something and if my brain spits out anything else, I'll definitely go with it. Ironically, even in this setting, I can actually see Cynder still potentially having loved Spyro in her way. My only real problems with SxC is that it was forced on us in a very heavy handed way in-game, some of it's fans are incredibly obnoxious about it, and I'm not comfortable with 12-year-olds being in love (it's just creepy o.O). In my older stories, I used to support the notion that they could pair up when they were older and if they wanted to, though. In this setting, I have considered pairing her up with Ember, but I don't really have enough ideas to continue anything yet. smilie

Yay! Yeah, in this story Spyro is at least her friend and part of her is sad that he has to die. But she sees him as being far too dangerous and doesn't feel right putting her feelings before the safety of an entire world that's barely still alive. And she's got a lot of bad habits from being raised as quick-thinking killing machine. smilie

Skorpion (again): Woohoo! That makes me feel pretty good as a writer, believe it or not. smilie And you'll never have to worry about this being canon. Heck, I wouldn't want to see it in-game myself (it wouldn't work, for a start).
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#46 Posted: 03:30:09 31/07/2011
Quote: Razz
Skorpion: Bwahaha! smilie Thank you very much. smilie I like dark things, but laughing at them is even better. smilie

SonicB: Thanks. smilie You're not the first person who says it seems like the start of something and if my brain spits out anything else, I'll definitely go with it. Ironically, even in this setting, I can actually see Cynder still potentially having loved Spyro in her way. My only real problems with SxC is that it was forced on us in a very heavy handed way in-game, some of it's fans are incredibly obnoxious about it, and I'm not comfortable with 12-year-olds being in love (it's just creepy o.O). In my older stories, I used to support the notion that they could pair up when they were older and if they wanted to, though. In this setting, I have considered pairing her up with Ember, but I don't really have enough ideas to continue anything yet. smilie

Yay! Yeah, in this story Spyro is at least her friend and part of her is sad that he has to die. But she sees him as being far too dangerous and doesn't feel right putting her feelings before the safety of an entire world that's barely still alive. And she's got a lot of bad habits from being raised as quick-thinking killing machine. smilie

Skorpion (again): Woohoo! That makes me feel pretty good as a writer, believe it or not. smilie And you'll never have to worry about this being canon. Heck, I wouldn't want to see it in-game myself (it wouldn't work, for a start).

Damn it, now you got images stuck in my head again.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#47 Posted: 03:37:55 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
It's what I do. smilie Whenever anyone decides to pit two girls against each other because of a boy, like everyone does with Ember and Cynder, my default setting is to solve the problem with girls kissing. smilie Cynder x Ember has been a pairing for years, too. I think it started sometime before TEN came out.
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#48 Posted: 04:05:04 31/07/2011
Quote: Razz
It's what I do. smilie Whenever anyone decides to pit two girls against each other because of a boy, like everyone does with Ember and Cynder, my default setting is to solve the problem with girls kissing. smilie Cynder x Ember has been a pairing for years, too. I think it started sometime before TEN came out.

Well that's certainly a way to solve a problem, Heh.

Call me a bad person, but I always thought "Ember x Spyro x Cynder" could happen, I don't think Spyro would have a problem being the meat in a dragonwich, hehe.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#49 Posted: 09:23:55 31/07/2011 | Topic Creator
I've drawn that. smilie Was going to draw more of it, too, until the drooling Cyndorks and SxC fans got on my nerves once too often.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#50 Posted: 09:37:44 31/07/2011
Quote: Razz
Skorpion: Bwahaha! smilie Thank you very much. smilie I like dark things, but laughing at them is even better. smilie

SonicB: Thanks. smilie You're not the first person who says it seems like the start of something and if my brain spits out anything else, I'll definitely go with it. Ironically, even in this setting, I can actually see Cynder still potentially having loved Spyro in her way. My only real problems with SxC is that it was forced on us in a very heavy handed way in-game, some of it's fans are incredibly obnoxious about it, and I'm not comfortable with 12-year-olds being in love (it's just creepy o.O). In my older stories, I used to support the notion that they could pair up when they were older and if they wanted to, though. In this setting, I have considered pairing her up with Ember, but I don't really have enough ideas to continue anything yet. smilie

Yay! Yeah, in this story Spyro is at least her friend and part of her is sad that he has to die. But she sees him as being far too dangerous and doesn't feel right putting her feelings before the safety of an entire world that's barely still alive. And she's got a lot of bad habits from being raised as quick-thinking killing machine. smilie

Skorpion (again): Woohoo! That makes me feel pretty good as a writer, believe it or not. smilie And you'll never have to worry about this being canon. Heck, I wouldn't want to see it in-game myself (it wouldn't work, for a start).

That'd be great! Sure it would be fun to read! smilie
Yeah, that's what I thought too. She seemed to have hesitated a little in killing him.
I guess it was kind of forced. But I didn't find it too bad. Probably because I like the characters anyway. Though I do understand with the fans. But it seems to have died down a ton recently, luckily. As for 12 year olds in love, I don't mind it being done as long as the "romance" shown is just of the cute, innocent kind.....however, it's possible that I don't mind 12 year olds in love as I once WAS a 12 year old in love! smilie
And I guess because S and C looked like they were 15 in DotD, it didn't feel like I was watching 12 year olds.

Haha, I think I can relate to Cynder there! smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
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